Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Titus says you
for kicks and gigles i would do wolf
on a more serious note, dont know but dont care

AyeCantSeeYou not really, i have done that route many times over b/c someone was scum reading me. weather hes right or not has yet to be seen.

@avi inccorect. gurads know ruler. so i assume as long as the votes arent on ruler the gurads will be more then happy to banwagon anyone thats not them. your lack of scum hunting is backed up by your voteparking and lack of trying to figure out gamestae and reading the actual thread

1) incorrect about what? I'm the one who started the wagon analysis. It's wolf who was objecting to it until she thought she could use it to lynch me.

2) I'm very much aware the guards won't support a lynch of the ruler. It's one of the reasons I was arguing that you were the ruler. Because your wagon mysteriously fell apart and now people are claiming you are obviously town for no reason.

3)and you can't say I am not scum hunting simply because I'm pointing at you.

1) its now a contradictory statement, you say we should uuse it and now your arguing we should not b/c it points towars you. So what is it?

it looks like b/c it points toward you, you instantly have to discard it

2) so you figure ever perosn on me was rebel then? if so justify it. i still advocate my own lynch as long as i get hammer. but you still have yet to answer the question: when i flip rebel who do you suspect next?

3) yes i can and i will, focusing on one person (me) is pointless. i gave you a scnario to work with and you shrug it off. your not even trying to reach out to me you (were) just vote parking me. thats not scum hunting
but more seriously.....

can anyone legitimately justify their votes on the house lynch outside of "he was snarky/anti-town"?

Hmmmm, Ika just buzzed my scumdar.....what do you mean we lynched House for his "snarky/anti-town" behavior? Didn't you see the wall of posts I posted indicating that House was protecting/defending Wolf? Even though it turned out that it wasn't a smart Scum move, but rather a dumb Town move, enough people saw something odd about it to think he was Scum. Also, his deal to throw a townie under the bus just so that he could get rid of someone that was pushing hard on him as being scum or that he didn't like, was really scummy.

You are either not keeping up with the game because you don't care about the game as you hinted on earlier, or you are scum now trying to sound Town by questioning House's lynch.
I understand. I'm thinking of moving Grandma into FoS territory myself and if Avi wasn't acting so scummy, I'd probably vote Grandma. Similar reasons, mostly gut. That's why I asked you to explain and said I don't disagree.
Titus says you
for kicks and gigles i would do wolf
on a more serious note, dont know but dont care

AyeCantSeeYou not really, i have done that route many times over b/c someone was scum reading me. weather hes right or not has yet to be seen.

@avi inccorect. gurads know ruler. so i assume as long as the votes arent on ruler the gurads will be more then happy to banwagon anyone thats not them. your lack of scum hunting is backed up by your voteparking and lack of trying to figure out gamestae and reading the actual thread

1) incorrect about what? I'm the one who started the wagon analysis. It's wolf who was objecting to it until she thought she could use it to lynch me.

2) I'm very much aware the guards won't support a lynch of the ruler. It's one of the reasons I was arguing that you were the ruler. Because your wagon mysteriously fell apart and now people are claiming you are obviously town for no reason.

3)and you can't say I am not scum hunting simply because I'm pointing at you.

1) its now a contradictory statement, you say we should uuse it and now your arguing we should not b/c it points towars you. So what is it?

it looks like b/c it points toward you, you instantly have to discard it

2) so you figure ever perosn on me was rebel then? if so justify it. i still advocate my own lynch as long as i get hammer. but you still have yet to answer the question: when i flip rebel who do you suspect next?

3) yes i can and i will, focusing on one person (me) is pointless. i gave you a scnario to work with and you shrug it off. your not even trying to reach out to me you (were) just vote parking me. thats not scum hunting

Avi is a good player. What he's doing in this game is not his town play at all.
I wish I would of figured out what SR and House were doing sooner. I never would of voted for him if I would of figured this out then. I'm not too happy with myself because most everything I've done this game has benefited scum. So I would not object if you guys went after me for real. It would be another mislynch but damn, there is something wrong with the way I play these games. I did very well endgame as town but this game, I've mostly helped scum and understand why I'm suspicious to some of you. It really has shaken my confidence for sure.

Wolf, if you hadn't changed your vote and voted for House, SR and House might have been successful in getting Scum to vote you off and then me. House was so sure you were Town, he knew that when you flipped town, they would not hesitate to come after me. You would have given them the opportunity to knock off 2 townies instead of one. Quit beating yourself over the head with House. He made scummy moves, maybe due to his being a noob (and all the time I thought it made him look like a really clever Scum). So losing one townie or losing two, one is better. I don't think you are the ruler. The ruler wouldn't be drawing that much attention to himself as you have been. I don't know why SR can't see that.

I'm still not sure SR is Town, or Ika, based on the fact that he thought we lynched House just for being snarky and anti-town.

FA_Q2 Math doesn't seem random to me, just apathetic. Perhaps we can draw her out of her funk to see which one of us is right?


MathBlade Is SR correct? If so, why? Who would be your top scum reads right now?
Yes I am pretty apathetic. I am dealing with shit IRL and coming back to that fuckery pretty much drained my wanting to post into that game. I consider this a favor but ugh so hard to post.

Wolf/ika likely scum reads. I think we need to lynch a guard to make it easier to lynch ruler later.

Tempted to vote for Math at this juncture unless she has a damn good reason to scumread ika.
Scum: Avi and FA-playing like they did as scum.

FoS: Grandma and Cafe-their meta is off and they aren't playing their town game at all but not enough to call them scum

Town: ika, Josh, Mertex, Aye

SR: Can't figure out but leaning town, still she's done some scummy shit also, illogical at times, spends time trying to convince me she's town, tunnel vision on me to a weird degree, considering she played with me and town and correctly figured out my alignment

Shaitra, mathblade, arden-back into null category due to lack of participation-shaitra goes back and forth between town and null, same with arden, math goes between scum and null due to lack of play and making excuses
1) Wolf's play is very antagonistic (read within rules of game but still antagonistic)
-- Wolf is pretty much seeming to scream over and over X Y and Z because they voted for her.
-- Wolf is defending ika. Agreed this alone is not a reason to scum read someone but IMO in all likelihood they are likely an aligned pair.

Ika -- anti town is usually his shtick so as a great sister said you have to look at why. I am an easy mislynch. I have become apathetic. He hasn't been posting arguments as to why I am scum.

Last time he was town and tried to tunnel me, he screamed about how I was scum and posted up trolling images.

None of that has occurred. It is just such a weird variation from his normal play.
Agree with being willing to lynch math if Avi doesn't get momentum. She's lurking and then giving reads and votes with no explanation. I'm open here.

Mertex-I have some guilt when it comes to the House lynch, not worth getting into here but thank you
In reading through everything I've missed, it does stick out to me that Avi isn't posting much at all. I can understand people's reluctance to post day 1 with the Rosie/Wolf drama thing going on. But that was resolved at the end of day 1. So not sure why we aren't seeing more from Avatar. Definitely leaning scum there.

Wolfsister reads town to me. Her posts are coming across to me the same way they did in the last game.

Aye hasn't posted as much as she normally does, but what she has posted seems like her town game. Leaning town there.

ika is null to me right now. I have to do some further reading to determine if he's scum or town.

SR is bouncing back and forth between scum and town. Some posts seem very townlike, but others seem scummy. More ISO work on her is needed.

Mertex is leaning town, but there is something nagging at me. Not sure what it is yet.

These reads are gut feels for now. I have a ton of work to catch up on which is going to include taking things home tonight so I don't know when I will have a chance to finish my reads list and solidify my other reads.

Shaitra, if I were Scum I wouldn't have wasted a whole afternoon pouring over House and Wolf's post to try and prove that House was Scum. It just wouldn't make sense. Scum doesn't scum hunt other scum. True that House turned out to be Town, but obviously he didn't come across as Town to enough of us to vote for a lynch on him.
Oh sure, I post that right after math posts something-didn't see it before I posted. I'm not the only one defending ika, SR is too math or did you forget that.

I'm reading him as town due to his willingness to be lynched, knowing his play was going to be anti-town this game, his speed wagon, his contributions are valid and reasonable, etc.

Yes, I've been antagonistic this game. So was House and so was Rosie-how did it work out lynching antagonistic people again?

I wish I would of figured out what SR and House were doing sooner. I never would of voted for him if I would of figured this out then. I'm not too happy with myself because most everything I've done this game has benefited scum. So I would not object if you guys went after me for real. It would be another mislynch but damn, there is something wrong with the way I play these games. I did very well endgame as town but this game, I've mostly helped scum and understand why I'm suspicious to some of you. It really has shaken my confidence for sure.

Wolf, if you hadn't changed your vote and voted for House, SR and House might have been successful in getting Scum to vote you off and then me. House was so sure you were Town, he knew that when you flipped town, they would not hesitate to come after me. You would have given them the opportunity to knock off 2 townies instead of one. Quit beating yourself over the head with House. He made scummy moves, maybe due to his being a noob (and all the time I thought it made him look like a really clever Scum). So losing one townie or losing two, one is better. I don't think you are the ruler. The ruler wouldn't be drawing that much attention to himself as you have been. I don't know why SR can't see that.

I'm still not sure SR is Town, or Ika, based on the fact that he thought we lynched House just for being snarky and anti-town.

how about you give me the post number and i will tear it a new one. i have been overly confident on pllayer before that they were town just to be proven wrong. i have also done the same and be right. it sounds like your just trying to discredit him now. maybe you should listen in on his ideas for once now that he fliped town.

Shaitra, if I were Scum I wouldn't have wasted a whole afternoon pouring over House and Wolf's post to try and prove that House was Scum. It just wouldn't make sense. Scum doesn't scum hunt other scum. True that House turned out to be Town, but obviously he didn't come across as Town to enough of us to vote for a lynch on him.

no in a setup like this scums have every incentive to hunt each other. heck scums hunting other scums is somethign i would call distancing.

scum have trouble scum hunting each other due to the fact they know they are scum. if they want to do it they would bus hardcore
here it doesnt apply due to the fact gurads only knows king. so its rather easy to fake scum hunting
I wish I would of figured out what SR and House were doing sooner. I never would of voted for him if I would of figured this out then. I'm not too happy with myself because most everything I've done this game has benefited scum. So I would not object if you guys went after me for real. It would be another mislynch but damn, there is something wrong with the way I play these games. I did very well endgame as town but this game, I've mostly helped scum and understand why I'm suspicious to some of you. It really has shaken my confidence for sure.

Wolf, if you hadn't changed your vote and voted for House, SR and House might have been successful in getting Scum to vote you off and then me. House was so sure you were Town, he knew that when you flipped town, they would not hesitate to come after me. You would have given them the opportunity to knock off 2 townies instead of one. Quit beating yourself over the head with House. He made scummy moves, maybe due to his being a noob (and all the time I thought it made him look like a really clever Scum). So losing one townie or losing two, one is better. I don't think you are the ruler. The ruler wouldn't be drawing that much attention to himself as you have been. I don't know why SR can't see that.

I'm still not sure SR is Town, or Ika, based on the fact that he thought we lynched House just for being snarky and anti-town.

how about you give me the post number and i will tear it a new one. i have been overly confident on pllayer before that they were town just to be proven wrong. i have also done the same and be right. it sounds like your just trying to discredit him now. maybe you should listen in on his ideas for once now that he fliped town.

Which post number do you want? The one where I posted the wall of posts that is irrelevant now or the one where you said you couldn't understand House being lynched for just being snarky and anti-town?

I'm going to go fix dinner, so I won't be back for a while.
more like the one past where he ripped apart his case that you built.

he even pointed out he was not responding to shit case.

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