Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Post #700 FA votes Wolf. Post #710 Wolf OMGUS FA, votes for FA. Post #784 like clock work House votes for FA.

Duh. FA is scum. I saw a wagon on scum. I climbed on board. Next...
Yes, but you only saw FA as scum until you saw Wolf voting for him?

Post #810 House claims he fits all of Wolf's categories for Scum. Post #810 Wolf then gives excuses why even if he fits all her categories for Scum he is still Town. :confused-84:

Right, because if I'm scum I'm going to call attention to the fact that I'm suspicious. I found Wolf's inconsistency odd so I questioned her about it. It's oddball things like this and her Cafe flip that make me willing to put her on the block for the greater good although I think she's town. As I said, I'm willing to admit that I can be wrong.

Maybe you were worried that others would pick up on it, and wanted to make sure you weren't targeted.

Post #819 Avatar points out that Wolf is defending House. Post #821 House responds to Avi asking him "why does it matter" - (Duh! - my comment).

Sure did. If town doesn't defend town, it wouldn't be difficult at all for scum to pull flimsy frame up jobs like this.

And you know for sure that Wolf is town because?
Wolf's town flip after you've been crowing that I've been protecting the ruler all this time will put to bed all your unfounded accusations about the both of us, because scum would not defend a townie the way I've posted in defense of Wolfie.


This only makes you look like you are looking out for yourself by helping lynch a townread of yours. I'd never do that.

It directly plays against town's wincon and helps scum's wincon.

So I disagree with ANY townie that helps scum lynch another townie, no matter what your reasoning.

As you've said.

We have different approaches to the game. If I was the one being harped upon as the ruler with you being labeled the guard, I'd be advocating you to do what I'm doing right now.

And I'd never do it. Helping scum lynch town, when one townie has already been lynched, is you screwing town and helping scum.

It also looks like you are just looking out for yourself because you are tired of us being accused.

Like I said earlier, I worked my ass off to prevent a townread lynch in game 2 and I got tons of heat for it all of D1 but I never would of voted for him except to break a NL.

So yeah, we have different approaches all right and I've just seen all I need to see from you. I really hope you are not town.
I'll even sweeten the pot for scum:

I will not make a single post in my own defense for one full game day if Wolf actually is scum and you bus her. That's plenty of time to make a compelling case against me, and without my interference it should be fairly simple to do.

If Wolf is Scum, you have no defense.

I can't wait until my flip and you are shown for who you are.

If I'm wrong, I'll take the fall. I just can't see any Townie going to the length that House has gone to defend you. I think his deal is all just a way to get some to rethink and not vote for you. We'll just have to wait and see. I don't expect the guards to vote for you, but then, House did.
This has been going on all game. I do absolutely nothing but play the game and over and over again people start a wagon on me for ridiculous reasons when all I am doing is playing. There is no justifiable reason to call me scum or lynch me right now but once again, for at least the 3rd or 4th time it happens. The more I defend myself, the more jump on. And town helping is extremely disappointing so like I said, I hope he isn't town.

I only need 3 more. Go for it.
I'll even sweeten the pot for scum:

I will not make a single post in my own defense for one full game day if Wolf actually is scum and you bus her. That's plenty of time to make a compelling case against me, and without my interference it should be fairly simple to do.

If Wolf is Scum, you have no defense.

Then why in the world are you not on the wagon? You'll have carte blanche to sail me up the river if you're right.

Because I thought we were going after the guards, just to keep the game going longer. And, I was too busy answering your long wall of a worthless rebuttle to see that others were voting for WoIf, if she flips ruler, you're gone, anyway.
If I'm wrong, I'll take the fall. I just can't see any Townie going to the length that House has gone to defend you. I think his deal is all just a way to get some to rethink and not vote for you. We'll just have to wait and see. I don't expect the guards to vote for you, but then, House did.

You are wrong but you don't care. You are using tunnel vision and have blinders on.

And I explained over and over why town defends town which is apparently a foreign concept to you.

I hope people remember this and get you next.
I'll even sweeten the pot for scum:

I will not make a single post in my own defense for one full game day if Wolf actually is scum and you bus her. That's plenty of time to make a compelling case against me, and without my interference it should be fairly simple to do.

If Wolf is Scum, you have no defense.

Then why in the world are you not on the wagon? You'll have carte blanche to sail me up the river if you're right.

Because I thought we were going after the guards, just to keep the game going longer. And, I was too busy answering your long wall of a worthless rebuttle to see that others were voting for WoIf, if she flips ruler, you're gone, anyway.

I won't. And you'll either be shown as scum setting me up or a townie that is anti-town as usual.
This has been going on all game. I do absolutely nothing but play the game and over and over again people start a wagon on me for ridiculous reasons when all I am doing is playing. There is no justifiable reason to call me scum or lynch me right now but once again, for at least the 3rd or 4th time it happens. The more I defend myself, the more jump on. And town helping is extremely disappointing so like I said, I hope he isn't town.

I only need 3 more. Go for it.

These sound like desperate attempts to save your skin.
If I'm wrong, I'll take the fall. I just can't see any Townie going to the length that House has gone to defend you. I think his deal is all just a way to get some to rethink and not vote for you. We'll just have to wait and see. I don't expect the guards to vote for you, but then, House did.

You are wrong but you don't care. You are using tunnel vision and have blinders on.

And I explained over and over why town defends town which is apparently a foreign concept to you.

I hope people remember this and get you next.

Hey, I'm not the only one voting for you. Try to convince the others that you're town. You told me you didn't have to prove anything to me, I'm just going by what I've seen and deducted from logic.
And now I'm going out, so you all fellow Townies, do what you think is best.
This has been going on all game. I do absolutely nothing but play the game and over and over again people start a wagon on me for ridiculous reasons when all I am doing is playing. There is no justifiable reason to call me scum or lynch me right now but once again, for at least the 3rd or 4th time it happens. The more I defend myself, the more jump on. And town helping is extremely disappointing so like I said, I hope he isn't town.

I only need 3 more. Go for it.

These sound like desperate attempts to save your skin.

I don't give a shit what you think about it. I'm not trying to save myself but thank you for the worthless, not needed comment.

You brought up a bunch of shit reasons to vote me. Got a wagon going with the help of scum and town and I'm about to be lynched.

So get the 3 votes and hurry up about it. If you are town, maybe you'll learn your lesson for the way you treat other townies. Or maybe you'll never learn.

You know my scum and town game and the only reason you think I'm scum is because another townie is defending me which is weak ass reasoning and you know it.

I'm very tired of playing and being active and doing nothing scummy and have these constant wagons on me pop up for no good reason whatsoever. Most of it is for stuff I'm not even doing, like town defending me.

I'm voting for myself so no I'm not trying to save myself but until I'm lynched I will put exactly what I think of these tactics for all to see when I'm gone.
If I'm wrong, I'll take the fall. I just can't see any Townie going to the length that House has gone to defend you. I think his deal is all just a way to get some to rethink and not vote for you. We'll just have to wait and see. I don't expect the guards to vote for you, but then, House did.

You are wrong but you don't care. You are using tunnel vision and have blinders on.

And I explained over and over why town defends town which is apparently a foreign concept to you.

I hope people remember this and get you next.

Hey, I'm not the only one voting for you. Try to convince the others that you're town. You told me you didn't have to prove anything to me, I'm just going by what I've seen and deducted from logic.

You wouldn't know logic if it was a snake that jumped out of the grass and bit you. The others are voting for me because they made a deal or because they are scum trying to lynch town.

I am not going to spend all my time defending myself but in case you can't read, I did a bunch of that anyway for town to see when I'm gone.

If you are town, you are the most anti-town player than has every played this game.
Post #700 FA votes Wolf. Post #710 Wolf OMGUS FA, votes for FA. Post #784 like clock work House votes for FA.

Duh. FA is scum. I saw a wagon on scum. I climbed on board. Next...
Yes, but you only saw FA as scum until you saw Wolf voting for him?

I saw him as scum after he dredged D1 drama into D2.

I see you as scum for creating D2 drama.

Post #810 House claims he fits all of Wolf's categories for Scum. Post #810 Wolf then gives excuses why even if he fits all her categories for Scum he is still Town. :confused-84:

Right, because if I'm scum I'm going to call attention to the fact that I'm suspicious. I found Wolf's inconsistency odd so I questioned her about it. It's oddball things like this and her Cafe flip that make me willing to put her on the block for the greater good although I think she's town. As I said, I'm willing to admit that I can be wrong.

Maybe you were worried that others would pick up on it, and wanted to make sure you weren't targeted.

Considering I pointed out exactly why I asked that, not so much.

Post #819 Avatar points out that Wolf is defending House. Post #821 House responds to Avi asking him "why does it matter" - (Duh! - my comment).

Sure did. If town doesn't defend town, it wouldn't be difficult at all for scum to pull flimsy frame up jobs like this.

And you know for sure that Wolf is town because?

Because it doesn't take stellar people skills to tell who is scum or not. My shitty people skills hinder my interaction, not my intellect.
You want to know why town has lost here as much as they have? Because they don't know how to work as a team and scum exploits it.

When town won-we all worked together as a team.

I am going to be looking at who is town and who is scum when this is over and to see the motivation behind this shit.

Self preservation does not help town in these games ever.

I hate it when town helps scum. I dislike the townies that do that more than I dislike the scum who are only doing what they have to do to win.
You just don't seem to understand the concept of town defending town because you'd never do it.

I don't care what House does. You scumreading me for what he is doing is ludicrous and shows you have no ability to see teamwork.

This supposed eagerness to do quick lynches and PL's is bogus. It isn't true. You are lying. I am not going to repeat defend myself over something I didn't do.

Get a real case. Yours is weak and wrong.

Excuse me.....I didn't spend hours pouring over the comments for my own pleasure. You're just desperate now, because you know that you can't defend yourself against the obvious. Like I said, go read the posts, you must have forgotten what you have posted.

I read every single one of your lame ass, fabricated reasons for calling me scum and defended against every one of them. You don't want to listen to it because you are scum or anti-town just like usual.

I am not the least bit desperate or I wouldn't be voting for myself and saying I should be lynched. Everything I'm doing and saying is to point out to town what you and others are doing when I'm gone and to explain exactly what is happening with my frame up.
Post #700 FA votes Wolf. Post #710 Wolf OMGUS FA, votes for FA. Post #784 like clock work House votes for FA.

Duh. FA is scum. I saw a wagon on scum. I climbed on board. Next...
Yes, but you only saw FA as scum until you saw Wolf voting for him?

I saw him as scum after he dredged D1 drama into D2.

I see you as scum for creating D2 drama.

Post #810 House claims he fits all of Wolf's categories for Scum. Post #810 Wolf then gives excuses why even if he fits all her categories for Scum he is still Town. :confused-84:

Right, because if I'm scum I'm going to call attention to the fact that I'm suspicious. I found Wolf's inconsistency odd so I questioned her about it. It's oddball things like this and her Cafe flip that make me willing to put her on the block for the greater good although I think she's town. As I said, I'm willing to admit that I can be wrong.

Maybe you were worried that others would pick up on it, and wanted to make sure you weren't targeted.

Considering I pointed out exactly why I asked that, not so much.

Post #819 Avatar points out that Wolf is defending House. Post #821 House responds to Avi asking him "why does it matter" - (Duh! - my comment).

Sure did. If town doesn't defend town, it wouldn't be difficult at all for scum to pull flimsy frame up jobs like this.

And you know for sure that Wolf is town because?

Because it doesn't take stellar people skills to tell who is scum or not. My shitty people skills hinder my interaction, not my intellect.

If you think I'm town House then you better not be is all I have to say to you.
You know what is really funny? People have real scumreads and people doing actively scummy things and they are advocating a PL on me and getting a second townie lynched instead of voting for scum. I thought PL's were wrong and scummy?

Have fun with the rest of the game. I've said all I have to say.
Wolf, clear your mind for a few minutes and think about who you believe is scum that's voting for you right now. You've already mentioned FA and Mertex in previous posts, but I'm asking you to think about others as well. Tell us who and reasons why. I said earlier in the game you've been playing your typical town game, so if you happen to be lynched, a clear post telling us who you believe is scum will help a great deal. With that said, the only way I'll put a vote on Wolf is if it's to keep us from going into a NL. I believe she's a rebel and do not like lynching our own.
I'm on page 58, but the more Mertex posts, the more I want to lynch AYE.

I think her case is pretty solid, but I'm wondering if it is misdirected in some way. I'm going to do a reread myself. based on the the idea that Aye has been a peripheral supporter throughout the game.

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