Oh Come On Lefties, Why No More IMPEACHMENT Talk?

Don't worry, this shitpile is gonna get flushed one way or the other.


Tick tock.

Trump-Derangement-Syndrome-600x429 (copy 1).jpg
Chuck Todd was talking impeachment last Sunday. He had Schiff on and that was the meme. They're gonna fall flat on their faces and I'm going to LMAO.

Elect a clown, expect a circus.
Yes please more clownage!

When is The Impeachment Hearing?




Coming soon, comrade!

That's pretty awesome. It just shows that The Left does not really have issues to talk about. They don't stand for anything, not even The Flag or Pledge of Allegiance. They don't even like this country or our laws. They are against The President, Against America, and Against The Rule of Law.

Their entire platform can be boiled down to Orange Man Bad, and America Bad. It's almost like they are trying to make The American Citizen a Racial Slur.

Just more proof that The Clown show on The Left marches on like a Ringling Brothers Circus Parade.
Where did you all go?

They haven't given up.
Their new tactic is to invade the privacy of President Trump, as well as Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.
They are trying to grab Trump's tax returns and his bank statements.
They have also filed a subpoena to get business records from Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.

Hey dipshit.

Do you remember when a 10 year SVP of the Trump Org testified to congress under oath that Trump committed serious bank and tax fraud?

Let me remind you: His name is Michael Cohen.

That's all Congress needs to subpoena his taxes and financial records.

Good talk.

Get yourself a juice box.
You'd think if that were true that after 3 years and 29 Investigations......(wait what?) yes, 29 Investigations all political, all searching for something illegal President Trump did.......

29 Investigations, and even The Entire Obama Administration after your ass turning over every rock has netted you NOTHING.

There is NO THERE THERE according to Strozk, and he was the now disgraced former head of counterintelligence at The FBI
Trump's US military is 12 times bigger than Putin's Russians. this was a scam from the start. Russia is not a threat to the US.

they're not bad folks, folks!
The biggest threat to America is censorship of Conservative voices like Google, Twitter and Facebook are doing. That would have more impact on our elections than some silly Russian Memes that nobody ever saw.

As big a threat is CHINA working with GOOGLE, and HUAWEI to collect data and steal intellectual properties, and military secrets.
China also has an interest in the outcome of our elections. And with Big Tech and Big Media colluding with The Democrat Party to impact the 2020 election, you may as well say The Democrat Party is also colluding with China but in a bigger way than they colluded with Russia and The Dirty Dossier.

The Russia nonsense is nothing but a Red Herring to distract the public from what The Obama Administration did and what The Democrat Party is doing now to interfere in our elections.
I find it fascinating that at every step in the process, the trained seals are all absolutely certain that if they can just get this one thing, they'll get rid of Trump. For sure, just this one more thing.

We demand a lot of recounts so we can "find" votes in somebody's car! Yup, that'll stop him.
<Didn't work>
Uh, impeach him before he takes office! Yeah, that's the ticket.
<Didn't work>
Crap. I know, let's all go out in the streets and scream at the sky. If we look stupid enough, maybe he'll go away.
<He's still there>
We have to find something. Oooh, that's right. Somebody released Hillary and DNC emails that made them look like racist idiots and bought ads on FaceBook that Hillary didn't like. I bet we can pin it on him.
Go Mueller! Go Mueller!
<Mueller failed to state that he committed a crime>
If we can see the whole report, that'll do it!
<The report is available to anyone with the appropriate clearance. They won't look at it. >
Get Mueller on the stand. It's Mueller time! Tick tick, tick tick. Go Mueller!
<Mueller didn't give you anything new>
I know, let's call him a racist! Republicans always fold when we call them racists.

And on it goes.
I find it fascinating that at every step in the process, the trained seals are all absolutely certain that if they can just get this one thing, they'll get rid of Trump. For sure, just this one more thing.

We demand a lot of recounts so we can "find" votes in somebody's car! Yup, that'll stop him.
<Didn't work>
Uh, impeach him before he takes office! Yeah, that's the ticket.
<Didn't work>
Crap. I know, let's all go out in the streets and scream at the sky. If we look stupid enough, maybe he'll go away.
<He's still there>
We have to find something. Oooh, that's right. Somebody released Hillary and DNC emails that made them look like racist idiots and bought ads on FaceBook that Hillary didn't like. I bet we can pin it on him.
Go Mueller! Go Mueller!
<Mueller failed to state that he committed a crime>
If we can see the whole report, that'll do it!
<The report is available to anyone with the appropriate clearance. They won't look at it. >
Get Mueller on the stand. It's Mueller time! Tick tick, tick tick. Go Mueller!
<Mueller didn't give you anything new>
I know, let's call him a racist! Republicans always fold when we call them racists.

And on it goes.
Perfect summary. And now it is on to looking at Trump's Tax Returns and digging through his garbage can.
Where did you all go?

Did you take your ball home with you because you lost the game?
That's pretty funny considering the eight years of non-stop whining for Obama's impeachment.

You really are a goldfish, aren't you.
Where did you all go?

Did you take your ball home with you because you lost the game?
That's pretty funny considering the eight years of non-stop whining for Obama's impeachment.

You really are a goldfish, aren't you.
Obama actually committed Crimes. Multiple Felonies. So did Eric Holder. Lois Lerner, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Powers, Strozk, Paige, McCabe, and many many others.
Trump's US military is 12 times bigger than Putin's Russians. this was a scam from the start. Russia is not a threat to the US.

they're not bad folks, folks!
The biggest threat to America is censorship of Conservative voices like Google, Twitter and Facebook are doing. That would have more impact on our elections than some silly Russian Memes that nobody ever saw.

As big a threat is CHINA working with GOOGLE, and HUAWEI to collect data and steal intellectual properties, and military secrets.
China also has an interest in the outcome of our elections. And with Big Tech and Big Media colluding with The Democrat Party to impact the 2020 election, you may as well say The Democrat Party is also colluding with China but in a bigger way than they colluded with Russia and The Dirty Dossier.

The Russia nonsense is nothing but a Red Herring to distract the public from what The Obama Administration did and what The Democrat Party is doing now to interfere in our elections.
Facebook had spineless response to fake Polosi video.

Facebook deleted Elizabeth Warren ads.

Evidence contradicts right-wing narrative of tech censorship and bias
Trump's US military is 12 times bigger than Putin's Russians. this was a scam from the start. Russia is not a threat to the US.

they're not bad folks, folks!
The biggest threat to America is censorship of Conservative voices like Google, Twitter and Facebook are doing. That would have more impact on our elections than some silly Russian Memes that nobody ever saw.

As big a threat is CHINA working with GOOGLE, and HUAWEI to collect data and steal intellectual properties, and military secrets.
China also has an interest in the outcome of our elections. And with Big Tech and Big Media colluding with The Democrat Party to impact the 2020 election, you may as well say The Democrat Party is also colluding with China but in a bigger way than they colluded with Russia and The Dirty Dossier.

The Russia nonsense is nothing but a Red Herring to distract the public from what The Obama Administration did and what The Democrat Party is doing now to interfere in our elections.
Facebook had spineless response to fake Polosi video.

Facebook deleted Elizabeth Warren ads.

Evidence contradicts right-wing narrative of tech censorship and bias
So what do Bill Clinton's Crimes that The Special Counsel recommended for Indictment have to do with the ZERO crimes Mueller found?
Trump's US military is 12 times bigger than Putin's Russians. this was a scam from the start. Russia is not a threat to the US.

they're not bad folks, folks!
The biggest threat to America is censorship of Conservative voices like Google, Twitter and Facebook are doing. That would have more impact on our elections than some silly Russian Memes that nobody ever saw.

As big a threat is CHINA working with GOOGLE, and HUAWEI to collect data and steal intellectual properties, and military secrets.
China also has an interest in the outcome of our elections. And with Big Tech and Big Media colluding with The Democrat Party to impact the 2020 election, you may as well say The Democrat Party is also colluding with China but in a bigger way than they colluded with Russia and The Dirty Dossier.

The Russia nonsense is nothing but a Red Herring to distract the public from what The Obama Administration did and what The Democrat Party is doing now to interfere in our elections.
Facebook had spineless response to fake Polosi video.

Facebook deleted Elizabeth Warren ads.

Evidence contradicts right-wing narrative of tech censorship and bias
So what do Bill Clinton's Crimes that The Special Counsel recommended for Indictment have to do with the ZERO crimes Mueller found?
448 page report is full of crimes, otherwise it wouldnt have been 448 pages long.
Trump's US military is 12 times bigger than Putin's Russians. this was a scam from the start. Russia is not a threat to the US.

they're not bad folks, folks!
The biggest threat to America is censorship of Conservative voices like Google, Twitter and Facebook are doing. That would have more impact on our elections than some silly Russian Memes that nobody ever saw.

As big a threat is CHINA working with GOOGLE, and HUAWEI to collect data and steal intellectual properties, and military secrets.
China also has an interest in the outcome of our elections. And with Big Tech and Big Media colluding with The Democrat Party to impact the 2020 election, you may as well say The Democrat Party is also colluding with China but in a bigger way than they colluded with Russia and The Dirty Dossier.

The Russia nonsense is nothing but a Red Herring to distract the public from what The Obama Administration did and what The Democrat Party is doing now to interfere in our elections.
Facebook had spineless response to fake Polosi video.

Facebook deleted Elizabeth Warren ads.

Evidence contradicts right-wing narrative of tech censorship and bias
So what do Bill Clinton's Crimes that The Special Counsel recommended for Indictment have to do with the ZERO crimes Mueller found?
448 page report is full of crimes, otherwise it wouldnt have been 448 pages long.
It lists ZERO CRIMES recommended for Indictment which is what Mueller and his Posse of Democrat Bounty Hunters was charged to find and make a determination on.

Ken Starr listed 13 Crimes to Indict Clinton on. Mueller listed Zero.

Don't you have Free Vagina to market to the dumbed down American People?

Run along little libtard.
Trump's US military is 12 times bigger than Putin's Russians. this was a scam from the start. Russia is not a threat to the US.

they're not bad folks, folks!
The biggest threat to America is censorship of Conservative voices like Google, Twitter and Facebook are doing. That would have more impact on our elections than some silly Russian Memes that nobody ever saw.

As big a threat is CHINA working with GOOGLE, and HUAWEI to collect data and steal intellectual properties, and military secrets.
China also has an interest in the outcome of our elections. And with Big Tech and Big Media colluding with The Democrat Party to impact the 2020 election, you may as well say The Democrat Party is also colluding with China but in a bigger way than they colluded with Russia and The Dirty Dossier.

The Russia nonsense is nothing but a Red Herring to distract the public from what The Obama Administration did and what The Democrat Party is doing now to interfere in our elections.
Facebook had spineless response to fake Polosi video.

Facebook deleted Elizabeth Warren ads.

Evidence contradicts right-wing narrative of tech censorship and bias
So what do Bill Clinton's Crimes that The Special Counsel recommended for Indictment have to do with the ZERO crimes Mueller found?
448 page report is full of crimes, otherwise it wouldnt have been 448 pages long.
It lists ZERO CRIMES recommended for Indictment which is what Mueller and his Posse of Democrat Bounty Hunters was charged to find and make a determination on.

Ken Starr listed 13 Crimes to Indict Clinton on. Mueller listed Zero.

Don't you have Free Vagina to market to the dumbed down American People?

Run along little libtard.
* Trump can be guilty of obstruction even if there was no underlying crime
* Trump pressured witnesses not to cooperate with the investigation
* Trump asked senior officials to lie or mislead the public
* Trump tried to fire the special counsel
* Trump’s attempts to thwart the investigation were unsuccessful — because his aides didn’t follow through



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