Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

I wish I would of figured out what SR and House were doing sooner. I never would of voted for him if I would of figured this out then. I'm not too happy with myself because most everything I've done this game has benefited scum. So I would not object if you guys went after me for real. It would be another mislynch but damn, there is something wrong with the way I play these games. I did very well endgame as town but this game, I've mostly helped scum and understand why I'm suspicious to some of you. It really has shaken my confidence for sure.

Wolf, if you hadn't changed your vote and voted for House, SR and House might have been successful in getting Scum to vote you off and then me. House was so sure you were Town, he knew that when you flipped town, they would not hesitate to come after me. You would have given them the opportunity to knock off 2 townies instead of one. Quit beating yourself over the head with House. He made scummy moves, maybe due to his being a noob (and all the time I thought it made him look like a really clever Scum). So losing one townie or losing two, one is better. I don't think you are the ruler. The ruler wouldn't be drawing that much attention to himself as you have been. I don't know why SR can't see that.

I'm still not sure SR is Town, or Ika, based on the fact that he thought we lynched House just for being snarky and anti-town.

Mertex, I will explain to you why you've been extremely wrong tomorrow.

Everyone should do everything in their power to get scum lynched. Low risk anti-town behavior is acceptable. If someone is convinced that Player A is almost certainly scum, Player B appears to be town but would be scum if Player A is town, then House's play makes total sense. No matter what, he gets a scum lynch. In a world with no nightkill, it's one of the few ways to get anything done. You may not agree with his action as being the best, but it doesn't make it scummy. This is what I was trying to explain all of yesterday.

A ruler CAN draw a lot of attention to themselves. They have three people willing to die for them. A lurking ruler is a MUCH bigger danger to their team than an active one. Town can just decide to autolynch lurkers. Town doesn't decide to autolynch actives. The team can become obvious if protecting one lurker over all the others.
but more seriously.....

can anyone legitimately justify their votes on the house lynch outside of "he was snarky/anti-town"?

Hmmmm, Ika just buzzed my scumdar.....what do you mean we lynched House for his "snarky/anti-town" behavior? Didn't you see the wall of posts I posted indicating that House was protecting/defending Wolf? Even though it turned out that it wasn't a smart Scum move, but rather a dumb Town move, enough people saw something odd about it to think he was Scum. Also, his deal to throw a townie under the bus just so that he could get rid of someone that was pushing hard on him as being scum or that he didn't like, was really scummy.

You are either not keeping up with the game because you don't care about the game as you hinted on earlier, or you are scum now trying to sound Town by questioning House's lynch.

Actually, House is anything but dumb and his defending me was not dumb. He's town. I'm town. Townblocks are pretty powerful. ika's defense of House also is another reason for me to townread ika Yes, scum will defend town and other scum when it helps them and will also go after town or scum as well, but when town works together, that's when scum is in trouble as game 5 clearly showed at the end there. It does not make House dumb town but smart town.

I only voted for him when he swore I was town and made a deal with SR who I thought was scummy to lynch someone he thought was town to get at someone else who was in no way shape or form guarantee'd to be lynched or scum. You are playing your town game right now so I think it would of resulted in a lynch of 2 townies. I was wrong to vote for him and help lynch him. So now I'm going to look at what he said and his reads so he can help us even when he's not here. BTW-they were pretty much the same as mine regarding Avi and FA and several others.
Oh and I just saw Math's "reason" for scumreading ika. It's insanely stupid and weak. Wolf defended ika and therefore must be scum. Math's been around the block enough to know that scum can whiteknight.

Vote: Mathblade

Pretty clear Math's intent is to stop townblocks from forming because townblocks would be deadly to her wincon.
Oh and I just saw Math's "reason" for scumreading ika. It's insanely stupid and weak. Wolf defended ika and therefore must be scum. Math's been around the block enough to know that scum can whiteknight.

Vote: Mathblade

Pretty clear Math's intent is to stop townblocks from forming because townblocks would be deadly to her wincon.

What gets me is Math wanted House lynched. House flipped town. Now she says Wolf is scum. At the beginning of the game, she was saying SR is town, Wolf is scum if ika is town and if ika is scum, then wolf is town. Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 16 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here she's voting for Wolf, after agreeing with SR. Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 68 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

SR, do you still believe Wolf is scum? Earlier you said you thought she was the ruler here Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 70 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum and here Official Usmb Mafia Game 6 The Rebels In The Palace Page 70 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If Wolf gets lynched and flips town, it definitely wouldn't look good for Math.

House votes FA

Then, both Mertex and Arden vote House, Wolf then asks why FA is not voting SR, since that is his top scum read, then Avatar wonders why Wolf is defending House, implies she is scum.

Mathblade comes in calling House scum shortly after his vote for FA. Scarlet votes FA. Wolfsister states FA is being a hypocrite and Avatar defends FA (853)

FA may be King
Math (guard)
Mertex ??? possible guard
Avatar (guard) ( avatar is playing his scum question and answer game this time around, not his FOSing and normal town game with reasoning and wifom at times.

I think I'm going to vote someone new.

VOTE: grandma

Because? Not that I disagree.

Why Grandma? I have no read on her except she was TSO! who was not playing. The thing that could suck is TSO was the King and could not or did not play, thereby throwing the whole game. I was looking for some pattern where player seemed to defend another player even if not stating such, thus my vote for FA as of now. I suppose its possible for a usurper role for Grandma, but I've got my eye on someone else for that slot for the time being.
I think I'm going to vote someone new.

VOTE: grandma

Because? Not that I disagree.

Why Grandma? I have no read on her except she was TSO! who was not playing. The thing that could suck is TSO was the King and could not or did not play, thereby throwing the whole game. I was looking for some pattern where player seemed to defend another player even if not stating such, thus my vote for FA as of now. I suppose its possible for a usurper role for Grandma, but I've got my eye on someone else for that slot for the time being.

It's mostly my suspicions of tso and gut.

I strongly agree with you about FA and would have no problem voting for him. He and Avi are totally playing their scum game.

I would vote math too. Like I said, Grandma's mostly gut from her replace in posts.
@Aye, I do believe Wolf has a decent chance of being ruler. I also believing tunnelling does me nothing.

avatar, ika sucks very badly as scum. I would be very shocked if this was his scumgame.
@Aye, I do believe Wolf has a decent chance of being ruler. I also believing tunnelling does me nothing.

avatar, ika sucks very badly as scum. I would be very shocked if this was his scumgame.

Well, I have to ask here, you said you all discussed pregame stuff over Skype prior to game start. Is any of his game behavior following how he said he might play if town? If it is not and is the opposite, then he may be scum.

I would have the same questions for IKA since he vote parked you game start.

House votes FA

Then, both Mertex and Arden vote House, Wolf then asks why FA is not voting SR, since that is his top scum read, then Avatar wonders why Wolf is defending House, implies she is scum.

Mathblade comes in calling House scum shortly after his vote for FA. Scarlet votes FA. Wolfsister states FA is being a hypocrite and Avatar defends FA (853)

FA may be King
Math (guard)
Mertex ??? possible guard
Avatar (guard) ( avatar is playing his scum question and answer game this time around, not his FOSing and normal town game with reasoning and wifom at times.

Then let's get a guard out in Mathblade and come back handle the next person after we remove Math.
I think FA is town but let's get everyone agreeing on a person being scum and vote them.
anyone ever head of loaded questions? i suggest everyone tires it right now

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