Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace


Vote Count 2.1

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
FA_Q2 (2):
Wolfsister77, House
House (3): Mathblade, ★Arden, Mertex
ika (1): Avatar4321
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (1):
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
tso! (0):
TheOldSchool (0):
Wolfsister77 (2):
FA_Q2, AyeCantSeeYou

Not Voting (5): tso!, TheOldSchool, Josh_B, Shaitra, ScarletRage

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/8/14, @2PM Central.

Sheeping isn't scummy.

House sheeping is scummy.

Vote House

Going back to this. I think he's scum, and even if he isn't he needs to go.

You just got done saying we should do a PL and that those who want to are scummy for it, which I agree with, now you are saying even if House isn't scum, he needs to go. Can you please explain this contradiction?

Arden doesn't like me because I'm an asshole. :)

And that's one of the reasons I think you are town. You were pretty helpful, buddy buddy, and appeasy as scum. I see just the opposite here. Then again, you could of changed your game for just that reason so like I said, people have to explain their votes.

I was actually playing as town last game because I wanted to find fire. It wasn't until Sam got lynched that I had to actually play as scum, which got me quickly lynched.

I suck as scum. Arden might say I suck as town, too. There is merit to such a statement, but the two are incomparable.
Oh cool, a couple scum are on me, and of course Arden who doesn't like me because I have a caustic personality.

Advocate that PL you just finished criticizing, Arden. Way2Town!
My top scumreads are Avatar and FA. I explained FA in detail. Avi is due to his ika vote for no reason and his reaction to the Rosie kill-first post, seemed forced. Also, lurking and defensive.

mathblade, tso, Cafe are null

Arden is leaning town with the above reservation

Aye is leaning town but I have reservations due to her buying into scummy reasons that FA used to vote for me-bringing back dram

Shaitra-leaning town but an extremely difficult read regardless of alignment

House is town for the reasons I said above-if you want me to vote for him, you are going to have to convince me

SR is leaning town except for her trying to round up several people to get them to vote for tso which I ignored because I thought it was scummy, still most of her posts are townie

ika-frustrated town but town

Josh_B-town for actively scumhunting and being interested in the game to a degree that looks townie

I've been very clear about my reasoning for ika since day one. Stop trying to pretend I've given no reason. That's a lie.

Your first vote on ika D2 had no reasoning behind it.
@ika, I want to proxy my vote and be the L minus 2 vote. I think the guards are bussing each other in random circles.
My top scumreads are Avatar and FA. I explained FA in detail. Avi is due to his ika vote for no reason and his reaction to the Rosie kill-first post, seemed forced. Also, lurking and defensive.

mathblade, tso, Cafe are null

Arden is leaning town with the above reservation

Aye is leaning town but I have reservations due to her buying into scummy reasons that FA used to vote for me-bringing back dram

Shaitra-leaning town but an extremely difficult read regardless of alignment

House is town for the reasons I said above-if you want me to vote for him, you are going to have to convince me

SR is leaning town except for her trying to round up several people to get them to vote for tso which I ignored because I thought it was scummy, still most of her posts are townie

ika-frustrated town but town

Josh_B-town for actively scumhunting and being interested in the game to a degree that looks townie

I've been very clear about my reasoning for ika since day one. Stop trying to pretend I've given no reason. That's a lie.

Your first vote on ika D2 had no reasoning behind it.
Reasoning can carry over from day to day.
Sheeping isn't scummy.

House sheeping is scummy.

Vote House

Going back to this. I think he's scum, and even if he isn't he needs to go.

You just got done saying we should do a PL and that those who want to are scummy for it, which I agree with, now you are saying even if House isn't scum, he needs to go. Can you please explain this contradiction?

Arden doesn't like me because I'm an asshole. :)

And that's one of the reasons I think you are town. You were pretty helpful, buddy buddy, and appeasy as scum. I see just the opposite here. Then again, you could of changed your game for just that reason so like I said, people have to explain their votes.

I was actually playing as town last game because I wanted to find fire. It wasn't until Sam got lynched that I had to actually play as scum, which got me quickly lynched.

I suck as scum. Arden might say I suck as town, too. There is merit to such a statement, but the two are incomparable.

1) Sucking as scum -- utter bullshit.
2) Ninjaing each other doesn't imply I can't read.
3) Your "explanation" is to attack the attacker.

You are scum.
Sheeping isn't scummy.

House sheeping is scummy.

Vote House

Going back to this. I think he's scum, and even if he isn't he needs to go.

You just got done saying we should do a PL and that those who want to are scummy for it, which I agree with, now you are saying even if House isn't scum, he needs to go. Can you please explain this contradiction?

Arden doesn't like me because I'm an asshole. :)

And that's one of the reasons I think you are town. You were pretty helpful, buddy buddy, and appeasy as scum. I see just the opposite here. Then again, you could of changed your game for just that reason so like I said, people have to explain their votes.

I was actually playing as town last game because I wanted to find fire. It wasn't until Sam got lynched that I had to actually play as scum, which got me quickly lynched.

I suck as scum. Arden might say I suck as town, too. There is merit to such a statement, but the two are incomparable.

1) Sucking as scum -- utter bullshit.
2) Ninjaing each other doesn't imply I can't read.
3) Your "explanation" is to attack the attacker.

You are scum.

I lol at your weak ass post.
See what I mean, Scarlet? Just because you are twins doesn't mean mirroring opinions is a given.

MathBlade's first post in this game is the only one that sounds remotely like yours, and it was a dead on match.

Scum Math got called on it and started attacking the one that busted her, then accused me of OMGUS when I've been hounding her ass since she joined.
House, if you think Avi is scum, why are you voting FA?

Why doesn't anyone ask FA why he isn't voting for Scarlet since Scarlet was his top scumread?
Where did I ever claim that scarlet was my top scum read?

Where have I indicated that you are a policy lynch?

You are acting scummy and I think you are scum. Scarlet is another that I am willing to vote for because I think she is scum as well. Neither of you have a wagon at this point though so it really does not matter which one my vote is on and I would rather lynch you than scarlet at this point - you seem scummier to me.

The other wagon is on house and I don't really think he is scum this game. To aggressive for his scum game but I really have only a single game to compare him against.

Your reasoning against Avatar is rather suspect as well and I tire of town constantly lynching one of the better players here out the gate without any good reasoning. I have to see more that actually shows Avi is scummy before voting for him.
Oh cool, a couple scum are on me, and of course Arden who doesn't like me because I have a caustic personality.

Advocate that PL you just finished criticizing, Arden. Way2Town!
Really because that would seem to be at odds with your reads posted shortly before -
Avatar - Scum
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
MathBlade - Null
ScarletRage - Null/Leaning Town
★Arden - Town
ika - Town that won't get a chance to hammer.
WolfSister77 - Town
Josh_B - Town

I will likely sheep a green whose logic I agree with.

That seems like you simply assume they are scum because they voted for you.
Oh cool, a couple scum are on me, and of course Arden who doesn't like me because I have a caustic personality.

Advocate that PL you just finished criticizing, Arden. Way2Town!
Really because that would seem to be at odds with your reads posted shortly before -
Avatar - Scum
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
MathBlade - Null
ScarletRage - Null/Leaning Town
★Arden - Town
ika - Town that won't get a chance to hammer.
WolfSister77 - Town
Josh_B - Town

I will likely sheep a green whose logic I agree with.

That seems like you simply assume they are scum because they voted for you.

1) You are referencing an old read which was corrected shortly after it was posted to reflect the read I've had on Math side the beginning with an allowance for her lack of substantive posts which has dissipated and confirmed my read.

2) Ask Mertex for her reasons.
House, if you think Avi is scum, why are you voting FA?

Why doesn't anyone ask FA why he isn't voting for Scarlet since Scarlet was his top scumread?
Where did I ever claim that scarlet was my top scum read?

Where have I indicated that you are a policy lynch?

You are acting scummy and I think you are scum. Scarlet is another that I am willing to vote for because I think she is scum as well. Neither of you have a wagon at this point though so it really does not matter which one my vote is on and I would rather lynch you than scarlet at this point - you seem scummier to me.

The other wagon is on house and I don't really think he is scum this game. To aggressive for his scum game but I really have only a single game to compare him against.

Your reasoning against Avatar is rather suspect as well and I tire of town constantly lynching one of the better players here out the gate without any good reasoning. I have to see more that actually shows Avi is scummy before voting for him.

I don't care what you think about my reasons for Avatar. Your defense of him is noted. You have not explained why I am acting scummy. You brought up old drama and said you hated that type of play. Your reasons for scumreading Scarlet were much more concrete. I am also tired of lynching our own which is why I don't want to vote for House. Avatar being a good player does not make him town. Feel free to tell me why he is.
Policy lynch? Oh, it's not a policy lynch. Did you miss the part where I've thought you were scummy ever since the ika debacle on Day 1 (my vote stayed on you the whole day) and still do with your responses and voting patterns today?

Your course of action in trying to misrepresent me and reduce my vote to "oh look everyone, she's just trying to policy lynch me!" is completely scummy. I've been scumreading you the whole time, and even reaffirmed it in the post I voted you. This is not a PL, and I'm a bit miffed that people are allowing you to say that and potentially become less enthusiastic about the wagon due to non-existent "hypocrisy" from me.
FA, you are wrong but I will let my play stand for itself.

Arden is starting to show some possibilities of being town. I amnot sure what Arden v Wolf is. It would greatly help me read you Adren if you could elaborate on your thoughts of the gamestate other than Wolf Arden.
Your reasoning against Avatar is rather suspect as well and I tire of town constantly lynching one of the better players here out the gate without any good reasoning. I have to see more that actually shows Avi is scummy before voting for him.

Thank You for this post that shows you actually think I'm town which just shows me your reasoning for me is a PL.

You proving my point is greatly appreciated.

Vote Count 2.1

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
FA_Q2 (2):
Wolfsister77, House
House (3): Mathblade, ★Arden, Mertex
ika (1): Avatar4321
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (0):
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
tso! (0):
TheOldSchool (0):
Wolfsister77 (2):
FA_Q2, AyeCantSeeYou

Not Voting (6): tso!, TheOldSchool, ika, Josh_B, Shaitra, ScarletRage

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/8/14, @2PM Central.

@Wake ika is voteparked on Mathblade.

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