OFFICIAL USMB State of the Union 2018 Thread.....

Trump has called for unity, democrats are seething with hatred. We have the lowest black unemployment in history, democrats are near violence in their outrage.

Have you seen the chart? The Black unemployment has only continued to decrease at the same levels it has for years prior to Trump.

Low unemployment for African Americans proves that Trump is racist and must be impeached, da Comrade?

You don't get it... doesn't surprise me. It only followed the trend it has been on for the past several years. It has NOTHING to do with Trump.

Da comrade, your seething hatred makes Obama smile...
WTF is Wrong With Democrats?

Opposed to more Jobs
Opposed to Higer Wages
Opposed to Lower Taxes
Opposed to Lower Unemployment
Opposed to Americans keeping more of their money
Opposed to Overseas Wealth coming back Tp America
Opposed to American Companies who left this Country coming back to this Country

Pelosi Looks Pissed!
Pelosi wanted to be POTUS.

Man her face looks like it's melting or she needs a drink, lol.
This speech is going pretty well.

Where are all the lies liberals told me trump would tell tonight?
I'm watching it and just look at the sorry democrats who refuse to stand or applaud.

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