Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Well, House better be scum then because if he's town, hammering himself was crappy.

What's the difference between self voting for a lynch or self hammering? I honestly don't see one.

There is utility to self voting. There are a lot of people that self vote in RVS. A self vote has a strong AtE with it. It's a lot better than threatening to quit. Scum can self hammer to prevent associative tells. Until the flip, House's vote only proves that he is not the ruler.
I've threatened to self hammer before as town in hopes that the extended DP would gain me some lee way to convince others to vote a scum read. It didn't work, and someone else still hammered. I've considered if I should have actually self hammered that game to prevent scum from chaining a lynch, and town from feeling manipulated by the person that hammered.
It is VERY scummy to gambit with other people's lives.

There's a good chance at least one scum is on the wagon. Wouldn't be surprised if the the ruler was too.
with house flipping rebel I'm going to have to rethink my whole view. I was sure he was a guard.

why did we lynch an obvious town rebel just now?

i leave the thread for like 5 hrs to go to work to find this.......

why did we lynch an obvious town rebel just now?

i leave the thread for like 5 hrs to go to work to find this.......

Town lynched him for basically being so confident in Mertex scum he was willing to bargain. The noobies think bargaining alone is scummy.

i have lost a lot of interest in this game now that house is gone.....

he made it interesting...
so loaded question time:

gandma how does it feel to replace into a scumslot?
Avi and Mertex are playing away from their town meta. I must say that the change in Mertex is nice, unfortunately it's highly suspicious.

Wolfsister's play may change now that House is gone. We have a week until deadline so I'll watch her for a few days and see what she does.

I believe there are only 8 of us Townies left against 5 Scum, so this vote can't be wasted.
I feel the need to say something here.

I was going to wait until the game was over because I wasn't in it, but now that I'm here -

Rosie was playing just as she did when she was Scum in Game 2. But she wasn't just Scum in that game, she was also having health problems serious enough to affect her overall attitude. It looks like that may have been the case in this game.

Look, if any of you are having R/L issues, you don't need to spell out all the grisly details, but letting the other players know that you're sick, or you have to study for midterms, or you're having an unusually busy time at work, or any other issues that will throw off your focus and attitude LET US KNOW. It could save us from an unfortunate mislynch.
I really don't care if you guys lynch me or not. House just ruined my experience at the main site also. I have zero interest in playing any more. It's been nothing but drama and crap and is not good for my mental health and I have a family and a job and a life and I am no longer happy playing. I won't quit. I'll pop in once in awhile because finding a replacement would be tough and I want my team to win which is town whether you want to believe it or not. I am just saying it is going to be very minimal until I am lynched or the game ends. I doubt I'll sign up again. It's not worth it.
Wolf - you're taking this a lot harder than you have to. House is in the Dead Zone now. Past. Behind.

Focus on this Day and who you think should be lynched.
Why? If Wolf wasn't scum or ruler, why the furious wagon on house?

Well, one of the reasons for House's wagon....he was hostile, which is not Townie behavior (that's what I've been told in almost every game, why I decided to try a different attitude). Also, he made a scummy move. He was willing to sacrifice 2 Townies just to prove he was Town? And, Scum jump on those types of opportunities. In this set-up, though, the guards don't really know who the other guards are, so it will be difficult to figure out who is Scum from his wagon.

I pointed out to him that anyone that defended someone really fiercely would look suspicious. He ho-hummed my advice. I didn't make his posts up, anyone can check them out. That I misread him, yes, but I'm not the sole person responsible, even House has to share some of the blame.

As for Wolf, I don't think she is Scum, now that House flipped town, she's just loyal to a fault. But even Wolf has to admit that House made a scummy move throwing her under the bus.

That some of you want to lynch me, I understand, but I am Town, and you'll just be hurting town. Maybe I'll just sit in the corner and let others decide who the Scum is. If you think it's me, well, go for it.

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