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Official USMB What is a Wall? Why a Wall?

Trump's "Wall" was a campaign chant/meme that went viral and became real in the heads of very, very stupid people.

This is why I simply LOVE this "spot-on" cartoon....lol

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Your so-called president tRump who is not a legitimate president but a traitor, fraud and a liar should be in prison instead of attempting to destroy civilization.
Actually, I went back and checked. He really is the American president, lives in the White House and everything. He can call up the American military if he wants to and can issue Executive Orders. It's really cool.
If you draw the border wall it's clear that they have the "Mexican sided" reporting covered to be precise, while working against Americans.
My president is showing these reporters that they are . . . just reporters. Their job is to report what he says, not give their opinions which is worth less than the cup of coffee they drank earlier today.

The collusion between the U.S. Media and the DemonRAT Marxists makes whatever they fabricated against Trump look like kids play. In fact, everything they fabricated was the means to deflect attention away from what they are doing. PDJT knows this and is calling them out to destroy them. I like when Kellyanne Conway called Acosta a “smart ass.” In my book, when the media fails to report the truth, the are worse than ‘smart asses.’ They are subversive scum.

The only people Trump is destroying is himself and the Republican Party. Kellyanne Conway clearly is not the smart one in the family. She must use the same type of bleach in her hair that Anne Coulter uses. It softens the brain. The right wing media is the one who cannot tell the truth.
I consider hyperbole from the president of the United States to be the same thing as propaganda. That office and running for that office should hold higher standards. Obama should have been held accountable for the doctor plan promise and Trump should be held accountable for the Mexico will pay for it promise, amoungst the many other “hyperbolized” promises he made. You shouldn’t be making excuses and accepting that shit as par for the course. IMO

1. Hyperbole and propaganda are two distinct forms of communication. They can overlap, but pretending that they are the same, is, ironically, as dishonest as you are claiming that Trump is.

2. You believe that the Office of the President should be held to a "higher standard" that does not include regular use of hyperbole. That is a fine opinion. The nation as a whole, disagreed when they elected Trump. Your disagreement with US, does not change the fact that hyperbole is part of Trump's communication style.

3. I agree that Obama should have been held accountable for his lie on the doctor plan.

4. Trump, imo, should be held accountable he makes a strong, very strong, good faith effort to build a Wall, or a "wall" that is highly effective in vastly reducing the number of illegal border crossings.

5. Making Mexico pay, always struck me as far less of a serious commitment. I don't know how to explain to you how to distinguish between the two, but trust me on this. Though I would love it, if he did manage it.
First off, just because somebody is elected does not mean the majority of America accepts and supports everything that they do. There were two choices to choose from. Two horrible choices if you ask me.

Second, couldn’t I say the same thing about Obama that you are saying about Trump? He just wanted to fix our healthcare system so more people would be covered so he did everything he could to move the ball.... see, same argument

Lastly, please explain the difference between Trumps hyperbole and propaganda, cause I don’t see a difference.

1. Trump's hyperbole is part of the political landscape for now. You can dislike it all you want, but don't pretend to not know that.

2. Having a good reason to lie, is not the same as knowing that you are know for using hyperbole, and using hyperbole. It is not the same thing. Pretending it is, is not reasonable.

3. Sure, propaganda is information used to promote a particular cause or point of view. Hyperbole is exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Propaganda can be true, and good, while hyperbole can be used to make a completely true point. If you tell your wife that your love for her is deeper than the ocean, that is not a literal statement, but the point that it makes, ie, that you love her a lot, could very well be true.

Propaganda is defined more by WHAT the goal of a statement is, while hyperbole is more about style.

It is strange that I have to explain this.
Well you have more to explain because what you said isn’t applocable to this situation. If you are calling hyperbole exaggeration like “my love is as deep as the ocean” and propaganda as exaggeration and dishonesty to meet a political goal then much of Trumps rhetoric would fall into the propaganda category.

Locking her up was not an exaggeration. No contact with Russia is a straight up lie. Providing quick and affordable healthcare for all was not an exaggeration or a reality, Mexico paying for a wall was not an exaggeration or a reality. These were statements made in an attempt to stir emotions and gain the public trust so he could win an election. That’s propaganda.

Obama had the goal to reform healthcare and get more people in the country covered. He made a promise that he couldn’t keep as far as doctors and plans but he got the bill passed. So if Obama is a liar then Yrumpnos right there with him. Call it both ways. Trump has done the exact same thing with several issues except of course he has not followed through with quick and affordable healthcare or building his wall.

1. Propaganda does not have to be dishonest.

2. Much of any politicians communication is designed to met a political goal. Using that definition, EVERY politician is guilty of using propaganda.

3. "Locking her up" was somewhat hyperbolic as the reality of the policy would have been to launch, or redo, serious investigations of Hillary's alleged crimes, with the quite plausible goal of jail time.

As Trump did not do that, calling that a lie, is reasonable, though it is possible he meant it when he said it, and only reconsidered once in office, and exposed to more reasonable advice.

Though in that case, he really, really should have explained that to his supporters.

4. Mexico paying for the Wall, was in my opinion, hyperbole, not meant to be taken literally, but an indication of a very strong and hostile position with regard to Mexico, and the massive problem of illegal immigration.

5. Trump certainly should have started on the Wall far before now. It is likely that he was planning on that being a lie, until the mid terms and he realized that his supporters support, is conditional on him doing a good job.

It is not too late for him to redeem that promise.
You seem like a rational thinker, I know we are coming at this from opposite sides but I appreciate the civil engagement and thoughtful ideas. I don’t necessarily agree with all of your statements but that’s ok.
My president is showing these reporters that they are . . . just reporters. Their job is to report what he says, not give their opinions which is worth less than the cup of coffee they drank earlier today.

The collusion between the U.S. Media and the DemonRAT Marxists makes whatever they fabricated against Trump look like kids play. In fact, everything they fabricated was the means to deflect attention away from what they are doing. PDJT knows this and is calling them out to destroy them. I like when Kellyanne Conway called Acosta a “smart ass.” In my book, when the media fails to report the truth, the are worse than ‘smart asses.’ They are subversive scum.

Of course, president Pussyboy is a shameless liar and at no time does he watch ABC.
You just have to love our ABNORMALS!

For real...take your meds!
When a Trump ass licker.....like this idiot above......CANNOT address the thread's topic, she of course reverts to attacking Obama.........

Desperation and deflection among Trump Cult Members is kind-a cute........LMAO
When a Trump ass licker.....like this idiot above......CANNOT address the thread's topic, she of course reverts to attacking Obama.........

Desperation and deflection among Trump Cult Members is kind-a cute........LMAO
Hey..PM me your address ASAP

I'm going to send you a condom...
that way you'll have protection when you go FUCK YOURSELF!
Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

political activity or practices that seek support
by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people
rather than by using rational argument
When a Trump ass licker.....like this idiot above......CANNOT address the thread's topic, she of course reverts to attacking Obama.........

Desperation and deflection among Trump Cult Members is kind-a cute........LMAO
I did not attack Obama...it's c*nts like you, that come up with
crazy, illogical nonsense...clearly detached from reality
and, out of desperation, deflect from addressing
a different player, same topic, by resorting to attacking the poster

Unlike you, I do not find it cute, I find it sad and pathetic

US spent $2.5 billion on displaced Iraqis over Obama's two terms

The United States government has spent about $2.5 billion
on humanitarian aid for displaced Iraqis in neighboring countries
and within Iraq over the course of Obama's presidency,
from fiscal years 2009-15.

Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Libya, Morocco, Oman, the Palestinian Territories, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

Coming in at #3 of Obama's top 5 campaign promises....

The promise: In the 2008 election,
Barack Obama pledged to create secure borders.
He said that would mean "additional personnel,
infrastructure and technology on the border and at our ports of entry.”

At the end of fiscal year 2010,
almost 20,000 agents patrolled land borders;
20,600 agents monitored ports of entry;
and the budget amounted to $11.9 billion.

The Obameter: Politifact

A Democrat majority House
A Democrat majority Senate
A Democrat President who promised...
transparency, reforming government and fiscal responsibility

Had no problem pissing away over $800 BILLION DOLLARS
for the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act,
by instilling fear and doomsday is certain propaganda,
and selling this grand plan of shovel ready jobs,
that, uh, wasn't so shovel ready after all....

Wow, what a shocker that was

Less than $50 billion was spent on infrastructure....here
$250 BILLION DOLLARS spent on infrastructure in the M.E.

11.9 BILLION DOLLAR Homeland security budget
to secure our borders by adding more federal employees

Tell me...what's the point?
What's the point of spending $11.9 Billion
on border security but, not enforcing immigration laws?

Under Obama, more illegal immigrants were deported,
then under Clinton and Bush combined....

But, for some reason, with Trump, its a problem

With a Democratic majority House
and a Democratic majority Senate
and during the Obama administration....

$800 BILLION +, and shovel ready jobs,
that weren't so shovel ready afterall
with nothing to show for it, except for maybe,
all the glorious signs telling us, the 7-10 guys
fixing the pothole in the street, is thanks to the ARRA

Trump wants $5 Billion to build a wall,
that would help secure our border, create jobs,
and help the economy and businesses....
something EVERYONE worldwide could see....
Nope...its a problem

Stupidity is not a crime...you're free to go
Moon glow, Apparently you need to think that one through, yes no one can be denied medical care, however, every paying person, or rather their insurance company, as well taxpayers in one form or another pay for that luxury, which leads me to ask why should an illegal immigrant, non citizen be granted that same privilege?
Now as for the 1980 law, maybe it’s time to research the fundamental basis behind its adoption.
Moon glow, Apparently you need to think that one through, yes no one can be denied medical care, however, every paying person, or rather their insurance company, as well taxpayers in one form or another pay for that luxury, which leads me to ask why should an illegal immigrant, non citizen be granted that same privilege?
Now as for the 1980 law, maybe it’s time to research the fundamental basis behind its adoption.
Because people in this country even the ones illegally are still covered by our laws...even civil rights.
Really its not true.
There are betwwen 12 million and 20 million illegals in the nation .

And only a complete moron would claim drugs by the ton dont come across the boarder.

So either your lying or are a moron

They do, yes. But through the portals. They come in container trailers mixed with legal products, the come in fake compartments in cars and trucks. Yuppers, right through the same place that the Immigrant can't get inside of without getting a Visa. Then there is the underground tunnels that have working lights, ventilation, large enough to run light trucks inside of and sometimes narrow gauge rail cars right under the border where even a wall won't even bother them. The use of mules for Drugs is pretty well dead these days. It's too tricky and a mule just can't move enough product to risk it.
Drugs and illegals come across the boarder by the millions and by the ton.

You must be "forgiven" for both your spelling AND ignorance, since you must be a Trump cult member.....but, here, learn something

DEA says 'vast majority' of drugs entering US come through legal ports of entry...

Really now and you must be forgiven for being a moron thinking no wall will slow down the flow of drugs and illegals compared to a wall.

The wall might slow down the Illegals a bit (you will still have the overstay visas) but they will have ZERO affect on curtailing the illegal drugs since they come in the portals or UNDER the wall.
Pretty simple in places you can basically walk across it.
Walls work in other nations and in prisons.

Drugs and illegals come across the boarder by the millions and by the ton.

A wall will affect this and slow down both.
Nothing wrong with slowing down the influx of either

Yes, walls work in other nations and at prisons when they are backed up with land mines and machine gun nests in order to kill people trying to cross or get around the wall.

Drugs come through legal entry points in trucks and cars .. and some comes in on boats

We NOTICE you dropped the talking point: Terrorists. Because we know that was even too much bullshit for Trump to keep up


Are you advocating murdering asylum seekers and immigrants?


Do we have machine gun nest and land mines at our prisons

We do around here in our Prisons. Then again, being contracted to a prison from the east or west coast to one of our prisons would be considered Cruel and Inhuman punishment. Sorry, no club meds around here.
Pretty simple in places you can basically walk across it.
Walls work in other nations and in prisons.

Drugs and illegals come across the boarder by the millions and by the ton.

A wall will affect this and slow down both.
Nothing wrong with slowing down the influx of either
Love how you say "facts are facts" and follow with "Drugs and illegals come across the border by the millions and by the ton" when the facts are the exact opposite of that.
Wrong, shit for brains. Those are the facts.
Pretty simple in places you can basically walk across it.
Walls work in other nations and in prisons.

Drugs and illegals come across the boarder by the millions and by the ton.

A wall will affect this and slow down both.
Nothing wrong with slowing down the influx of either
Love how you say "facts are facts" and follow with "Drugs and illegals come across the border by the millions and by the ton" when the facts are the exact opposite of that.
Wrong, shit for brains. Those are the facts.
No, they aren't. Stop drinking the orange koolaide, it's bad for you.
Pretty simple in places you can basically walk across it.
Walls work in other nations and in prisons.

Drugs and illegals come across the boarder by the millions and by the ton.

A wall will affect this and slow down both.
Nothing wrong with slowing down the influx of either
Love how you say "facts are facts" and follow with "Drugs and illegals come across the border by the millions and by the ton" when the facts are the exact opposite of that.
Wrong, shit for brains. Those are the facts.
No, they aren't. Stop drinking the orange koolaide, it's bad for you.
Yes, they are, asshole.
Pretty simple in places you can basically walk across it.
Walls work in other nations and in prisons.

Drugs and illegals come across the boarder by the millions and by the ton.

A wall will affect this and slow down both.
Nothing wrong with slowing down the influx of either
Love how you say "facts are facts" and follow with "Drugs and illegals come across the border by the millions and by the ton" when the facts are the exact opposite of that.
Wrong, shit for brains. Those are the facts.
No, they aren't. Stop drinking the orange koolaide, it's bad for you.
Yes, they are, asshole.
No, they aren't. Calling me names doesn't change that.
BUt, they are a shit hole of a country, with a shitty government, so we end up with a shitty deal.

I might have a shitty solution... with 50 billion USD wall money, Invade Guatemala, or one of the countries where most of the migrant buses come from.
Take over government, get rid of the gangs. Stabilize the country so that it becomes a sanctuary country that will attract all the migrants coming from all over central america.
Give it the same status as Puerto Rico... etc...

The honey pot will keep these migrants off the Mexican border..... Voila...

Because "Regime-Change" always works, amirite?


You ignoramus, it's never worked successfully, not even once. STFU with that silliness.
To objectively address the thread's title, we need to review Trump's campaign mantra.....

Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

Trump also knows that if a wall is NOT built, his chances of re-election are about as probable as Jill Stein's in 2016

Then we have the made-up DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted until he or she is out of office and Trump well knows that there are a ton of legal quagmires awaiting him AND his family in 2021 werWee he out of office.

Finally, the only viable defense that Trump may have in facing these legal issues, is to rely on the statutes of limitation to save his hide.

Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.

Actually what you have their is your biased speculation on why Trump is trying to keep his campaign promise to his base.

NOT a look at the actual issue.
Are you still dumb enough to believe Mexico will pay for the wall?
BUt, they are a shit hole of a country, with a shitty government, so we end up with a shitty deal.

I might have a shitty solution... with 50 billion USD wall money, Invade Guatemala, or one of the countries where most of the migrant buses come from.
Take over government, get rid of the gangs. Stabilize the country so that it becomes a sanctuary country that will attract all the migrants coming from all over central america.
Give it the same status as Puerto Rico... etc...

The honey pot will keep these migrants off the Mexican border..... Voila...

Because "Regime-Change" always works, amirite?

View attachment 239444

You ignoramus, it's never worked successfully, not even once. STFU with that silliness.
If republicans were smart they wouldn’t be republicans to begin with.

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