Zone1 Oglala Sioux Tribe Temporarily Suspends All Christian Missionary Work

But yet I'll answer the door and chat with them. Not like they're gonna slip me a date rape drug and convert me against my will. We're here listening to "other people's problems" in this thread. I think that's a smart thing to do.
I’m not talking about JWs who ring the bell and hand you a pamphlet. I’m talking about people who follow you around the neighborhood for a year, telling you how G-d is angry at Jews for rejecting his son, and will send you and all the other Jews to hell unless you abandon your religion and accept Jesus. You certainly aren’t implying that I’m being close-minded by not be willing to listen to them insult Jews, month after month after month, are you?
What do you mean are you getting to me? I already stated that the abuses are with the full backing of the government HOWEVER your comparison of the Jan 6th committee to the Spanish Inquisition is pedantic.

You're comparing people being put to death to individuals being held accountable for their unlawful behavior at the Capital on Jan 6th? That's extremely childish and scary if you are serious.

I shouldn't have brought THOSE examples into THIS thread. ALTHOUGH the Spanish Inquisition WAS an apt historical comparison to religious abuse with the help of govt. But -- in short -- THREE SUICIDES and counting for J-6th inmates detained without trial for almost 20 months now and those arraigned and counting.
I shouldn't have brought THOSE examples into THIS thread. But -- in short -- THREE SUICIDES and counting for J-6th inmates detained without trial for almost 20 months now and those arraigned and counting.
The J-6 inmates are being denied their constitutional right to a speedy trial. I don’t see how their lawyers aren’t suing, and taking this all the way up to the Supreme Court.

What the Democrats are doing to political opponents is getting closer and closer to what the North Koreans do to theirs. It is beyond shameful what the Biden Administration is getting away with.
I’m not talking about JWs who ring the bell and hand you a pamphlet. I’m talking about people who follow you around the neighborhood for a year, telling you how G-d is angry at Jews for rejecting his son, and will send you and all the other Jews to hell unless you abandon your religion and accept Jesus. You certainly aren’t implying that I’m being close-minded by not be willing to listen to them insult Jews, month after month after month, are you?

Part of the angst of URBAN living. All we have wandering around are deer and turkeys.

I DID object to Jews for Jesus on campus being annoying. Actually got into a bit of trouble taking TOO much of their handouts. :badgrin:
I shouldn't have brought THOSE examples into THIS thread. ALTHOUGH the Spanish Inquisition WAS an apt historical comparison to religious abuse with the help of govt. But -- in short -- THREE SUICIDES and counting for J-6th inmates detained without trial for almost 20 months now and those arraigned and counting.
I don't know how these people are being held indefinitely without charges or can they just not make bail?
Baptist again.
Apparently do

Attacking peaceful Indians in their wigwams and FORCING them to accept Jesus at the point of a gun

Thats shocking, isnt it?

Only thats not what happened

According to the proud descendants of Crazy Horse the evil whites were handing out pamphlets

“Native News Online reported on Monday that the Jesus is King Mission, a baptist organization, was ordered to leave the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation after pamphlets were distributed that promoted that Jesus, not Tunkasila (a Lakota word for Creator), is the “true god.””
While I don't approve of this move, because I believe in freedom of religion, it is their nation, they are free to do with it as they wish.

I do agree, what the missionaries were preaching, was as offensive to them, as what atheists or Luciferians spout off to Christians, but meh, that is all part of the will of the Creator.

"Before any final solution to American history can occur, a reconciliation must be effected between the spiritual owner of the land - American Indians - and the political owner of the land - American Whites. Guilt and accusations cannot continue to revolve in a vacuum without some effort at reaching a solution. "

~ Vine Deloria Jr.


I dont think the Sioux would do such a thing, but suppose they decided to open a pedophile prostitution whorehouse alongside every casino

Would the feds just look the other way and allow it to happen?

I think not even the biden/pelosi coven of satanists at DOJ-FBI would go along with that
It took me more than a year to get rid of one of them who had been hassling me, and who refused to take no for an answer.

You and I disagree on just about everything, but if I recall correctly, you’ve never said anything hostile about Jews. Thank you for that.
I've never had any issues with Jewish people. As a matter of fact, you and I should be natural allies. What happened to Jews and what happened to Natives are pretty much the same. From my point of view I can understand why what happened to us happened, whereas with you I really don't understand why what happened, happened.
I've never had any issues with Jewish people. As a matter of fact, you and I should be natural allies. What happened to Jews and what happened to Natives are pretty much the same. From my point of view I can understand why what happened to us happened, whereas with you I really don't understand why what happened, happened.
Thank you. Although what happened to both our people was horrific, it’s true that in one case it makes sense, and in the other, not. In the case of the Native Americans, it was about conquering land - which has been going on forever - and claiming it as one’s own, so there was something to be gained. It wasn’t personal, in other words, just business. In the other, it was pure, unadulterated bigotry, and killing for killing’s sake.

(Also, it just wasn’t just the Holocaust. The persecution has been going on for two millenia.)
Apparently do

Attacking peaceful Indians in their wigwams and FORCING them to accept Jesus at the point of a gun

Thats shocking, isnt it?

Only thats not what happened

According to the proud descendants of Crazy Horse the evil whites were handing out pamphlets

“Native News Online reported on Monday that the Jesus is King Mission, a baptist organization, was ordered to leave the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation after pamphlets were distributed that promoted that Jesus, not Tunkasila (a Lakota word for Creator), is the “true god.””

Baptists spread false doctrine. Read the article.
Another thread about the Terrible Nasty Christians. In the race relations section no less.

Hang on brothers and sisters. It's coming soon, but with pain.
Not all Christians are nasty, and nobody is saying that. The complaint is when they go onto other people’s property and distribute hateful messages to other people of other religions - telling them how wrong they are.

For example, one year when we came out of Yom Kippur services, some Christian group had put flyers on the windshields of all the cars in the synagogue parking lot - about 200 - saying to accept Jesus or face eternal damnation. You think that’s acceptable?!
Always appropriate to jaw about the Terrible Nasty Christians of course, the last acceptable Two Minutes of Hate, which is indeed the topic of your OP. We are just supposed to sit and take it.
That fact of the matter is, we don't want any part of your religion. Why is that so difficult to understand?
Always appropriate to jaw about the Terrible Nasty Christians of course, the last acceptable Two Minutes of Hate, which is indeed the topic of your OP. We are just supposed to sit and take it.
And we are just supposed to take it when you start harassing me about going to hell if I don’t adopt YOUR religion and abandon my own?
And we are just supposed to take it when you start harassing me about going to hell if I don’t adopt YOUR religion and abandon my own?

Do not dump all your issues, past experiences and frankly bigotry on me.

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