Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Jan 10th, 2019

I spent 33 years as a Federal Employee and went through several shutdowns

It is not like a vacation. You don’t know when your next paycheck is coming. You don’t go out to dinner, you put purchases on hold, you hold off on your bills and pay those that are most urgent

Gee, I'm not surprised.
At least he worked for a living.


Good one...a government employee working.
i was out there in pouring rain delivering mail and having some asswipes yell at me because their mail got wet,fighting off fucking dogs in the dark,asshole people every were....believe me that was work....

That's kinda splitting hairs, are postal employees federal employees?
I spent 33 years as a Federal Employee and went through several shutdowns

It is not like a vacation. You don’t know when your next paycheck is coming. You don’t go out to dinner, you put purchases on hold, you hold off on your bills and pay those that are most urgent

Gee, I'm not surprised.
At least he worked for a living.


Good one...a government employee working.
i was out there in pouring rain delivering mail and having some asswipes yell at me because their mail got wet,fighting off fucking dogs in the dark,asshole people every were....believe me that was work....

That's kinda splitting hairs, are postal employees federal employees?
who owns the PO?....
If you go down to the border in many areas of AZ and Texas where there is no wall you will see signs placed there by our government warning US citizens that they proceed at their own be aware of drug is sad that we have a no mans land in our own nation....

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Where/Who is the customer base for all these drugs again? Where's all our personal responsibility?

Your power structure and failing economic system requires scapegoats, your economic system only "works" for the few. They know a pushback is coming, the wall will make you fish a barrel when it comes.

90% of the heroin in this country comes across the southern border. There are also 300 people dying of a heroin overdose in this country every week.

So you have two choices:

1. You can tell the "customer base" that "Drugs are bad" and hope they quit doing them

2. You can stop 90% of the heroin coming into this country by building a wall.

And if you have any doubt about how fast the flow of drugs stopped where portions of the southern border wall were built, do a little research. You will be surprised.

...and the drugs are coming in through the ports of entry, not across the desert border, which means that drugs have nothing to do with a wall.

Then shut down the ports of entry and build he wall. Fine with me.

Or you can build the wall, which will free up the Border Patrol and Customs Agents to do more searches and seizures at the points of entry. You do know there there is a finite number of agents, don't you? Why should they have to be patrolling hundreds of miles of open borders when they could be stopping the drugs at the entry points?

Ah, well, J, I live 35 miles from the border, and EVERYONE is vetted who crosses the border, and then again 20 miles north of the border at a BP station. This is true at every border port, and on every pubic road north of a border port. They also always have canine drug sniffers. In addition to that, I sit on my back patio at night and watch heat seeking drones fly down the Santa Cruz River bed. In short, you don't have a clue about what is going on down here. In addition to that, closing the ports means that they have to close them both ways, which means that the US government just locked you in. Welcome to East berlin!

If everyone crossing the border is "vetted", why is 90% of the heroin coming through the entry ports? That's 135,943 pounds of cocaine, 2,015 pounds of heroin, 4,330,475 pounds of pot, and 6,135 pounds of meth, as of 2009.

Bad analogy BTW: The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in and freedom out. The Trump Wall will be built to keep people out and freedom in.
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Gee, I'm not surprised.
At least he worked for a living.


Good one...a government employee working.
i was out there in pouring rain delivering mail and having some asswipes yell at me because their mail got wet,fighting off fucking dogs in the dark,asshole people every were....believe me that was work....

That's kinda splitting hairs, are postal employees federal employees?
who owns the PO?....

Years ago they were fed employees, didn't the P.O. privatize...I have to check.
At least he worked for a living.


Good one...a government employee working.
i was out there in pouring rain delivering mail and having some asswipes yell at me because their mail got wet,fighting off fucking dogs in the dark,asshole people every were....believe me that was work....

That's kinda splitting hairs, are postal employees federal employees?
who owns the PO?....

Years ago they were fed employees, didn't the P.O. privatize...I have to check.
no need to check, they did not,still owned by your uncle Sam........
If you go down to the border in many areas of AZ and Texas where there is no wall you will see signs placed there by our government warning US citizens that they proceed at their own be aware of drug is sad that we have a no mans land in our own nation....

View attachment 239380

View attachment 239381
Where/Who is the customer base for all these drugs again? Where's all our personal responsibility?

Your power structure and failing economic system requires scapegoats, your economic system only "works" for the few. They know a pushback is coming, the wall will make you fish a barrel when it comes.

90% of the heroin in this country comes across the southern border. There are also 300 people dying of a heroin overdose in this country every week.

So you have two choices:

1. You can tell the "customer base" that "Drugs are bad" and hope they quit doing them

2. You can stop 90% of the heroin coming into this country by building a wall.

And if you have any doubt about how fast the flow of drugs stopped where portions of the southern border wall were built, do a little research. You will be surprised.

...and the drugs are coming in through the ports of entry, not across the desert border, which means that drugs have nothing to do with a wall.

Then shut down the ports of entry and build he wall. Fine with me.

Or you can build the wall, which will free up the Border Patrol and Customs Agents to do more searches and seizures at the points of entry. You do know there there is a finite number of agents, don't you? Why should they have to be patrolling hundreds of miles of open borders when they could be stopping the drugs at the entry points?

Ah, well, J, I live 35 miles from the border, and EVERYONE is vetted who crosses the border, and then again 20 miles north of the border at a BP station. This is true at every border port, and on every pubic road north of a border port. They also always have canine drug sniffers. In addition to that, I sit on my back patio at night and watch heat seeking drones fly down the Santa Cruz River bed. In short, you don't have a clue about what is going on down here. In addition to that, closing the ports means that they have to close them both ways, which means that the US government just locked you in. Welcome to East Berlin!

There it is, right there. Seems some of us are just scared to death and are ready to taste reservation life. And hell, the way we hostiles have all divided ourselves up into their tribes based upon the script, what a gas it would be to wall us in. Of course we'd be screened both ways, we're already under constant surveillance. And we're all angry and armed and we allowed ourselves to be sicced on each other, cucked to concentrated wealth and power. We are america's next "Indian" in the global economic system. Wall us in and watch us battle it out gladiator gamesish.

America lost its fucking mind somewhere along the way. We're a collectively pathologically paranoid society with delusions of grandeur.

I know some might fine individuals however.

It's a bad road to go down, can't get on board.
Where/Who is the customer base for all these drugs again? Where's all our personal responsibility?

Your power structure and failing economic system requires scapegoats, your economic system only "works" for the few. They know a pushback is coming, the wall will make you fish a barrel when it comes.

90% of the heroin in this country comes across the southern border. There are also 300 people dying of a heroin overdose in this country every week.

So you have two choices:

1. You can tell the "customer base" that "Drugs are bad" and hope they quit doing them

2. You can stop 90% of the heroin coming into this country by building a wall.

And if you have any doubt about how fast the flow of drugs stopped where portions of the southern border wall were built, do a little research. You will be surprised.

...and the drugs are coming in through the ports of entry, not across the desert border, which means that drugs have nothing to do with a wall.

Then shut down the ports of entry and build he wall. Fine with me.

Or you can build the wall, which will free up the Border Patrol and Customs Agents to do more searches and seizures at the points of entry. You do know there there is a finite number of agents, don't you? Why should they have to be patrolling hundreds of miles of open borders when they could be stopping the drugs at the entry points?

Ah, well, J, I live 35 miles from the border, and EVERYONE is vetted who crosses the border, and then again 20 miles north of the border at a BP station. This is true at every border port, and on every pubic road north of a border port. They also always have canine drug sniffers. In addition to that, I sit on my back patio at night and watch heat seeking drones fly down the Santa Cruz River bed. In short, you don't have a clue about what is going on down here. In addition to that, closing the ports means that they have to close them both ways, which means that the US government just locked you in. Welcome to East berlin!

If everyone crossing the border is "vetted", why is 90% of the heroin coming through the entry ports? That's 135,943 pounds of cocaine, 2,015 pounds of heroin, 4,330,475 pounds of pot, and 6,135 pounds of meth, as of 2009.

Bad analogy BTW: The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in and freedom out. The Trump Wall will be built to keep people out and freedom in.

Who are the customers again? Who is using those drugs again?
At this point, turtle man is cussing out democrats because true democrats refuse to join him, the 45 devil and his fellow antigovernment conspiring GOPer dogs in their kill America and civilization crusade. It appears turtle man has deployed his neck from his shell at basically having a anxiety attack over evil crap he in particular has been up to. As such, turtle will hopefully reap the full karma effect over his high treason. Its time for this old school washed up crook to get the boot! Also, hopefully turtle will pay a huge debt to society over his destructive endeavors over the years.

Mitch McConnell Throws A Fit Because Democrats Won't Pay For The Wall
You say, "yes" and open the govt.

Why don't you suggest the same thing for your side? After all, if they say "yes" to the 5 billion for the wall, the government is reopened.
Why should they?
Trump owns it and a majority of congress want it opened before wall funding is negotiated.

Sure they do. They just want Trump to give in so they can start this charade all over again when the government closes down in a month or two. If they had any intention of negotiations, they would have done it from day one of the shutdown. Instead........Democrats decided it was time for another vacation.

Or they simply believe govt business should not be conducted this way. Certainly there is nothing to lose in trying. The worst case is ending up in the same place.

I disagree. If the government stays shutdown long enough, it will prove we really don't need a lot of these people which is an advantage to Republicans because it's something we've said all along. Plus as other news makes headlines, the shutdown will no longer be an issue for most people.

By Trump signing a CR, it solves the problem, takes the issue out of the news, and forgotten about. Then when it re-emerges again, it becomes a big issue as it is now.

What the Democrats are trying to do is the same they did to Reagan: make promises and never keep them. There is no reason in the world how a shutdown could effect working on the problem. Trump is not buying it and neither are we. Kicking the can down the road doesn't solve anything, especially when it's an advantage to Democrats. Trump needs to keep the pressure on the Democrats to bring this problem to a resolution. They are feeling the pain because most government workers vote Democrat. Trump has nothing to lose.

There is zero reason for Trump to reopen the government before the wall funding is approved. He gets to watch the fireworks as the democrat party eats itself and at the end... the big boombastic wall is approved!
Let's see....Don't need.....
Coast Guard

OOPS.....accidentally defunded all the agencies needed for the "crisis".

I guess there goes the "National Guard" too, right?

Well, SHIT!

Good thing the "unorganized militia" is still partially armed.


Whatever will we do without big brother FedZilla to save us?

Not to mention the fact that loans aren't getting made...

tax refunds don't go out

Food inspections aren't done

Agencies like the TTB can't approve labels or liquor licenses

And on and on
Not to mention the fact that loans aren't getting made...

tax refunds don't go out

Food inspections aren't done

Agencies like the TTB can't approve labels or liquor licenses

And on and on

Nobody will be taxed either, I suppose. Are they shutting the IRS down too?

I guess we will all starve and die without FedZilla there to protect us.

Why don't you suggest the same thing for your side? After all, if they say "yes" to the 5 billion for the wall, the government is reopened.
Why should they?
Trump owns it and a majority of congress want it opened before wall funding is negotiated.

Sure they do. They just want Trump to give in so they can start this charade all over again when the government closes down in a month or two. If they had any intention of negotiations, they would have done it from day one of the shutdown. Instead........Democrats decided it was time for another vacation.

Or they simply believe govt business should not be conducted this way. Certainly there is nothing to lose in trying. The worst case is ending up in the same place.

I disagree. If the government stays shutdown long enough, it will prove we really don't need a lot of these people which is an advantage to Republicans because it's something we've said all along. Plus as other news makes headlines, the shutdown will no longer be an issue for most people.

By Trump signing a CR, it solves the problem, takes the issue out of the news, and forgotten about. Then when it re-emerges again, it becomes a big issue as it is now.

What the Democrats are trying to do is the same they did to Reagan: make promises and never keep them. There is no reason in the world how a shutdown could effect working on the problem. Trump is not buying it and neither are we. Kicking the can down the road doesn't solve anything, especially when it's an advantage to Democrats. Trump needs to keep the pressure on the Democrats to bring this problem to a resolution. They are feeling the pain because most government workers vote Democrat. Trump has nothing to lose.

There is zero reason for Trump to reopen the government before the wall funding is approved. He gets to watch the fireworks as the democrat party eats itself and at the end... the big boombastic wall is approved!

Trump is showing no signs of fear. Democrats on the other hand are demanding a re-opening of the government before they talk; as if they will talk any different as they are during the shutdown.

It's also telling how Piglosi and Shoemaker had to make an appearance after Trump's eight minute address to the nation. This is common after the State of The Union address, but not something like this. It's also noted how their rants were created ahead of time before they even knew what Trump was going to say.

So it's clear this is hurting the Democrats more than the Republicans. It would be foolish for Trump to give in now while he has the upper hand.
Not to mention the fact that loans aren't getting made...

tax refunds don't go out

Food inspections aren't done

Agencies like the TTB can't approve labels or liquor licenses

And on and on

Nobody will be taxed either, I suppose. Are they shutting the IRS down too?

I guess we will all starve and die without FedZilla there to protect us.

Oh taxes are still coming out of paychecks
Just let the shitshow last as long as it will, as long as there will be a wall waiting for the Americans, fulfilling the will of the people, I don't care.
At this point, turtle man is cussing out democrats because true democrats refuse to join him, the 45 devil and his fellow antigovernment conspiring GOPer dogs in their kill America and civilization crusade. It appears turtle man has deployed his neck from his shell at basically having a anxiety attack over evil crap he in particular has been up to. As such, turtle will hopefully reap the full karma effect over his high treason. Its time for this old school washed up crook to get the boot! Also, hopefully turtle will pay a huge debt to society over his destructive endeavors over the years.

Mitch McConnell Throws A Fit Because Democrats Won't Pay For The Wall
Gee, they have been in power for two years and America is still a country! All the name calling and hand wringing will come down to a simple question, will we get the wall or not?
Where/Who is the customer base for all these drugs again? Where's all our personal responsibility?

Your power structure and failing economic system requires scapegoats, your economic system only "works" for the few. They know a pushback is coming, the wall will make you fish a barrel when it comes.

90% of the heroin in this country comes across the southern border. There are also 300 people dying of a heroin overdose in this country every week.

So you have two choices:

1. You can tell the "customer base" that "Drugs are bad" and hope they quit doing them

2. You can stop 90% of the heroin coming into this country by building a wall.

And if you have any doubt about how fast the flow of drugs stopped where portions of the southern border wall were built, do a little research. You will be surprised.

...and the drugs are coming in through the ports of entry, not across the desert border, which means that drugs have nothing to do with a wall.

Then shut down the ports of entry and build he wall. Fine with me.

Or you can build the wall, which will free up the Border Patrol and Customs Agents to do more searches and seizures at the points of entry. You do know there there is a finite number of agents, don't you? Why should they have to be patrolling hundreds of miles of open borders when they could be stopping the drugs at the entry points?

Ah, well, J, I live 35 miles from the border, and EVERYONE is vetted who crosses the border, and then again 20 miles north of the border at a BP station. This is true at every border port, and on every pubic road north of a border port. They also always have canine drug sniffers. In addition to that, I sit on my back patio at night and watch heat seeking drones fly down the Santa Cruz River bed. In short, you don't have a clue about what is going on down here. In addition to that, closing the ports means that they have to close them both ways, which means that the US government just locked you in. Welcome to East berlin!

If everyone crossing the border is "vetted", why is 90% of the heroin coming through the entry ports? That's 135,943 pounds of cocaine, 2,015 pounds of heroin, 4,330,475 pounds of pot, and 6,135 pounds of meth, as of 2009.

Bad analogy BTW: The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in and freedom out. The Trump Wall will be built to keep people out and freedom in.

Yep! That is almost exactly word for word as to how the Soviets defended the Berlin wall. But, let's go past that. Closing the borders would lock out our 4th largest trading partner, Mexico. And, like Trump, you think this is a GOOD thing! Neither of you, apparently, passed Econon. 101. Christ on a bicycle, Galt, go back to school...

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