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Official USMB What is a Wall? Why a Wall?

I go after the ā€œopen borderā€ claim because it is a dishonest talking point being used to discredit liberals and it is counterproductive to efficient discussion.

The issue is border security, not the wall. The wall is how Trump wants to do it. The counter argument is that the majority of illegals and drugs come here through ports of entry so that should be our focus.

Trumps hyperbole, propaganda or whatever you want to call it around the wall has turned it into a racial, xenophobic and an American values issue for many of his opponents so it makes it near impossible for them to support. Thatā€™s what happens when you pour fuel on the fires of hate and division.

Thatā€™s the political reality. Now if you are really interested in helping the immigration and border problem you would focus on the best solutions, not just the ones the media is talking about. Something can get done in the ports of entry where the bulk of the issues are. Why not focus on that instead of the wall?

1. The Wall will help greatly with a large part of the problem. If addressing the problem is your goal, the you should support it.

2. Nothing Trump has done has made the Wall racist. It is those who call it "racist", falsely that are being divisive. Disagreeing about how to do something is not divisive. Calling those who you disagree with, "racist" is divisive.

3. If I spend my time talking about, say, punishing employers, when the current topic of debate is the Wall, that just makes me irrelevant.
Whether you like it or not millions of people see Trumps rhetoric around the wall as divisive and not reflective of their values. Many see it as racist and the other things I mentioned. You support him and the wall so perhaps you donā€™t see it but you should be able to see that a significant portion of our citizens do see it.

So when things get this divisive it limits productivity. At this point Trump is not going to get support from the Dems for the wall. But the wall isnā€™t going to take care of a large part of the problem like you say. The majority of drugs and illegal crossings are in our port of entries so if you really want to work on illegal crossings and border security then that is where the focus should be and there is still time for bipartisan support for that. So get it done!

If someone sees racism where it is not, that is on them.

If someone accuses some one of racism, falsely or incorrectly, they are the ones tearing the nation apart.

Saying that a "lot of people see it that way" is not an argument that that is a reasonable way of seeing it.

The "majority" is pretty vague. IF you are correct in that, what percentage of the flow are you prepared to not worry about because it is not over 50%? Are the over border flows 45% of the problem? 40%?
I somewhat agree. The race card gets used too much now a days and at first I defended Trump when he made his initial speech about the ā€œrapist and murdersā€. People called him racist for that speech but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But two years later I have seen enough to be confident that he likes pushing the limits and causing these type of arguments. He makes these grey area comments and then shows no remorse or offers no clarity so the people who are offended just dig in deeper. It is childish and disturbing that we have a president that acts that way.

As the the ā€œmajority and flowā€ question. Iā€™d say we should be talking about that. If 50% is coming through the border and the rest through the ports of entry then Iā€™d say itā€™s a pretty big problem and we should focus on the two equally. If 80% is coming through ports of entry and 20% through the border, then Iā€™d say we should be talking mostly about ports of entry and not shutting down the government over a wall. Wouldnā€™t you agree?

1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.
I go after the ā€œopen borderā€ claim because it is a dishonest talking point being used to discredit liberals and it is counterproductive to efficient discussion.

The issue is border security, not the wall. The wall is how Trump wants to do it. The counter argument is that the majority of illegals and drugs come here through ports of entry so that should be our focus.

Trumps hyperbole, propaganda or whatever you want to call it around the wall has turned it into a racial, xenophobic and an American values issue for many of his opponents so it makes it near impossible for them to support. Thatā€™s what happens when you pour fuel on the fires of hate and division.

Thatā€™s the political reality. Now if you are really interested in helping the immigration and border problem you would focus on the best solutions, not just the ones the media is talking about. Something can get done in the ports of entry where the bulk of the issues are. Why not focus on that instead of the wall?

1. The Wall will help greatly with a large part of the problem. If addressing the problem is your goal, the you should support it.

2. Nothing Trump has done has made the Wall racist. It is those who call it "racist", falsely that are being divisive. Disagreeing about how to do something is not divisive. Calling those who you disagree with, "racist" is divisive.

3. If I spend my time talking about, say, punishing employers, when the current topic of debate is the Wall, that just makes me irrelevant.
Whether you like it or not millions of people see Trumps rhetoric around the wall as divisive and not reflective of their values. Many see it as racist and the other things I mentioned. You support him and the wall so perhaps you donā€™t see it but you should be able to see that a significant portion of our citizens do see it.

So when things get this divisive it limits productivity. At this point Trump is not going to get support from the Dems for the wall. But the wall isnā€™t going to take care of a large part of the problem like you say. The majority of drugs and illegal crossings are in our port of entries so if you really want to work on illegal crossings and border security then that is where the focus should be and there is still time for bipartisan support for that. So get it done!

If someone sees racism where it is not, that is on them.

If someone accuses some one of racism, falsely or incorrectly, they are the ones tearing the nation apart.

Saying that a "lot of people see it that way" is not an argument that that is a reasonable way of seeing it.

The "majority" is pretty vague. IF you are correct in that, what percentage of the flow are you prepared to not worry about because it is not over 50%? Are the over border flows 45% of the problem? 40%?
I somewhat agree. The race card gets used too much now a days and at first I defended Trump when he made his initial speech about the ā€œrapist and murdersā€. People called him racist for that speech but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But two years later I have seen enough to be confident that he likes pushing the limits and causing these type of arguments. He makes these grey area comments and then shows no remorse or offers no clarity so the people who are offended just dig in deeper. It is childish and disturbing that we have a president that acts that way.

As the the ā€œmajority and flowā€ question. Iā€™d say we should be talking about that. If 50% is coming through the border and the rest through the ports of entry then Iā€™d say itā€™s a pretty big problem and we should focus on the two equally. If 80% is coming through ports of entry and 20% through the border, then Iā€™d say we should be talking mostly about ports of entry and not shutting down the government over a wall. Wouldnā€™t you agree?

1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
To your other point... the 300k. Yes that is a problem. But let me ask. Do you even know the port of entry stats?
1. The Wall will help greatly with a large part of the problem. If addressing the problem is your goal, the you should support it.

2. Nothing Trump has done has made the Wall racist. It is those who call it "racist", falsely that are being divisive. Disagreeing about how to do something is not divisive. Calling those who you disagree with, "racist" is divisive.

3. If I spend my time talking about, say, punishing employers, when the current topic of debate is the Wall, that just makes me irrelevant.
Whether you like it or not millions of people see Trumps rhetoric around the wall as divisive and not reflective of their values. Many see it as racist and the other things I mentioned. You support him and the wall so perhaps you donā€™t see it but you should be able to see that a significant portion of our citizens do see it.

So when things get this divisive it limits productivity. At this point Trump is not going to get support from the Dems for the wall. But the wall isnā€™t going to take care of a large part of the problem like you say. The majority of drugs and illegal crossings are in our port of entries so if you really want to work on illegal crossings and border security then that is where the focus should be and there is still time for bipartisan support for that. So get it done!

If someone sees racism where it is not, that is on them.

If someone accuses some one of racism, falsely or incorrectly, they are the ones tearing the nation apart.

Saying that a "lot of people see it that way" is not an argument that that is a reasonable way of seeing it.

The "majority" is pretty vague. IF you are correct in that, what percentage of the flow are you prepared to not worry about because it is not over 50%? Are the over border flows 45% of the problem? 40%?
I somewhat agree. The race card gets used too much now a days and at first I defended Trump when he made his initial speech about the ā€œrapist and murdersā€. People called him racist for that speech but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But two years later I have seen enough to be confident that he likes pushing the limits and causing these type of arguments. He makes these grey area comments and then shows no remorse or offers no clarity so the people who are offended just dig in deeper. It is childish and disturbing that we have a president that acts that way.

As the the ā€œmajority and flowā€ question. Iā€™d say we should be talking about that. If 50% is coming through the border and the rest through the ports of entry then Iā€™d say itā€™s a pretty big problem and we should focus on the two equally. If 80% is coming through ports of entry and 20% through the border, then Iā€™d say we should be talking mostly about ports of entry and not shutting down the government over a wall. Wouldnā€™t you agree?

1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.

I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
1. The Wall will help greatly with a large part of the problem. If addressing the problem is your goal, the you should support it.

2. Nothing Trump has done has made the Wall racist. It is those who call it "racist", falsely that are being divisive. Disagreeing about how to do something is not divisive. Calling those who you disagree with, "racist" is divisive.

3. If I spend my time talking about, say, punishing employers, when the current topic of debate is the Wall, that just makes me irrelevant.
Whether you like it or not millions of people see Trumps rhetoric around the wall as divisive and not reflective of their values. Many see it as racist and the other things I mentioned. You support him and the wall so perhaps you donā€™t see it but you should be able to see that a significant portion of our citizens do see it.

So when things get this divisive it limits productivity. At this point Trump is not going to get support from the Dems for the wall. But the wall isnā€™t going to take care of a large part of the problem like you say. The majority of drugs and illegal crossings are in our port of entries so if you really want to work on illegal crossings and border security then that is where the focus should be and there is still time for bipartisan support for that. So get it done!

If someone sees racism where it is not, that is on them.

If someone accuses some one of racism, falsely or incorrectly, they are the ones tearing the nation apart.

Saying that a "lot of people see it that way" is not an argument that that is a reasonable way of seeing it.

The "majority" is pretty vague. IF you are correct in that, what percentage of the flow are you prepared to not worry about because it is not over 50%? Are the over border flows 45% of the problem? 40%?
I somewhat agree. The race card gets used too much now a days and at first I defended Trump when he made his initial speech about the ā€œrapist and murdersā€. People called him racist for that speech but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But two years later I have seen enough to be confident that he likes pushing the limits and causing these type of arguments. He makes these grey area comments and then shows no remorse or offers no clarity so the people who are offended just dig in deeper. It is childish and disturbing that we have a president that acts that way.

As the the ā€œmajority and flowā€ question. Iā€™d say we should be talking about that. If 50% is coming through the border and the rest through the ports of entry then Iā€™d say itā€™s a pretty big problem and we should focus on the two equally. If 80% is coming through ports of entry and 20% through the border, then Iā€™d say we should be talking mostly about ports of entry and not shutting down the government over a wall. Wouldnā€™t you agree?

1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
To your other point... the 300k. Yes that is a problem. But let me ask. Do you even know the port of entry stats?

1. Thank you for agreeing that 300k is a problem.

2. Nope. Glad to hear them, but I don't really care. I want this problem tackled across the board.
Whether you like it or not millions of people see Trumps rhetoric around the wall as divisive and not reflective of their values. Many see it as racist and the other things I mentioned. You support him and the wall so perhaps you donā€™t see it but you should be able to see that a significant portion of our citizens do see it.

So when things get this divisive it limits productivity. At this point Trump is not going to get support from the Dems for the wall. But the wall isnā€™t going to take care of a large part of the problem like you say. The majority of drugs and illegal crossings are in our port of entries so if you really want to work on illegal crossings and border security then that is where the focus should be and there is still time for bipartisan support for that. So get it done!

If someone sees racism where it is not, that is on them.

If someone accuses some one of racism, falsely or incorrectly, they are the ones tearing the nation apart.

Saying that a "lot of people see it that way" is not an argument that that is a reasonable way of seeing it.

The "majority" is pretty vague. IF you are correct in that, what percentage of the flow are you prepared to not worry about because it is not over 50%? Are the over border flows 45% of the problem? 40%?
I somewhat agree. The race card gets used too much now a days and at first I defended Trump when he made his initial speech about the ā€œrapist and murdersā€. People called him racist for that speech but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But two years later I have seen enough to be confident that he likes pushing the limits and causing these type of arguments. He makes these grey area comments and then shows no remorse or offers no clarity so the people who are offended just dig in deeper. It is childish and disturbing that we have a president that acts that way.

As the the ā€œmajority and flowā€ question. Iā€™d say we should be talking about that. If 50% is coming through the border and the rest through the ports of entry then Iā€™d say itā€™s a pretty big problem and we should focus on the two equally. If 80% is coming through ports of entry and 20% through the border, then Iā€™d say we should be talking mostly about ports of entry and not shutting down the government over a wall. Wouldnā€™t you agree?

1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.

I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?
Whether you like it or not millions of people see Trumps rhetoric around the wall as divisive and not reflective of their values. Many see it as racist and the other things I mentioned. You support him and the wall so perhaps you donā€™t see it but you should be able to see that a significant portion of our citizens do see it.

So when things get this divisive it limits productivity. At this point Trump is not going to get support from the Dems for the wall. But the wall isnā€™t going to take care of a large part of the problem like you say. The majority of drugs and illegal crossings are in our port of entries so if you really want to work on illegal crossings and border security then that is where the focus should be and there is still time for bipartisan support for that. So get it done!

If someone sees racism where it is not, that is on them.

If someone accuses some one of racism, falsely or incorrectly, they are the ones tearing the nation apart.

Saying that a "lot of people see it that way" is not an argument that that is a reasonable way of seeing it.

The "majority" is pretty vague. IF you are correct in that, what percentage of the flow are you prepared to not worry about because it is not over 50%? Are the over border flows 45% of the problem? 40%?
I somewhat agree. The race card gets used too much now a days and at first I defended Trump when he made his initial speech about the ā€œrapist and murdersā€. People called him racist for that speech but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But two years later I have seen enough to be confident that he likes pushing the limits and causing these type of arguments. He makes these grey area comments and then shows no remorse or offers no clarity so the people who are offended just dig in deeper. It is childish and disturbing that we have a president that acts that way.

As the the ā€œmajority and flowā€ question. Iā€™d say we should be talking about that. If 50% is coming through the border and the rest through the ports of entry then Iā€™d say itā€™s a pretty big problem and we should focus on the two equally. If 80% is coming through ports of entry and 20% through the border, then Iā€™d say we should be talking mostly about ports of entry and not shutting down the government over a wall. Wouldnā€™t you agree?

1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
To your other point... the 300k. Yes that is a problem. But let me ask. Do you even know the port of entry stats?

1. Thank you for agreeing that 300k is a problem.

2. Nope. Glad to hear them, but I don't really care. I want this problem tackled across the board.
And this is the problem. Trump is so focused on the wall he has you convinced it is a national security crisis. What if the problems at the port of entry is flooding worse than the border? Wouldnā€™t it be strange that it isnā€™t even being talked about? Have you thought about why? Itā€™s because the Wall is a simple and basic symbol. It is how Trump launched his political campaign and he now identifies with it therefore it needs to be the most important thing in the world. I for one donā€™t feel the desire to pander to an egomaniac. I like to look at the facts and from what Iā€™ve seen, if somebodies truly cares about border security the focus should be on the ports of entry and visa tracking.

Your trying to get the entire fire station to put out the fire in the garage when your house is burning down.
If someone sees racism where it is not, that is on them.

If someone accuses some one of racism, falsely or incorrectly, they are the ones tearing the nation apart.

Saying that a "lot of people see it that way" is not an argument that that is a reasonable way of seeing it.

The "majority" is pretty vague. IF you are correct in that, what percentage of the flow are you prepared to not worry about because it is not over 50%? Are the over border flows 45% of the problem? 40%?
I somewhat agree. The race card gets used too much now a days and at first I defended Trump when he made his initial speech about the ā€œrapist and murdersā€. People called him racist for that speech but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But two years later I have seen enough to be confident that he likes pushing the limits and causing these type of arguments. He makes these grey area comments and then shows no remorse or offers no clarity so the people who are offended just dig in deeper. It is childish and disturbing that we have a president that acts that way.

As the the ā€œmajority and flowā€ question. Iā€™d say we should be talking about that. If 50% is coming through the border and the rest through the ports of entry then Iā€™d say itā€™s a pretty big problem and we should focus on the two equally. If 80% is coming through ports of entry and 20% through the border, then Iā€™d say we should be talking mostly about ports of entry and not shutting down the government over a wall. Wouldnā€™t you agree?

1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.

I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?

1. I've seen plenty of people in real life, that believe that shit. YOu are kidding yourself if you think it is not important.

2. I've read the transcripts of that speech. He was very even handed in his treatment of both sides of the issue, not even going out of his way to target Antifa. I do not see his actions in that incident of being "egotistical" or even trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue. He really handled that as well as could be expected, imo, and if his words had been honestly reported, it could have been a very good time for America.
I somewhat agree. The race card gets used too much now a days and at first I defended Trump when he made his initial speech about the ā€œrapist and murdersā€. People called him racist for that speech but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But two years later I have seen enough to be confident that he likes pushing the limits and causing these type of arguments. He makes these grey area comments and then shows no remorse or offers no clarity so the people who are offended just dig in deeper. It is childish and disturbing that we have a president that acts that way.

As the the ā€œmajority and flowā€ question. Iā€™d say we should be talking about that. If 50% is coming through the border and the rest through the ports of entry then Iā€™d say itā€™s a pretty big problem and we should focus on the two equally. If 80% is coming through ports of entry and 20% through the border, then Iā€™d say we should be talking mostly about ports of entry and not shutting down the government over a wall. Wouldnā€™t you agree?

1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.

I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?

1. I've seen plenty of people in real life, that believe that shit. YOu are kidding yourself if you think it is not important.

2. I've read the transcripts of that speech. He was very even handed in his treatment of both sides of the issue, not even going out of his way to target Antifa. I do not see his actions in that incident of being "egotistical" or even trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue. He really handled that as well as could be expected, imo, and if his words had been honestly reported, it could have been a very good time for America.
I know what I can control and what I canā€™t control. I can control what I think and believe, I canā€™t control what others do. I dont see the point in wasting my life and time being bitter and complaining about the things I canā€™t control. Simple as that.

I watched the speech live, it was a WTF moment and once the backlash came the it was even more telling to see how he handled it. Thatā€™s where the ego kicked in. Trump can do no wrong in Trump world. He hits back. When he fucks up he doubles down. Donā€™t give an inch... itā€™s petty and transparent and I canā€™t find a thing to respect about people who act like that.
1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.

I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?

1. I've seen plenty of people in real life, that believe that shit. YOu are kidding yourself if you think it is not important.

2. I've read the transcripts of that speech. He was very even handed in his treatment of both sides of the issue, not even going out of his way to target Antifa. I do not see his actions in that incident of being "egotistical" or even trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue. He really handled that as well as could be expected, imo, and if his words had been honestly reported, it could have been a very good time for America.
I know what I can control and what I canā€™t control. I can control what I think and believe, I canā€™t control what others do. I dont see the point in wasting my life and time being bitter and complaining about the things I canā€™t control. Simple as that.

I watched the speech live, it was a WTF moment and once the backlash came the it was even more telling to see how he handled it. Thatā€™s where the ego kicked in. Trump can do no wrong in Trump world. He hits back. When he fucks up he doubles down. Donā€™t give an inch... itā€™s petty and transparent and I canā€™t find a thing to respect about people who act like that.
Speech was spot on. Democrats supported a wall until Trump became President. Pelosi and Schumer looked like deer in the headlights reading a script and crying about how cruel a wall is. But thatā€™s the Democrats psychosis. Everywhere they look there are ā€œvictimsā€ and the ā€œoppressed.ā€ The villains are always white males.
1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.

I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?

1. I've seen plenty of people in real life, that believe that shit. YOu are kidding yourself if you think it is not important.

2. I've read the transcripts of that speech. He was very even handed in his treatment of both sides of the issue, not even going out of his way to target Antifa. I do not see his actions in that incident of being "egotistical" or even trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue. He really handled that as well as could be expected, imo, and if his words had been honestly reported, it could have been a very good time for America.
I know what I can control and what I canā€™t control. I can control what I think and believe, I canā€™t control what others do. I dont see the point in wasting my life and time being bitter and complaining about the things I canā€™t control. Simple as that.

I watched the speech live, it was a WTF moment and once the backlash came the it was even more telling to see how he handled it. Thatā€™s where the ego kicked in. Trump can do no wrong in Trump world. He hits back. When he fucks up he doubles down. Donā€™t give an inch... itā€™s petty and transparent and I canā€™t find a thing to respect about people who act like that.

which president in US history did not exhibit those same characteristics? Trump is more open with it and that's good, but they all have huge egos and think they are always right, Obama, Clinton, Nixon, both Bushes, Kennedy, Reagan, LBJ. Get real dude.
1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.

I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?

1. I've seen plenty of people in real life, that believe that shit. YOu are kidding yourself if you think it is not important.

2. I've read the transcripts of that speech. He was very even handed in his treatment of both sides of the issue, not even going out of his way to target Antifa. I do not see his actions in that incident of being "egotistical" or even trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue. He really handled that as well as could be expected, imo, and if his words had been honestly reported, it could have been a very good time for America.
I know what I can control and what I canā€™t control. I can control what I think and believe, I canā€™t control what others do. I dont see the point in wasting my life and time being bitter and complaining about the things I canā€™t control. Simple as that.

I watched the speech live, it was a WTF moment and once the backlash came the it was even more telling to see how he handled it. Thatā€™s where the ego kicked in. Trump can do no wrong in Trump world. He hits back. When he fucks up he doubles down. Donā€™t give an inch... itā€™s petty and transparent and I canā€™t find a thing to respect about people who act like that.

1. You are here talking about issues. The media told the nation that the President said white supremacist were good people. The division that fosters is a real issue. It is tearing this nation a part. Challenging the false and divisive narrative the media is pushing, is something you can control.

2. What about that speech was a WTF moment?

3. We've tried giving an inch with the libs in the past. THey come back and demand a mile. Choosing that way, is choosing to lose.
The native Americans should've built a wall too.
Why didnā€™t they?
They trusted the savages.
Conquered by a superior civilization.
Civilization ? lol you mean bunch of rejects and convicts from Europe ?

You're thinking of Australia. Once word of the new world's great natural resources got out, the European powers all tried to claim as much of it as they could. The Native Americans were in the way, so they got pushed out. That's how things were done in that time. No one except the Church saw anything unusual about it.
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.

I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?

1. I've seen plenty of people in real life, that believe that shit. YOu are kidding yourself if you think it is not important.

2. I've read the transcripts of that speech. He was very even handed in his treatment of both sides of the issue, not even going out of his way to target Antifa. I do not see his actions in that incident of being "egotistical" or even trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue. He really handled that as well as could be expected, imo, and if his words had been honestly reported, it could have been a very good time for America.
I know what I can control and what I canā€™t control. I can control what I think and believe, I canā€™t control what others do. I dont see the point in wasting my life and time being bitter and complaining about the things I canā€™t control. Simple as that.

I watched the speech live, it was a WTF moment and once the backlash came the it was even more telling to see how he handled it. Thatā€™s where the ego kicked in. Trump can do no wrong in Trump world. He hits back. When he fucks up he doubles down. Donā€™t give an inch... itā€™s petty and transparent and I canā€™t find a thing to respect about people who act like that.
Speech was spot on. Democrats supported a wall until Trump became President. Pelosi and Schumer looked like deer in the headlights reading a script and crying about how cruel a wall is. But thatā€™s the Democrats psychosis. Everywhere they look there are ā€œvictimsā€ and the ā€œoppressed.ā€ The villains are always white males.
Pelosi and Schumer arenā€™t crying they are power tripping because they got Trump by the balls. If you think Trumps speech was on point and millions of people are either delusional or partisan puppets then perhaps itā€™s you who are not seeing things clearly. Many Trump allies admitted that he blew that speech. Wake up and own it
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.

I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?

1. I've seen plenty of people in real life, that believe that shit. YOu are kidding yourself if you think it is not important.

2. I've read the transcripts of that speech. He was very even handed in his treatment of both sides of the issue, not even going out of his way to target Antifa. I do not see his actions in that incident of being "egotistical" or even trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue. He really handled that as well as could be expected, imo, and if his words had been honestly reported, it could have been a very good time for America.
I know what I can control and what I canā€™t control. I can control what I think and believe, I canā€™t control what others do. I dont see the point in wasting my life and time being bitter and complaining about the things I canā€™t control. Simple as that.

I watched the speech live, it was a WTF moment and once the backlash came the it was even more telling to see how he handled it. Thatā€™s where the ego kicked in. Trump can do no wrong in Trump world. He hits back. When he fucks up he doubles down. Donā€™t give an inch... itā€™s petty and transparent and I canā€™t find a thing to respect about people who act like that.

which president in US history did not exhibit those same characteristics? Trump is more open with it and that's good, but they all have huge egos and think they are always right, Obama, Clinton, Nixon, both Bushes, Kennedy, Reagan, LBJ. Get real dude.
Yeah youā€™re right, Trump is just like those guys but more honest and open. Ok buddy :113::cuckoo:
No I donā€™t think Trump was calling white suprematists good people, he was clearly talking about people protesting the removal of statutes, and he did so because that was ā€œhis sideā€ of the political arguement. But also on that side weā€™re some truly ugly and unAmerican people in the Nazi and white supremasist groups. But his ego being as big as it is just couldnā€™t do what a true leader should have done and United the country in opposition to that shit. He just had to direct a spotlight at his enemies ā€œantifaā€ and conflate the issue.

I donā€™t actually think Trump is racist. I think he is an elitist who lives in his own bubble. He has an extraordinary ego which drives most of his decisions and when it comes to race issues or human rights or minorities he is just indifferent unless he has use something to his advantage.

I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?

1. I've seen plenty of people in real life, that believe that shit. YOu are kidding yourself if you think it is not important.

2. I've read the transcripts of that speech. He was very even handed in his treatment of both sides of the issue, not even going out of his way to target Antifa. I do not see his actions in that incident of being "egotistical" or even trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue. He really handled that as well as could be expected, imo, and if his words had been honestly reported, it could have been a very good time for America.
I know what I can control and what I canā€™t control. I can control what I think and believe, I canā€™t control what others do. I dont see the point in wasting my life and time being bitter and complaining about the things I canā€™t control. Simple as that.

I watched the speech live, it was a WTF moment and once the backlash came the it was even more telling to see how he handled it. Thatā€™s where the ego kicked in. Trump can do no wrong in Trump world. He hits back. When he fucks up he doubles down. Donā€™t give an inch... itā€™s petty and transparent and I canā€™t find a thing to respect about people who act like that.

1. You are here talking about issues. The media told the nation that the President said white supremacist were good people. The division that fosters is a real issue. It is tearing this nation a part. Challenging the false and divisive narrative the media is pushing, is something you can control.

2. What about that speech was a WTF moment?

3. We've tried giving an inch with the libs in the past. THey come back and demand a mile. Choosing that way, is choosing to lose.
When he said good people on both sides it envoked a holy shit reaction. He should have known better. See I can call the media out on their dishonesty and I can call Dems out as well as the Republicans. I have yet to hear you admit or show understanding of Trumps faults. Or if you do you make excuses for them. You act like it was a great speech and it was all the mediaā€™s fault. You act like Obamaā€™s a liar for breaking a campaign promise but itā€™s all good for Trump because he uses hyperbole all the time. Come on, get real
To objectively address the thread's title, we need to review Trump's campaign mantra.....

Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

Trump also knows that if a wall is NOT built, his chances of re-election are about as probable as Jill Stein's in 2016

Then we have the made-up DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted until he or she is out of office and Trump well knows that there are a ton of legal quagmires awaiting him AND his family in 2021 were he out of office.

Finally, the only viable defense that Trump may have in facing these legal issues, is to rely on the statutes of limitation to save his hide.

Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.
My bet is on Mueller' s report,

News is just coming out he is trying to have his illigitimate AG block it from being released... it must have Bad News on him and his campaign....

The wall and shut down is a side show ...to deflect from what is behind the curtain....
/-----/ Any day now - any day
View attachment 238981

It doesnā€™t take a year and a half to figure out that the pond doesnā€™t have any fish. Quite the oppositeā€¦ Mueller needed a bigger boat.
I'm glad that you have not fallen for the media lie on that one.

But my example shows what I mean. There is nothing Trump, nor really any Republican can do, when the media will just make up shit like that.

Half the country believes that Trump called white supremacists "Good people".

That is on the liars that told/tell that lie, not on Trump.

Antifa was a big part of what happened at Charlottesville and Trump was right to point that out, or more to the point, TRY to point that out.

We can't have any real debate about race issue, or human rights, as long as the media is lying about what happens.

Most of the people that showed up to that rally, were misled by dishonest white supremacists.

White supremacist CAN'T get a rally in the hundreds. They are an irrelevant fringe.

That is important information. That is GOOD NEWS.

But the media has successfully lied to the American people about that, and a large percentage of the believe that America is a very racist place and that Trump was elected because of a racist backlash against Obama, and because of significant support from some large white supremacy voting bloc.

As long as that false narrative is told and believed this nation is doomed.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?

1. I've seen plenty of people in real life, that believe that shit. YOu are kidding yourself if you think it is not important.

2. I've read the transcripts of that speech. He was very even handed in his treatment of both sides of the issue, not even going out of his way to target Antifa. I do not see his actions in that incident of being "egotistical" or even trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue. He really handled that as well as could be expected, imo, and if his words had been honestly reported, it could have been a very good time for America.
I know what I can control and what I canā€™t control. I can control what I think and believe, I canā€™t control what others do. I dont see the point in wasting my life and time being bitter and complaining about the things I canā€™t control. Simple as that.

I watched the speech live, it was a WTF moment and once the backlash came the it was even more telling to see how he handled it. Thatā€™s where the ego kicked in. Trump can do no wrong in Trump world. He hits back. When he fucks up he doubles down. Donā€™t give an inch... itā€™s petty and transparent and I canā€™t find a thing to respect about people who act like that.

1. You are here talking about issues. The media told the nation that the President said white supremacist were good people. The division that fosters is a real issue. It is tearing this nation a part. Challenging the false and divisive narrative the media is pushing, is something you can control.

2. What about that speech was a WTF moment?

3. We've tried giving an inch with the libs in the past. THey come back and demand a mile. Choosing that way, is choosing to lose.
When he said good people on both sides it envoked a holy shit reaction. He should have known better. See I can call the media out on their dishonesty and I can call Dems out as well as the Republicans. I have yet to hear you admit or show understanding of Trumps faults. Or if you do you make excuses for them. You act like it was a great speech and it was all the mediaā€™s fault. You act like Obamaā€™s a liar for breaking a campaign promise but itā€™s all good for Trump because he uses hyperbole all the time. Come on, get real

There are good people on both sides of the statue issue. That is true. Trump specified that he was not talking about the white supremacist when he said it.

If we allow the left to say that EVERYONE that opposes them on an issue, (like historical statues) is a bad person, then we who oppose them will always lose on everything.

When you want to give them the right to do that, to just define their enemies as bad people, you are advocating for us losing every fight from here on.

That is not right, it is not good for America.
To objectively address the thread's title, we need to review Trump's campaign mantra.....

Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

Trump also knows that if a wall is NOT built, his chances of re-election are about as probable as Jill Stein's in 2016

Then we have the made-up DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted until he or she is out of office and Trump well knows that there are a ton of legal quagmires awaiting him AND his family in 2021 were he out of office.

Finally, the only viable defense that Trump may have in facing these legal issues, is to rely on the statutes of limitation to save his hide.

Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.
My bet is on Mueller' s report,

News is just coming out he is trying to have his illigitimate AG block it from being released... it must have Bad News on him and his campaign....

The wall and shut down is a side show ...to deflect from what is behind the curtain....
/-----/ Any day now - any day
View attachment 238981

It doesnā€™t take a year and a half to figure out that the pond doesnā€™t have any fish. Quite the oppositeā€¦ Mueller needed a bigger boat.

It does, when you are committed to not admitting that it does not have any fish.
Why do you care so much about what the media says? I can only speak for myself and my interactions with the people I know but Iā€™ve always taken everything I hear in the media with a grain of salt. Who do you know that really believes everything the media is saying? They are a business, they sell drama for profit. Political and partisan types will use things like Trumps Good People comment and politicize it but we all know what we heard, An egotistical douchebag trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue that led to the death of a young lady so that he could get a punch in at his political enemies. It was pathetic. Can you see that?

1. I've seen plenty of people in real life, that believe that shit. YOu are kidding yourself if you think it is not important.

2. I've read the transcripts of that speech. He was very even handed in his treatment of both sides of the issue, not even going out of his way to target Antifa. I do not see his actions in that incident of being "egotistical" or even trying to deflect from the ugly racial issue. He really handled that as well as could be expected, imo, and if his words had been honestly reported, it could have been a very good time for America.
I know what I can control and what I canā€™t control. I can control what I think and believe, I canā€™t control what others do. I dont see the point in wasting my life and time being bitter and complaining about the things I canā€™t control. Simple as that.

I watched the speech live, it was a WTF moment and once the backlash came the it was even more telling to see how he handled it. Thatā€™s where the ego kicked in. Trump can do no wrong in Trump world. He hits back. When he fucks up he doubles down. Donā€™t give an inch... itā€™s petty and transparent and I canā€™t find a thing to respect about people who act like that.

1. You are here talking about issues. The media told the nation that the President said white supremacist were good people. The division that fosters is a real issue. It is tearing this nation a part. Challenging the false and divisive narrative the media is pushing, is something you can control.

2. What about that speech was a WTF moment?

3. We've tried giving an inch with the libs in the past. THey come back and demand a mile. Choosing that way, is choosing to lose.
When he said good people on both sides it envoked a holy shit reaction. He should have known better. See I can call the media out on their dishonesty and I can call Dems out as well as the Republicans. I have yet to hear you admit or show understanding of Trumps faults. Or if you do you make excuses for them. You act like it was a great speech and it was all the mediaā€™s fault. You act like Obamaā€™s a liar for breaking a campaign promise but itā€™s all good for Trump because he uses hyperbole all the time. Come on, get real

There are good people on both sides of the statue issue. That is true. Trump specified that he was not talking about the white supremacist when he said it.

If we allow the left to say that EVERYONE that opposes them on an issue, (like historical statues) is a bad person, then we who oppose them will always lose on everything.

When you want to give them the right to do that, to just define their enemies as bad people, you are advocating for us losing every fight from here on.

That is not right, it is not good for America.
Well Iā€™m not a media puppet and I understand what the commotion was all about. You can make all the excuses that you want but if I were you Iā€™d try to seek understanding instead

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