Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace


why did we lynch an obvious town rebel just now?

i leave the thread for like 5 hrs to go to work to find this.......

Town lynched him for basically being so confident in Mertex scum he was willing to bargain. The noobies think bargaining alone is scummy.

I've been kind of busy this weekend. But this. It wasn't about him being confident that mertex was scum. it was that he was trying to have someone else killed to prove it. That's pretty scummy. The whole thing has been said several times. What bothers me more is that you planned on going along with it.

why did we lynch an obvious town rebel just now?

i leave the thread for like 5 hrs to go to work to find this.......

Town lynched him for basically being so confident in Mertex scum he was willing to bargain. The noobies think bargaining alone is scummy.

I've been kind of busy this weekend. But this. It wasn't about him being confident that mertex was scum. it was that he was trying to have someone else killed to prove it. That's pretty scummy. The whole thing has been said several times. What bothers me more is that you planned on going along with it.

That's because House's plan wasn't scummy at all. We live in a world without nightkills. So by getting two people chained up and wagoned we learn a lot. That's true regardless of Wolf's alignment.

If Wolf is town, scum would be in the lurkers fueling House v Wolf.
If Wolf is scum, scum would likely be protecting her.

If Mertex is scum, we would generate much of a similar result to if Wolf was scum given that scum wouldn't want my vote to autojump to Mertex.

House's plan was the best thing for associatives as it caused a mass rash of reactions.

why did we lynch an obvious town rebel just now?

i leave the thread for like 5 hrs to go to work to find this.......

Town lynched him for basically being so confident in Mertex scum he was willing to bargain. The noobies think bargaining alone is scummy.

I've been kind of busy this weekend. But this. It wasn't about him being confident that mertex was scum. it was that he was trying to have someone else killed to prove it. That's pretty scummy. The whole thing has been said several times. What bothers me more is that you planned on going along with it.

That's because House's plan wasn't scummy at all. We live in a world without nightkills. So by getting two people chained up and wagoned we learn a lot. That's true regardless of Wolf's alignment.

If Wolf is town, scum would be in the lurkers fueling House v Wolf.
If Wolf is scum, scum would likely be protecting her.

If Mertex is scum, we would generate much of a similar result to if Wolf was scum given that scum wouldn't want my vote to autojump to Mertex.

House's plan was the best thing for associatives as it caused a mass rash of reactions.

The OMGUS was nice BTW. I was actually hoping you would get more support for it, or possibly more guff. (I'm town reading you for it, with house's flip, I'm reconsidering my thoughts from yesterday)

I definitely think Mertex is town. Her move from Wolf to House seemed genuine.
As far as town reads go, my response up to this point is
Probably Aye
I can go either way on FQ2

Arden, and Math are really sinking to the bottom for me.
I'll have to look closer.

why did we lynch an obvious town rebel just now?

i leave the thread for like 5 hrs to go to work to find this.......

Town lynched him for basically being so confident in Mertex scum he was willing to bargain. The noobies think bargaining alone is scummy.

I've been kind of busy this weekend. But this. It wasn't about him being confident that mertex was scum. it was that he was trying to have someone else killed to prove it. That's pretty scummy. The whole thing has been said several times. What bothers me more is that you planned on going along with it.

That's because House's plan wasn't scummy at all. We live in a world without nightkills. So by getting two people chained up and wagoned we learn a lot. That's true regardless of Wolf's alignment.

If Wolf is town, scum would be in the lurkers fueling House v Wolf.
If Wolf is scum, scum would likely be protecting her.

If Mertex is scum, we would generate much of a similar result to if Wolf was scum given that scum wouldn't want my vote to autojump to Mertex.

House's plan was the best thing for associatives as it caused a mass rash of reactions.

I've been thinking about this. I think scum are helping lynch any wagon that forms as a counter to mine. When I was wagoned earlier, ika became a wagon and got up to 6 votes out of 8. After that, I was wagoned and Rosie was quicklynched. Then you two made this deal, I was wagoned again and House was quick lynched. This definitely shows ika town BTW. Rosie and House were town.

I'm not the ruler but I can totally see how that would look like I am. I am not scum either but I think one or more of them may think I am and they and the ruler, possibly the usurper are getting behind every counter wagon to my own and helping me lynch off town.

So now I want to know what to do to stop helping scum. I'm a townie and I am hurting town unintentionally.

Probably the best thing to do is look at every counter wagon to mine that built up quickly-ika's, Rosie's, House's and see who jumped on at the end, especially those that jumped on after I was wagoned. There has got to be scum in that group. That is the group that should be lynched from.

Or wagon me again and go from there like you and House planned, however, I doubt it would work now that I laid out what is happening here. In fact, I wish Wake's links worked because I could go to all these wagons and find the scum right now. I still might try if I can search. I'll see what I can do.
Now, that is an approach I can agree to. Given my schedule and deadlines, I am delegating to anyone.

Was there a person on ika, Rosie, House and Wolf?
Now, that is an approach I can agree to. Given my schedule and deadlines, I am delegating to anyone.

Was there a person on ika, Rosie, House and Wolf?

I am going to go look and pull up the wagons and find out. It might take a couple minutes and would help if Wake's links worked.

Also, I'm going to unvote cuz I know you are not one of them. It may take a few minutes but when I find it, I'll post it.

OK, I'll do this tomorrow. It's late and I'm tired but when I do pull this info. I'll cast my vote from there and I recommend all townies follow suit. Wake can you fix your links, it would help a lot and save time. Thanks.

Tomorrow then.

why did we lynch an obvious town rebel just now?

i leave the thread for like 5 hrs to go to work to find this.......

Town lynched him for basically being so confident in Mertex scum he was willing to bargain. The noobies think bargaining alone is scummy.

I've been kind of busy this weekend. But this. It wasn't about him being confident that mertex was scum. it was that he was trying to have someone else killed to prove it. That's pretty scummy. The whole thing has been said several times. What bothers me more is that you planned on going along with it.

That's because House's plan wasn't scummy at all. We live in a world without nightkills. So by getting two people chained up and wagoned we learn a lot. That's true regardless of Wolf's alignment.

If Wolf is town, scum would be in the lurkers fueling House v Wolf.
If Wolf is scum, scum would likely be protecting her.

If Mertex is scum, we would generate much of a similar result to if Wolf was scum given that scum wouldn't want my vote to autojump to Mertex.

House's plan was the best thing for associatives as it caused a mass rash of reactions.

I've been thinking about this. I think scum are helping lynch any wagon that forms as a counter to mine. When I was wagoned earlier, ika became a wagon and got up to 6 votes out of 8. After that, I was wagoned and Rosie was quicklynched. Then you two made this deal, I was wagoned again and House was quick lynched. This definitely shows ika town BTW. Rosie and House were town.

I'm not the ruler but I can totally see how that would look like I am. I am not scum either but I think one or more of them may think I am and they and the ruler, possibly the usurper are getting behind every counter wagon to my own and helping me lynch off town.

So now I want to know what to do to stop helping scum. I'm a townie and I am hurting town unintentionally.

Probably the best thing to do is look at every counter wagon to mine that built up quickly-ika's, Rosie's, House's and see who jumped on at the end, especially those that jumped on after I was wagoned. There has got to be scum in that group. That is the group that should be lynched from.

Or wagon me again and go from there like you and House planned, however, I doubt it would work now that I laid out what is happening here. In fact, I wish Wake's links worked because I could go to all these wagons and find the scum right now. I still might try if I can search. I'll see what I can do.

(emphasis added)

A quick reply here Wolf. Scum KNOW who the ruler is, so they don't have to 'think' it. That's why these votes and wagons kinda stand out for me.
I already pointed all this out Cafe and am going to go and analyze it. I think if I was scum or the ruler, I wouldn't be doing this. If you want to lynch me to find out I'm a rebel and have a 3rd mislynch, then just be prepared for them to come after you next.
House wagon:

House (LYNCH):
Mathblade, ★Arden, Wolfsister77, Mertex, Josh_B, AyeCantSeeYou, Avatar4321, House

Mathblade (1): ika,

Wolfsister77 (2): ScarletRage, FA_Q2

Not Voting (3):tso!, TheOldSchool, Shaitra


Rosie Wagon:

RosieS (LYNCH):
Josh_B, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Avatar4321, ScarletRage, AyeCantSeeYou, Mathblade

ScarletRage (2):TheOldSchool, ika

Wolfsister77 (2):FA_Q2, Mertex

House (1):★Arden

Not Voting (1):tso!


ika's Wagon:

ika (6):Mertex, Avatar4321, ScarletRage, Wolfsister77, AyeCantSeeYou, House

House (1):★Arden

RosieS (1): Josh_B

ScarletRage (2):TheOldSchool, ika

Wolfsister77 (3):FA_Q2, RosieS, Mathblade

Not Voting (2):tso!, Shaitra

Each one of these built up very quickly. Two were town. One ika, is very likely town due to this.

Who was on every major wagon? Who was always in the flash wagon part of the vote?

Well, I was only on that part with ika. Aye and Avi came in at the end on Rosie and House. Both Avi and Aye particularly came in at the end.

One thing to note is FA is alway on me and mathblade usually is. FA always joins a wagon on me. I'm town so that is something to look at when I flip to see why FA and mathblade are always voting me but particularly FA who I have been calling scum the whole game and still think is scum.

Now, with Rosie Aye was asked to vote for her. I remember so I'm going to give her a break for that.

So on every major wagon was Avi, myself, Aye. Avi was in the flash part on 2 of them.

I have been thinking Avi is scum the whole game so he's the best vote here. Plus, have you see Avi do any serious scum hunting? He's cast votes-mostly for ika all game who is likely town. He's joined wagons. He was at the top of House's reads list who was town. He's been on mine as scum all game. If I'm wrong here, you might as well lynch me because I just can't figure out scum this game if Avi isn't scum.

Vote: Avatar4321

Town: ika, Josh, Mertex are really the ones I feel the most confident about

Scum: Still thinking FA but Avi is my number one suspect

I have to do some rethinking on everyone else due to the two rebels flips and votes etc.

I haven't see Cafe or Grandma do much yet either.

Shaitra has barely been here and is suspect. mathblade also.

I'm pretty sure Aye is town but the above votes make me wonder about that.

Arden is likely town but needs to participate more also.

Too many lurkers this game make it difficult.

Town: ika, Josh, Mertex are really the ones I feel the most confident about

Scum: Still thinking FA but Avi is my number one suspect

I have to do some rethinking on everyone else due to the two rebels flips and votes etc.

I haven't see Cafe or Grandma do much yet either.

Shaitra has barely been here and is suspect. mathblade also.

I'm pretty sure Aye is town but the above votes make me wonder about that.

Arden is likely town but needs to participate more also.

Too many lurkers this game make it difficult.

Forgot SR.

SR is now leaning town after I realized her reasoning behind the deal with House and House being town actually makes sense.

I think I have everyone on this list now.
I wish I would of figured out what SR and House were doing sooner. I never would of voted for him if I would of figured this out then. I'm not too happy with myself because most everything I've done this game has benefited scum. So I would not object if you guys went after me for real. It would be another mislynch but damn, there is something wrong with the way I play these games. I did very well endgame as town but this game, I've mostly helped scum and understand why I'm suspicious to some of you. It really has shaken my confidence for sure.
The last VC was 2.6, and had already been edited. :)

It looks like the forum software keeps screwing up the links, even after I edit them properly. Will look into it further when able.

VC coming this afternoon.
Wolfsister77, Alright. You keep your vote there. Along with that, we'll have one other person be wagoned. Pair them up.

Right now, that sits as Josh B or Wolf.

ika, who should we pair against Avatar?

Town: ika, Josh, Mertex are really the ones I feel the most confident about

Scum: Still thinking FA but Avi is my number one suspect

I have to do some rethinking on everyone else due to the two rebels flips and votes etc.

I haven't see Cafe or Grandma do much yet either.

Shaitra has barely been here and is suspect. mathblade also.

I'm pretty sure Aye is town but the above votes make me wonder about that.

Arden is likely town but needs to participate more also.

Too many lurkers this game make it difficult.

My vote on ika was because of him saying over and over he was going to random lynch and not scum hunt. It was already explained. After more posts by him, and where I was asking him questions that got him involved in the game, I took my vote off him after believing he was town from what he was answering.

Rosie's vote I already explained. I was asked by Josh to vote for her to help end the drama, even though I said I believed she was playing her town game.

House was explained as well. He was willing to make a deal to lynch someone he saw as town. I said that was a scummy move. I'm now wondering if he may have been manipulated by scum.

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