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Official USMB What is a Wall? Why a Wall?

We have tens of millions of illegals living in this country.

If we do not have an "open border" it is close enough that quibbling over semantics is not what we should be wasting time on.


Which probably isn't much.

It's actually 11-13M isn't it? Not "tens of millions". If you wish to be taken seriously you will have to behave seriously. So how about we start with a serious number.

And really now, fuck the employers? You have no idea how your political/economic system works do you.

1. that 11 million number was shit when it was first pulled out of a lib's ass. Now it is old out of date shit. 30 million is much more likely.

2. Yes, fuck the employers. Save your intellectual pretense for someone who might be impressed.

1. Don't label the number in some partisanshithead way, cite the number you want to agree upon for the purposes of this conversation. Or just say that you're not interested in one. To have one, we would have to agree upon who's data/number/when. Not just fling off "oh that's some conservative asshole's fart" as if that means anything. So up to you, but we'd need to establish that much to really get into this just a bit deeper than the usual poo fling.

2. What I mean is, good luck. YOur political system is set up to answer to the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class. They have always been exempted because they were the ones who wanted "illegals" here in the first place. They lobbied and think tank drafted legislation all along to make it all happen. And they fund your electoral process. Its all very incestuous. That's all I meant by the reference back to your "fuck the employers". We won't. It just won't happen. Watch.

1. The 11 million number was based on census numbers, that illegals are not going to answer, or at least not honestly answer. AND that number is like 10 years old, so it would be out of date, even if it were not shit to start with. Which it was.

2. THe Rich didn't want TRump, and they did not get their way on that. We can do it, if we have the sense to not believe the shit the MSM feeds US.

No, look. I'm asking for you to show me where you get your number. If we agree on what we're going to call that number for the purposes of our conversation, then we can have the same conversation. I might agree with your number. Right now, I don't know what your number is. I don't know where you're getting it, and 'tens of thousands' doesn't really nail it down. And this is going to be important if one of us wants to argue that something is up or down. So ...

1. What number are you suggesting we use and where did you get it, we both need to read the study and data to agree on the number we'll use

2. I don't think you understand what happened to your media either, but let's deal with this first, our number, what shall it be?

1. conservative number of 22 million, admitting not firm. I err on the side of negativity.

The number of undocumented immigrants in the United States: Estimates based on demographic modeling with data from 1990 to 2016

2. The Media sided with the Establishment, especially the lib side of it, in the last election. And they still lost.
If there was a move towards a borderless world, the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 have managed to dash any such hopes

On the contrary; the 9/11 attacks proved just how futile walls are from a defense standpoint. This realization was in addition to the various forces that rendered trade barriers mute, rendered currency barriers mute, and yes even rendered language barriers mute. Your taxes that you're filing electronically may be done by someone in Mumbai as likely as Manhattan; the prices you pay for what you consume are determined by international markets quite often; decisions on trade policy made by groups that you've never heard of in nations you never thought had anything to do with your daily life may change the trajectory of your family for generations.

It's just the reality of the interconnected world. Walls do nothing to stop the proliferation of information. Those who seek to erect them rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Trump is creating a 'crisis' to distract from the real crisis of a flailing president

Trump’s border wall address was so lame, was it in fact a distraction?

Deserves a bump:

I noticed that the GFM guy has announced htat the refunds are coming. They raised something like $20M (allegedly).

He's put together a group of losers who are going to build the wall much cheaper as a non-profit and he's confident that he can raise--in his word--"billions" of dollars to make it happen.

Anyway, if you donated...your money is coming back to you. If you want to re-direct it to the new scheme he's starting up...you have to log onto the their website and beg them to take your money.
Do you know how many people cross the border through ground, air and sea every day? You gotta look at the big picture and how many people do cross to come here for both travel and for work. Consider all it takes to process that. We spend a ton of resources to manage that extraordinary amount of traffic to make our country as safe as possible. Yes we can do better. But No, we do not have open borders, not even close.

The Big Picture is the tens of millions of people have entered our country, either illegally, or legally and then overstayed.

That is a huge problem, and a violation of the rights of Americans to decide who to invite to join our community.
Agreed. I’ve never denied that. But we don’t have open borders, not even close. And we obviously have different policy ideas on how to beat address the problem as do all the clowns in Washington. I’m curious though, why is the majority of your focus on the Wall, when the majority of drugs and illegals are coming in through ports of entry? That’s where you lose me with your argument.

If you agree it is a huge problem, and a violation of the rights of Americans to decide who to invite to join our society,

then any disagreement you have about "open border" is a matter of minor semantics.

My "focus" is on the Wall, for that is the current issue of discussion.

Be assured that Trump will not be judged solely on whether or not the Wall is built, but on the overall effect his administration has on the horrific immigration situation.
I go after the “open border” claim because it is a dishonest talking point being used to discredit liberals and it is counterproductive to efficient discussion.

The issue is border security, not the wall. The wall is how Trump wants to do it. The counter argument is that the majority of illegals and drugs come here through ports of entry so that should be our focus.

Trumps hyperbole, propaganda or whatever you want to call it around the wall has turned it into a racial, xenophobic and an American values issue for many of his opponents so it makes it near impossible for them to support. That’s what happens when you pour fuel on the fires of hate and division.

That’s the political reality. Now if you are really interested in helping the immigration and border problem you would focus on the best solutions, not just the ones the media is talking about. Something can get done in the ports of entry where the bulk of the issues are. Why not focus on that instead of the wall?

1. The Wall will help greatly with a large part of the problem. If addressing the problem is your goal, the you should support it.

2. Nothing Trump has done has made the Wall racist. It is those who call it "racist", falsely that are being divisive. Disagreeing about how to do something is not divisive. Calling those who you disagree with, "racist" is divisive.

3. If I spend my time talking about, say, punishing employers, when the current topic of debate is the Wall, that just makes me irrelevant.
Whether you like it or not millions of people see Trumps rhetoric around the wall as divisive and not reflective of their values. Many see it as racist and the other things I mentioned. You support him and the wall so perhaps you don’t see it but you should be able to see that a significant portion of our citizens do see it.

So when things get this divisive it limits productivity. At this point Trump is not going to get support from the Dems for the wall. But the wall isn’t going to take care of a large part of the problem like you say. The majority of drugs and illegal crossings are in our port of entries so if you really want to work on illegal crossings and border security then that is where the focus should be and there is still time for bipartisan support for that. So get it done!

Just LISTEN to those white, racist, ass hole rubes just EAT up Trump's bullshit drivel.

Those idiots got played by a white racist azzhole, Trump.

What a bunch of brainless fvcking assholes.

Explain what was racist about it, or admit that you are just a race baiting asshole.

well, let's see: I'm white but I am NOT a white, racist, bigot, brain dead azzhole.

There; see the difference?

Are you sure about thos
The Big Picture is the tens of millions of people have entered our country, either illegally, or legally and then overstayed.

That is a huge problem, and a violation of the rights of Americans to decide who to invite to join our community.
Agreed. I’ve never denied that. But we don’t have open borders, not even close. And we obviously have different policy ideas on how to beat address the problem as do all the clowns in Washington. I’m curious though, why is the majority of your focus on the Wall, when the majority of drugs and illegals are coming in through ports of entry? That’s where you lose me with your argument.

If you agree it is a huge problem, and a violation of the rights of Americans to decide who to invite to join our society,

then any disagreement you have about "open border" is a matter of minor semantics.

My "focus" is on the Wall, for that is the current issue of discussion.

Be assured that Trump will not be judged solely on whether or not the Wall is built, but on the overall effect his administration has on the horrific immigration situation.
I go after the “open border” claim because it is a dishonest talking point being used to discredit liberals and it is counterproductive to efficient discussion.

The issue is border security, not the wall. The wall is how Trump wants to do it. The counter argument is that the majority of illegals and drugs come here through ports of entry so that should be our focus.

Trumps hyperbole, propaganda or whatever you want to call it around the wall has turned it into a racial, xenophobic and an American values issue for many of his opponents so it makes it near impossible for them to support. That’s what happens when you pour fuel on the fires of hate and division.

That’s the political reality. Now if you are really interested in helping the immigration and border problem you would focus on the best solutions, not just the ones the media is talking about. Something can get done in the ports of entry where the bulk of the issues are. Why not focus on that instead of the wall?

1. The Wall will help greatly with a large part of the problem. If addressing the problem is your goal, the you should support it.

2. Nothing Trump has done has made the Wall racist. It is those who call it "racist", falsely that are being divisive. Disagreeing about how to do something is not divisive. Calling those who you disagree with, "racist" is divisive.

3. If I spend my time talking about, say, punishing employers, when the current topic of debate is the Wall, that just makes me irrelevant.
Whether you like it or not millions of people see Trumps rhetoric around the wall as divisive and not reflective of their values. Many see it as racist and the other things I mentioned. You support him and the wall so perhaps you don’t see it but you should be able to see that a significant portion of our citizens do see it.

So when things get this divisive it limits productivity. At this point Trump is not going to get support from the Dems for the wall. But the wall isn’t going to take care of a large part of the problem like you say. The majority of drugs and illegal crossings are in our port of entries so if you really want to work on illegal crossings and border security then that is where the focus should be and there is still time for bipartisan support for that. So get it done!

If someone sees racism where it is not, that is on them.

If someone accuses some one of racism, falsely or incorrectly, they are the ones tearing the nation apart.

Saying that a "lot of people see it that way" is not an argument that that is a reasonable way of seeing it.

The "majority" is pretty vague. IF you are correct in that, what percentage of the flow are you prepared to not worry about because it is not over 50%? Are the over border flows 45% of the problem? 40%?
Seems CMN sp9ke to a television station in San Diego about a local perspective about the wall.
And cnn decided not to use the story becaise it favored the wall.
Locals and boarder patrol agent want a wall and say it works.
To objectively address the thread's title, we need to review Trump's campaign mantra.....

Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

Trump also knows that if a wall is NOT built, his chances of re-election are about as probable as Jill Stein's in 2016

Then we have the made-up DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted until he or she is out of office and Trump well knows that there are a ton of legal quagmires awaiting him AND his family in 2021 were he out of office.

Finally, the only viable defense that Trump may have in facing these legal issues, is to rely on the statutes of limitation to save his hide.

Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.
My bet is on Mueller' s report,

News is just coming out he is trying to have his illigitimate AG block it from being released... it must have Bad News on him and his campaign....

The wall and shut down is a side show ...to deflect from what is behind the curtain....

Assuming facts not in evidence. You regressives are good at that. But hey, at least you have your hope to cling to.

Agreed. I’ve never denied that. But we don’t have open borders, not even close. And we obviously have different policy ideas on how to beat address the problem as do all the clowns in Washington. I’m curious though, why is the majority of your focus on the Wall, when the majority of drugs and illegals are coming in through ports of entry? That’s where you lose me with your argument.

If you agree it is a huge problem, and a violation of the rights of Americans to decide who to invite to join our society,

then any disagreement you have about "open border" is a matter of minor semantics.

My "focus" is on the Wall, for that is the current issue of discussion.

Be assured that Trump will not be judged solely on whether or not the Wall is built, but on the overall effect his administration has on the horrific immigration situation.
I go after the “open border” claim because it is a dishonest talking point being used to discredit liberals and it is counterproductive to efficient discussion.

The issue is border security, not the wall. The wall is how Trump wants to do it. The counter argument is that the majority of illegals and drugs come here through ports of entry so that should be our focus.

Trumps hyperbole, propaganda or whatever you want to call it around the wall has turned it into a racial, xenophobic and an American values issue for many of his opponents so it makes it near impossible for them to support. That’s what happens when you pour fuel on the fires of hate and division.

That’s the political reality. Now if you are really interested in helping the immigration and border problem you would focus on the best solutions, not just the ones the media is talking about. Something can get done in the ports of entry where the bulk of the issues are. Why not focus on that instead of the wall?

1. The Wall will help greatly with a large part of the problem. If addressing the problem is your goal, the you should support it.

2. Nothing Trump has done has made the Wall racist. It is those who call it "racist", falsely that are being divisive. Disagreeing about how to do something is not divisive. Calling those who you disagree with, "racist" is divisive.

3. If I spend my time talking about, say, punishing employers, when the current topic of debate is the Wall, that just makes me irrelevant.
Whether you like it or not millions of people see Trumps rhetoric around the wall as divisive and not reflective of their values. Many see it as racist and the other things I mentioned. You support him and the wall so perhaps you don’t see it but you should be able to see that a significant portion of our citizens do see it.

So when things get this divisive it limits productivity. At this point Trump is not going to get support from the Dems for the wall. But the wall isn’t going to take care of a large part of the problem like you say. The majority of drugs and illegal crossings are in our port of entries so if you really want to work on illegal crossings and border security then that is where the focus should be and there is still time for bipartisan support for that. So get it done!

If someone sees racism where it is not, that is on them.

If someone accuses some one of racism, falsely or incorrectly, they are the ones tearing the nation apart.

Saying that a "lot of people see it that way" is not an argument that that is a reasonable way of seeing it.

The "majority" is pretty vague. IF you are correct in that, what percentage of the flow are you prepared to not worry about because it is not over 50%? Are the over border flows 45% of the problem? 40%?
I somewhat agree. The race card gets used too much now a days and at first I defended Trump when he made his initial speech about the “rapist and murders”. People called him racist for that speech but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But two years later I have seen enough to be confident that he likes pushing the limits and causing these type of arguments. He makes these grey area comments and then shows no remorse or offers no clarity so the people who are offended just dig in deeper. It is childish and disturbing that we have a president that acts that way.

As the the “majority and flow” question. I’d say we should be talking about that. If 50% is coming through the border and the rest through the ports of entry then I’d say it’s a pretty big problem and we should focus on the two equally. If 80% is coming through ports of entry and 20% through the border, then I’d say we should be talking mostly about ports of entry and not shutting down the government over a wall. Wouldn’t you agree?
If Trump's lips are moving, best believe lies are spewing.
Yea :eusa_clap: back by popular demand :20: The Vagina Monologues

Flapping her lips....

Pelosi has pledged to make Congress work for all Americans...
:th_waiting: Bitch, please...you've been in office since 1987
You're not Heinz ketchup and worth the wait

Pelosi promised to “restore integrity to government”...
:laughing0301: Bitch, please...you can't be part of the solution,
when you're a hugh part of the problem!

Pelosi outlined an agenda...

...“to lower health costs
and prescription drug prices
and protect people with pre-existing medical conditions;

Bitch, please...you took care of that already,
duh, remember, Obamacare...let's keep it moving

...to increase paychecks by rebuilding America
with green and modern infrastructure from sea to shining sea.”

Bitch, please...:shutupsmiley:
saying, increasing paychecks, must eat you up
Again, keep it moving...you already took care of
rebuilding America and making it greener!
Duh, remember, ARRA and Solyndra

“Our nation is at a historic moment,” Pelosi said.
“Two months ago, the American people
spoke and demanded a new dawn.

Bitch, please...the American people spoke
and demanded a new dawn when they elected Trump

They called upon the beauty of our Constitution:
Our system of checks and balances that protects our democracy, remembering that the legislative branch is Article I:
the first branch of government,
coequal to the presidency and to the judiciary.”

Bitch, please, maybe you should remember,
the TRUE propieters of government, ARE THE PEOPLE

She pledged that the House will be the “champions of the middle class,” protecting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and ensuring that struggling families have “an economy that works for you.”

Bitch, please...you've screwed the middle class for 30 years

And she urged both chambers to
“work to put an end to the inaction and denial of science
that threaten the planet and the future.”

Bitch, please...:gtssmiley2: inaction...:flameth:

Pelosi said that lawmakers will
“respect each other, and we will respect the truth.”

Her and her ilk since Trump was elected :argue:

Glad to know no one can pull the wool over your eyes :eusa_liar:
I'm still waiting for Mexico to send Trump that, "one time payment of $5 to $10 billion."

That IS what Trump said.

Trump claims he "never meant" Mexico would "write a check" to pay for the wall - CBS News

Mr. Trump's campaign sent a memo to the Washington Post in April 2016 outlining how he would force Mexico to make a one-time payment to pay for the wall. The memo appeared on a since-deleted page on his campaign website."It's an easy decision for Mexico: make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion ........."
If you agree it is a huge problem, and a violation of the rights of Americans to decide who to invite to join our society,

then any disagreement you have about "open border" is a matter of minor semantics.

My "focus" is on the Wall, for that is the current issue of discussion.

Be assured that Trump will not be judged solely on whether or not the Wall is built, but on the overall effect his administration has on the horrific immigration situation.
I go after the “open border” claim because it is a dishonest talking point being used to discredit liberals and it is counterproductive to efficient discussion.

The issue is border security, not the wall. The wall is how Trump wants to do it. The counter argument is that the majority of illegals and drugs come here through ports of entry so that should be our focus.

Trumps hyperbole, propaganda or whatever you want to call it around the wall has turned it into a racial, xenophobic and an American values issue for many of his opponents so it makes it near impossible for them to support. That’s what happens when you pour fuel on the fires of hate and division.

That’s the political reality. Now if you are really interested in helping the immigration and border problem you would focus on the best solutions, not just the ones the media is talking about. Something can get done in the ports of entry where the bulk of the issues are. Why not focus on that instead of the wall?

1. The Wall will help greatly with a large part of the problem. If addressing the problem is your goal, the you should support it.

2. Nothing Trump has done has made the Wall racist. It is those who call it "racist", falsely that are being divisive. Disagreeing about how to do something is not divisive. Calling those who you disagree with, "racist" is divisive.

3. If I spend my time talking about, say, punishing employers, when the current topic of debate is the Wall, that just makes me irrelevant.
Whether you like it or not millions of people see Trumps rhetoric around the wall as divisive and not reflective of their values. Many see it as racist and the other things I mentioned. You support him and the wall so perhaps you don’t see it but you should be able to see that a significant portion of our citizens do see it.

So when things get this divisive it limits productivity. At this point Trump is not going to get support from the Dems for the wall. But the wall isn’t going to take care of a large part of the problem like you say. The majority of drugs and illegal crossings are in our port of entries so if you really want to work on illegal crossings and border security then that is where the focus should be and there is still time for bipartisan support for that. So get it done!

If someone sees racism where it is not, that is on them.

If someone accuses some one of racism, falsely or incorrectly, they are the ones tearing the nation apart.

Saying that a "lot of people see it that way" is not an argument that that is a reasonable way of seeing it.

The "majority" is pretty vague. IF you are correct in that, what percentage of the flow are you prepared to not worry about because it is not over 50%? Are the over border flows 45% of the problem? 40%?
I somewhat agree. The race card gets used too much now a days and at first I defended Trump when he made his initial speech about the “rapist and murders”. People called him racist for that speech but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But two years later I have seen enough to be confident that he likes pushing the limits and causing these type of arguments. He makes these grey area comments and then shows no remorse or offers no clarity so the people who are offended just dig in deeper. It is childish and disturbing that we have a president that acts that way.

As the the “majority and flow” question. I’d say we should be talking about that. If 50% is coming through the border and the rest through the ports of entry then I’d say it’s a pretty big problem and we should focus on the two equally. If 80% is coming through ports of entry and 20% through the border, then I’d say we should be talking mostly about ports of entry and not shutting down the government over a wall. Wouldn’t you agree?

1. The Race Card is a constant. Trump is not at fault for those that mischaracterize, or out right lie about what he said. Do you believe that Trump said that "some white supremacists are good people" as the media reported?

2. IF, "only" 20% of illegals are coming over the border, we are still catching over 300,000 coming across the border a year, at this time, and that's far lower than it has been. By it self that points to a huge freaking problem that needs to be fixed. And it is on those who are against it, that this is an issue.
One of Trump's strong points is that he keeps his campaign promises. Agreed that winning in 2020 solves most of his potential legal issues too via the statute of limitations.
However, if Trump imposes a remittances fee on money transfers out of the US to fund the wall that builds the wall using Mexican and other foreign country funds. Its a way to keep his campaign promise regarding the wall:
The Remittance Fee in Oklahoma, Georgia, and in the U.S. Congress

You know WHY the "remittance fee" ruse will never happen?????

The MAIN opponent of such a tax is precisely the republican-led U.S. Chamber of Commerce......

.....but stick to the thread's topic rather than your usual diversion.

OK, I agree that Trump needs to stop illegal immigration as best he can, and a wall is a necessity. Why they didn't get the wall funded the 1st two years, along with immigration reform, is as you say, the Chamber of Commerce and big money donor objections.
But the thing that you should address, is why do the dems want open borders? Its not to help the middle class, or low skill workers, it actually depresses their wages. My opinion is to let in all the new democrat voters that they can as well as cater to their big money donors for low labor costs.

“Arrests of people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. from Mexico plunged to the lowest level since 1971, as fewer people attempted the trek, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday.”

So why is this wall such an issue?

About this website


Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Under the Trump presidency, there has been a dramatic shift in arrests of undocumented immigrants from the Southwest border to the interior of the nation.


One of Trump's strong points is that he keeps his campaign promises. Agreed that winning in 2020 solves most of his potential legal issues too via the statute of limitations.
However, if Trump imposes a remittances fee on money transfers out of the US to fund the wall that builds the wall using Mexican and other foreign country funds. Its a way to keep his campaign promise regarding the wall:
The Remittance Fee in Oklahoma, Georgia, and in the U.S. Congress

You know WHY the "remittance fee" ruse will never happen?????

The MAIN opponent of such a tax is precisely the republican-led U.S. Chamber of Commerce......

.....but stick to the thread's topic rather than your usual diversion.

OK, I agree that Trump needs to stop illegal immigration as best he can, and a wall is a necessity. Why they didn't get the wall funded the 1st two years, along with immigration reform, is as you say, the Chamber of Commerce and big money donor objections.
But the thing that you should address, is why do the dems want open borders? Its not to help the middle class, or low skill workers, it actually depresses their wages. My opinion is to let in all the new democrat voters that they can as well as cater to their big money donors for low labor costs.

“Arrests of people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. from Mexico plunged to the lowest level since 1971, as fewer people attempted the trek, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday.”

So why is this wall such an issue?

About this website


Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Under the Trump presidency, there has been a dramatic shift in arrests of undocumented immigrants from the Southwest border to the interior of the nation.



Because 300,000 people being caught trying to sneak into the country, is about 299 thousand too many.

I want illegal border crossings to be down in the hundreds, and for the illegal population to be in the tens of thousands.

Get back to me when we hit that and we can talk about easing up. Maybe.
To objectively address the thread's title, we need to review Trump's campaign mantra.....

Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

Trump also knows that if a wall is NOT built, his chances of re-election are about as probable as Jill Stein's in 2016

Then we have the made-up DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted until he or she is out of office and Trump well knows that there are a ton of legal quagmires awaiting him AND his family in 2021 were he out of office.

Finally, the only viable defense that Trump may have in facing these legal issues, is to rely on the statutes of limitation to save his hide.

Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.
I use a wall to keep rats out of my garden. Understand?
One of Trump's strong points is that he keeps his campaign promises. Agreed that winning in 2020 solves most of his potential legal issues too via the statute of limitations.
However, if Trump imposes a remittances fee on money transfers out of the US to fund the wall that builds the wall using Mexican and other foreign country funds. Its a way to keep his campaign promise regarding the wall:
The Remittance Fee in Oklahoma, Georgia, and in the U.S. Congress

You know WHY the "remittance fee" ruse will never happen?????

The MAIN opponent of such a tax is precisely the republican-led U.S. Chamber of Commerce......

.....but stick to the thread's topic rather than your usual diversion.

OK, I agree that Trump needs to stop illegal immigration as best he can, and a wall is a necessity. Why they didn't get the wall funded the 1st two years, along with immigration reform, is as you say, the Chamber of Commerce and big money donor objections.
But the thing that you should address, is why do the dems want open borders? Its not to help the middle class, or low skill workers, it actually depresses their wages. My opinion is to let in all the new democrat voters that they can as well as cater to their big money donors for low labor costs.

“Arrests of people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. from Mexico plunged to the lowest level since 1971, as fewer people attempted the trek, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday.”

So why is this wall such an issue?

About this website


Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Under the Trump presidency, there has been a dramatic shift in arrests of undocumented immigrants from the Southwest border to the interior of the nation.



Because 300,000 people being caught trying to sneak into the country, is about 299 thousand too many.

I want illegal border crossings to be down in the hundreds, and for the illegal population to be in the tens of thousands.

Get back to me when we hit that and we can talk about easing up. Maybe.

A wall A wall ,my kingdom for a wall
“Arrests of people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. from Mexico plunged to the lowest level since 1971, as fewer people attempted the trek, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday.”

So why is this wall such an issue?

One of Trump's strong points is that he keeps his campaign promises. Agreed that winning in 2020 solves most of his potential legal issues too via the statute of limitations.
However, if Trump imposes a remittances fee on money transfers out of the US to fund the wall that builds the wall using Mexican and other foreign country funds. Its a way to keep his campaign promise regarding the wall:
The Remittance Fee in Oklahoma, Georgia, and in the U.S. Congress

You know WHY the "remittance fee" ruse will never happen?????

The MAIN opponent of such a tax is precisely the republican-led U.S. Chamber of Commerce......

.....but stick to the thread's topic rather than your usual diversion.

OK, I agree that Trump needs to stop illegal immigration as best he can, and a wall is a necessity. Why they didn't get the wall funded the 1st two years, along with immigration reform, is as you say, the Chamber of Commerce and big money donor objections.
But the thing that you should address, is why do the dems want open borders? Its not to help the middle class, or low skill workers, it actually depresses their wages. My opinion is to let in all the new democrat voters that they can as well as cater to their big money donors for low labor costs.

“Arrests of people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. from Mexico plunged to the lowest level since 1971, as fewer people attempted the trek, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday.”

So why is this wall such an issue?

About this website


Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Under the Trump presidency, there has been a dramatic shift in arrests of undocumented immigrants from the Southwest border to the interior of the nation.



Because 300,000 people being caught trying to sneak into the country, is about 299 thousand too many.

I want illegal border crossings to be down in the hundreds, and for the illegal population to be in the tens of thousands.

Get back to me when we hit that and we can talk about easing up. Maybe.

A wall A wall ,my kingdom for a wall
“Arrests of people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. from Mexico plunged to the lowest level since 1971, as fewer people attempted the trek, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday.”

So why is this wall such an issue?

Over 300,000 is not a small number.

THat that SEEMS like a small number to you, shows why we need the Wall.

Because WAY TOO FUCKING MANY PEOPLE, come across that border without our permission.

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