Oh Goody, The "Tea Party Revolution" has started in Vegas.

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Another perfectly rational and reasonable position... /sarcasm

Ironic...you want innocent people to die....like the cops these people killed?...

You are very confused.
What people did the cops kill?

Oh, you are making shit up to defend the teaper revolutionaries and trying to turn them into martyrs. What a piece of shit.

Son, you better slow down and read it again. You wished tea party members would all die in a racist revolution or somesuch addled claptrap..look ..see where you posted that?
Here..let me help you.

LMFAO...yea, teapers are reasonable. Fuck them all, they are destroying the GOP and I hope they all die in their racist revolution.

I pointed out that wishing innocent people dead for no reason is no better than the people who killed the cops.

See..the cops were innocent..they didn't do anything to those people, but they were murdered...you just advocated innocent people (tea party members) getting murdered...Are you able to follow all this?

I have no problem with the death of racist revolutionaries that spew vile nonsense. If they want a race war or an armed insurrection, let it be. I will shed no tears for a dead teaper that thinks like a German. Hell, I would fight with the cops and the government for a chance to stop these hateful assholes.
Another teaper accusing someone who disagrees with him/ her as being a racist. What nonsense. You guys need to give it a break and look at yourselves in the mirror.

(My guess, you will blame blacks for the shooting in 3...2...1...)

Another Communist, blaming random crimes on the Tea Party - no evidence needed, your hate is enough...
And that's the thing.

None of them even cop to being "members".

Two people shot cops - nothing about them said they were in the Tea Party - but you don't care, you're a pile of shit and have a hate filled agenda, so you lied - hey, it makes the baby Obama smile when you lie, right?

When Tea Party support goes south? They are like, What Tea Party?

They are like the Mafia in that way.

You're not planning violence against the Tea Party, are you?
I am sure they were...either way, doesn't matter.

Oh..you're sure they were no proof needed. Got it.
I am equating a few to the whole. That is how it works on hate sites.

If you assholes

Who are you talking to?
Assholes near and far.

can condemn an entire race for the actions of a few and link stupid shit like the knock out game to all blacks

Who said that? When? Link?
We aren't talking about the knockout game, you understand?...trying to change the subject when you're cornered doesn't fool smart people.....just sayin'
LMAO...are you new here?

...then it is NOT far fetched to link racists who were in a Tea Party supported stand off against the US government...in support of a deadbeat who refused to pay his bills!

Who are racists?
again, are you new here?
..and we aren't talking about standoffs or who refuses to pay their bills....trying to change the subject when you're cornered doesn't fool smart people.

No one is changing the subject, I am using teaper logic that has been seen over and over on this forum. Take a gander and get back to me...it is not to hard to see unless you are one of those who continually point to blacks and minorities every time a teaper kills someone or spews racist vitriol.

German ancestry - you?
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Another teaper accusing someone who disagrees with him/ her as being a racist. What nonsense. You guys need to give it a break and look at yourselves in the mirror.

(My guess, you will blame blacks for the shooting in 3...2...1...)

Another Communist, blaming random crimes on the Tea Party - no evidence needed, your hate is enough...

Ahh, so when all else fails, you call people who disagree with you a communist. That is rather fascist of you!
And that's the thing.

None of them even cop to being "members".

When Tea Party support goes south? They are like, What Tea Party?

They are like the Mafia in that way.

They aren't tea party members..there's no link to them ever being tea party members...so therefore they are obviously tea party members...LMFAO...

What is your avatar supposed to mean? Exactly?

Who? Me?
Oh, I dunno...just something I grabbed.
Anti-gun, anti-religion, goose-stepping, baby-killing, jack-booted commies get called what they are.
I have no problem with the death of racist revolutionaries that spew vile nonsense.

Who are these racist revolutionaries? Do you have their names?
How many are there?

If they want a race war or an armed insurrection, let it be.

Who said they wanted a race war?

I will shed no tears for a dead teaper that thinks like a German.

How would a dead "teaper" think like a German? Isn't being dead a hindrance to thinking? ...or do you even understand the distinction?
...and how do "Germans" think, pray tell?
Are you German?

Hell, I would fight with the cops and the government for a chance to stop these hateful assholes.

What have they done that is "hateful"?

The Tea Party connection is unsubstantiated and appears to exist only in the deluded minds of mentally ill progressive nutbags.

This belongs in conspiracies, with the rest of leftwing hysteria.

Lefties are just jealous of the Tea Party because they didn't rape and destroy like their Occupier pals did.
I have no problem with the death of racist revolutionaries that spew vile nonsense.

Who are these racist revolutionaries? Do you have their names?
How many are there?

If they want a race war or an armed insurrection, let it be.

Who said they wanted a race war?

I will shed no tears for a dead teaper that thinks like a German.

How would a dead "teaper" think like a German? Isn't being dead a hindrance to thinking? ...or do you even understand the distinction?
...and how do "Germans" think, pray tell?
Are you German?

Hell, I would fight with the cops and the government for a chance to stop these hateful assholes.

What have they done that is "hateful"?


You are new here...I am giving you a pass and give you the benefit of the doubt. Just remember, half of the people who are supporting you are proud racist scum who treat the tea party like the klan.

As for Germans and how they think...hate, attempted genocide and bloodlust. How many people were killed as the result of German hate and bloodlust in the 20th Century?

What have they done that is hateful...see thread title.
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