Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace

Mertex, that's why I call out people sometimes in things I ask. I try to get those that don't post much, in hopes it'll somehow help us. Those that keep hiding in the shadows by not saying much are the ones that could have the most to stay quiet about.
here it doesnt apply due to the fact gurads only knows king. so its rather easy to fake scum hunting

Taking down the post numbers after analyzing the comment to decide whether it sounds scummy or not, then taking the time to arrange them into a post doesn't seem easy to me, in fact it wasn't easy at all. If I was Scum I would just stay away and then post comments that don't have anything to do with anything that is helpful in finding scum. There seem to be quite a few of those comments.

The point there is that is normally a towntell but scum must scumhunt as well but for the ruler. Scum guards must find out who not to lynch.

I agree, but I don't think Scum would go to unnecessary work/trouble to set up someone they think is Scum too. Maybe someone they think is Town, but to try and set up one on their own team doesn't make sense to me.

Scum Guards know who the ruler is, they are going to discourage any negative comments made on their ruler to preclude his being lynched. However, other than the ruler, guards only have to be concerned about other guards, they don't know who the other guards are and don't want to unnecessarily lynch another guard. That is why this game is so freaking hard. Damn Wake!

Scum will bus their ruler to a minor extent but not bus so severely. Look, so and so cannot be the ruler... they were voted so much is the argument. All the while, they KNOW that they will prevent the ruler from being lynched.
I think I'm going to vote someone new.

VOTE: grandma

Because? Not that I disagree.

Why Grandma? I have no read on her except she was TSO! who was not playing. The thing that could suck is TSO was the King and could not or did not play, thereby throwing the whole game. I was looking for some pattern where player seemed to defend another player even if not stating such, thus my vote for FA as of now. I suppose its possible for a usurper role for Grandma, but I've got my eye on someone else for that slot for the time being.

I would think that the Usurper would vote for anyone since his objective is to kill the king, guards and town (at least all but one).....since Grandma has only voted once and TSO only voted once, it doesn't seem likely to me that she would be the Usurper. I'm also thinking of someone else for that role but I don't have enough info yet.

I wouldn't think the Usurper would vote for anyone (well unless I'm wrong and ika is because that's his town strategy). That might as well be hanging a neon sign.

Well, maybe if he thinks that the person will get lynched without his help, but it benefits the Usurper to get everyone killed, so why wouldn't he vote or hammer to insure it if someone is hanging at -1 vote to be lynched? But you may be right. Didn't Wolf or Ika hang at -1 for quite a while and nobody hammered? I took my vote off him on D1 because I had only voted him during the RVS time, and I was afraid that someone would hammer and I didn't have the feeling at that time that he was Scum.
I think I'm going to vote someone new.

VOTE: grandma

Because? Not that I disagree.

Why Grandma? I have no read on her except she was TSO! who was not playing. The thing that could suck is TSO was the King and could not or did not play, thereby throwing the whole game. I was looking for some pattern where player seemed to defend another player even if not stating such, thus my vote for FA as of now. I suppose its possible for a usurper role for Grandma, but I've got my eye on someone else for that slot for the time being.

I would think that the Usurper would vote for anyone since his objective is to kill the king, guards and town (at least all but one).....since Grandma has only voted once and TSO only voted once, it doesn't seem likely to me that she would be the Usurper. I'm also thinking of someone else for that role but I don't have enough info yet.

I wouldn't think the Usurper would vote for anyone (well unless I'm wrong and ika is because that's his town strategy). That might as well be hanging a neon sign.

Well, maybe if he thinks that the person will get lynched without his help, but it benefits the Usurper to get everyone killed, so why wouldn't he vote or hammer to insure it if someone is hanging at -1 vote to be lynched? But you may be right. Didn't Wolf or Ika hang at -1 for quite a while and nobody hammered? I took my vote off him on D1 because I had only voted him during the RVS time, and I was afraid that someone would hammer and I didn't have the feeling at that time that he was Scum.

Ika was as L-2, never L-1 because he said he would hammer himself. I was never at L-1. I think L-2 at one point and definitely L-3 a few times.

No one ever finishes me off.
if we can get you to l-1 i will finish you off. you know what helps this case? a good old fasion selfvote

Vote Count 3.1

★Arden (0):
Avatar4321 (3):
★Arden, Wolfsister77, Grandma
AyeCantSeeYou (1): Avatar4321
CafeAuLait (0):
FA_Q2 (1):
Grandma (1): Josh_B
ika (0):
Josh_B (0):
Mathblade (1):
Mertex (0):
ScarletRage (0):
Shaitra (0):
Wolfsister77 (1):

Not Voting (5): FA_Q2, Shaitra, AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex, ika,

~ With 13 players, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 10/11/14, @10PM Central.

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My reads have changed.

SR - I still feel that she's a guard or usurper, but she flits around changes around too much. Null

Shaitra - Still too quiet, may be the ruler. Still not getting enough info to vote for her. Null

FA_Q2 - hasn't posted much, thought he was town but he's leaning scum to me. Scum guard.

Avatar - still too cautious, not posting much, could be ruler or a guard. Scum

JoshB - He's open to reasoning of others, gives good Town advice. Town

Ika - Thought he was town but the fact that he didn't know why we voted House off, made me dubious. Leaning Scum.

Aye - Town

Cafe - I thought she was Town, don't have enough to go on. Null

Wolf - Thought she was the ruler, but House flipping Town blasted that thought. Town

Arden - Had thought she was Town, some of her comments have me confused. Null

Mathblade - Also thought she was Town, but I'm not sure ATM.

I thought TSO! was the ruler, but since Grandma replaced him, I don't have enough info. Null
No avatar wagon is too easy. I officially do not like it.

We have Math who people are ignoring though.
Well my scum hunting didn't work, so now I have to try a new way.

Vote: CafeAuLait

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