Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace


Vote Count 2.4

★Arden (1): Josh_B
Avatar4321 (1): House
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
FA_Q2 (0):
House (3):
Mathblade, ★Arden, Mertex
ika (1): Avatar4321
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (1):
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
tso! (3):
FA_Q2, AyeCantSeeYou, Wolfsister77
CafeAuLait (0):
Wolfsister77 (0):

Not Voting (4): tso!, TheOldSchool, Shaitra, ScarletRage

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/8/14, @2PM Central.
~ The game is Town-sided, because the Ruler can unknowingly lynch its Guards; and the Guards could lynch each-other unawares.
~ PM'ing tso! again.

sorry guys been p busy. catching up.

So the first 7 pages are filled with set-up ignorance, and Wolfsister both townslipping and scumslipping.


I don't really support the ika lynch.

Rosie, I'm fairly sure we know it's you, you don't actually have to sign every post.

Regards from TSO

ctahcin pu

This is active lurking and why I am voting tso. It is not a PL to me.

Active Lurking is the act of posting (thus differentiating it from ordinary Lurking), but the material posted is irrelevant or otherwise useless for scumhunting.

This tactic is employed by scum who wish to appear more active than they actually are; either for the scum who has no comment on the current matter but does not want to seem like they are lurking, or for the lurker who wants to paint themselves as slightly better than some other lurker.

The effectiveness of this tactic is quite impressive if players are not specifically looking for it. It is a common Town mistake to wish for the lynch of people they violently disagree with over the people who post whatever they can to stay on the periphery.
Townies have to deduce scum. Scum does not.

How did I miss this whopper? If anyone has doubts as to MathBlade's alignment, this quote should put them to rest.

In this game, scum absolutely has to scum hunt. Even the ruler, who had to find the usurper.

That Math is using such blatantly terribad logic to attack me illustrates her desperation.

actually, if anything it makes her look rebel. If she was scum she would be aware that they don't know each other. The fact that she seems to think they know one another, if sincere, is a good indication she isn't one of them. Unless she is saying that to mislead us
She was saying that to mislead TOWN in criticism of my post.

Not you.
Meh whatever tbh all this personal bickering instead of playing the game makes me not care. I am playing because I signed up not because I want to. Posting in this game is a chore.

IMO House/TSO/Cafe Guards
Ika Ruler
Unknown ursuper
i love how i get dubbed ruler by random people yes they dont vote me.
sorry guys been p busy. catching up.

So the first 7 pages are filled with set-up ignorance, and Wolfsister both townslipping and scumslipping.


I don't really support the ika lynch.

Rosie, I'm fairly sure we know it's you, you don't actually have to sign every post.

Regards from TSO

ctahcin pu

This is active lurking and why I am voting tso. It is not a PL to me.

Active Lurking is the act of posting (thus differentiating it from ordinary Lurking), but the material posted is irrelevant or otherwise useless for scumhunting.

This tactic is employed by scum who wish to appear more active than they actually are; either for the scum who has no comment on the current matter but does not want to seem like they are lurking, or for the lurker who wants to paint themselves as slightly better than some other lurker.

The effectiveness of this tactic is quite impressive if players are not specifically looking for it. It is a common Town mistake to wish for the lynch of people they violently disagree with over the people who post whatever they can to stay on the periphery.
Yeah you just gave a theory speech. TSO is a policy lynch.

Staying on the perphiery would be Math, ika, Shiatra and others.
We lynch all active lurkers is a policy lynch. To say TSO is active is also a misnomer.

Active lurkers come in and post gabagr like

"Hi how are you?" And run off
sorry guys been p busy. catching up.

So the first 7 pages are filled with set-up ignorance, and Wolfsister both townslipping and scumslipping.


I don't really support the ika lynch.

Rosie, I'm fairly sure we know it's you, you don't actually have to sign every post.

Regards from TSO

ctahcin pu

This is active lurking and why I am voting tso. It is not a PL to me.

Active Lurking is the act of posting (thus differentiating it from ordinary Lurking), but the material posted is irrelevant or otherwise useless for scumhunting.

This tactic is employed by scum who wish to appear more active than they actually are; either for the scum who has no comment on the current matter but does not want to seem like they are lurking, or for the lurker who wants to paint themselves as slightly better than some other lurker.

The effectiveness of this tactic is quite impressive if players are not specifically looking for it. It is a common Town mistake to wish for the lynch of people they violently disagree with over the people who post whatever they can to stay on the periphery.

Brings me to this, which I posted earlier, and the reason for my vote for tso!:

Since tso hasn't said anything at all since Wed night, and until he comes in and starts posting something to help us:

VOTE: tso!

Saying you're catching up, just to disappear again, makes me think you have something to hide from town. If I were scum in this game, I'd be doing everything I could to lie low and post as little as possible to keep myself from being out in the open. Fly-by posts, like those tso! has given us so far, don't help us at all.

I worry when the shit drives people away and stops me from reading the game.

I am getting slightly aggressive and irritated that your shit has driven us to PL day 2 most lijely.

Who's the PL you are talking about that is getting lynched today?
TSO is the leading PL candidate. He has no contentby which to form a read.
sorry guys been p busy. catching up.

So the first 7 pages are filled with set-up ignorance, and Wolfsister both townslipping and scumslipping.


I don't really support the ika lynch.

Rosie, I'm fairly sure we know it's you, you don't actually have to sign every post.

Regards from TSO

ctahcin pu

This is active lurking and why I am voting tso. It is not a PL to me.

Active Lurking is the act of posting (thus differentiating it from ordinary Lurking), but the material posted is irrelevant or otherwise useless for scumhunting.

This tactic is employed by scum who wish to appear more active than they actually are; either for the scum who has no comment on the current matter but does not want to seem like they are lurking, or for the lurker who wants to paint themselves as slightly better than some other lurker.

The effectiveness of this tactic is quite impressive if players are not specifically looking for it. It is a common Town mistake to wish for the lynch of people they violently disagree with over the people who post whatever they can to stay on the periphery.
Yeah you just gave a theory speech. TSO is a policy lynch.

Staying on the perphiery would be Math, ika, Shiatra and others.

I understand you think I'm scum and therefore are not going to like anything I do this game but the fact of the matter is, tso not only needs vote pressure which is the exact advice you gave regarding ika, but he is here and posting but hiding out. He is playing completely different from his town game where he was actively scumhunting. I think there is a good chance he is scum. He is not a PL to me, hence my vote. I would switch to one of my other scumreads if there was enough support from the other townies for such a move.
Its worth noting that the 'deadline' is utterly meaningless in this setup and there really is nothing holding us back from a no lynch IF more discussion is warranted.

Math is just as guilty as TSO of lurking.
If the No-Lynch function gets exploited, I'll make it so the player with the most votes at deadline gets lynched.
Its worth noting that the 'deadline' is utterly meaningless in this setup and there really is nothing holding us back from a no lynch IF more discussion is warranted.

Math is just as guilty as TSO of lurking.

That's true. I keep forgetting we don't have a night phase in this set-up.
MathBlade ika

At this point, do you think tso getting lynched would be more of a policy lynch as SR seems to believe, or not?

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