Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

@ People talking about ika being ruler because people have defended him:

You are making a bad argument. You are discounting the likely possibility of town defending their townreads. You are discounting the likely possibility that guards know better than to so strongly defend their ruler when all attention is on them. You are discounting the likely possibility that in this large of a game, the real ruler hasn't yet received a significant enough amount of pressure such that guards would have to risk associating themselves with them.

The majority of this game so far has revolved around ika, Wolf, and Rosie. Can we please step away from that now? It's a huge shiny distraction based mainly on reasoning relating more to policy lynches rather than actual scumhunting. Because of this, I think the real ruler has been able to largely stay under the radar in terms of suspicion, because people are so focused on namecalling and policy lynching that edges out any discussion with an actual chance of finding scum.

This is a start, but I was hoping for some more content on players other than Wolf Rosie and ika from you.
Good points on TSO.

Considering that House is the only other viable wagon, wolf is not going anywhere soon, my other scum read on scarlet is also not going anywhere soon and I am not yet convinced House is scum I think TSO is likely the best place for my vote at this time.

Vote: TSO

TSO was one of the ones I said may be the ruler when I posted my reads. Mainly because he has been too quite, and surely the ruler would not want to draw any attention to himself and say something that may be interpreted as scummy.

Shaitra has also been rather quiet, but, then she always is.

If enough people consider TSO to be the ruler, I will be glad to change my vote, but right now House has been playing very anti-town, insulting everyone and being snarky, the very same thing I was told was anti-town when I did it in previous games. Surely a Townie wants to work together with other townies, not alienate them, but apparently he is more interested in appearing scummy.
mert: anti-town =/= scum

i am often known as the epitone of anti-town. so its not alignment indicative to me for him to try to appear scummy.

@Titus, is mathblade scum? if you want to talk to me ask shit
you need to figure out his intrent of anti-town

is it a gambit?
what is their motive for being anti-town?
is what the player doing really all that anti-town?
Good points on TSO.

Considering that House is the only other viable wagon, wolf is not going anywhere soon, my other scum read on scarlet is also not going anywhere soon and I am not yet convinced House is scum I think TSO is likely the best place for my vote at this time.

Vote: TSO

TSO was one of the ones I said may be the ruler when I posted my reads. Mainly because he has been too quite, and surely the ruler would not want to draw any attention to himself and say something that may be interpreted as scummy.

Shaitra has also been rather quiet, but, then she always is.

If enough people consider TSO to be the ruler, I will be glad to change my vote, but right now House has been playing very anti-town, insulting everyone and being snarky, the very same thing I was told was anti-town when I did it in previous games. Surely a Townie wants to work together with other townies, not alienate them, but apparently he is more interested in appearing scummy.

I've noticed shaitra being quiet too. Moreso than usual. Course it could just be because she has been avoiding drama.

I think you've been quieter than usual as well
mert: anti-town =/= scum

i am often known as the epitone of anti-town. so its not alignment indicative to me for him to try to appear scummy.

@Titus, is mathblade scum? if you want to talk to me ask shit

I'm only going by what I've been told, whenever I have been snarky. Maybe that is unique to USMB, since most of the players here have not played on the main Mafia site until we started playing here, and most want civil discourse. Why would anyone want to alienate other Townies, though, by calling them idiot, etc.? That seems abrasive, yet some who call out abrasive behavior don't seem to mind it coming from House.
Good points on TSO.

Considering that House is the only other viable wagon, wolf is not going anywhere soon, my other scum read on scarlet is also not going anywhere soon and I am not yet convinced House is scum I think TSO is likely the best place for my vote at this time.

Vote: TSO

TSO was one of the ones I said may be the ruler when I posted my reads. Mainly because he has been too quite, and surely the ruler would not want to draw any attention to himself and say something that may be interpreted as scummy.

Shaitra has also been rather quiet, but, then she always is.

If enough people consider TSO to be the ruler, I will be glad to change my vote, but right now House has been playing very anti-town, insulting everyone and being snarky, the very same thing I was told was anti-town when I did it in previous games. Surely a Townie wants to work together with other townies, not alienate them, but apparently he is more interested in appearing scummy.

I've noticed shaitra being quiet too. Moreso than usual. Course it could just be because she has been avoiding drama.

I think you've been quieter than usual as well

I'm trying to keep my posts relevant to the game, I sure don't want to stir any more drama then we've had already.
Arden wants to move away from ika house and wolf.

that really doesn't do much to persuade me. In fact it reinforces what I was trying to say.

This post is scum-tastic. Arden wants to move away from who again? Me? ME??


That alone shows you are sandbagging on your analyses.
so my best read for ruler is ika. And if I'm right house and Arden are guardsmen. I could lynch any of them today.

and as frustrating as wolf is being I still think she is likely town.

If you had Arden as a guard read due to her objection to the ika wagon, I could understand that until the point where she began making solid town contributions (which is something you still haven't done, btw).

And that I was on board (and pushing) the wagon that you are so convinced will lead to the death of the ruler means nothing to your read of me is also telling.

You are sandbagging hard and I'm more convinced than ever that I have you pegged.
Good points on TSO.

Considering that House is the only other viable wagon, wolf is not going anywhere soon, my other scum read on scarlet is also not going anywhere soon and I am not yet convinced House is scum I think TSO is likely the best place for my vote at this time.

Vote: TSO

TSO was one of the ones I said may be the ruler when I posted my reads. Mainly because he has been too quite, and surely the ruler would not want to draw any attention to himself and say something that may be interpreted as scummy.

Shaitra has also been rather quiet, but, then she always is.

If enough people consider TSO to be the ruler, I will be glad to change my vote, but right now House has been playing very anti-town, insulting everyone and being snarky, the very same thing I was told was anti-town when I did it in previous games. Surely a Townie wants to work together with other townies, not alienate them, but apparently he is more interested in appearing scummy.

I call a spade a spade. You get butthurt about it. Hilarity ensues.
mert: anti-town =/= scum

i am often known as the epitone of anti-town. so its not alignment indicative to me for him to try to appear scummy.

@Titus, is mathblade scum? if you want to talk to me ask shit

I'm only going by what I've been told, whenever I have been snarky. Maybe that is unique to USMB, since most of the players here have not played on the main Mafia site until we started playing here, and most want civil discourse. Why would anyone want to alienate other Townies, though, by calling them idiot, etc.? That seems abrasive, yet some who call out abrasive behavior don't seem to mind it coming from House.

i think its more of how you take the snarkyness.

house is more or less trolling imo. when i read his posts hes just more or less just laughing off his attackers.

now if he was going "haha you can never lynch me" type routine then i would see it as snarky.

it comes town to interpritation, compare rose vs house in this current game:

rose was town but her attacks pushed boundaries

house is more or less just laughing everyone off in a silly manner of not caring
when I was remaining on him house suddenly found me suspect. I suspect trying to get me to vote for him (blah blah scum cetera)

So... I'm not allowed to finger a player that is voting for someone? What kind of dumbassery is that?

Also, my read of you should have nothing to do with your read of me.

The more you post, the happier I am with my read.
mert: anti-town =/= scum

i am often known as the epitone of anti-town. so its not alignment indicative to me for him to try to appear scummy.

@Titus, is mathblade scum? if you want to talk to me ask shit

I'm only going by what I've been told, whenever I have been snarky. Maybe that is unique to USMB, since most of the players here have not played on the main Mafia site until we started playing here, and most want civil discourse. Why would anyone want to alienate other Townies, though, by calling them idiot, etc.? That seems abrasive, yet some who call out abrasive behavior don't seem to mind it coming from House.

i think its more of how you take the snarkyness.

house is more or less trolling imo. when i read his posts hes just more or less just laughing off his attackers.

now if he was going "haha you can never lynch me" type routine then i would see it as snarky.

it comes town to interpritation, compare rose vs house in this current game:

rose was town but her attacks pushed boundaries

house is more or less just laughing everyone off in a silly manner of not caring

Dammit ika, now you just made me the ruler with that post!
mert: anti-town =/= scum

i am often known as the epitone of anti-town. so its not alignment indicative to me for him to try to appear scummy.

@Titus, is mathblade scum? if you want to talk to me ask shit

I'm only going by what I've been told, whenever I have been snarky. Maybe that is unique to USMB, since most of the players here have not played on the main Mafia site until we started playing here, and most want civil discourse. Why would anyone want to alienate other Townies, though, by calling them idiot, etc.? That seems abrasive, yet some who call out abrasive behavior don't seem to mind it coming from House.

i think its more of how you take the snarkyness.

house is more or less trolling imo. when i read his posts hes just more or less just laughing off his attackers.

now if he was going "haha you can never lynch me" type routine then i would see it as snarky.

it comes town to interpritation, compare rose vs house in this current game:

rose was town but her attacks pushed boundaries

house is more or less just laughing everyone off in a silly manner of not caring

This is exactly right. Rosie was out of bounds. House is just being sarcastic and having fun. There is a world of difference here and why nothing House says bothers me because I have never seen him try to cause harm. Rosie is a different story entirely. JMO.
I've had a busy RL day today. I will also be V/LA starting tomorrow morning until Sunday evening. Wake has already been informed about that.

Mertex is definitely playing differently than she usually does. Is she working on changing her meta or is she a guard/ruler/usurper. Right now though I am reading her as rebel more than scum.

Avi is pinging my scum radar though. He sounds snippy to me. Leaning scum.
I'm reading House as town right now. Sure he's snarky, but it reads town to me right now.

I feel Wolf is town as well. She's actively hunting scum. I'm reading SR as town for the same reasons.
Analysis Day 1 reads there was a lot of posts which made me think Wolf was scum, maybe even the Queen.
Posts 38, 54, 58, 64, by Wolfsister, comes off as detached posting or separating herself from us townies.

“There is no way for the rebels to win with the usurper alive”. ~Wolfsister

“Scum has it tough enough dying if the ruler dies and being heavily outnumbered plus dealing with an usurper” ~Wolfsister

“You completely ignored all my posts that could make me town” ~Wolfsister392

Rest of the reads are as follows:

Aye: townish

House: leaning town

Wolf: queen/guard?

FA: null

SR: unsure- it is unlike SR to defend a move, and she defended her position on a wagon. She usually does not care what people think. (Post 760) However, other posts come off as helpful to us to beat scum.

Ika: null/not enough material to get a read, states his play may be a gambit (one which is antitown play according to Wiki).

Shaitra: guard or perhaps ursurper (most town SR has ever appeared? 387) possibly guarding SR? Shai's post just rubbed me the wrong way.

JoshB leaning town

TSO!: Null, not enough posts, same as last game. However, last game he said he did not want to play and it was a favor to Wake, this game he willingly signed up and was not a sub. I expected more posts given this game was a willing sign up. This bothers me.

Arden; null

Avatar: guard/usurper/king ( changed meta)

Mertex: town?

Mathblade: null

I think that is everyone.
so my best read for ruler is ika. And if I'm right house and Arden are guardsmen. I could lynch any of them today.

and as frustrating as wolf is being I still think she is likely town.

If you had Arden as a guard read due to her objection to the ika wagon, I could understand that until the point where she began making solid town contributions (which is something you still haven't done, btw).

And that I was on board (and pushing) the wagon that you are so convinced will lead to the death of the ruler means nothing to your read of me is also telling.

You are sandbagging hard and I'm more convinced than ever that I have you pegged.

and then you jumped ship when the wagon got serious. Wonder why...
when I was remaining on him house suddenly found me suspect. I suspect trying to get me to vote for him (blah blah scum cetera)

So... I'm not allowed to finger a player that is voting for someone? What kind of dumbassery is that?

Also, my read of you should have nothing to do with your read of me.

The more you post, the happier I am with my read.

of course you are. Because you know I'm a rebel who isn't falling for your nonsense.

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