Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Oh, okay, Cafe.

I was following the game, but I didn't take notes.

Still doesn't explain Shaitra not voting twice.

She's on my radar, too, for being too quiet at the beginning of the game. Recently she claimed V/LA, don't remember how long she said she would be gone. But, she can't remain V/LA too long without becoming a suspect. If she was the ruler, being V/LA would be a great way to remain quiet and not be suspect. If she starts posting more when she comes back, it will help remove suspicion.
I also noticed that Mertex did NOT join in the final vote for Rosie even though Rosie was playing almost exactly as she did as Scum in Game 2.

That's right, I didn't vote for Rosie, but my reason was that both Wolf and Rosie were attacking each other and I didn't see voting Rosie off as fair. A warning from Wake might have stopped it and we could have avoided a mislynch. If you go back and read the thread you'll see that I posted such a remark to Wake.
I'm back from V/LA. Working on catching up, but will probably be tonight for something substantial.
ika How do you see the 'deal' House was willing to make in lynching Wolf even though he claims to have believed she was town? Do you think he was being manipulated by scum with it?

why did we lynch an obvious town rebel just now?

i leave the thread for like 5 hrs to go to work to find this.......

Town lynched him for basically being so confident in Mertex scum he was willing to bargain. The noobies think bargaining alone is scummy.

I've been kind of busy this weekend. But this. It wasn't about him being confident that mertex was scum. it was that he was trying to have someone else killed to prove it. That's pretty scummy. The whole thing has been said several times. What bothers me more is that you planned on going along with it.

That's because House's plan wasn't scummy at all. We live in a world without nightkills. So by getting two people chained up and wagoned we learn a lot. That's true regardless of Wolf's alignment.

If Wolf is town, scum would be in the lurkers fueling House v Wolf.
If Wolf is scum, scum would likely be protecting her.

If Mertex is scum, we would generate much of a similar result to if Wolf was scum given that scum wouldn't want my vote to autojump to Mertex.

House's plan was the best thing for associatives as it caused a mass rash of reactions.

I've been thinking about this. I think scum are helping lynch any wagon that forms as a counter to mine. When I was wagoned earlier, ika became a wagon and got up to 6 votes out of 8. After that, I was wagoned and Rosie was quicklynched. Then you two made this deal, I was wagoned again and House was quick lynched. This definitely shows ika town BTW. Rosie and House were town.

I'm not the ruler but I can totally see how that would look like I am. I am not scum either but I think one or more of them may think I am and they and the ruler, possibly the usurper are getting behind every counter wagon to my own and helping me lynch off town.

So now I want to know what to do to stop helping scum. I'm a townie and I am hurting town unintentionally.

Probably the best thing to do is look at every counter wagon to mine that built up quickly-ika's, Rosie's, House's and see who jumped on at the end, especially those that jumped on after I was wagoned. There has got to be scum in that group. That is the group that should be lynched from.

Or wagon me again and go from there like you and House planned, however, I doubt it would work now that I laid out what is happening here. In fact, I wish Wake's links worked because I could go to all these wagons and find the scum right now. I still might try if I can search. I'll see what I can do.

When you have been wagoned, I noticed that no one came to your defense (except House) which now seems to prove that you are not the ruler, especially since House turned out to be Town. Like I said earlier, if the Ruler should ever be wagoned, it will be obvious because the guards will have to come to his/her defense....they can't risk the ruler being lynched.

I don't understand SR's posts. What does she mean by this comment? "If Wolf is town, scum would be in the lurkers fueling House v Wolf." Is she trying to point the finger at me, that my whole reason for pointing out all the scummy posts from House was a ploy to get Wolf lynched? If that is what you are saying, SR, could you elaborate a bit more? Since Scum doesn't know who is town and who could be another Scum guard?

The guards would know that she wasn't the ruler, so all three guards could definitely vote for her, but they couldn't be sure they weren't taking out another guard, either, so that might cause some of them to hold back.

Also, can someone that understands what SR is saying in this comment explain it to me?

"If Mertex is scum, we would generate much of a similar result to if Wolf was scum given that scum wouldn't want my vote to autojump to Mertex."

Are you saying that me and Wolf are Scum and are working together? If we were both guards we wouldn't know that about each other. If she was ruler and I was guard, I wouldn't have been trying to convince everyone that she was the ruler. If Wolf was the ruler and I was a guard, she wouldn't have any idea that I was a guard. So, that is my understanding of your comment and it doesn't make sense to me.
Mertex, that's what makes this game more difficult to figure out about scum.

The ruler doesn't know who the guards or usurper is.

The usurper doesn't know who the ruler or guards are.

The guards don't know who the other guards or usurper is, but know who the ruler is.

Seems to me none of them would want to have anything to do with a wagon forming on someone, much less voting for someone each time a lynch is near. Being scrutinized is something they'd want to avoid. There's far too many players lurking and not playing. If I were scum in this setup, I'd be lying low.
I'm not sure Mertex. I'm not sure why she always wants to wagon me. Notice how she said it has to be me or Josh now? 2 townies. Or at least I'm pretty sure Josh is town. I'm not sure if because we are her top scumreads or what. If we follow her plan, I'd rather it be Avi and FA because I think that would be far more benefical. Or Avi and mathblade. Or Avi and Shaitra. Or someone who has not been wagoned yet because I have my doubts that the ruler has been wagoned.

I think the quicklynches are for one of 2 reasons or both-Rosie was the drama, House was for his reaction to selling a townie down the river, ika was for saying he wouldn't play. OR they were legitimate wagons against mine because there may be guards here who think I am one of them and are protecting me.

It's impossible to say. You and Aye could be correct and SR is pulling strings and is scum manipulating everyone.

I do know we have to try something to catch scum and I'm out of ideas except voting for the person I find the most likely to be scum.

Of course since I'm feeling both you and Aye are town, I'll be willing to see what you guys come up with also. A lot of this is observing how people behave and instead of reacting to it like I have been, just being observant might be the best course of action and then catching someone making a mistake.
Mertex, that's what makes this game more difficult to figure out about scum.

The ruler doesn't know who the guards or usurper is.

The usurper doesn't know who the ruler or guards are.

The guards don't know who the other guards or usurper is, but know who the ruler is.

Seems to me none of them would want to have anything to do with a wagon forming on someone, much less voting for someone each time a lynch is near. Being scrutinized is something they'd want to avoid. There's far too many players lurking and not playing. If I were scum in this setup, I'd be lying low.

Good point, then that puts a hell of a lot of people into FoS territory because at least half or more of the player list is barely playing. Lurking as scum is very beneficial because you fly under the radar. Perhaps voting a lurker will put the pressure on them to show their hand.
Wolfsister77, Alright. You keep your vote there. Along with that, we'll have one other person be wagoned. Pair them up.

Right now, that sits as Josh B or Wolf.

ika, who should we pair against Avatar?

I think it should be someone who has not been wagoned yet and I'd go with one of the lurkers along with Avi. I don't think the ruler has been wagoned yet and I think scum or ruler or usurper might be lurking. In fact, they probably are.

The best way to catch the ruler is see the reactions to a wagon on the ruler. So why not try someone who hasn't gotten a wagon yet and go with a lurker. At least half the player base is barely playing.
House wagon:

House (LYNCH):
Mathblade, ★Arden, Wolfsister77, Mertex, Josh_B, AyeCantSeeYou, Avatar4321, House

Mathblade (1): ika,

Wolfsister77 (2): ScarletRage, FA_Q2

Not Voting (3):tso!, TheOldSchool, Shaitra


Rosie Wagon:

RosieS (LYNCH):
Josh_B, Wolfsister77, House, Shaitra, Avatar4321, ScarletRage, AyeCantSeeYou, Mathblade

ScarletRage (2):TheOldSchool, ika

Wolfsister77 (2):FA_Q2, Mertex

House (1):★Arden

Not Voting (1):tso!


ika's Wagon:

ika (6):Mertex, Avatar4321, ScarletRage, Wolfsister77, AyeCantSeeYou, House

House (1):★Arden

RosieS (1): Josh_B

ScarletRage (2):TheOldSchool, ika

Wolfsister77 (3):FA_Q2, RosieS, Mathblade

Not Voting (2):tso!, Shaitra

Each one of these built up very quickly. Two were town. One ika, is very likely town due to this.

Who was on every major wagon? Who was always in the flash wagon part of the vote?

Well, I was only on that part with ika. Aye and Avi came in at the end on Rosie and House. Both Avi and Aye particularly came in at the end.

One thing to note is FA is alway on me and mathblade usually is. FA always joins a wagon on me. I'm town so that is something to look at when I flip to see why FA and mathblade are always voting me but particularly FA who I have been calling scum the whole game and still think is scum.

Now, with Rosie Aye was asked to vote for her. I remember so I'm going to give her a break for that.

So on every major wagon was Avi, myself, Aye. Avi was in the flash part on 2 of them.

I have been thinking Avi is scum the whole game so he's the best vote here. Plus, have you see Avi do any serious scum hunting? He's cast votes-mostly for ika all game who is likely town. He's joined wagons. He was at the top of House's reads list who was town. He's been on mine as scum all game. If I'm wrong here, you might as well lynch me because I just can't figure out scum this game if Avi isn't scum.

Vote: Avatar4321

so wagon analysis is useless this game so you are going to use it to justify changing your vote for me. Odd considering you said were looking for people who jumped on the wagons at the end and I've was on ika before most everyone else and I was suspecting house before that. As for Rosie, I was tired of the fighting, I suspected her. Considering you and house were pushing so hard for Rosie why is it suspicious that i agreed with you.

if anyone was jumping on the end of each wagon it looks like it was aye.

you claim I haven't been scum hunting. If that is so, how is it I am voting for people I think are scum? Did that just randomly happen? Seems to me the ones who aren't scum hunting are the ones who aren't voting.

and it would seriously help scum hunting if you weren't fighting with everyone.
Titus says you
for kicks and gigles i would do wolf
on a more serious note, dont know but dont care

AyeCantSeeYou not really, i have done that route many times over b/c someone was scum reading me. weather hes right or not has yet to be seen.

@avi inccorect. gurads know ruler. so i assume as long as the votes arent on ruler the gurads will be more then happy to banwagon anyone thats not them. your lack of scum hunting is backed up by your voteparking and lack of trying to figure out gamestae and reading the actual thread
I agree'd with ika's post and then realized he said I should be wagoned again for fun so I took it off. :biggrin:

And Avi, he's right about you though. You are not playing your town game but it looks a lot like your scum game.

Your irritation with me is noted. Not because it's me but because you don't usually get irritated.

I have been told many times that everyone gets put under the microscope. Some are escaping it. They should be looked at but when I see you and FA playing like you did as scum, I have to take notice. You were at the top of House's reads list also.

I know you are very careful as scum. It makes sense to me that you are one of them. If I am wrong, then I don't know, just point and shoot I guess until we hit one of them.

This game is exceedingly difficult to figure out.
Well, OldSchool didn't vote both final counts, but USMB has him under a posting restriction.

But why didn't Shaitra vote?

vote: Shaitra
I didn't vote because I was V/LA. I was out of town this weekend with no computer access.
Titus says you
for kicks and gigles i would do wolf
on a more serious note, dont know but dont care

AyeCantSeeYou not really, i have done that route many times over b/c someone was scum reading me. weather hes right or not has yet to be seen.

@avi inccorect. gurads know ruler. so i assume as long as the votes arent on ruler the gurads will be more then happy to banwagon anyone thats not them. your lack of scum hunting is backed up by your voteparking and lack of trying to figure out gamestae and reading the actual thread
incorrect about what? I'm the one who started the wagon analysis. It's wolf who was objecting to it until she thought she could use it to lynch me.

I'm very much aware the guards won't support a lynch of the ruler. It's one of the reasons I was arguing that you were the ruler. Because your wagon mysteriously fell apart and now people are claiming you are obviously town for no reason.

and you can't say I am not scum hunting simply because I'm pointing at you.
In reading through everything I've missed, it does stick out to me that Avi isn't posting much at all. I can understand people's reluctance to post day 1 with the Rosie/Wolf drama thing going on. But that was resolved at the end of day 1. So not sure why we aren't seeing more from Avatar. Definitely leaning scum there.

Wolfsister reads town to me. Her posts are coming across to me the same way they did in the last game.

Aye hasn't posted as much as she normally does, but what she has posted seems like her town game. Leaning town there.

ika is null to me right now. I have to do some further reading to determine if he's scum or town.

SR is bouncing back and forth between scum and town. Some posts seem very townlike, but others seem scummy. More ISO work on her is needed.

Mertex is leaning town, but there is something nagging at me. Not sure what it is yet.

These reads are gut feels for now. I have a ton of work to catch up on which is going to include taking things home tonight so I don't know when I will have a chance to finish my reads list and solidify my other reads.

FA_Q2 Math doesn't seem random to me, just apathetic. Perhaps we can draw her out of her funk to see which one of us is right?


MathBlade Is SR correct? If so, why? Who would be your top scum reads right now?
Yes I am pretty apathetic. I am dealing with shit IRL and coming back to that fuckery pretty much drained my wanting to post into that game. I consider this a favor but ugh so hard to post.

Wolf/ika likely scum reads. I think we need to lynch a guard to make it easier to lynch ruler later.

FA_Q2 Math doesn't seem random to me, just apathetic. Perhaps we can draw her out of her funk to see which one of us is right?


MathBlade Is SR correct? If so, why? Who would be your top scum reads right now?
Yes I am pretty apathetic. I am dealing with shit IRL and coming back to that fuckery pretty much drained my wanting to post into that game. I consider this a favor but ugh so hard to post.

Wolf/ika likely scum reads. I think we need to lynch a guard to make it easier to lynch ruler later.

Try forgetting the Day 1 stuff and start from this day on. Staying in the shadows makes you look like one of the scum. Give us reasons as to why you think Wolf and ika are scum. It would help!

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