Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

@avi, you dodging question is noted

@wakescomment, i sometimes play into the mod notes type things, but i have to read it more in deph later im on break from work so i dont have much time.

what question did I dodge?
telling both of you to cool it doesn't confirm anyone anything. Why on earth would you think it did?

I'm looking at his reply in another way. It makes me think House could be unintentionally telling us he's one of the scum by the parts I bolded below. By attacking the person instead of the posts with name calling and insults, is he trying to cause town to fall into chaos?


Scum benefits by sowing discord and chaos, it goes directly to their win condition because a disorganized town can't effectively scum hunt.

For you to intervene in this manner implies a soft mod-confirm of Mertex being town, because otherwise you are chopping her off at the knees.

A soft mod-confirm that Mertex is town also implies that I may be scum by indirect divine decree because it lends her unearned credibility.

Please allow scum to play to their win con or hard confirm those you are chastising.

Paranoid Aye is paranoid.

Wolf is the one that said she wanted to win fairly. If Wake is tying scumtex's hands whenever people complain about her doing her job effectively, it is not a fair fight.
Besides which, if I was scum, why in the hell would I ask him to hard confirm or alignment?

Get back to me on that, would ya?
I think what house said is irrelevant to his alignment. I have had the same issue with Wake getting overly involved. This sort of thing is what happens. If he felt the need to warn specific players, that should happen with a PM to them and a warning.

Chaos is the hall mark of my scumgame i usually get really complicated and resolve the issues. Personal attacks are not beneficial as scum though. At no point would I endorse or do that.
Wake cares about us too much. Mods need to be hard asses. He's a good guy.

Chaos is a tough one. Sure I did some of that in game 3 because I wanted someone gone, but I probably would of wanted him gone as town too. Sure, the Rosie deal here was nasty, I wanted her gone. It was town on town. The thing with House and Mertex last night. Seems like typical House to me but Mertex's reaction to it today was not typical Mertex. So that is why she is FoS now. Cafe is too because she comes in here and stirs the drama pot and doesn't say anything else. Her meta is different this game. So there's 2 reads of mine that have changed. I want to put SR into town, but something keeps preventing that. Avi is scum. tso is scum or ruler or usurper. Shaitra and mathblade and FA are all suspect.

Everyone I haven't mentioned above is town.
Townies have to deduce scum. Scum does not.

How did I miss this whopper? If anyone has doubts as to MathBlade's alignment, this quote should put them to rest.

In this game, scum absolutely has to scum hunt. Even the ruler, who had to find the usurper.

That Math is using such blatantly terribad logic to attack me illustrates her desperation.

I would disagree on the ruler needing to find the usurper. Sure it might help, but the usurper is just another town body to the ruler most likely. One that would act a little stupid.
Why would the Usurper act stupid?

If I was the Usurper, I'd be The townies town that ever towned.

Well, maybe the second townies, you already took that title. ;)

AT the beginning of the game Wake listed under behavior that personal attacks would not be tolerated. Rosie was lynched because many thought she was attacking WS (even though WS contributed her share) and it was disruptive to the game. You have taken it upon yourself to denigrate anyone you don't like or who accuses you of being scum, and have insulted several including myself. Well, I'll be damned if I am going to let a fucking moron call me a clueless idiot, especially when you have displayed your ignorance several times. At the beginning of the game you didn't have enough sense to figure out the Usurper's win condition, then you tried to misrepresent what I said about guards defending the king, but instead tried to make me look like the one that didn't know what she was saying, when you were the one that was screwing up in the comprehension.

Since you have made it clear that you call a spade a spade, and your insults are directed at the person rather than their comment, it appears that this is what we have to look forward to the rest of the game. Well, I won't play with a fucking moron who thinks he is above the rules.


You complained that Rosie was attacking you, you whined and bellyached and had her (a townie) lynched, even though you were attacking her back. I have put up with a lot more than what she dealt you, but I never succumbed to such a low place as to tell someone to go fuck themselves. I apologized when I was snarky and abrasive to you in a previous game, but you don't seem to see when you are being snarky and abrasive and keep acting as if you are entitled. Now when House is doing the same thing that you bitched about, all you can say is to ignore him? Why didn't you just ignore Rosie? I'll let you figure that one out on your own.


You can policy lynch me or modkill me or whatever the hell you want to do. I'm not putting up with the kind of shit that House feels he is entitled to dish out. I quit.

You should really just try to lynch house. If it makes you feel any better, I've been town reading you for a while.
Townies have to deduce scum. Scum does not.

How did I miss this whopper? If anyone has doubts as to MathBlade's alignment, this quote should put them to rest.

In this game, scum absolutely has to scum hunt. Even the ruler, who had to find the usurper.

That Math is using such blatantly terribad logic to attack me illustrates her desperation.

I would disagree on the ruler needing to find the usurper. Sure it might help, but the usurper is just another town body to the ruler most likely. One that would act a little stupid.
Why would the Usurper act stupid?

If I was the Usurper, I'd be The townies town that ever towned.

Well, maybe the second townies, you already took that title. ;)
The problem is catching the ruler or being a viable mislynch. The towniest town that towned is not going to work if you keep fucking up once you ZOMG ruler.
@avi, you dodging question is noted

@wakescomment, i sometimes play into the mod notes type things, but i have to read it more in deph later im on break from work so i dont have much time.

what question did I dodge?

the question about me not being ruler let me rephrase:

when i flip rebel, who will you suspect next?
Mertex, House, please focus on the game, not each other. Cease and desist the personal attacks and namecalling immediately, and get back to lynching people. Don't make me put you over my knees. :) :D

VC incoming.

I have concerns with your action.

Scum benefits by sowing discord and chaos, it goes directly to their win condition because a disorganized town can't effectively scum hunt.

For you to intervene in this manner implies a soft mod-confirm of Mertex being town, because otherwise you are chopping her off at the knees.

A soft mod-confirm that Mertex is town also implies that I may be scum by indirect divine decree because it lends her unearned credibility.

Please allow scum to play to their win con or hard confirm those you are chastising.

So is this what you have been doing? Sowing discord and chaos by insulting people and arguing with them?

What makes you think this mod confirms Mertex as town and you as scum?

So is Mertex town or scum? By your reasoning she is scum for causing chaos but also town because Wake is somehow calling her town by telling you both to knock it off and therefore that makes her town because she can't play to her wincon as scum. You are also saying this therefore makes you scum even though you are both arguning.

This is going into WTF land but is super defensive.

You are also telling us scum like discord and chaos and hello? What do you think you are doing?

I'm glad someone saw his reply the way I did. I'd like for others to chime in on it as well and give us their take on how it comes off to them.


Thoughts, please.
Interesting take. I tend to agree to a point EXCEPT that it makes little sense that House would parade those particular statements around if he were scum. Why would he openly implicate himself?

I agree with his take on wake though as well. This is the SECOND time that Wake has interfered with the game in a manner that affects its play outside of what a moderator should be doing IMHO. I find the interference bad for the game in general but he is the MOD and that is the manner in which he has MODed all these games (and I have not run a game at all so I might be completely off base). It is something I have to accept if I want to play in his games which I very much do.
Mertex, House, please focus on the game, not each other. Cease and desist the personal attacks and namecalling immediately, and get back to lynching people. Don't make me put you over my knees. :) :D

VC incoming.

I have concerns with your action.

Scum benefits by sowing discord and chaos, it goes directly to their win condition because a disorganized town can't effectively scum hunt.

For you to intervene in this manner implies a soft mod-confirm of Mertex being town, because otherwise you are chopping her off at the knees.

A soft mod-confirm that Mertex is town also implies that I may be scum by indirect divine decree because it lends her unearned credibility.

Please allow scum to play to their win con or hard confirm those you are chastising.

So is this what you have been doing? Sowing discord and chaos by insulting people and arguing with them?

What makes you think this mod confirms Mertex as town and you as scum?

So is Mertex town or scum? By your reasoning she is scum for causing chaos but also town because Wake is somehow calling her town by telling you both to knock it off and therefore that makes her town because she can't play to her wincon as scum. You are also saying this therefore makes you scum even though you are both arguning.

This is going into WTF land but is super defensive.

You are also telling us scum like discord and chaos and hello? What do you think you are doing?

I'm glad someone saw his reply the way I did. I'd like for others to chime in on it as well and give us their take on how it comes off to them.


Thoughts, please.

Well, I am none of the people you tagged, however when I read that post, my initial reaction was, uh, duh, YOU (House) are doing the same thing. And to be honest, IMO Wolf was feeding off of that last night while egging Mertex on. I don't see Mertex as creating drama this go round at all. Which in itself could mean changed meta, e.g. scum or she is trying to move past the garbage since so much surrounded her last game.
Mertex sounds to me like she is genuinely trying to change her hostility.

Reading her as scum because she is being more amenable is crazy IMHO. We already know that she is directly trying to change her meta - that is not a scum tell.
One of my scum reads defending another one of my scum reads.

I can't say that was unexpected.
Actually, I find FA and Cafe's defense of Mertex to be interesting. Mertex's meta is off this game. She actually DID try to bring back drama yesterday but Cafe pretty much chewed me out again over the same shit and FA tried to bring it back up when the day started. Both of them are defending Mertex. AND, Mertex wanting to quit,etc. is not like her. She got worse last game and didn't want to quit.
And anyone discussing a NL certainly doesn't look town and who brought that up? Oh yeah. And mathblade's only discussion here is how much she doesn't like it. How does that solve anything?
Scum/ruler/usurper possibilities: Avi, FA, Cafe, mathblade, mertex, tso, Shaitra-some of these reads are wrong, don't know which. Need to determine

SR-something isn't right here but not sure what, can't place it, so I can't put her in town yet.

House is likely rebel unless he changed his meta this game so probably town but need to make sure.

Likely town: ika, arden, aye, josh.
@avi, you dodging question is noted

@wakescomment, i sometimes play into the mod notes type things, but i have to read it more in deph later im on break from work so i dont have much time.

what question did I dodge?

the question about me not being ruler let me rephrase:

when i flip rebel, who will you suspect next?

I didn't dodge the question whatsoever. I said I don't know. The fact that you don't like the answer doesn't mean I dodged the question.

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