Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

What about TSO!? His quietness is bothering me, however it almost mimics his game 6 play. BUT he said he did not want to play Game 6. So, I have to wonder about him.

Yep, I have tso as a suspect also, possibly usurper. He signed up for this game voluntarily so his active lurking is something to watch.

XXXY and TN both played this way and we ignored them game 3, (I think). Kept popping on threw up a few fake reads AND after reading the scum QT, one of them, I can't recall who, was asking for fake reads to put up from the other scum! ( I know there are no QTs this game) but I just recall they really had no interaction at all and just showed up when prodded.

Tell me about it. When Wolf was almost being lynched, I was the only scum left (besides those two) and I was sweating it because both of them were nowhere to give me guidance. Unfortunately or fortunately, the game ended abruptly and I didn't have to worry about what to do next. That was scary, I'm not ready to do Scum. I'm going to ask House for private tutoring, I'll even pay him....:uhoh3:

You reek of scum. There's my tutoring and it's 100% free.

If you flip town, I'll lynch myself, hows that. And, I'm serious, I need tips, my only one scum game sucked.

Townies, hold her to this.

Vote: House

Saying someone is town, then voting for her as some sort of 'deal' is scummy. If you believe someone is town, you don't vote for her lynch unless it's for a policy lynch.

When there are people telling me that someone I view as town is scum, I take my inexperience into account and like considering alternative views.

Glad I do, too. I'm seeing Wolf in a light I'd have never seen if I was as blinded by my own opinions as Mertex.

That's fine. I saw you in a whole new light too when you were making a deal to lynch me when you kept saying I'm town over and over. And your reasons were so you would stop being accused. You wouldn't listen to me when I told you that as town, I'd never let another townie be lynched and I'd fight to defend my townread no matter how much suspicion it threw my way as I have done before. From a town mindset, that makes sense. It makes no sense from a town mindset to kill another townie as I explained it hurts town's wincon.

Saying someone is town, then voting for her as some sort of 'deal' is scummy. If you believe someone is town, you don't vote for her lynch unless it's for a policy lynch.

When there are people telling me that someone I view as town is scum, I take my inexperience into account and like considering alternative views.

Glad I do, too. I'm seeing Wolf in a light I'd have never seen if I was as blinded by my own opinions as Mertex.

That's fine. I saw you in a whole new light too when you were making a deal to lynch me when you kept saying I'm town over and over. And your reasons were so you would stop being accused. You wouldn't listen to me when I told you that as town, I'd never let another townie be lynched and I'd fight to defend my townread no matter how much suspicion it threw my way as I have done before. From a town mindset, that makes sense. It makes no sense from a town mindset to kill another townie as I explained it hurts town's wincon.

That's because town is more important than any one single townie. If you were truly town you'd know that. You were going to get us both sailed up the river, now you've turned the situation into a mislynch to save your own ass since I stopped being your little soldier.

Saying someone is town, then voting for her as some sort of 'deal' is scummy. If you believe someone is town, you don't vote for her lynch unless it's for a policy lynch.

When there are people telling me that someone I view as town is scum, I take my inexperience into account and like considering alternative views.

Glad I do, too. I'm seeing Wolf in a light I'd have never seen if I was as blinded by my own opinions as Mertex.

That's fine. I saw you in a whole new light too when you were making a deal to lynch me when you kept saying I'm town over and over. And your reasons were so you would stop being accused. You wouldn't listen to me when I told you that as town, I'd never let another townie be lynched and I'd fight to defend my townread no matter how much suspicion it threw my way as I have done before. From a town mindset, that makes sense. It makes no sense from a town mindset to kill another townie as I explained it hurts town's wincon.

That's because town is more important than any one single townie. If you were truly town you'd know that. You were going to get us both sailed up the river, now you've turned the situation into a mislynch to save your own ass since I stopped being your little soldier.

You were more than happy to mislynch me to save yours. I don't sacrifice fellow townies. It hurts town. So you sacrificing me the way you were was you willing to kill a townread. That is not town-like to me at all.
I have work to do. See you folks in the DZ, and Mertex better be joining me.
Yep, I have tso as a suspect also, possibly usurper. He signed up for this game voluntarily so his active lurking is something to watch.

XXXY and TN both played this way and we ignored them game 3, (I think). Kept popping on threw up a few fake reads AND after reading the scum QT, one of them, I can't recall who, was asking for fake reads to put up from the other scum! ( I know there are no QTs this game) but I just recall they really had no interaction at all and just showed up when prodded.

Tell me about it. When Wolf was almost being lynched, I was the only scum left (besides those two) and I was sweating it because both of them were nowhere to give me guidance. Unfortunately or fortunately, the game ended abruptly and I didn't have to worry about what to do next. That was scary, I'm not ready to do Scum. I'm going to ask House for private tutoring, I'll even pay him....:uhoh3:

You reek of scum. There's my tutoring and it's 100% free.

If you flip town, I'll lynch myself, hows that. And, I'm serious, I need tips, my only one scum game sucked.

Townies, hold her to this.

Vote: House

Saying someone is town, then voting for her as some sort of 'deal' is scummy. If you believe someone is town, you don't vote for her lynch unless it's for a policy lynch.

When there are people telling me that someone I view as town is scum, I take my inexperience into account and like considering alternative views.

Glad I do, too. I'm seeing Wolf in a light I'd have never seen if I was as blinded by my own opinions as Mertex.

That's fine. I saw you in a whole new light too when you were making a deal to lynch me when you kept saying I'm town over and over. And your reasons were so you would stop being accused. You wouldn't listen to me when I told you that as town, I'd never let another townie be lynched and I'd fight to defend my townread no matter how much suspicion it threw my way as I have done before. From a town mindset, that makes sense. It makes no sense from a town mindset to kill another townie as I explained it hurts town's wincon.

That's because town is more important than any one single townie. If you were truly town you'd know that. You were going to get us both sailed up the river, now you've turned the situation into a mislynch to save your own ass since I stopped being your little soldier.

You were more than happy to mislynch me to save yours. I don't sacrifice fellow townies. It hurts town. So you sacrificing me the way you were was you willing to kill a townread. That is not town-like to me at all.

Explain that. Go ahead and try to sell how me using my own strat on myself is still scummy now that it's not aimed at you.

You won't be able to. because you're just as selfish as Mertex. All you care about is people calling YOU town.
XXXY and TN both played this way and we ignored them game 3, (I think). Kept popping on threw up a few fake reads AND after reading the scum QT, one of them, I can't recall who, was asking for fake reads to put up from the other scum! ( I know there are no QTs this game) but I just recall they really had no interaction at all and just showed up when prodded.

Tell me about it. When Wolf was almost being lynched, I was the only scum left (besides those two) and I was sweating it because both of them were nowhere to give me guidance. Unfortunately or fortunately, the game ended abruptly and I didn't have to worry about what to do next. That was scary, I'm not ready to do Scum. I'm going to ask House for private tutoring, I'll even pay him....:uhoh3:

You reek of scum. There's my tutoring and it's 100% free.

If you flip town, I'll lynch myself, hows that. And, I'm serious, I need tips, my only one scum game sucked.

Townies, hold her to this.

Vote: House

Saying someone is town, then voting for her as some sort of 'deal' is scummy. If you believe someone is town, you don't vote for her lynch unless it's for a policy lynch.

When there are people telling me that someone I view as town is scum, I take my inexperience into account and like considering alternative views.

Glad I do, too. I'm seeing Wolf in a light I'd have never seen if I was as blinded by my own opinions as Mertex.

That's fine. I saw you in a whole new light too when you were making a deal to lynch me when you kept saying I'm town over and over. And your reasons were so you would stop being accused. You wouldn't listen to me when I told you that as town, I'd never let another townie be lynched and I'd fight to defend my townread no matter how much suspicion it threw my way as I have done before. From a town mindset, that makes sense. It makes no sense from a town mindset to kill another townie as I explained it hurts town's wincon.

That's because town is more important than any one single townie. If you were truly town you'd know that. You were going to get us both sailed up the river, now you've turned the situation into a mislynch to save your own ass since I stopped being your little soldier.

You were more than happy to mislynch me to save yours. I don't sacrifice fellow townies. It hurts town. So you sacrificing me the way you were was you willing to kill a townread. That is not town-like to me at all.

Explain that. Go ahead and try to sell how me using my own strat on myself is still scummy now that it's not aimed at you.

You won't be able to. because you're just as selfish as Mertex. All you care about is people calling YOU town.

All I care about is town winning no matter what I have to do. I play to win as either alignment. You willing to kill me was not playing to town's wincon when you were sure I was town.

What don't you understand about this? You know damn well I'm not selfish as I was willing to die for town when I thought you were a vig. But I'm sure it isn't a selfish move to make a deal with scum to kill me to get to Mertex and save yourself from being scrutinized.

Vote Count 2.6

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (0):
AyeCantSeeYou (0):
CafeAuLait (0):
FA_Q2 (0):
House (LYNCH):
Mathblade, ★Arden, Mertex, Josh_B, AyeCantSeeYou, Avatar4321, , Wolfsister77, House
ika (0):
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (1):
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
tso! (1):
Wolfsister77 (2):
ScarletRage, FA_Q2

Not Voting (3): tso!, TheOldSchool, Shaitra,

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/8/14, @2PM Central.

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Is anyone else over looking the fact that House wants to lynch Wolfsister even though he has conceptually claimed that Wolfsister is definitely not the ruler with the idea that both he and Mertex will still be alive and available to lynch after the flip?
Absolutely not. If TSO is town, then the odds of getting a ruler lynch are next to none today. One of Wolf or Mertex is almost certainly scum given their drama. I strongly feel that it is Wolf. I could be wrong and its Mertex.

Could you please try to explain again what logical fallacies exist given my assumptions?

Perhaps you can explain how lynching a town on purpose will increase the odds of lynching the ruler?
I showed falacies in a post that was directly replied to you. I'm sure you've seen it.

Lynching town does not. Lynching scum would. As a last resort, I would vote the townbeard of scum to lynch scum. Doubly so if that townflip could guarantee me the vote on scum.

This is why my scumgame is deadly on mafiascum. I don't care. I will bus my allies. I will defend them whatever works.

Doing something that would appear scummy is the last thing seasoned scum would do unless sure it worked.

It looks like Wolf is taking advantage of House's prior game to make him an easier ml as town. Been there felt that.
It looks like House is taking advantage of Wolf's prior game to make him an easier ml as town. Been there felt that.

fix'd for accuracy.

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