Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

And what does typical anti-town on Mertex mean?

Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

Yeah, well your opinion without facts don't carry much weight. You think you're being so pro-town with your insults, that's hilarious.

Here's an insult: You're a clueless idiot. I've never denied I was anti-town, and I've outright stated it on multiple occasions.

Well whoopey do.....if you are anti-town, why should we believe you are Town? As for being a clueless idiot, I'm not the one that didn't know the Usurper's win condition...everyone else seems to have been able to figure it out.
You just want to lynch me ever since I called you scum.

So... how do you explain this:

You just want to lynch me ever since I called you scum.
I don't have reads on everyone just yet, but this is what I'm seeing so far:

Avatar - Scum
★Arden - Leaning Scum (random voting after the end of RVS; misrep of my response to her in order to justify a vote)
MathBlade - Leaning Scum
ScarletRage - Leaning Scum
ika - Anti-Town via no interest in scumhunting (though he has provided commentary when directly addressed)
Mertex - Anti-Town (typical)
WolfSister77 - Null (seems townie, but participating in the bickering creates noise and goes against our win con)
RosieS - Leaning Town
Josh_B - Town

I'm not going to wall this post with reasons. If you have questions, ask away.

I've already explained it. That was my original read on people. I changed yours to give you the benefit of the doubt since you had not posted much of anything, but only part of the changed vote was saved, hence the quick repost.
Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

Yeah, well your opinion without facts don't carry much weight. You think you're being so pro-town with your insults, that's hilarious.

Here's an insult: You're a clueless idiot. I've never denied I was anti-town, and I've outright stated it on multiple occasions.

Well whoopey do.....if you are anti-town, why should we believe you are Town? As for being a clueless idiot, I'm not the one that didn't know the Usurper's win condition...everyone else seems to have been able to figure it out.

Sup Drama Queen? Back up to your old tricks, I see.
Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

Yeah, well your opinion without facts don't carry much weight. You think you're being so pro-town with your insults, that's hilarious.

Here's an insult: You're a clueless idiot. I've never denied I was anti-town, and I've outright stated it on multiple occasions.

Well whoopey do.....if you are anti-town, why should we believe you are Town? As for being a clueless idiot, I'm not the one that didn't know the Usurper's win condition...everyone else seems to have been able to figure it out.

Also, idgaf what you think my alignment is.
I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

Yeah, well your opinion without facts don't carry much weight. You think you're being so pro-town with your insults, that's hilarious.

Here's an insult: You're a clueless idiot. I've never denied I was anti-town, and I've outright stated it on multiple occasions.

Well whoopey do.....if you are anti-town, why should we believe you are Town? As for being a clueless idiot, I'm not the one that didn't know the Usurper's win condition...everyone else seems to have been able to figure it out.

Also, idgaf what you think my alignment is.

Apparently you do, you're acting like a big baby.
People calling me scum or have called me scum or voted me outside of RVS-FA, SR, Mertex, Mathblade, Cafe, ACSY, tso!, Josh_B, RosieS

9 people out of 15 and I don't count so only 5 people here have never voted for me or called me scum.

Shaitra, Avi, Arden, ika, House

So, What does that mean? Why do so many push me as scum yet don't follow through? It's an interesting phenomenon that isn't happening to anyone else except maybe House.

So are the rebels being pushed or what and why? I'm going to look and see if it's occurring to just the most outspoken players or what. Townies can't be NK'd so they would be targets for sure.

Notice: I stopped reading to answer this post.

I think it's just that you are posting the most and unfortunately part of the D1 drama. To me, you read town/rebel. I'm pretty confident on that.

I have Mertex as rebel because even though some people are pushing at her, she's not being as anti-town as normal. Even in her scum game she was still abrasive.

Right now since the guards don't know each other, I'm going at this from finding rebels and using PoE for the guards/king/usurper.

Back to reading now.
And what does typical anti-town on Mertex mean?

Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

Yeah, well your opinion without facts don't carry much weight. You think you're being so pro-town with your insults, that's hilarious.

Here's an insult: You're a clueless idiot. I've never denied I was anti-town, and I've outright stated it on multiple occasions.

House, do you really have to say things like this to people? It isn't coming off as you attacking Mertex's role, but instead it comes off as you attacking her as an individual. Isn't this the type of behavior that led to Rosie's lynch? You're bringing negative attention to yourself by posting things like this.
I'm still leaning scum on Avi. His posts seem off.

So far Cafe, SR, and Math read as rebels. Cafe is playing like she did last game, as is SR. I like Mathblade's posts. Maybe that's because she's pushing positive thoughts but for now we gets a rebel read.
Since tso hasn't said anything at all since Wed night, and until he comes in and starts posting something to help us:

VOTE: tso!

Saying you're catching up, just to disappear again, makes me think you have something to hide from town. If I were scum in this game, I'd be doing everything I could to lie low and post as little as possible to keep myself from being out in the open. Fly-by posts, like those tso! has given us so far, don't help us at all.
It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

Yeah, well your opinion without facts don't carry much weight. You think you're being so pro-town with your insults, that's hilarious.

Here's an insult: You're a clueless idiot. I've never denied I was anti-town, and I've outright stated it on multiple occasions.

Well whoopey do.....if you are anti-town, why should we believe you are Town? As for being a clueless idiot, I'm not the one that didn't know the Usurper's win condition...everyone else seems to have been able to figure it out.

Also, idgaf what you think my alignment is.

Apparently you do, you're acting like a big baby.
Coming from you, that's rich.
Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

Yeah, well your opinion without facts don't carry much weight. You think you're being so pro-town with your insults, that's hilarious.

Here's an insult: You're a clueless idiot. I've never denied I was anti-town, and I've outright stated it on multiple occasions.

House, do you really have to say things like this to people? It isn't coming off as you attacking Mertex's role, but instead it comes off as you attacking her as an individual. Isn't this the type of behavior that led to Rosie's lynch? You're bringing negative attention to yourself by posting things like this.

Then lynch me. As I said, I call a spade a spade.
Do you really want to open that can of worms?

I was just asking if it's town or scum.

It's anti-town. There's more to this game than just town or scum. Scum & Anti-Town are not at all the same.

Yeah, well your opinion without facts don't carry much weight. You think you're being so pro-town with your insults, that's hilarious.

Here's an insult: You're a clueless idiot. I've never denied I was anti-town, and I've outright stated it on multiple occasions.

House, do you really have to say things like this to people? It isn't coming off as you attacking Mertex's role, but instead it comes off as you attacking her as an individual. Isn't this the type of behavior that led to Rosie's lynch? You're bringing negative attention to yourself by posting things like this.

It's best to ignore it and move on. He'll just say he doesn't care or make some sarcastic comment. If I wasn't so sure he was a rebel and if he didn't have so many good game related comments, I could see voting him for this because his hostility is getting stale. BUT, the best move is to just keep playing instead.
If I wasn't so sure he was a rebel and if he didn't have so many good game related comments, I could see voting him

Don't let that hold you back, Wolfie. My reads are pretty much final and there isn't much more I have to offer.
If I wasn't so sure he was a rebel and if he didn't have so many good game related comments, I could see voting him

Don't let that hold you back, Wolfie. My reads are pretty much final and there isn't much more I have to offer.

My reads are fluid and can change and you have been offering a lot of good info. You are a strong townread of mine and your sarcasm/snark or whatever is just who you are. It's never bothered me. It might bother others and I'd rather we don't mislynch again which is why I am telling them not to make an issue of it.

I'd rather vote one of the non-contributors like tso! at this point because I don't really see a way forward without input and hiding out is suspicious. tso! has no excuse since he signed up to play and isn't playing.

Vote: tso!
Yeah, makes sense.

I'm going to stick with my deafening loud scum read.

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