Official Who Ignored Request for Water During Maui Inferno: 'Water Requires Conversations Around Equity'

The only lying going on is the disinformation thrown up by redstate.

Request was made to divert water to fight Maui fire​

"A delay in state permission to use West Maui stream water may have led to hampering firefighters in their battle to save Lahaina town from last week’s horrific wildfire.. . "


". . . According to the letter, although the initial fire was contained at 9 a.m., there were reports of fallen power lines, fierce winds, outages and low reservoir levels, prompting the company to reach out to the commission to request approval to divert more water from streams so it could store as much water as possible for fire control.

Instead of approving the request, CWRM asked the company whether the Maui Fire Department had requested permission to dip into the reservoirs and directed it to first inquire with the downstream user to ensure that his loi and other uses would not be impacted by a temporary reduction of water supply.

Communications were spotty, the letter said, and the company had already tried unsuccessfully to contact the one downstream user.. . . "


". . . Although Green didn’t address the West Maui Land Co. incident directly, he waded into the topic during remarks at a Lahaina fire news briefing Monday.

“One thing that people need to understand especially those from far away is that there’s been a great deal of water conflict on Maui for many years,” Green said. “It’s important that we’re honest about this. People have been fighting against the release of water to fight fires. I’ll leave that to you to explore.”

The governor added: “We have a difficult time on Maui and other rural areas getting enough water for houses, for our people, for any response. But it’s important we start being honest. There are currently people still fighting in our state giving us water access to fight and prepare for fires even as more storms arise.”

Green already had ordered Attorney General Anne Lopez to conduct a “comprehensive review” of the decisions made before, during and after the fire.

Water advocates took exception to Green’s remarks.

Wayne Tanaka, director of the Sierra Club of Hawai‘i, called them “ridiculous, inflammatory and lacking in actual detail.” Firefighting, he said, is always a priority in the allocation of water, even for those advocating for fairness in the process.

“The real concern is diverters trying to exploit a horrible tragedy to gain control of water resources,” Tanaka said.. . . "
Perhaps it is just me, but that guy seems like he is having fun in that interview. At the same time that hundreds of bodies are being looked for! His obvious lack of any self doubt or reverent sorrow is quite chilling. Just look at the look on his face at the very end of the video. Spooky AF
111 dead so far and over 1100 missing. Possibly the deadliest fire in US history.

Fire driven by so much oxygenated wind amps up the temp much like a blacksmith's charcoal forge. The temps in that fire probably reached 1500° or more, enough to soften steel, and anyone trapped in that fire, there might be little left of them but ash and very hard to identify except for fragments of bone, belt buckles, etc.
Poke fun at the suffering. Y'all are good at that.
Not as bad as the Biden regime letting people die in a submersible when the Navy has a rescue sub that could have saved those people. Why? In order to take the attention off that crackhead baby fucker who lives in the White House with the BIG GUY. This is not the subject but you can see how it ties in with the same type of evil planning of the officials in Hawaii.

Yes I know it's fake news because it didn't come from CNN or the WaPo.


For five days news networks captivated Americans with the story of the submarine that went missing while surveying the wreckage from the Titanic.

But an awful truth later came to light.

And the missing sub had one awful link to Hunter Biden.

Five passengers on OceanGate’s Titan sub went missing on June 18 on a voyage to the bottom of the sea to tour what remains of the famed Titanic steamship.

Cable news channels devoted round-the-clock coverage — including bringing on famed “Titanic” Director James Cameron to discuss the matter since he oversaw expeditions to the ship’s wreckage — to what the Biden administration claimed was a frantic search-and-rescue operation.

My burn joke was unintentional.
It just happened to work out.

I got married on Maui at McKenna beach. Did the road to Hana. Love that island.
Vote Dem, get burned.

Too soon?
Nah, the pineapple eaters never saw a grift that they did not want a cut of.

The more I find out the less empathy I have for them.

Request was made to divert water to fight Maui fire​

"A delay in state permission to use West Maui stream water may have led to hampering firefighters in their battle to save Lahaina town from last week’s horrific wildfire.. . "


". . . According to the letter, although the initial fire was contained at 9 a.m., there were reports of fallen power lines, fierce winds, outages and low reservoir levels, prompting the company to reach out to the commission to request approval to divert more water from streams so it could store as much water as possible for fire control.

Instead of approving the request, CWRM asked the company whether the Maui Fire Department had requested permission to dip into the reservoirs and directed it to first inquire with the downstream user to ensure that his loi and other uses would not be impacted by a temporary reduction of water supply.

Communications were spotty, the letter said, and the company had already tried unsuccessfully to contact the one downstream user.. . . "


". . . Although Green didn’t address the West Maui Land Co. incident directly, he waded into the topic during remarks at a Lahaina fire news briefing Monday.

“One thing that people need to understand especially those from far away is that there’s been a great deal of water conflict on Maui for many years,” Green said. “It’s important that we’re honest about this. People have been fighting against the release of water to fight fires. I’ll leave that to you to explore.”

The governor added: “We have a difficult time on Maui and other rural areas getting enough water for houses, for our people, for any response. But it’s important we start being honest. There are currently people still fighting in our state giving us water access to fight and prepare for fires even as more storms arise.”

Green already had ordered Attorney General Anne Lopez to conduct a “comprehensive review” of the decisions made before, during and after the fire.

Water advocates took exception to Green’s remarks.

Wayne Tanaka, director of the Sierra Club of Hawai‘i, called them “ridiculous, inflammatory and lacking in actual detail.” Firefighting, he said, is always a priority in the allocation of water, even for those advocating for fairness in the process.

“The real concern is diverters trying to exploit a horrible tragedy to gain control of water resources,” Tanaka said.. . . "
Sort of reminds you of Hitler refusing to release the four Panzer divisions on D-Day.
Except I brought a link from Newsweek.

So you are just playing dumb now and pretending the truth is not true.
Even the Hawaiian paper backs that story up. . .

It is a really weak argument, when folks attack your source, and not the facts of your argument. The only time that is a good argument, is when you have an alternative source, and they have some differing source, with differing facts, and an alternative narrative, THEN it is time to start arguing over who has more reliable reporters and reliable facts.

If the other side has not even come to the table to dispute the facts, with differing propaganda? meh. It isn't even an argument at that point, it's just a fallacy.

The only subject I see this reliably happening on, is the war in Ukraine.
Leftism on full display. Hawaiians get everything they deserve for voting Democrat on everything.
Only God knows how many were burned alive because of his wokeness.

During the inferno that devastated part of the island of Maui, wiping entire towns off the map and possibly killing more than a thousand people (once a full assessment can be made), people on Maui begged state officials to allow West Maui stream water to be diverted to fill up reservoirs for firefighting. That request went to M. Kaleo Manuel, Deputy Director of Hawaii's Commission on Water Resource Management, and he delayed approval of that water for five hours - five hours in which the once-contained fire exploded. By the time the approval was received, workers were unable to reach the siphon release so that the water could be diverted. Now we're learning that Manuel, an Obama Foundation Leader for the Asia Pacific Region, is a climate change activist and DEI devotee who's said, "Like, we can share [water], but it requires true conversations about equity."

My god those Moon Bats are bat shit crazy.

No wonder Hawaii is a Democrat state with idiots like that.
You've been doing just that for years when it comes to MAGA, Trump Supporters and the like.
Yeah right again!
From a foreigner's POV it's all dysfunctional nonsense that Americans can blame on the D/R party.
Americans celebrating the deaths of their fellow Americans!
At some point, the empathy and compassion are going to end from Prog craziness causing misery. The electric company knew of the issues with their power lines and instead spent their resources on the green energy scam. If we spent on our infrastructure responsibly, our issues would be greatly reduced. Man needs to tame nature where it can. The crazies are murdering people.
They voted for MAZIE HIRONO to be a US Senator?

They got Tulsi right, then Tulsi, WHO HILLARY CALLED A RUSSIAN SPY, realized how corrupt the Dems really are.
They should give this bureaucrat the death sentence, if it turns out that any local farmers died from this type of idiocy.

Oh there's other bureaucrats involved in this planned slaughter. I know who but it would be nice if others would do a little research without me showing it and have it proclaimed "FAKE NEWS Ha Ha Ha Gateway Pundit HaHaHa!!!"

A hint: Who was the Police Chief of Las Vegas during that massacre? What's he in Hawaii for? Who is his assistant now and what was his history?
They held a press conference and asked a civil defence type guy why they did not use the sirens usually reserved for tsunamis.

I swear the guy stood there and said he was afraid they would try to move to high ground and into the fire!

I know they are all dems but are they really saying that they are that stupid?

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