Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Avatar - Scum-diddly-doo!
MathBlade - Scum (contributed nothing but fluff since her hissy)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
tso! - Null/Leaning Scum (Active Lurking)
Shaitra - Null
★Arden - Town
AyeCantSeeYou - Town
ika - Town that won't get a chance to hammer.
Josh_B - Town
ScarletRage - Town
WolfSister77 - Town
So, for someone who has played this type of game before, what is the best strategy going forward? In the other games, it's been pretty straightforward. This one, seems a little more difficult to sort out based on a completely different game state.
Fair chance I'm misreading somebody as Town. Or the 3 nulls are all scum.

That'd be a riot.
Avatar - Scum-diddly-doo!
MathBlade - Scum (contributed nothing but fluff since her hissy)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
tso! - Null/Leaning Scum (Active Lurking)
Shaitra - Null
★Arden - Town
AyeCantSeeYou - Town
ika - Town that won't get a chance to hammer.
Josh_B - Town
ScarletRage - Town
WolfSister77 - Town

What about FA and Cafe? And what does typical anti-town on Mertex mean?
yes vote me so i can be out of this stupid game and watch the obviscum titus lead everyone to downfall

Because of this, I tend to agree:

@House, @Mertex, @Wolf, @Avatar4321 @RosieS Let's suppose we're all town. I have townreads to varying degrees on all of you now so I'd rather just make scum's job really hard for them. Let's lynch outside of ourselves until required to do so otherwise. We should mop up quite a few of the guards.

If you're in, vote ika.

That is trying to control a group – something that seems very scummy to me in general. It is in scums best interest to control a few townies to direct them away from their king. I get a Loyal Guard read from Titus

If you had something independently scummy to pair it up with, maybe. On its own, it means nothing.

I'm reading your ISO and trying really hard to find a townie air about you, but the atmosphere up here is pretty thin thus far.
To add to Rosie's scum meta, she was almost bragging in her posts then about what she could do.

Yea. Another reason that you all should have known that we were lynching our own. That was RosieS’ town game. Though, TBH, she deserved to be ejected as she could not be civil.

Preachy after the fact... trying too hard to sell yourself as town, here.

Leaning Scum thus far.
If Rosie had flipped scum, I'd have flipped my read of him. As it is though, his willingness to vote Rosie is null because it still got rid of a townie which scum needs to do anyway.

I'll see how the day unfolds a bit before I place another vote, but my reads thus far remain unchanged.
It is worthy to note that the gurds DO NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE.

IOW, if she had flipped scum, it does not mean that those voting for her or even pushing her wagon were not scum. They don't necessarily know that they are lynching one of their own.

That makes scum hunting particularly difficult in this setup - the scum are not necessarily working together.

Made a decent point here. Unfortunately, you're also defending somebody that I have built an impressive case on for being scum.

Not quite sure how to take this post.

FA: Scum
Avi: Scum
Mertex: town
SR: town
Mathblade: scum
Cafe: scum
Josh_B: town
House: town
Aye: town
ika: town
Arden: town
Shaitra: scum

The 6 I have listed as scum could be any of 4 guards, 1 ruler, 1 usurper.

The rest are rebels.

This is based on who I have as town and who is left and the fact that 6 have to be not town.
New day, new start to the game. Sorry to see we lynched a rebel, but stand my my vote it was the right thing to do. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Nothing has changed on my reads list either yet. I'd like to see more from some of our more quiet members. And I realize that I am in that group and will be making an effort over the next 24 hours to add to my reads. After that I will be V/LA for the weekend. Wake has already been notified.

Criticizing other players for being "quiet" when she's one of the top offenders, and in the same post gives notice that she's going to... be quiet.

Read downgraded to Null/Leaning Scum
I'm reading House as town right now. Sure he's snarky, but it reads town to me right now.

I feel Wolf is town as well. She's actively hunting scum. I'm reading SR as town for the same reasons.

I would like to see more reads before you need to go V/LA. That would do much to assuage my doubts.
And what does typical anti-town on Mertex mean?

Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

I know she's anti-town but that's town Mertex to me.

I don't reward destructive/obstructive behavior with town reads.

If others do... yay for me.
Avatar - Scum-diddly-doo!
MathBlade - Scum (contributed nothing but fluff since her hissy)
FA_Q2 - Leaning Scum, but not there yet. Want to see more. My opening D2 vote was mainly to get the day started. I knew he wasn't in much danger of getting lynched right off.
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
tso! - Null/Leaning Scum (Active Lurking)
Shaitra - Null/Leaning Scum
★Arden - Town
CaféAuLait - She can Town, despite her disparaging remarks about me. ;)
AyeCantSeeYou - Town
ika - Town that won't get a chance to hammer.
Josh_B - Town
ScarletRage - Town
WolfSister77 - Town
And what does typical anti-town on Mertex mean?

Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

I know she's anti-town but that's town Mertex to me.

I don't reward destructive/obstructive behavior with town reads.

If others do... yay for me.

It's not a reward. It's just a category.
Avatar - Scum-diddly-doo!
MathBlade - Scum (contributed nothing but fluff since her hissy)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
ika - Town that won't get a chance to hammer.

I'm cracking up at these descriptions. What hissy of mathblade's again?

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