Oh, come on, this is funny.

You really should get out of your mothers basement more often
No, not really.

JoeBitch is just fine where he is; no one needs to see him jacking off in the streets
Noble? Unions?

You didn't think that though.

If you are enjoying Sunday off, you can thank a Union, buddy. Same with your fat middle class lifestyle.

Not to worry, give the GOP enough time, they'll probably take both away from you.

Having Sunday off is more of a conservative Christian blue law type thing than a progressive union thingee.

Why can't we all have one of the T-days off compliments of the unions so people can shop when businesses that observe Sundays are open?


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If you are enjoying Sunday off, you can thank a Union, buddy. Same with your fat middle class lifestyle.

Not to worry, give the GOP enough time, they'll probably take both away from you.
Who told you Unions gave me a day off?

Like all corrupt groups, Unions are only popular when they can coerce membership.
Who told you Unions gave me a day off?

Like all corrupt groups, Unions are only popular when they can coerce membership.

I'm sorry whatever inbred talking snake HS you attended didn't teach you about the labor movement... or why you have a weekend and aren't working a 6 day week.

I'll give you a hint. We have something called "Labor Day". We don't have something called "Robber Baron Day".
I'm sorry whatever inbred talking snake HS you attended didn't teach you about the labor movement... or why you have a weekend and aren't working a 6 day week.

I'll give you a hint. We have something called "Labor Day". We don't have something called "Robber Baron Day".
You poor child.

Did someone tell you that nobody had a day off before labor Unions?

Don't pretend to be stupider than you are. It's not becoming.
Actually I agree labor unions had some positive impacts several decades ago.

Now they function primarily as a money laundering conduit for the Democrat Party.

The corrupt Democrat / Union connection destroyed Detroit and drastically damaged many other cities.

It's Liberty to allow Unions to exist. It's Fascism to mandate membership.
You poor child.

Did someone tell you that nobody had a day off before labor Unions?

Don't pretend to be stupider than you are. It's not becoming.

Are you really this fucking stupid? Yes... yes, you probably are. You are probably a dumb bit of white Trash, wondering why you don't have the good jobs previous generations had, voting for Trump, and not realizing guys like him caused the problem.

Actually I agree labor unions had some positive impacts several decades ago.

Now they function primarily as a money laundering conduit for the Democrat Party.

The corrupt Democrat / Union connection destroyed Detroit and drastically damaged many other cities.

Your argument would make sense if Detroit lost out to free-market, non-union shops.

It didn't.

Detroit was Crushed by German and Japanese automakers, who have stronger unions than the UAW.

It wasn't the union guys who designed the shit cars like the Gremlin, the Pinto, the Chevette, while the Japanese were designing quality automobiles. That was the rich suits in the corner offices.

again, just tells me you guys aren't very smart.
I remember the old days when unions went on regular strikes. Or maybe not, I was just a kid when unions were still a thing. Only ones left are govt and law enforcement, teachers.
Steelworkers, Teamsters, Bricklayers, Airline pilots, postal workers, Railroad workers, Ironworkers, Coal miners, Sheetmetal workers, Nurses, etc. I hate to burst your little snot bubble kid but you don`t know shit.
And it would have been funny if the parties were reversed.

Yale Republicans taunt hunger-striking union workers with a barbecue

Some Yale students were protesting with a hunger strike over unionization and the campus Republicans set up a smoked-meat Bar-B-Q right next to them.

Vichy Mac thinks it funny when entitled rich punks taunt working folks asking for a fair wage.

Mac, you really need to join the GOP. They need someone with your level of selfishness.

Lol.....like virtually all progressives, their outlook on life is motivated by two things: misery and jealousy. You see the tone in every post! Ghey

You asshats blame everybody but yourselves for making poor decisions in your personal and professional lives. Tough shit on you!:bye1::bye1:
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Lol.....like virtually all progressives, their outlook on life is motivated by two things: misery and jealousy. You see the tone in every post! Ghey

You asshats blame everybody but yourselves for making poor decisions in your personal and professional lives. Tough shit on you!

Again, i doubt you make as much as these employees.... but you keep bending over for the One Percent.
Lol.....like virtually all progressives, their outlook on life is motivated by two things: misery and jealousy. You see the tone in every post! Ghey

You asshats blame everybody but yourselves for making poor decisions in your personal and professional lives. Tough shit on you!

Again, i doubt you make as much as these employees.... but you keep bending over for the One Percent.

Nobody cares about what I make!:2up:. But let's face it, like the OP said....this story is hysterical. I'm still laughing.

More fodder here that progressives have absolutely no sense of humor. Too engaged in being jealous and miserable all the time. You see it every day in here.....:bye1::bye1:.....just this perpetual rage towards successful people. Ghey.

I've done ok for myself but I dont begrudge people was have ended up far more successful than I. I say good for them....most worked their balls off to get there. Progressives are pissed at everybody because their skills are not marketable.....tough shit. They want to get paid big bucks for airbrushing art onto the sides of coffee cups. Tough shit.....pick another thing to do. Doy.:coffee:
Sometimes a BBQ is just a BBQ

People and Liberals especially have to learn that everything isn't about them
Sometimes a BBQ is just a BBQ

People and Liberals especially have to learn that everything isn't about them

No sense of humor at all........if they are not in a fit of rage, something is off. That's what makes this so funny.....these progressives just tend to the hysterical all the time!:abgg2q.jpg:

Every little injustice........appalled!! :ack-1: As Ive been saying for 30 years, if these people had some real responsibilities in life, they wouldn't get so fucked up about st00pid stuff.

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