Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Hmmm, yet you said above you were tired of town lynching one of the better players out of the gate. To me that insinuates you don't want him lynched for some reason. Also, I wasn't even voting Avi and he is nowhere near being lynched. You say my reasoning is poor for my reads but yours is no better.

You are full on contradictions aren't you?

I don't see where he contradicted anything.

and since you can't use the "he didn't give a reason for his vote" argument since it's been debunked do you still think I'm scum and if so why?

It has not been debunked at all. Where has it been debunked?

And I see plenty of contradictions in what he has said today and pointed them out. He can explain them or not as he sees fit.

I'll explain my scumread on you when I have time to pull quotes. Remember I am not voting for you at this time. But thank you for participating more.

where has it been debunked? I don't know. Maybe it's the multiple people who have told you I gave my reasons for ika day one. And where you admitted you weren't paying attention.

and once we get the ruler you can be damn right I'll be prosecuting the remaining guards to the full extent of the law

Once we get the ruler, the remaining guards will die which you would know if you were paying attention.

And unless we have the usurper out by then as well, that role will still be a threat to us.
Right so the usurper is unlikely to take a swing at the ruler. They will townside on guards and scumside on the ruler.

Predicting what the usurper will do is easy enough. Count the bodies.
I'm wondering if tso might be the ruler or usurper. He signs in, says he's catching up, goes away for a few days, signs in again, etc.

Active lurking would be ideal for either role.

Vote Count 2.2

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
FA_Q2 (3):
Wolfsister77, House, ScarletRage
House (3): Mathblade, ★Arden, Mertex
ika (1): Avatar4321
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (1):
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
tso! (0):
CafeAuLait (0):
Wolfsister77 (2):
FA_Q2, AyeCantSeeYou

Not Voting (4): tso!, TheOldSchool, Josh_B, Shaitra

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/8/14, @2PM Central.

Why is this environment so hostile? It's off-putting.

That's a good question. Many that play the games here also frequently post in other areas of the forum. My guess is that whatever grudges are made in the other areas here carry over to those that play the games. I try really hard to overlook the in-fighting and put downs, but it does start to wear on my mindset after a while. There's been many times I walk away from the game for hours or even a day before coming back to post to try and clear my head of it before saying anything.
I'm wondering if tso might be the ruler or usurper. He signs in, says he's catching up, goes away for a few days, signs in again, etc.

Active lurking would be ideal for either role.

I've been wondering about that as well. Tso is acting much like someone else did - claiming to do one thing, but then does nothing.
I don't see where he contradicted anything.

and since you can't use the "he didn't give a reason for his vote" argument since it's been debunked do you still think I'm scum and if so why?

It has not been debunked at all. Where has it been debunked?

And I see plenty of contradictions in what he has said today and pointed them out. He can explain them or not as he sees fit.

I'll explain my scumread on you when I have time to pull quotes. Remember I am not voting for you at this time. But thank you for participating more.

where has it been debunked? I don't know. Maybe it's the multiple people who have told you I gave my reasons for ika day one. And where you admitted you weren't paying attention.

and once we get the ruler you can be damn right I'll be prosecuting the remaining guards to the full extent of the law

Once we get the ruler, the remaining guards will die which you would know if you were paying attention.

And unless we have the usurper out by then as well, that role will still be a threat to us.
Right so the usurper is unlikely to take a swing at the ruler. They will townside on guards and scumside on the ruler.

Predicting what the usurper will do is easy enough. Count the bodies.

According to the roles on Page 1, the usurper and ruler don't know who each other are. How do we get that person to come out and slip up?
I cant. I have a null on Avatar as I have already stated. If you were paying attention, you might have noticed.

Hmmm, yet you said above you were tired of town lynching one of the better players out of the gate. To me that insinuates you don't want him lynched for some reason. Also, I wasn't even voting Avi and he is nowhere near being lynched. You say my reasoning is poor for my reads but yours is no better.

You are full on contradictions aren't you?

I don't see where he contradicted anything.

and since you can't use the "he didn't give a reason for his vote" argument since it's been debunked do you still think I'm scum and if so why?

It has not been debunked at all. Where has it been debunked?

And I see plenty of contradictions in what he has said today and pointed them out. He can explain them or not as he sees fit.

I'll explain my scumread on you when I have time to pull quotes. Remember I am not voting for you at this time. But thank you for participating more.

where has it been debunked? I don't know. Maybe it's the multiple people who have told you I gave my reasons for ika day one. And where you admitted you weren't paying attention.

and once we get the ruler you can be damn right I'll be prosecuting the remaining guards to the full extent of the law

Avi, do you think ika is the ruler at this point?

best lead I have. He was the first person I saw another player defend. (Arden). Before I was voting for him I was on house. Ika went to L2 before most jumped ship.

when I was remaining on him house suddenly found me suspect. I suspect trying to get me to vote for him since he used piss poor reasoning. In fact he quoted the posts I suspected him on since he didn't know we needed to kill the usurper for a rebel win. Odd that the man who doesn't hesitate to point out bad reasoning uses his ignorant statements to accuse me of being scum. Which made me conclude he is trying to draw my vote away. Since I was voting for ika why else would he want me to vote for himself unless he knew ika was the ruler?

house then pushed for the Rosie lynch. I didn't have a problem with her lynch because I had been suspecting her do to some people coming to her defense.

so my best read for ruler is ika. And if I'm right house and Arden are guardsmen. I could lynch any of them today.

and as frustrating as wolf is being I still think she is likely town.
I cant. I have a null on Avatar as I have already stated. If you were paying attention, you might have noticed.

Hmmm, yet you said above you were tired of town lynching one of the better players out of the gate. To me that insinuates you don't want him lynched for some reason. Also, I wasn't even voting Avi and he is nowhere near being lynched. You say my reasoning is poor for my reads but yours is no better.

You are full on contradictions aren't you?

I don't see where he contradicted anything.

and since you can't use the "he didn't give a reason for his vote" argument since it's been debunked do you still think I'm scum and if so why?

It has not been debunked at all. Where has it been debunked?

And I see plenty of contradictions in what he has said today and pointed them out. He can explain them or not as he sees fit.

I'll explain my scumread on you when I have time to pull quotes. Remember I am not voting for you at this time. But thank you for participating more.

where has it been debunked? I don't know. Maybe it's the multiple people who have told you I gave my reasons for ika day one. And where you admitted you weren't paying attention.

and once we get the ruler you can be damn right I'll be prosecuting the remaining guards to the full extent of the law

Once we get the ruler, the remaining guards will die which you would know if you were paying attention.

you really need to work on the sense of humor
I'm wondering if tso might be the ruler or usurper. He signs in, says he's catching up, goes away for a few days, signs in again, etc.

Active lurking would be ideal for either role.

I've been wondering about that as well. Tso is acting much like someone else did - claiming to do one thing, but then does nothing.

been thinking tso could be lurking because hr is scum. Wouldn't surprise me. Did he even vote last round?
I'm wondering if tso might be the ruler or usurper. He signs in, says he's catching up, goes away for a few days, signs in again, etc.

Active lurking would be ideal for either role.

I've been wondering about that as well. Tso is acting much like someone else did - claiming to do one thing, but then does nothing.

been thinking tso could be lurking because hr is scum. Wouldn't surprise me. Did he even vote last round?

No, I could lynch this today.
Why is this environment so hostile? It's off-putting.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this. It's a political forum so it can be hostile everywhere except places like the Coffee Shop. Mafia can often be hostile. You can PM Wake any concerns you have. He is fair and reasonable and will deal with it. Alternatively, ignore those insulting you. House can be difficult but he's harmless.
house is harmless unless he is a guard. Then he is out to kill us.
@ People talking about ika being ruler because people have defended him:

You are making a bad argument. You are discounting the likely possibility of town defending their townreads. You are discounting the likely possibility that guards know better than to so strongly defend their ruler when all attention is on them. You are discounting the likely possibility that in this large of a game, the real ruler hasn't yet received a significant enough amount of pressure such that guards would have to risk associating themselves with them.

The majority of this game so far has revolved around ika, Wolf, and Rosie. Can we please step away from that now? It's a huge shiny distraction based mainly on reasoning relating more to policy lynches rather than actual scumhunting. Because of this, I think the real ruler has been able to largely stay under the radar in terms of suspicion, because people are so focused on namecalling and policy lynching that edges out any discussion with an actual chance of finding scum.
Good points on TSO.

Considering that House is the only other viable wagon, wolf is not going anywhere soon, my other scum read on scarlet is also not going anywhere soon and I am not yet convinced House is scum I think TSO is likely the best place for my vote at this time.

Vote: TSO
Arden wants to move away from ika house and wolf.

that really doesn't do much to persuade me. In fact it reinforces what I was trying to say.

i think i could support a tso wagon if it came to it. But i see no reason yo change yet

Please change TheOldSchool with Cafe in the VC's for less confusion.

It's hard enough for me to pay attention as it is. :p
It has not been debunked at all. Where has it been debunked?

And I see plenty of contradictions in what he has said today and pointed them out. He can explain them or not as he sees fit.

I'll explain my scumread on you when I have time to pull quotes. Remember I am not voting for you at this time. But thank you for participating more.

where has it been debunked? I don't know. Maybe it's the multiple people who have told you I gave my reasons for ika day one. And where you admitted you weren't paying attention.

and once we get the ruler you can be damn right I'll be prosecuting the remaining guards to the full extent of the law

Once we get the ruler, the remaining guards will die which you would know if you were paying attention.

And unless we have the usurper out by then as well, that role will still be a threat to us.
Right so the usurper is unlikely to take a swing at the ruler. They will townside on guards and scumside on the ruler.

Predicting what the usurper will do is easy enough. Count the bodies.

According to the roles on Page 1, the usurper and ruler don't know who each other are. How do we get that person to come out and slip up?

You don't. You analyze players in this game by looking at their trajectory and what each player should be doing based on their alignment.

Guards will want to lynch townies and the usurper.
Townies want to lynch anyone who isn't town.
The Ruler wants to lynch anyone who isn't him.
Same with the usurper but the usurper doesn't want to lynch the ruler until either lylo happens or there aren't that many guards left as a clusterfuck of townies and one scum without a nightkill is not a strong position.

The ruler is the hardest player to lynch in the game as such should generally take some risks but be very guarded with what they write.
Guards want to lynch players who are actively investigating and lynch townies over slip ups that aren't real. Meanwhile, guards will ignore actual scummy behavior and a total lack of trajectory from a slot.

When I say trajectory, look at a player's thought process. Do they move from town to scum in an organic manner? Is there selective scumhunting (meaning its ok when Player X does something but not ok for Player Y)?

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