Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Because of the miscount. I put her in scum because I was confident on my town reads and my scum reads and that was the only logical place to put her. Now she's back in town for the same reason.

That's suspicious. <_<

A player's actions speak for themselves. A misread would easily account for the numbers not adding up perfectly.

I wouldn't advise putting too much weight on the total number of scum/3P.

No, the numbers didn't add up because I'm tired. She was the last one to sort. Everyone got a spot this time. Scum or town. No nulls.

IDK if you missed my point or ignored it, but allow me to rephrase.

If you are wrong in one (or more) of your scum reads, which is entirely possible, having another suspicious player marked as scum wouldn't be an anomaly.

That's not advocacy to read a whole lot of people as scum, it's advocacy to read people as they appear to be regardless of the # in the OP because you simply might be wrong on some of your reads.

I understand what you are saying and understood you the first time and I know how to do reads. This time though, I wanted to try to give everyone a spot and see if it changes. A new approach. Cafe needs a spot. We'll see if it changes.

Ignored, then. Thanks, I was just interested in getting clarification.
Because of the miscount. I put her in scum because I was confident on my town reads and my scum reads and that was the only logical place to put her. Now she's back in town for the same reason.

That's suspicious. <_<

A player's actions speak for themselves. A misread would easily account for the numbers not adding up perfectly.

I wouldn't advise putting too much weight on the total number of scum/3P.

No, the numbers didn't add up because I'm tired. She was the last one to sort. Everyone got a spot this time. Scum or town. No nulls.

IDK if you missed my point or ignored it, but allow me to rephrase.

If you are wrong in one (or more) of your scum reads, which is entirely possible, having another suspicious player marked as scum wouldn't be an anomaly.

That's not advocacy to read a whole lot of people as scum, it's advocacy to read people as they appear to be regardless of the # in the OP because you simply might be wrong on some of your reads.

I understand what you are saying and understood you the first time and I know how to do reads. This time though, I wanted to try to give everyone a spot and see if it changes. A new approach. Cafe needs a spot. We'll see if it changes.

Ignored, then. Thanks, I was just interested in getting clarification.

Consider this one ignored also. Did you say something?
And what does typical anti-town on Mertex mean?

Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

Yeah, well your opinion without facts don't carry much weight. You think you're being so pro-town with your insults, that's hilarious.
And what does typical anti-town on Mertex mean?

Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

I know she's anti-town but that's town Mertex to me.

Please tell me why I'm anti-town? You and House seem to be the only two that have said that, and considering what has occurred, I think saying that is actually funny.
And what does typical anti-town on Mertex mean?

Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

I know she's anti-town but that's town Mertex to me.

Please tell me why I'm anti-town? You and House seem to be the only two that have said that, and considering what has occurred, I think saying that is actually funny.

I've always felt you were anti-town. That's your town meta. I'm calling you town. Hooray!!

The more I think about Cafe's post the more I think Wolf may be scum. I also like FA's explanation.

I think we may have dueling guards somewhere...

What do you think about all of the AtE from wolfsister? And about her actually turning the flameing into a case. (It shows me that she's actually trying to play the game) -oh and that apology on behalf of USMB. or the fact that she was trying to listen to other players.

I'm trying to sit back and watch this wagon grow, while I'm trying to decide if the people pushing it are town or not.

@everyone Who all do think on the Wolfsister wagon is fake pushing it?

Are you reading the posts? WS doesn't have a wagon. She's got one vote. Several think she's scum.

There are a lot of people pushing wolfsister as scum from the sidelines. What do you think about them?
Wolf, I don't know what you are. I don't really care what you say but why you say it. That thought process should be clear through the few games we have played. D1 was a policy lynch. I like associations but the scum team do not know each other. With the number of wagons, they are likely playing like that.
A policy lynch what?!?!? I thought that you said Rosie was going to flip scum.
Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

I know she's anti-town but that's town Mertex to me.

Please tell me why I'm anti-town? You and House seem to be the only two that have said that, and considering what has occurred, I think saying that is actually funny.

I've always felt you were anti-town. That's your town meta. I'm calling you town. Hooray!!

Well, generally someone that is anti-town is someone that is doing things that hurt town. I don't believe I have been doing any of that in this game, so you may want to adjust your "feelings".
And what does typical anti-town on Mertex mean?

Do you really want to open that can of worms?

Yes, please do....I want you to quote me where I have been anti-town. You keep making those remarks without backing them up. Seems to me you just want to paint in the same light as you.

^^^ Exhibit A, Miss "I'm not gonna get into drama no mo"

Since you asked:

If the rebels insta-win when the ruler dies and don't have to worry about the usurper then that is incredibly unfair to scum this game and the usurper has an impossible time because the usurper loses also if the ruler is lynched.

It makes no sense. The rebels can just random lynch until they get the ruler and the usurper is screwed beyond belief. So are scum and the ruler too. Wake should of given the usurper the ability to kill or let the guards live if the ruler is taken out and given to the usurper instead. Like PM them the name of the usurper and that's their new ruler.

Otherwise, the rebels will certainly win. I'm sorry but that's a cheap victory. I want to win in a fair fight.

Alternatively, you could say the rebels have to lynch the ruler in a certain number of lynches or lose. Or give scum an extra guard.

Wolf, you are wrong if you think that just because I wanted one of those little thingies that signifies female, that I'm the Usurper - plus the fact that you want to make sure the usurper gets more advantages....makes more sense that you are the usurper.

I want to win a fair fight. I don't want to steamroll over scum and the usurper. That cheapens the victory. It doesn't really matter because Wake clarified it to how I understood it in the first place.

It is House who is trying to confuse the issue.

Yep, I'm sure the usurper wants to win a fair fight.....:rolleyes:

Unproductive sarcasm, contributes nothing to scum hunting & promotes bickering.

Mertex-Do not spend so much time trying to be abrasive to other players and instead just play the game. I don't care if you think I'm right or wrong. What difference does it make?

Wolf, you're the one that is being abrasive. No wonder so many are already voting for you.

Cheap jabs, and yes... you ARE abrasive.

can't speak for the others but I'm voting for ika because he was the first player I saw where another player was defending him. Seems prudent that the king would have others defending him or her

Before anyone was defending Ika, House and Aye were defending Wolf...

Look at Mertex all trying to cast me in a less than saintly light.

Repent! Repent! Ask, and you shall be forgiven.

I'm not trying to cast anything on you. I'm just stating facts.


You don't give any sort of rational explanation for game actions (like that Unvote that came out of nowhere)

@Mertex, this sounds like a policy lynch bc you do not like Wolf's play. Let's suppose arguendo, Wolf is scum. I disagree but for sake of argument. It will be easier to lynch Wolf when the required votes will be less. We get rid of those who refuse to play before teaching lessons. Tunnelling people rarely teaches the lesson.

@Wolfsister77 The sane argument above is true for Mertex.

@Both, This setup lacks a nightkill I believe so that will be a huge boon. We can cut the fat and see the resistance.

@Scarlet. I voted for Wolfsister due to the reasons I gave. Also, I happen to know that WS gets very agitated and threatens to quit when she has been scum, before.
If I'm wrong, well, it won't be the first time. She claims that she has the right to state her opinion on any of the other players in any way she feels best, but then bemoans those of us who state our opinion on her gameplay. She continues to use anti-town play (bolded below).

Most of us have been the cause of a wagon at one time or another. We give our defense and hope it is believed, we don't threaten.

Also, regarding the backflips you say I'm doing over Josh-go back and read the post explaining why I am currently townreading him. I have a right to state my opinion on any of the other players in any way I feel is best. The problem is that some of you immediately scumread me and vote me for it on bad reasoning. Then attack me for using bad reasoning. It's annoying. Give me a good case against me. Tell me your reads of the other players. Because so many refuse to do either and instead are just going to vote me and go after me for stupid things, while ignoring anything else I say, then yes, I am going to get really fucking frustrated in case you haven't noticed. It's a waste of my time to play under those conditions.

When people want to play the game for real, I'll play, just like I always do. In the meantime I'm done banging my head against the wall and will do no more.

Feeding into the drama with your unnecessary commentary.

I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

That's odd. WS has attacked me and Rosie, used bad words, none of which I have done, and yet I'm anti-town and she's null, go figure. Kinda makes it rather easy to tell who is the ruler and who are the defending guards.

Please point out the posts where I have attacked anyone other than list my reasons for who I am voting.

My read isn't an attack on you, settle your britches.

You are well known for looking out for #1 regardless of how it affects town, and this game is more of the same, hence no read either way (anti-town != scum).

If it soothes your bruised ego, I can say you are Null, Anti-Town so you can continue your crusade.

That's BS and you know. WS made an obvious grammar mistake that doesn't go unnoticed in Mafia games. She called Townies "they" - and it was caught, then she was too eager to get Ika lynched when most of the time as town she wants everyone to take their time, then she goes berzerk with personal attacks, telling me I'm pulling stuff out of my ass, (just because I voted for her and gave my reasons), tells Rosie to fuck off, tells Wake to replace her, and I'm the one that is anti-town, and you get a null reading on her? That's rich. If anything, you have made it more obvious that you may be one of the guards and she is probably the ruler, otherwise why would she get her panties all in a wad over a game?\

Again, please point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked Wolf or anyone for that matter.

Drama queening

That's BS and you know.

Yep, anti-town pay is definitely BS. Glad we're in agreement.
Except I haven't done anything anti-town except vote for Wolfsister. I didn't realize that she was off limits and that you had inside info that she was confirmed Town, so that my voting for her makes me anti-town.

Hmm. Don't see what Wolfie has to do with my read on you, but I hope it felt good to get that off your chestesses.
It does when you read my statement where I compare our behavior in this game and your read on each of us.
You're claiming that I am anti-town, why? Because I voted for WS and gave my reasons? Wolf goes on a tirade, making personal attacks, and you get a null read on her.

Are you being intentionally obtuse? She takes such questioning personally ALL the time.
Oh, I see, we're supposed to consider it Town behavior because she takes questioning personally?

All I have done is post my reasons why I voted for her. I don't understand why you and WS and perhaps some others are taking that as being anti-town, and accusing me of being anti-town. I asked you to point to one of my posts in this game where I have attacked WS or anyone for that matter, and I see that you couldn't find one.
And, I'm the one being intentionally obtuse?

Confrontational bickering over minutiae; sarcasm & snide remarks


I'm not even going to bother addressing your "dribble".

If I thought you were Town at first, I sure don't now.

You base your reads on whether or not you like a player as a person. DEFINITE ANTI-TOWN. INARGUABLE.

There are 3 guards, and they each know who the King is, so anyone defending someone having a wagon will appear scummy to me. The guards will want the king protected at all costs because bringing the King down will bring them down.

Allow me to point out your WIFOM:

If everybody shared your perspective, the best way to get somebody lynched would be to post in defense of them.

Scum could do that to have us chasing after townies, because when that person flipped town we'd just assume they were town defending one of our own.

Scum could do what? Defend someone that has a wagon? Duh! That's exactly what scum is going to do if they think you are getting ready to lynch their ruler. And, appearing scummy doesn't mean immediate lynch....

Anyway, I think you misunderstood what I said. Posting in defense of someone is going to make the one defending look scummy, not the one being defended.

You have no interest in discussion. All you want to do is ram your opinions down everyone's throat, which puts them on the defensive and starts a huge tit for tat.

Of course he hasn't because he hasn't said anything. SR was an RVS vote.

It was a gut feeling, too, much like yours.

Translation: Spontaneous & irrational. Otherwise, there would be an explanation that the rest of town could benefit from.

You don't follow your own thought processes to their logical conclusion. That must be a frustrating life.

If the guards are defending somebody, that somebody is most likely who again?

Sorry, you're the one that is off in lalaland. If guards are defending somebody that has a wagon, that somebody being defended is most likely Scum.

Do you really believe that if a Townie has a wagon and is about to be lynched, that a guard will come in and defend them? The guards know who the king is, so if the king has a wagon and is close to being lynched, I'm pretty sure that the guards are going to try and get him off.
That you don't know you made my point for me is particularly hilarious.

What is your point? That a guard will come in and defend a Townie and make themselves suspect? Glad I could help you make your point.:rolleyes:

I lack the patience to break it down to baby talk, so wallow in ignorance.

I understand that you can't, so you have to resort to insults, to save face.

Did I mention confrontational & drama queening? Yeah? Well... it's true.

Save your whining that I do the same and more. Unlike you, I don't hide from my nature. I'm well aware that I'm anti-town.

The more I think about Cafe's post the more I think Wolf may be scum. I also like FA's explanation.

I think we may have dueling guards somewhere...

What do you think about all of the AtE from wolfsister? And about her actually turning the flameing into a case. (It shows me that she's actually trying to play the game) -oh and that apology on behalf of USMB. or the fact that she was trying to listen to other players.

I'm trying to sit back and watch this wagon grow, while I'm trying to decide if the people pushing it are town or not.

@everyone Who all do think on the Wolfsister wagon is fake pushing it?

Are you reading the posts? WS doesn't have a wagon. She's got one vote. Several think she's scum.

There are a lot of people pushing wolfsister as scum from the sidelines. What do you think about them?

I think everyone has to make their own decisions based on what they observe from the actions of the person. If a person does and says scummy things, they are going to become suspect. It's only after a few days that they may erase that perception, or, they may make it more pronounced.
People calling me scum or have called me scum or voted me outside of RVS-FA, SR, Mertex, Mathblade, Cafe, ACSY, tso!, Josh_B, RosieS

9 people out of 15 and I don't count so only 5 people here have never voted for me or called me scum.

Shaitra, Avi, Arden, ika, House

So, What does that mean? Why do so many push me as scum yet don't follow through? It's an interesting phenomenon that isn't happening to anyone else except maybe House.

So are the rebels being pushed or what and why? I'm going to look and see if it's occurring to just the most outspoken players or what. Townies can't be NK'd so they would be targets for sure.
And what does typical anti-town on Mertex mean?

Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

Yeah, well your opinion without facts don't carry much weight. You think you're being so pro-town with your insults, that's hilarious.

Here's an insult: You're a clueless idiot. I've never denied I was anti-town, and I've outright stated it on multiple occasions.
I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

I know she's anti-town but that's town Mertex to me.

Please tell me why I'm anti-town? You and House seem to be the only two that have said that, and considering what has occurred, I think saying that is actually funny.

I've always felt you were anti-town. That's your town meta. I'm calling you town. Hooray!!

Well, generally someone that is anti-town is someone that is doing things that hurt town. I don't believe I have been doing any of that in this game, so you may want to adjust your "feelings".
I have a really important question for you. Who do you want to lynch and why?
I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

I know she's anti-town but that's town Mertex to me.

Please tell me why I'm anti-town? You and House seem to be the only two that have said that, and considering what has occurred, I think saying that is actually funny.

I've always felt you were anti-town. That's your town meta. I'm calling you town. Hooray!!

Well, generally someone that is anti-town is someone that is doing things that hurt town. I don't believe I have been doing any of that in this game, so you may want to adjust your "feelings".

Or I'll feel how I feel without you telling me how to feel. Thanks.
Wolf, I don't know what you are. I don't really care what you say but why you say it. That thought process should be clear through the few games we have played. D1 was a policy lynch. I like associations but the scum team do not know each other. With the number of wagons, they are likely playing like that.
A policy lynch what?!?!? I thought that you said Rosie was going to flip scum.
I did. Most lynched on policy. Hence it being a policy lynch when I read everyone else.
Save your whining that I do the same and more. Unlike you, I don't hide from my nature. I'm well aware that I'm anti-town.

You're certainly aren't pro-town, and your long walls are making you appear like a drama queen, too.
Save your whining that I do the same and more. Unlike you, I don't hide from my nature. I'm well aware that I'm anti-town.

Right... didn't see that coming.

You're certainly aren't pro-town, and your long walls are making you appear like a drama queen, too.
Save your whining that I do the same and more. Unlike you, I don't hide from my nature. I'm well aware that I'm anti-town.
Meh I always value fun more than winning. I stayed out of the bullshit intentionally. I replaced in to make the game fun. Call it fluff if you want House and slander my time spending qualities. I'm hunting. You just want to lynch me ever since I called you scum. Your play is still scummy. I'm trying this thing called not annoying people with repeating the same things.

Vote me if you want I'm not scared. I'm a rebel.

What I am doing is I'm seeing who is defending who and who because they believe the other person is town and who is doing it because they know the other person is the ruler.

Quite honestly, the other games I'm in have more positivity. So this one feels whatever.
Butchered post is butchered.

Oh noez, Mertie is gonna whine at me again.

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