Zone1 Oglala Sioux Tribe Temporarily Suspends All Christian Missionary Work

We donā€™t want your religious agenda crammed down our throats.
Does that apply to every member of the tribe?

I suspect your are trampling on the religious freedom of Sioux who have accepted Jesus
hadit Baptists pray for the conversion of the Jews.. the return of all Jews to Israel and the rebuilding of the temple so Jesus will return.. They believe that 2/3 rds of Jews will die and the remainder will convert to Christianity.

That's not biblical.
None of those things pertain to this discussion, which is about a group using its government to silence voices they don't like to hear.
Does that apply to every member of the tribe?

I suspect your are trampling on the religious freedom of Sioux who have accepted Jesus
For one Iā€™m not Sioux. I had nothing to do with the decision.
I have yet to meet an NDN that loves Jesus. What a lot of us hate is being forced to accept the white mans religion.

This is another example of the white man trying to eliminate our culture.
Its not going to happen.
Iā€™m with you.

Ironic how she calls people objecting to being proselytized ā€œbigotsā€ and sheā€™s the one telling (or thinking) that people who donā€˜t believe in HER god will go to hell.

You don't like the message, fine. But you take it well beyond that. It's personal even when it's not. You hate that when it's turned on your own faith. As you should.
No, thatā€™s not the issue. The issue is going onto other peopleā€™s property and telling them that their religion is wrong - and continuing to do it after youā€™ve been asked to stop.

This happened to you and it was wrong and now you cannot separate this from the basic tenets of the religion or those that hold to it. That is an -ism since we are in that forum.
For one Iā€™m not Sioux. I had nothing to do with the decision.
I have yet to meet an NDN that loves Jesus. What a lot of us hate is being forced to accept the white mans religion.

This is another example of the white man trying to eliminate our culture.
Its not going to happen.
If you are not a Sioux then you cant speak for the Sioux
Show some respect for others. Your behavior will attract others if they want what you have.
handing out pamphlets is not an offensive act
Thats a distinction without a difference

The Indian elders are still being intolerant of opinions and beliefs that they do not share

Intolerant of people coming onto their property and telling them, over and over, that their religion is wrong? Sorry, but itā€™s this type of uninvited and disrespectful activity that makes people dislike the far-right Christians.

Are you actually saying that if a Christian evangelist sends me a link to his pastorā€™s sermon, in which he preaches how Jews are stubborn and cheap and are doomed to hell if they donā€™t become Christians, I am being ā€œintolerantā€œ if I donā€™t want to listen to it?
hadit Baptists pray for the conversion of the Jews.. the return of all Jews to Israel and the rebuilding of the temple so Jesus will return.. They believe that 2/3 rds of Jews will die and the remainder will convert to Christianity.

That's not biblical.
In my experience, the Baptists are the WORST. I had one follow me from one hotel in the Vegas strip to the next (if youā€˜ve been to Vegas, you know it can take 10 minutes) with all his fire and brimstone nonsense.
For one Iā€™m not Sioux. I had nothing to do with the decision.
I have yet to meet an NDN that loves Jesus. What a lot of us hate is being forced to accept the white mans religion.

This is another example of the white man trying to eliminate our culture.
Its not going to happen.
Itā€™s not really the white manā€™s religion. Iā€™m white and Jewish.
Intolerant of people coming onto their property and telling them, over and over, that their religion is wrong? Sorry, but itā€™s this type of uninvited and disrespectful activity that makes people dislike the far-right Christians.

Are you actually saying that if a Christian evangelist sends me a link to his pastorā€™s sermon, in which he preaches how Jews are stubborn and cheap and are doomed to hell if they donā€™t become Christians, I am being ā€œintolerantā€œ if I donā€™t want to listen to it?
That lie is pretty weak

Why dont you borrow my absurdity and see if it works better for you?

ā€œ Attacking peaceful Indians in their wigwams and FORCING them to accept Jesus at the point of a gunā€

Thats a much stronger lie dont you think?
That lie is pretty weak

Why dont you borrow my absurdity

ā€œ Attacking peaceful Indians in their wigwams and FORCING them to accept Jesus at the point of a gunā€

Thats a much stronger lie dont you think?
I think you just just butt out of other peopleā€™s religions. If they donā€™t believe that Jesus was anything more than a Jewish carpenter who lived and died 2000 years ago, let them be. Itā€™s not hurting you, and itā€™s certainly possible that they are right.
If you are not a Sioux then you cant speak for the Sioux

handing out pamphlets is not an offensive act

Are you Baptist? They were leaders in the Indian boarding school cruelty. They took children from their parents, changed their names, cut their hair, forbid their culture, religion and traditions "for their own good".
In my experience, the Baptists are the WORST. I had one follow me from one hotel in the Vegas strip to the next (if youā€˜ve been to Vegas, you know it can take 10 minutes) with all his fire and brimstone nonsense.

Their theology is very peculiar and I'm not talking about their rejection of child baptism. They are utterly obsessed with the end times, the rapture and Armageddon.
Who is it that you hate, exactly?

Mistype. I'm on my fire bc we are traveling and the autocorrect screws me up. Should have been let you hate us.

I hate evil. Only a tiny tiny percentage of people are truly evil and it knows no particular people group. Equal opportunity

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