Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Wolf, I don't know what you are. I don't really care what you say but why you say it. That thought process should be clear through the few games we have played. D1 was a policy lynch. I like associations but the scum team do not know each other. With the number of wagons, they are likely playing like that.

The more I think about Cafe's post the more I think Wolf may be scum. I also like FA's explanation.

I think we may have dueling guards somewhere...

What do you think about all of the AtE from wolfsister? And about her actually turning the flameing into a case. (It shows me that she's actually trying to play the game) -oh and that apology on behalf of USMB. or the fact that she was trying to listen to other players.

I'm trying to sit back and watch this wagon grow, while I'm trying to decide if the people pushing it are town or not.

@everyone Who all do think on the Wolfsister wagon is fake pushing it?

AtE-sorry I've seen it many times, but what does it mean again?

And FA and SR have been pushing me as scum on and off all game. I think FA is scum and SR I'm iffy on. She usually doesn't struggle this much with a read. She correctly read me as town last game but can't figure me out here. Both her and FA have been on my wagon at one point or the other in the game.

I am also wondering why the back and forth on me all game. Even when I'm playing my town game SR suddenly jumps on Cafe's case from the first few pages to say I might be scum when she was saying I was scum, then town, now scum again and I haven't really done anything but play since then so nothing new here.
Wolf your antagonism is not helping you. I take things step by step. Those who rush my logic generally go not like it.

TDLR. If you are town, trust me to find out.

That's fine but make up your mind. First you say I'm scum based on my first posts, then you move on to others as scum, then you put me in a town group to lynch ika, then you vote me for ignoring it, then Rosie, then you sheep me to vote FA, then you listen to Cafe who's doing what everyone does when they read the first few pages which is scumread me, then unvote FA for an explanation that was not good from him, then say I'm scum but if I'm town you'll find out.

Loop de loop. I'm not that hard to figure out as any alignment.

(emphasis added)

I read through everything Wolf. Unfortunately, most of day one is not game related but an issue between two people. I removed all the fighting and my reads were based on this, nothing else.

The more I think about Cafe's post the more I think Wolf may be scum. I also like FA's explanation.

I think we may have dueling guards somewhere...

What do you think about all of the AtE from wolfsister? And about her actually turning the flameing into a case. (It shows me that she's actually trying to play the game) -oh and that apology on behalf of USMB. or the fact that she was trying to listen to other players.

I'm trying to sit back and watch this wagon grow, while I'm trying to decide if the people pushing it are town or not.

@everyone Who all do think on the Wolfsister wagon is fake pushing it?

Are you reading the posts? WS doesn't have a wagon. She's got one vote. Several think she's scum.

One vote, several think I'm scum. That is weird.

The more I think about Cafe's post the more I think Wolf may be scum. I also like FA's explanation.

I think we may have dueling guards somewhere...

What do you think about all of the AtE from wolfsister? And about her actually turning the flameing into a case. (It shows me that she's actually trying to play the game) -oh and that apology on behalf of USMB. or the fact that she was trying to listen to other players.

I'm trying to sit back and watch this wagon grow, while I'm trying to decide if the people pushing it are town or not.

@everyone Who all do think on the Wolfsister wagon is fake pushing it?

AtE-sorry I've seen it many times, but what does it mean again?

And FA and SR have been pushing me as scum on and off all game. I think FA is scum and SR I'm iffy on. She usually doesn't struggle this much with a read. She correctly read me as town last game but can't figure me out here. Both her and FA have been on my wagon at one point or the other in the game.

I am also wondering why the back and forth on me all game. Even when I'm playing my town game SR suddenly jumps on Cafe's case from the first few pages to say I might be scum when she was saying I was scum, then town, now scum again and I haven't really done anything but play since then so nothing new here.

AtE = Appeal to Emotion.

The more I think about Cafe's post the more I think Wolf may be scum. I also like FA's explanation.

I think we may have dueling guards somewhere...

What do you think about all of the AtE from wolfsister? And about her actually turning the flameing into a case. (It shows me that she's actually trying to play the game) -oh and that apology on behalf of USMB. or the fact that she was trying to listen to other players.

I'm trying to sit back and watch this wagon grow, while I'm trying to decide if the people pushing it are town or not.

@everyone Who all do think on the Wolfsister wagon is fake pushing it?

I see the apology and drama as null. I do see a lot of effort from Wolf. There's town cases and scum cases to be made on Wolf.
AtE - appeal to emotion

thats kinda when player(s) make more emotiona based posts rather then logic based post, often times to do one of the following:

A) stop their lynch
B) get someone lynched
C) they are emotion based players and do it by default

i have seen math town and scum games (as well as her neutral game) and right now it doest feel like her town game
Also the followup post where Cafe expanded on Josh's earlier point was pretty good. You can be abstract at points. This isn't anything from Day 1.
Analysis Day 1 reads there was a lot of posts which made me think Wolf was scum, maybe even the Queen.
Posts 38, 54, 58, 64, by Wolfsister, comes off as detached posting or separating herself from us townies.

“There is no way for the rebels to win with the usurper alive”. ~Wolfsister

“Scum has it tough enough dying if the ruler dies and being heavily outnumbered plus dealing with an usurper” ~Wolfsister

“You completely ignored all my posts that could make me town” ~Wolfsister392

Rest of the reads are as follows:

Aye: townish

House: leaning town

Wolf: queen/guard?

FA: null

SR: unsure- it is unlike SR to defend a move, and she defended her position on a wagon. She usually does not care what people think. (Post 760) However, other posts come off as helpful to us to beat scum.

Ika: null/not enough material to get a read, states his play may be a gambit (one which is antitown play according to Wiki).

Shaitra: guard or perhaps ursurper (most town SR has ever appeared? 387) possibly guarding SR? Shai's post just rubbed me the wrong way.

JoshB leaning town

TSO!: Null, not enough posts, same as last game. However, last game he said he did not want to play and it was a favor to Wake, this game he willingly signed up and was not a sub. I expected more posts given this game was a willing sign up. This bothers me.

Arden; null

Avatar: guard/usurper/king ( changed meta)

Mertex: town?

Mathblade: null

I think that is everyone.

We agree on a lot of our reads, except for House, the noob, who blended in well as Town last game.

I think he probably blended more to you than others since he defended you so much. Not to imply I never had he in the town category but he was on many peoples questionable list. Could he be scum this go round? Sure, but what a way to come out if not town. Insulting most of the women here with sexist 'jokes" and being a complete ass ( AKA Dr Evil) or should I say ""opinionated ass" as it says under his avatar. Who knows maybe it is some strange scumploy? It is just brining a lot of attention to himself IMO.
Ika, Math has drawn scum in a finished game? Where?

I have only been third party once. That game I didn't really try to win I tried to have fun b/c I was moving to California. I have never drawn scum.

3rd party is still scum

Titus, check homesite. on there check the last big FM she was 3rd party neutral borg. and i successfully called her out on it as 3rd party neutral merchant.
LOL More like a cop called me third party and I decided to do random bullshit too keep interest in that game. I don't call 3P scum. I call it 3P. Interest waned...Seriously I started doing karoke in the thread.
LOL More like a cop called me third party and I decided to do random bullshit too keep interest in that game. I don't call 3P scum. I call it 3P. Interest waned...Seriously I started doing karoke in the thread.

no i actually gave him the idea to check you when i was talking to him via PM about making deals and such.

also math in a general sense: a 3rd party that can not win with town would be considered scum
you in that game could not win with town henceforth scum

i could of won with town so technacly speaking in temrs i was not exactly a scum
if anyone is wondering about this, i orginate form a diffrent side (my homesite is not MS) and we played a big game there and mathblade was a 3rd party that could not win with town

i was also a different 3rd part that could win with town (my wincon was make more money) but essentially i was a survivor
so my best read for ruler is ika. And if I'm right house and Arden are guardsmen. I could lynch any of them today.

and as frustrating as wolf is being I still think she is likely town.

If you had Arden as a guard read due to her objection to the ika wagon, I could understand that until the point where she began making solid town contributions (which is something you still haven't done, btw).

And that I was on board (and pushing) the wagon that you are so convinced will lead to the death of the ruler means nothing to your read of me is also telling.

You are sandbagging hard and I'm more convinced than ever that I have you pegged.

and then you jumped ship when the wagon got serious. Wonder why...
You are doing an excellent job of showing everyone how scummy you are by providing me continuous opportunities to point out your lies.


Give the man his l-1 so we can start being productive, plzkthx.

Totally guard-like of me there, wasn't it?

But wait, there's more!

Sorry Avi, I should of said Aye and FA_Q2.

Rosie and FA are top suspects of both myself and Josh. I think there is something to this. I'd rather lynch worthless ika but if we have actual suspicious people, that's fine too.

Vote: RosieS

And another unvote...


Vote Count 1.4

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
FA_Q2 (0):
House (1):
ika (4): Avatar4321, ScarletRage, AyeCantSeeYou, House
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (0):
Mertex (0):
RosieS (1):
ScarletRage (2): TheOldSchool, ika
Shaitra (0):
tso! (0):
TheOldSchool (0):
Wolfsister77 (4):
FA_Q2, RosieS, Mathblade, Mertex

Not Voting (3): tso!, Shaitra, Wolfsister77

~ With 15 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/3/14, @11AM Central.
~ Giving reads and making accusations are part of Mafia.
~ Where's my little buddy? @TheOldSchool :D

1.1 | 1.2
As you can see, I'm still on the is wagon that you accused me of "bailing" on.

Vote: Avatar0987654321234567890

And here is where I finally unvote, long after the wagon had lost momentum.

Considering who I moved to, I can't say I'm surprised you're whining about it. Scum has a lot more to lose by dying than town.

Tell us how that heaping helping of ownage tastes, scum.
I shouldn't be able to treat apart an Avatar post so thoroughly. This confirms to me that he is out to mislead townies hoping they won't be paying attention.

Guess what... I am.

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