Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace


AT the beginning of the game Wake listed under behavior that personal attacks would not be tolerated. Rosie was lynched because many thought she was attacking WS (even though WS contributed her share) and it was disruptive to the game. You have taken it upon yourself to denigrate anyone you don't like or who accuses you of being scum, and have insulted several including myself. Well, I'll be damned if I am going to let a fucking moron call me a clueless idiot, especially when you have displayed your ignorance several times. At the beginning of the game you didn't have enough sense to figure out the Usurper's win condition, then you tried to misrepresent what I said about guards defending the king, but instead tried to make me look like the one that didn't know what she was saying, when you were the one that was screwing up in the comprehension.

Since you have made it clear that you call a spade a spade, and your insults are directed at the person rather than their comment, it appears that this is what we have to look forward to the rest of the game. Well, I won't play with a fucking moron who thinks he is above the rules.


You complained that Rosie was attacking you, you whined and bellyached and had her (a townie) lynched, even though you were attacking her back. I have put up with a lot more than what she dealt you, but I never succumbed to such a low place as to tell someone to go fuck themselves. I apologized when I was snarky and abrasive to you in a previous game, but you don't seem to see when you are being snarky and abrasive and keep acting as if you are entitled. Now when House is doing the same thing that you bitched about, all you can say is to ignore him? Why didn't you just ignore Rosie? I'll let you figure that one out on your own.


You can policy lynch me or modkill me or whatever the hell you want to do. I'm not putting up with the kind of shit that House feels he is entitled to dish out. I quit.

You need to PM Wake with anything you feel is inappropriate and deal with this off game. He can deal with it. Rosie's attacks were far more vicious and hurtful and personal than anything House has said. I have no idea why you are going after me now and dragging me into this and bringing up drama that I have been working hard to put behind me. I never insulted you or anyone and have been playing. Yet, here you are trying to stir the pot and blame me for Rosie and basically trying to drag me back into drama again. Leave me out of it.

8 people lynched Rosie. I tried to stop the drama, I brought up a game related case on her, she continued and would not stop. I apologized here and privately for the FU and GFY comments and admitted they were wrong and said if I did it again I should be PL'd or modkilled, I dealt with this via PM also with the mods, I brought up ways to better the game regarding this, I talked to the MS players and got advice and got advice from Wake. I apologized on behalf of USMB to the players who aren't used to this.

Rosie being town was not my problem.

You, Mertex, should search the game and ask yourself why you feel the need to lash out at me when you have a problem with House. Why do I have anything to do with that?
Oh and Mertex. Saying what you are dealing with regarding House is worse than what I dealt with regarding Rosie shows me you have blinders on. It makes me sad that you are resorting to this with me. It shows you haven't really changed regardless of saying you have.
I am concerned about this consensus. It seemslike a lot of active = town.

Not necessarily. If you are not active, you still have to make substantive posts when you do post. If you are keeping yourself from being read, that is suspicious. If you active lurk, it's suspicious.

Townblocs are powerful against scum. There's no reason to feel threatened by it unless you are scum.
Wrong. Don't presume that you know more than me about townblocks when I had to explain the concept.

They only work if majority town. If the guards make the game unbearable to read and then townblock with each other, we are in trouble.
I am concerned about this consensus. It seemslike a lot of active = town.

Not necessarily. If you are not active, you still have to make substantive posts when you do post. If you are keeping yourself from being read, that is suspicious. If you active lurk, it's suspicious.

Townblocs are powerful against scum. There's no reason to feel threatened by it unless you are scum.
Wrong. Don't presume that you know more than me about townblocks when I had to explain the concept.

They only work if majority town. If the guards make the game unbearable to read and then townblock with each other, we are in trouble.

You are threatened by a forming townbloc. That's pretty scummy.
I am concerned about this consensus. It seemslike a lot of active = town.

Not necessarily. If you are not active, you still have to make substantive posts when you do post. If you are keeping yourself from being read, that is suspicious. If you active lurk, it's suspicious.

Townblocs are powerful against scum. There's no reason to feel threatened by it unless you are scum.
Wrong. Don't presume that you know more than me about townblocks when I had to explain the concept.

They only work if majority town. If the guards make the game unbearable to read and then townblock with each other, we are in trouble.

You are threatened by a forming townbloc. That's pretty scummy.
No. I am not threatened by a townbloc. First, I am not sure if it is one (see my last post) and I would be part of it due to my transparency and activity.

How can you say I would be threatened by a townbloc I perceived myself as a part of?

AT the beginning of the game Wake listed under behavior that personal attacks would not be tolerated. Rosie was lynched because many thought she was attacking WS (even though WS contributed her share) and it was disruptive to the game. You have taken it upon yourself to denigrate anyone you don't like or who accuses you of being scum, and have insulted several including myself. Well, I'll be damned if I am going to let a fucking moron call me a clueless idiot, especially when you have displayed your ignorance several times. At the beginning of the game you didn't have enough sense to figure out the Usurper's win condition, then you tried to misrepresent what I said about guards defending the king, but instead tried to make me look like the one that didn't know what she was saying, when you were the one that was screwing up in the comprehension.

Since you have made it clear that you call a spade a spade, and your insults are directed at the person rather than their comment, it appears that this is what we have to look forward to the rest of the game. Well, I won't play with a fucking moron who thinks he is above the rules.


You complained that Rosie was attacking you, you whined and bellyached and had her (a townie) lynched, even though you were attacking her back. I have put up with a lot more than what she dealt you, but I never succumbed to such a low place as to tell someone to go fuck themselves. I apologized when I was snarky and abrasive to you in a previous game, but you don't seem to see when you are being snarky and abrasive and keep acting as if you are entitled. Now when House is doing the same thing that you bitched about, all you can say is to ignore him? Why didn't you just ignore Rosie? I'll let you figure that one out on your own.


You can policy lynch me or modkill me or whatever the hell you want to do. I'm not putting up with the kind of shit that House feels he is entitled to dish out. I quit.

You need to PM Wake with anything you feel is inappropriate and deal with this off game. He can deal with it. Rosie's attacks were far more vicious and hurtful and personal than anything House has said. I have no idea why you are going after me now and dragging me into this and bringing up drama that I have been working hard to put behind me. I never insulted you or anyone and have been playing. Yet, here you are trying to stir the pot and blame me for Rosie and basically trying to drag me back into drama again. Leave me out of it.

8 people lynched Rosie. I tried to stop the drama, I brought up a game related case on her, she continued and would not stop. I apologized here and privately for the FU and GFY comments and admitted they were wrong and said if I did it again I should be PL'd or modkilled, I dealt with this via PM also with the mods, I brought up ways to better the game regarding this, I talked to the MS players and got advice and got advice from Wake. I apologized on behalf of USMB to the players who aren't used to this.

Rosie being town was not my problem.

You, Mertex, should search the game and ask yourself why you feel the need to lash out at me when you have a problem with House. Why do I have anything to do with that?

Oh and Mertex. Saying what you are dealing with regarding House is worse than what I dealt with regarding Rosie shows me you have blinders on. It makes me sad that you are resorting to this with me. It shows you haven't really changed regardless of saying you have.

You never apologized to me ever for any behavior in any game BTW. Last game I expressed sympathy for what you went through and said I thought it was wrong. This game, you lash out.

I would of sent all this to you via PM instead of making everyone else read it, but we can't discuss games that way and some of this is game related.

Because I think what you are doing may have some ulterior motive behind it. You never let anything anyone says get to you. You have a very thick skin which is just the opposite of me.

So I gotta wonder if you are trying to escalate this for another reason. You are not an emotional player. Threatening to quit is a new one for you also. You got it much worse last game and didn't.

This change in behavior puts you in FoS now.
I am concerned about this consensus. It seemslike a lot of active = town.

Not necessarily. If you are not active, you still have to make substantive posts when you do post. If you are keeping yourself from being read, that is suspicious. If you active lurk, it's suspicious.

Townblocs are powerful against scum. There's no reason to feel threatened by it unless you are scum.
Wrong. Don't presume that you know more than me about townblocks when I had to explain the concept.

They only work if majority town. If the guards make the game unbearable to read and then townblock with each other, we are in trouble.

You are threatened by a forming townbloc. That's pretty scummy.
No. I am not threatened by a townbloc. First, I am not sure if it is one (see my last post) and I would be part of it due to my transparency and activity.

How can you say I would be threatened by a townbloc I perceived myself as a part of?

If you think you are part of this townbloc, you would not have said you think the guards are teaming up and agreeing with each other and making the game unreadable. You said you didn't like the consensus and didn't like it.

I didn't like the townbloc you tried to create because I had a couple in FoS that were a part of it.

As much as Math should swing, I do not want a second PL today.

Mod: Extension and replacements please.
Completely unofficial VC cuz I'm not paying attention and am having trouble counting but this is where I think we are:

Arden (1) Josh_B
House (2) Mathblade, Arden
Mathblade (1) ika
tso (4) FA, Mertex, Wolfie, ACSY
Avi (1) House

I'm not including who doesn't have a vote on them now or who isn't voting.

8 to lynch is needed.

Deadline 10/8 2 pm Central
I am concerned about this consensus. It seemslike a lot of active = town.

Not necessarily. If you are not active, you still have to make substantive posts when you do post. If you are keeping yourself from being read, that is suspicious. If you active lurk, it's suspicious.

Townblocs are powerful against scum. There's no reason to feel threatened by it unless you are scum.
Wrong. Don't presume that you know more than me about townblocks when I had to explain the concept.

They only work if majority town. If the guards make the game unbearable to read and then townblock with each other, we are in trouble.

You are threatened by a forming townbloc. That's pretty scummy.
No. I am not threatened by a townbloc. First, I am not sure if it is one (see my last post) and I would be part of it due to my transparency and activity.

How can you say I would be threatened by a townbloc I perceived myself as a part of?

If you think you are part of this townbloc, you would not have said you think the guards are teaming up and agreeing with each other and making the game unreadable. You said you didn't like the consensus and didn't like it.

I didn't like the townbloc you tried to create because I had a couple in FoS that were a part of it.
Yes I would. Did you even bother asking me who I perceived to be inthe block? I am one of the most content active posters here. Your shit fests have not been content.

You are also a FoS of mine. I just don't want a PL Day 2 or I would be voting you Math or TSO. I want a guard lynch.

Can you provide analysis that isn't reactionary in nature?
Completely unofficial VC cuz I'm not paying attention and am having trouble counting but this is where I think we are:

Arden (1) Josh_B
House (2) Mathblade, Arden
Mathblade (1) ika
tso (4) FA, Mertex, Wolfie, ACSY
Avi (1) House

I'm not including who doesn't have a vote on them now or who isn't voting.

8 to lynch is needed.

Deadline 10/8 2 pm Central
I was voting Math. You missed it.
Not necessarily. If you are not active, you still have to make substantive posts when you do post. If you are keeping yourself from being read, that is suspicious. If you active lurk, it's suspicious.

Townblocs are powerful against scum. There's no reason to feel threatened by it unless you are scum.
Wrong. Don't presume that you know more than me about townblocks when I had to explain the concept.

They only work if majority town. If the guards make the game unbearable to read and then townblock with each other, we are in trouble.

You are threatened by a forming townbloc. That's pretty scummy.
No. I am not threatened by a townbloc. First, I am not sure if it is one (see my last post) and I would be part of it due to my transparency and activity.

How can you say I would be threatened by a townbloc I perceived myself as a part of?

If you think you are part of this townbloc, you would not have said you think the guards are teaming up and agreeing with each other and making the game unreadable. You said you didn't like the consensus and didn't like it.

I didn't like the townbloc you tried to create because I had a couple in FoS that were a part of it.
Yes I would. Did you even bother asking me who I perceived to be inthe block? I am one of the most content active posters here. Your shit fests have not been content.

You are also a FoS of mine. I just don't want a PL Day 2 or I would be voting you Math or TSO. I want a guard lynch.

Can you provide analysis that isn't reactionary in nature?

You have me as an FoS but consider me a PL. That is completely contradictory. I have been trying to play and giving reads and analysis. Yet, some keep shit stirring with me including you right now.

I generally don't get along with scummy people in these games. You intimidated me in game 3 because I was scum but TN wouldn't let me kill you.

You don't intimidate me here. If you think I'm guilty, do something about it.
Completely unofficial VC cuz I'm not paying attention and am having trouble counting but this is where I think we are:

Arden (1) Josh_B
House (2) Mathblade, Arden
Mathblade (1) ika
tso (4) FA, Mertex, Wolfie, ACSY
Avi (1) House

I'm not including who doesn't have a vote on them now or who isn't voting.

8 to lynch is needed.

Deadline 10/8 2 pm Central
I was voting Math. You missed it.

You unvoted so I changed the VC. I got your math vote in the last one but when you unvoted put up this one.
Wrong. Don't presume that you know more than me about townblocks when I had to explain the concept.

They only work if majority town. If the guards make the game unbearable to read and then townblock with each other, we are in trouble.

You are threatened by a forming townbloc. That's pretty scummy.
No. I am not threatened by a townbloc. First, I am not sure if it is one (see my last post) and I would be part of it due to my transparency and activity.

How can you say I would be threatened by a townbloc I perceived myself as a part of?

If you think you are part of this townbloc, you would not have said you think the guards are teaming up and agreeing with each other and making the game unreadable. You said you didn't like the consensus and didn't like it.

I didn't like the townbloc you tried to create because I had a couple in FoS that were a part of it.
Yes I would. Did you even bother asking me who I perceived to be inthe block? I am one of the most content active posters here. Your shit fests have not been content.

You are also a FoS of mine. I just don't want a PL Day 2 or I would be voting you Math or TSO. I want a guard lynch.

Can you provide analysis that isn't reactionary in nature?

You have me as an FoS but consider me a PL. That is completely contradictory. I have been trying to play and giving reads and analysis. Yet, some keep shit stirring with me including you right now.

I generally don't get along with scummy people in these games. You intimidated me in game 3 because I was scum but TN wouldn't let me kill you.

You don't intimidate me here. If you think I'm guilty, do something about it.
It's not contradictory. You are my FoS but a PL to the group. I want scumhunting not your and Mertex's whiny shit.

I want everyone to unvote their PLs. That traps my hands as your fellow guards like the drama and town would PL you.

I am not shitstirring to say no more PLing.
Townies have to deduce scum. Scum does not.

How did I miss this whopper? If anyone has doubts as to MathBlade's alignment, this quote should put them to rest.

In this game, scum absolutely has to scum hunt. Even the ruler, who had to find the usurper.

That Math is using such blatantly terribad logic to attack me illustrates her desperation.

actually, if anything it makes her look rebel. If she was scum she would be aware that they don't know each other. The fact that she seems to think they know one another, if sincere, is a good indication she isn't one of them. Unless she is saying that to mislead us
Townies have to deduce scum. Scum does not.

How did I miss this whopper? If anyone has doubts as to MathBlade's alignment, this quote should put them to rest.

In this game, scum absolutely has to scum hunt. Even the ruler, who had to find the usurper.

That Math is using such blatantly terribad logic to attack me illustrates her desperation.

actually, if anything it makes her look rebel. If she was scum she would be aware that they don't know each other. The fact that she seems to think they know one another, if sincere, is a good indication she isn't one of them. Unless she is saying that to mislead us
Can you vote your top scumread?
You are threatened by a forming townbloc. That's pretty scummy.
No. I am not threatened by a townbloc. First, I am not sure if it is one (see my last post) and I would be part of it due to my transparency and activity.

How can you say I would be threatened by a townbloc I perceived myself as a part of?

If you think you are part of this townbloc, you would not have said you think the guards are teaming up and agreeing with each other and making the game unreadable. You said you didn't like the consensus and didn't like it.

I didn't like the townbloc you tried to create because I had a couple in FoS that were a part of it.
Yes I would. Did you even bother asking me who I perceived to be inthe block? I am one of the most content active posters here. Your shit fests have not been content.

You are also a FoS of mine. I just don't want a PL Day 2 or I would be voting you Math or TSO. I want a guard lynch.

Can you provide analysis that isn't reactionary in nature?

You have me as an FoS but consider me a PL. That is completely contradictory. I have been trying to play and giving reads and analysis. Yet, some keep shit stirring with me including you right now.

I generally don't get along with scummy people in these games. You intimidated me in game 3 because I was scum but TN wouldn't let me kill you.

You don't intimidate me here. If you think I'm guilty, do something about it.
It's not contradictory. You are my FoS but a PL to the group. I want scumhunting not your and Mertex's whiny shit.

I want everyone to unvote their PLs. That traps my hands as your fellow guards like the drama and town would PL you.

I am not shitstirring to say no more PLing.

You are to talk about the shit fest and whiny stuff. That's not like you to worry about that garbage.

Like I said, if you think I'm a guard, you will have to do something about it.

I have been actively scumhunting beyond what some others have here. You talk about being content but seem to be getting slightly aggressive/agitated now.

If I was scum and thought you were town I'd be worried.

As it is, meh.
I worry when the shit drives people away and stops me from reading the game.

I am getting slightly aggressive and irritated that your shit has driven us to PL day 2 most lijely.
Mertex, House, please focus on the game, not each other. Cease and desist the personal attacks and namecalling immediately, and get back to lynching people. Don't make me put you over my knees. :) :D

VC incoming.

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