Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

The 6 I have listed as scum could be any of 4 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.

Bad math is bad.

15 players started out
of which were rebels
3 Guards
Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

I know she's anti-town but that's town Mertex to me.

I don't reward destructive/obstructive behavior with town reads.

If others do... yay for me.

It's not a reward. It's just a category.

And an inaccurate one, at that. Town is productive.
The 6 I have listed as scum could be any of 4 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.

Bad math is bad.

15 players started out
of which were rebels
3 Guards

Oh for fuck's sake, I can't even count!! Time to go change my reads again.

FA: Scum
Avi: Scum
Mertex: town
SR: town
Mathblade: scum
Cafe: scum
Josh_B: town
House: town
Aye: town
ika: town
Arden: town
Shaitra: scum

The 6 I have listed as scum could be any of 4 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.

Hummm Seems like a OMGUS read, since I just read you as scum, but whatever. FYI per page 1,

The Setup

Rebel x10
Ruler x1
Loyal Guard x3
Usurper x1

So there are only 3 guards we need to find or kill the ruler and voilà we only have to find the usurper. :)

FA: Scum
Avi: Scum
Mertex: town
SR: town
Mathblade: scum
Cafe: scum
Josh_B: town
House: town
Aye: town
ika: town
Arden: town
Shaitra: scum

The 6 I have listed as scum could be any of 4 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.

Hummm Seems like a OMGUS read, since I just read you as scum, but whatever. FYI per page 1,

The Setup

Rebel x10
Ruler x1
Loyal Guard x3
Usurper x1

So there are only 3 guards we need to find or kill the ruler and voilà we only have to find the usurper. :)

I was already shows to be an idiot that can't count. I'm changing my reads. Hold your horses. :p

FA: Scum
Avi: Scum
Mertex: town
SR: town
Mathblade: scum
Cafe: scum
Josh_B: town
House: town
Aye: town
ika: town
Arden: town
Shaitra: scum

The 6 I have listed as scum could be any of 4 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.

Hummm Seems like a OMGUS read, since I just read you as scum, but whatever. FYI per page 1,

The Setup

Rebel x10
Ruler x1
Loyal Guard x3
Usurper x1

So there are only 3 guards we need to find or kill the ruler and voilà we only have to find the usurper. :)

I was already shows to be an idiot that can't count. I'm changing my reads. Hold your horses. :p

We posted at the same exact time Wolf.

FA: Scum
Avi: Scum
Mertex: town
SR: town
Mathblade: scum
Cafe: scum
Josh_B: town
House: town
Aye: town
ika: town
Arden: town
Shaitra: scum

The 6 I have listed as scum could be any of 4 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.

Hummm Seems like a OMGUS read, since I just read you as scum, but whatever. FYI per page 1,

The Setup

Rebel x10
Ruler x1
Loyal Guard x3
Usurper x1

So there are only 3 guards we need to find or kill the ruler and voilà we only have to find the usurper. :)

I was already shows to be an idiot that can't count.

And with more style, at that.

FA: Scum
Avi: Scum
Mertex: town
SR: town
Mathblade: scum
Cafe: scum
Josh_B: town
House: town
Aye: town
ika: town
Arden: town
Shaitra: scum

The 6 I have listed as scum could be any of 4 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.

Hummm Seems like a OMGUS read, since I just read you as scum, but whatever. FYI per page 1,

The Setup

Rebel x10
Ruler x1
Loyal Guard x3
Usurper x1

So there are only 3 guards we need to find or kill the ruler and voilà we only have to find the usurper. :)

I was already shows to be an idiot that can't count. I'm changing my reads. Hold your horses. :p

We posted at the same exact time Wolf.

Let's not split hairs over timestamps.

Besides... I'd win.


FA: Scum
Avi: Scum
Mathblade: Scum
Shaitra: Scum
tso!: Scum
Mertex: town
SR: town
Cafe: town
Josh_B: town
House: town
Aye: town
ika: town
Arden: town

The 5 I have listed as scum could be any of 3 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.

I'm a moron that can't count so my reads are altered above. LOL

FA: Scum
Avi: Scum
Mathblade: Scum
Shaitra: Scum
tso!: Scum
Mertex: town
SR: town
Cafe: town
Josh_B: town
House: town
Aye: town
ika: town
Arden: town

The 5 I have listed as scum could be any of 3 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.

I'm a moron that can't count so my reads are altered above. LOL

TIme out... what did Cafe do (aside from soft-accusing you of OMGUS) to change your mind on her alignment?

FA: Scum
Avi: Scum
Mathblade: Scum
Shaitra: Scum
tso!: Scum
Mertex: town
SR: town
Cafe: town
Josh_B: town
House: town
Aye: town
ika: town
Arden: town

The 5 I have listed as scum could be any of 3 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.

I'm a moron that can't count so my reads are altered above. LOL

TIme out... what did Cafe do (aside from soft-accusing you of OMGUS) to change your mind on her alignment?

Because of the miscount. I put her in scum because I was confident on my town reads and my scum reads and that was the only logical place to put her. Now she's back in town for the same reason.
Because of the miscount. I put her in scum because I was confident on my town reads and my scum reads and that was the only logical place to put her. Now she's back in town for the same reason.

That's suspicious. <_<

A player's actions speak for themselves. A misread would easily account for the numbers not adding up perfectly.

I wouldn't advise putting too much weight on the total number of scum/3P.
Because of the miscount. I put her in scum because I was confident on my town reads and my scum reads and that was the only logical place to put her. Now she's back in town for the same reason.

That's suspicious. <_<

A player's actions speak for themselves. A misread would easily account for the numbers not adding up perfectly.

I wouldn't advise putting too much weight on the total number of scum/3P.

No, the numbers didn't add up because I'm tired. She was the last one to sort. Everyone got a spot this time. Scum or town. No nulls.
so my best read for ruler is ika. And if I'm right house and Arden are guardsmen. I could lynch any of them today.

and as frustrating as wolf is being I still think she is likely town.

If you had Arden as a guard read due to her objection to the ika wagon, I could understand that until the point where she began making solid town contributions (which is something you still haven't done, btw).

And that I was on board (and pushing) the wagon that you are so convinced will lead to the death of the ruler means nothing to your read of me is also telling.

You are sandbagging hard and I'm more convinced than ever that I have you pegged.

and then you jumped ship when the wagon got serious. Wonder why...
You are doing an excellent job of showing everyone how scummy you are by providing me continuous opportunities to point out your lies.


Give the man his l-1 so we can start being productive, plzkthx.

Totally guard-like of me there, wasn't it?

But wait, there's more!

Sorry Avi, I should of said Aye and FA_Q2.

Rosie and FA are top suspects of both myself and Josh. I think there is something to this. I'd rather lynch worthless ika but if we have actual suspicious people, that's fine too.

Vote: RosieS

And another unvote...


Vote Count 1.4

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
FA_Q2 (0):
House (1):
ika (4): Avatar4321, ScarletRage, AyeCantSeeYou, House
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (0):
Mertex (0):
RosieS (1):
ScarletRage (2): TheOldSchool, ika
Shaitra (0):
tso! (0):
TheOldSchool (0):
Wolfsister77 (4):
FA_Q2, RosieS, Mathblade, Mertex

Not Voting (3): tso!, Shaitra, Wolfsister77

~ With 15 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/3/14, @11AM Central.
~ Giving reads and making accusations are part of Mafia.
~ Where's my little buddy? @TheOldSchool :D

1.1 | 1.2
As you can see, I'm still on the is wagon that you accused me of "bailing" on.

Vote: Avatar0987654321234567890

And here is where I finally unvote, long after the wagon had lost momentum.

Considering who I moved to, I can't say I'm surprised you're whining about it. Scum has a lot more to lose by dying than town.

Tell us how that heaping helping of ownage tastes, scum.

House You need to make sure that your posts are correct. You quoted me as saying:

"Sorry Avi, I should of said Aye and FA_Q2.

Rosie and FA are top suspects of both myself and Josh. I think there is something to this. I'd rather lynch worthless ika but if we have actual suspicious people, that's fine too.


I never voted for Rosie and I never made that comment, it is dishonest to quote somebody saying something they didn't say.
Because of the miscount. I put her in scum because I was confident on my town reads and my scum reads and that was the only logical place to put her. Now she's back in town for the same reason.

That's suspicious. <_<

A player's actions speak for themselves. A misread would easily account for the numbers not adding up perfectly.

I wouldn't advise putting too much weight on the total number of scum/3P.

No, the numbers didn't add up because I'm tired. She was the last one to sort. Everyone got a spot this time. Scum or town. No nulls.

IDK if you missed my point or ignored it, but allow me to rephrase.

If you are wrong in one (or more) of your scum reads, which is entirely possible, having another suspicious player marked as scum wouldn't be an anomaly.

That's not advocacy to read a whole lot of people as scum, it's advocacy to read people as they appear to be regardless of the # in the OP because you simply might be wrong on some of your reads.
so my best read for ruler is ika. And if I'm right house and Arden are guardsmen. I could lynch any of them today.

and as frustrating as wolf is being I still think she is likely town.

If you had Arden as a guard read due to her objection to the ika wagon, I could understand that until the point where she began making solid town contributions (which is something you still haven't done, btw).

And that I was on board (and pushing) the wagon that you are so convinced will lead to the death of the ruler means nothing to your read of me is also telling.

You are sandbagging hard and I'm more convinced than ever that I have you pegged.

and then you jumped ship when the wagon got serious. Wonder why...
You are doing an excellent job of showing everyone how scummy you are by providing me continuous opportunities to point out your lies.


Give the man his l-1 so we can start being productive, plzkthx.

Totally guard-like of me there, wasn't it?

But wait, there's more!

Sorry Avi, I should of said Aye and FA_Q2.

Rosie and FA are top suspects of both myself and Josh. I think there is something to this. I'd rather lynch worthless ika but if we have actual suspicious people, that's fine too.

Vote: RosieS

And another unvote...


Vote Count 1.4

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
FA_Q2 (0):
House (1):
ika (4): Avatar4321, ScarletRage, AyeCantSeeYou, House
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (0):
Mertex (0):
RosieS (1):
ScarletRage (2): TheOldSchool, ika
Shaitra (0):
tso! (0):
TheOldSchool (0):
Wolfsister77 (4):
FA_Q2, RosieS, Mathblade, Mertex

Not Voting (3): tso!, Shaitra, Wolfsister77

~ With 15 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/3/14, @11AM Central.
~ Giving reads and making accusations are part of Mafia.
~ Where's my little buddy? @TheOldSchool :D

1.1 | 1.2
As you can see, I'm still on the is wagon that you accused me of "bailing" on.

Vote: Avatar0987654321234567890

And here is where I finally unvote, long after the wagon had lost momentum.

Considering who I moved to, I can't say I'm surprised you're whining about it. Scum has a lot more to lose by dying than town.

Tell us how that heaping helping of ownage tastes, scum.

House You need to make sure that your posts are correct. You quoted me as saying:

"Sorry Avi, I should of said Aye and FA_Q2.

Rosie and FA are top suspects of both myself and Josh. I think there is something to this. I'd rather lynch worthless ika but if we have actual suspicious people, that's fine too.


I never voted for Rosie and I never made that comment, it is dishonest to quote somebody saying something they didn't say.

Wolf said that. She was the 2nd unvote (hence the comment with that quote)

What you said was:

I'm not trying to cast anything on you. I'm just stating facts.


And yours was the first unvote off the wagon.

I was juggling multiple tabs on my phone and quotes got mixed up because the quote box likes to jack with posts as they are being constructed when you are flipping back and forth.

Apologies. My point about Avatar's lies remain valid.
Because of the miscount. I put her in scum because I was confident on my town reads and my scum reads and that was the only logical place to put her. Now she's back in town for the same reason.

That's suspicious. <_<

A player's actions speak for themselves. A misread would easily account for the numbers not adding up perfectly.

I wouldn't advise putting too much weight on the total number of scum/3P.

No, the numbers didn't add up because I'm tired. She was the last one to sort. Everyone got a spot this time. Scum or town. No nulls.

IDK if you missed my point or ignored it, but allow me to rephrase.

If you are wrong in one (or more) of your scum reads, which is entirely possible, having another suspicious player marked as scum wouldn't be an anomaly.

That's not advocacy to read a whole lot of people as scum, it's advocacy to read people as they appear to be regardless of the # in the OP because you simply might be wrong on some of your reads.

I understand what you are saying and understood you the first time and I know how to do reads. This time though, I wanted to try to give everyone a spot and see if it changes. A new approach. Cafe needs a spot. We'll see if it changes.

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