Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I'm going to be vote parking on the top of my list and moving down as they are lynched.

There is my "trajectory". Kill meh if you don't like it.

Yep, I'm lining up lynches. All in a neat little row.
It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

I know she's anti-town but that's town Mertex to me.

Please tell me why I'm anti-town? You and House seem to be the only two that have said that, and considering what has occurred, I think saying that is actually funny.

I've always felt you were anti-town. That's your town meta. I'm calling you town. Hooray!!

Well, generally someone that is anti-town is someone that is doing things that hurt town. I don't believe I have been doing any of that in this game, so you may want to adjust your "feelings".
I have a really important question for you. Who do you want to lynch and why?


Josh asked you this last night.
I'm going to be vote parking on the top of my list and moving down as they are lynched.

There is my "trajectory". Kill meh if you don't like it.

Yep, I'm lining up lynches. All in a neat little row.

OK, but you are lynching your scumreads and not townies so this isn't scummy. Asking to be lynched isn't scummy either or I would of been dead a long time ago. LOL
I'm going to be vote parking on the top of my list and moving down as they are lynched.

There is my "trajectory". Kill meh if you don't like it.

Yep, I'm lining up lynches. All in a neat little row.

OK, but you are lynching your scumreads and not townies so this isn't scummy. Asking to be lynched isn't scummy either or I would of been dead a long time ago. LOL

No, it's anti-town.
I'm going to be vote parking on the top of my list and moving down as they are lynched.

There is my "trajectory". Kill meh if you don't like it.

Yep, I'm lining up lynches. All in a neat little row.

OK, but you are lynching your scumreads and not townies so this isn't scummy. Asking to be lynched isn't scummy either or I would of been dead a long time ago. LOL

No, it's anti-town.

So is ika and tso. You and ika are town to me for now. tso isn't.


Never mind, I see you are voting tso and said why.

I'm totally not paying attention AT ALL.
Avatar - Scum-diddly-doo!
MathBlade - Scum (contributed nothing but fluff since her hissy)
FA_Q2 - Leaning Scum, but not there yet. Want to see more. My opening D2 vote was mainly to get the day started. I knew he wasn't in much danger of getting lynched right off.
Shaitra - Leaning Scum
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
tso! - Null/Leaning Scum (Active Lurking)
★Arden - Town
CaféAuLait - She can Town, despite her disparaging remarks about me. ;)
AyeCantSeeYou - Town
ika - Town that won't get a chance to hammer.
Josh_B - Town
ScarletRage - Town
WolfSister77 - Town
Bah, didn't get them all edited, again.

Avatar - Scum-diddly-doo!
MathBlade - Scum
FA_Q2 - Leaning Scum, but not there yet.
Shaitra - Leaning Scum
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
tso! - Null/Leaning Scum (Active Lurking)
★Arden - Town
CaféAuLait - She can Town, despite her disparaging remarks about me. ;)
AyeCantSeeYou - Town
ika - Town that won't get a chance to hammer.
Josh_B - Town
ScarletRage - Town
WolfSister77 - Town
Completely unofficial VC cuz I'm not paying attention and am having trouble counting but this is where I think we are:

Arden (1) Josh_B
House (2) Mathblade, Arden
Mathblade (2) ika, ScarletRage
tso (4) FA, Mertex, Wolfie, ACSY
Avi (1) House

I'm not including who doesn't have a vote on them now. Anyone can correct me if I got you wrong.

8 to lynch is needed.

Deadline 10/8 2 pm Central
Townies have to deduce scum. Scum does not.

How did I miss this whopper? If anyone has doubts as to MathBlade's alignment, this quote should put them to rest.

In this game, scum absolutely has to scum hunt. Even the ruler, who had to find the usurper.

That Math is using such blatantly terribad logic to attack me illustrates her desperation.
01) Shaitra♀-leaning scum, playing her typical game for either alignment so some of this is just plain gut
02) tso!♂-active lurking, ideal for ruler or usurper
03) FA_Q2♂-scum, reasons laid out
04) Avatar4321♂-scum, reasons laid out
05) Josh_B♂-town, reason laid out
06) ScarletRage♀-leaning town, a few posts that make me wonder so I'll be watching this read
07) ika♂-anti town but town
08) House♂-town, laid out already
09) AyeCantSeeYou♀-town, typical town game
10) RosieS♀-dead rebel
11) Mertex♀-anti-town but playing her town game, town
12) CafeAuLait♀-leaning town, her posts have been typical town posts but don't know her scum game so subject to change, quieter than last game
13) Wolfsister77♀-that's me, I'm town
14) ★Arden ♀-town, her posts are helpful and defends her townreads
15) Mathblade♀-leaning scum, something seems off this time compared to her town game, lack of interest and fluff posting also
01) Shaitra♀-leaning scum, playing her typical game for either alignment so some of this is just plain gut
02) tso!♂-active lurking, ideal for ruler or usurper
03) FA_Q2♂-scum, reasons laid out
04) Avatar4321♂-scum, reasons laid out
05) Josh_B♂-town, reason laid out
06) ScarletRage♀-leaning town, a few posts that make me wonder so I'll be watching this read
07) ika♂-anti town but town
08) House♂-town, laid out already
09) AyeCantSeeYou♀-town, typical town game
10) RosieS♀-dead rebel
11) Mertex♀-anti-town but playing her town game, town
12) CafeAuLait♀-leaning town, her posts have been typical town posts but don't know her scum game so subject to change, quieter than last game
13) Wolfsister77♀-that's me, I'm town
14) ★Arden ♀-town, her posts are helpful and defends her townreads
15) Mathblade♀-leaning scum, something seems off this time compared to her town game, lack of interest and fluff posting also

You could have just copied my reads list, it would have been less work.
01) Shaitra♀-leaning scum, playing her typical game for either alignment so some of this is just plain gut
02) tso!♂-active lurking, ideal for ruler or usurper
03) FA_Q2♂-scum, reasons laid out
04) Avatar4321♂-scum, reasons laid out
05) Josh_B♂-town, reason laid out
06) ScarletRage♀-leaning town, a few posts that make me wonder so I'll be watching this read
07) ika♂-anti town but town
08) House♂-town, laid out already
09) AyeCantSeeYou♀-town, typical town game
10) RosieS♀-dead rebel
11) Mertex♀-anti-town but playing her town game, town
12) CafeAuLait♀-leaning town, her posts have been typical town posts but don't know her scum game so subject to change, quieter than last game
13) Wolfsister77♀-that's me, I'm town
14) ★Arden ♀-town, her posts are helpful and defends her townreads
15) Mathblade♀-leaning scum, something seems off this time compared to her town game, lack of interest and fluff posting also

You could have just copied my reads list, it would have been less work.

The fact that 2 townies agree with each other is a good thing. It'll make the game easier to solve.
01) Shaitra♀-leaning scum, playing her typical game for either alignment so some of this is just plain gut
02) tso!♂-active lurking, ideal for ruler or usurper
03) FA_Q2♂-scum, reasons laid out
04) Avatar4321♂-scum, reasons laid out
05) Josh_B♂-town, reason laid out
06) ScarletRage♀-leaning town, a few posts that make me wonder so I'll be watching this read
07) ika♂-anti town but town
08) House♂-town, laid out already
09) AyeCantSeeYou♀-town, typical town game
10) RosieS♀-dead rebel
11) Mertex♀-anti-town but playing her town game, town
12) CafeAuLait♀-leaning town, her posts have been typical town posts but don't know her scum game so subject to change, quieter than last game
13) Wolfsister77♀-that's me, I'm town
14) ★Arden ♀-town, her posts are helpful and defends her townreads
15) Mathblade♀-leaning scum, something seems off this time compared to her town game, lack of interest and fluff posting also

Reads that could change. Shaitra, SR, Cafe-others are set unless something drastic happens.
Townies have to deduce scum. Scum does not.

How did I miss this whopper? If anyone has doubts as to MathBlade's alignment, this quote should put them to rest.

In this game, scum absolutely has to scum hunt. Even the ruler, who had to find the usurper.

That Math is using such blatantly terribad logic to attack me illustrates her desperation.

I would disagree on the ruler needing to find the usurper. Sure it might help, but the usurper is just another town body to the ruler most likely. One that would act a little stupid.

AT the beginning of the game Wake listed under behavior that personal attacks would not be tolerated. Rosie was lynched because many thought she was attacking WS (even though WS contributed her share) and it was disruptive to the game. You have taken it upon yourself to denigrate anyone you don't like or who accuses you of being scum, and have insulted several including myself. Well, I'll be damned if I am going to let a fucking moron call me a clueless idiot, especially when you have displayed your ignorance several times. At the beginning of the game you didn't have enough sense to figure out the Usurper's win condition, then you tried to misrepresent what I said about guards defending the king, but instead tried to make me look like the one that didn't know what she was saying, when you were the one that was screwing up in the comprehension.

Since you have made it clear that you call a spade a spade, and your insults are directed at the person rather than their comment, it appears that this is what we have to look forward to the rest of the game. Well, I won't play with a fucking moron who thinks he is above the rules.


You complained that Rosie was attacking you, you whined and bellyached and had her (a townie) lynched, even though you were attacking her back. I have put up with a lot more than what she dealt you, but I never succumbed to such a low place as to tell someone to go fuck themselves. I apologized when I was snarky and abrasive to you in a previous game, but you don't seem to see when you are being snarky and abrasive and keep acting as if you are entitled. Now when House is doing the same thing that you bitched about, all you can say is to ignore him? Why didn't you just ignore Rosie? I'll let you figure that one out on your own.


You can policy lynch me or modkill me or whatever the hell you want to do. I'm not putting up with the kind of shit that House feels he is entitled to dish out. I quit.
I am concerned about this consensus. It seemslike a lot of active = town.

Not necessarily. If you are not active, you still have to make substantive posts when you do post. If you are keeping yourself from being read, that is suspicious. If you active lurk, it's suspicious.

Townblocs are powerful against scum. There's no reason to feel threatened by it unless you are scum.

Forum List
