Oh Goody, The "Tea Party Revolution" has started in Vegas.

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Oh bullshit, the Occupy movement was trying to cause complete chaos nationwide. They wanted to completely destroy our capitalistic system, and get as many people in the streets as possible raising hell and stopping commerce. Don't you fucking dare try to deny it !!!!!

Dumb shit, the occupy movement was a leftist movement, not a tea party movement. You should read Chris Hedges.

Well fucking duh !
Of course Occupy was the left, where did you get the idea that I thought they were conservatives ?!

The only reason I compare the two, is that Sallow and other leftists get holier than thou pointing at RW'ers trying to claim they are trying to spark a violent revolution. I want to make sure and remind these people that the Occupy movement was trying to start a revolution of tgeir own, and it would have been violent had it really got going.

Occupy didn't carry weapons, didn't advocate "2nd amendment solutions" and did nothing violent.

They also were really pissed about rich folks getting the lion's share of relief for a mess they caused, and everyone else getting the shaft.

The Tea Party?

They were pissed a black guy was elected and that people losing their houses might get bailed out.

Oh..and they carried guns.
Dumb shit, the occupy movement was a leftist movement, not a tea party movement. You should read Chris Hedges.

Well fucking duh !
Of course Occupy was the left, where did you get the idea that I thought they were conservatives ?!

The only reason I compare the two, is that Sallow and other leftists get holier than thou pointing at RW'ers trying to claim they are trying to spark a violent revolution. I want to make sure and remind these people that the Occupy movement was trying to start a revolution of tgeir own, and it would have been violent had it really got going.

Occupy didn't carry weapons, didn't advocate "2nd amendment solutions" and did nothing violent.

They also were really pissed about rich folks getting the lion's share of relief for a mess they caused, and everyone else getting the shaft.

The Tea Party?

They were pissed a black guy was elected and that people losing their houses might get bailed out.

Oh..and they carried guns.

Did nothing violent ? !!!!


Did you see any of the Oakland pictures or videos ?
Picture of them with "flag"?

Didn't think so.

They draped it over a dead cop.

They also called the cops, "Nazis".

Don't that sound freakin familiar.

Yeah.. Democrat National Convention 1964.. Hippie scum spitting on police officers and chanting Nazi, Nazi.. Hubert Humphrey was having wine and caviar at the reception hosted by Tyson Chicken...

Ah..you gotta go back to 1964..

And none of the "hippie" scum were killing cops.

Unlike what the cops and national guard were doing to hippie scum.

Which was cracking heads and shooting them.
The tea baggers are afraid of the cops now for sure, throughout the country.

I hope they continue with their revolution...and continue to lose.

There is no revolution, just like the Occubagger movement.

If we all felt the way these two nut jobs, how come we aren't out rioting today, and being part of the "revolution" ?

Judging by comments in this thread and throughout the forum...I don't know why you guys aren't out there. You hate blacks, hispanics, liberals, Jews, gays, police, the government, obama and everything else that disagrees with you.

My guess, most on this forum are just pussies and are waiting for a few more 'revolutionaries' to become martyrs before you embrace their idiotic revolution (that many on this forum call for on a daily basis).
Well fucking duh !
Of course Occupy was the left, where did you get the idea that I thought they were conservatives ?!

The only reason I compare the two, is that Sallow and other leftists get holier than thou pointing at RW'ers trying to claim they are trying to spark a violent revolution. I want to make sure and remind these people that the Occupy movement was trying to start a revolution of tgeir own, and it would have been violent had it really got going.

Occupy didn't carry weapons, didn't advocate "2nd amendment solutions" and did nothing violent.

They also were really pissed about rich folks getting the lion's share of relief for a mess they caused, and everyone else getting the shaft.

The Tea Party?

They were pissed a black guy was elected and that people losing their houses might get bailed out.

Oh..and they carried guns.

Did nothing violent ? !!!!


Did you see any of the Oakland pictures or videos ?

I passed by the Demonstrations in New York. So I have first hand experience. They were clean, peaceful and it looked like they got along with the NYPD. Additionally the businesses in the area had signs up welcoming them and stating they could use the bathrooms.

From what I saw in Oakland? The cops were firing tear gas and wooden blocks into the crowds. They cracked open the head of an Iraqi vet, no?
I hope they continue with their revolution...and continue to lose.

There is no revolution, just like the Occubagger movement.

If we all felt the way these two nut jobs, how come we aren't out rioting today, and being part of the "revolution" ?

Judging by comments in this thread and throughout the forum...I don't know why you guys aren't out there. You hate blacks, hispanics, liberals, Jews, gays, police, the government, obama and everything else that disagrees with you.

My guess, most on this forum are just pussies and are waiting for a few more 'revolutionaries' to become martyrs before you embrace their idiotic revolution (that many on this forum call for on a daily basis).

I hate liberals, NOT, blacks, hispanics, Jews, gays, police, etc. Unless of course they are liberals.
Occupy didn't carry weapons, didn't advocate "2nd amendment solutions" and did nothing violent.

They also were really pissed about rich folks getting the lion's share of relief for a mess they caused, and everyone else getting the shaft.

The Tea Party?

They were pissed a black guy was elected and that people losing their houses might get bailed out.

Oh..and they carried guns.

Did nothing violent ? !!!!


Did you see any of the Oakland pictures or videos ?

I passed by the Demonstrations in New York. So I have first hand experience. They were clean, peaceful and it looked like they got along with the NYPD. Additionally the businesses in the area had signs up welcoming them and stating they could use the bathrooms.

From what I saw in Oakland? The cops were firing tear gas and wooden blocks into the crowds. They cracked open the head of an Iraqi vet, no?

I walked around during the Portland Oregon Occupy, and they were hardly clean.

Yes, I do recall the cops beating up the vet. Pretty disgusting.
There is no revolution, just like the Occubagger movement.

If we all felt the way these two nut jobs, how come we aren't out rioting today, and being part of the "revolution" ?

Judging by comments in this thread and throughout the forum...I don't know why you guys aren't out there. You hate blacks, hispanics, liberals, Jews, gays, police, the government, obama and everything else that disagrees with you.

My guess, most on this forum are just pussies and are waiting for a few more 'revolutionaries' to become martyrs before you embrace their idiotic revolution (that many on this forum call for on a daily basis).

I hate liberals, NOT, blacks, hispanics, Jews, gays, police, etc. Unless of course they are liberals.

Got some bad news for you.

The Majority of Americans..are Liberal.

Additionally? We have a Liberal Constitution.

And most of the founders of America..were Liberal.

You may want to find new digs.

Propagandist lefties using two dead cops to paint the tea-party with a broad brush (you too, FakeJake!); when in reality the perps are self-styled neo-nazi reject tweekers whom happened to land in Vegas.

Confucious say: Lefties who go to bed with with itchy butt, wake up with stinky finger.....(especially when it comes to this thread!!!)
Did nothing violent ? !!!!


Did you see any of the Oakland pictures or videos ?

I passed by the Demonstrations in New York. So I have first hand experience. They were clean, peaceful and it looked like they got along with the NYPD. Additionally the businesses in the area had signs up welcoming them and stating they could use the bathrooms.

From what I saw in Oakland? The cops were firing tear gas and wooden blocks into the crowds. They cracked open the head of an Iraqi vet, no?

I walked around during the Portland Oregon Occupy, and they were hardly clean.

Yes, I do recall the cops beating up the vet. Pretty disgusting.

Well I guess it was different in different places.

New York, where it started, was very organized.

I saw one in Sebastaphol (California) at a fair. They had pony rides.

Occupy Sebastaphol and Pony Rides..was hilarious.

There is no revolution, just like the Occubagger movement.

If we all felt the way these two nut jobs, how come we aren't out rioting today, and being part of the "revolution" ?

Judging by comments in this thread and throughout the forum...I don't know why you guys aren't out there. You hate blacks, hispanics, liberals, Jews, gays, police, the government, obama and everything else that disagrees with you.

My guess, most on this forum are just pussies and are waiting for a few more 'revolutionaries' to become martyrs before you embrace their idiotic revolution (that many on this forum call for on a daily basis).

I hate liberals, NOT, blacks, hispanics, Jews, gays, police, etc. Unless of course they are liberals.

If you don't hate blacks, hispanics, Jews, gays, police, etc....then why do you spend so much time defending those who do? Just trying to keep your hands clean?

Your attitude is like that of a German, WWII era. Willful ignorance, enabler, or inherently evil...your choice.
The tea baggers espouse radical anti-American values and agenda.

You like to type that word "tea bagger" don't you?

Latency leaking out? :lol:

Roty, you are unhappy you got taken apart in the thread of the CW. That was due to your lack of understanding the primary causes.

No...That's not true or even accurate.

Don't like the tea bagger tag? Then don't live up to it.

You think I'm a tea party member because I point out your proclivity for using homosexual terms instead of the correct name?

Like I said. Latency leaking.
Yes sir ree. "Responsible" gun owning nationalists kill 3 innocent people.

Oh how clever, you blamed the Tea Party, you fucking pile of shit...

I wonder why we don't see the teaper's condemning these revolutionaries?

So if every member of the tea party doesn't sign a unanimous statement of disapproval within 24 hours and publish it nationwide, you deduce that the tea party is in favor of murder...

LMFAO..Yeah..that's a reasonable position. :lol:
Oh how clever, you blamed the Tea Party, you fucking pile of shit...

I wonder why we don't see the teaper's condemning these revolutionaries?

So if every member of the tea party doesn't sign a unanimous statement of disapproval within 24 hours and publish it nationwide, you deduce that the tea party is in favor of murder...

LMFAO..Yeah..that's a reasonable position. :lol:

That's liberal thinking for ya.
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