Oh Goody, The "Tea Party Revolution" has started in Vegas.

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For example?

What message are you trying to send with the avatar? To whom are you directing that message?

You just lied about it once. Gonna double down?

Well, calling me a "liar" isn't going to get you anywhere...

It means whatever you want it to mean, ace. How's that? Make up anything you like.

Why is it that people who lie so easily take offense at being called a liar? I asked you a simple question regarding your avatar. You lied.

How about just telling me what it means to you?
Whatever you say, ace...whatever you say.

Keep "laughing"....how does that saying go again.....?
More left wing bigotry. Don't judge the Army deserter prematurely after five years but blame the Tea Party for a vicious murder after 36 hours.
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all them poor poor liberals are afraid of the tea Party

oh well,

we outnumber you so get plenty of depends
The tea baggers are afraid of the cops now for sure, throughout the country.
Why are gays afraid of cops? They are forced to guard their debased parades, what more do they want?

Sputtering are you? :lol:

Unified PD put out an under the radar "warning" to the patrol and armed response forces: to be on the look out for armed far right revolutionary thugs.
For example?

What message are you trying to send with the avatar? To whom are you directing that message?

You just lied about it once. Gonna double down?

Well, calling me a "liar" isn't going to get you anywhere...

It means whatever you want it to mean, ace. How's that? Make up anything you like.

Suspect. The fact you won't define what the flag means to you. Suspect that you continually avoid the question or divert...suspect!
How about just telling me what it means to you?

He is afraid to define himself. I don't understand how people can have a belief system, but be afraid to share it. One word comes to thought and it begins with a 'P'.
What message are you trying to send with the avatar? To whom are you directing that message?

You just lied about it once. Gonna double down?

Well, calling me a "liar" isn't going to get you anywhere...

It means whatever you want it to mean, ace. How's that? Make up anything you like.

Suspect. The fact you won't define what the flag means to you. Suspect that you continually avoid the question or divert...suspect!

Yeah..You got me..I'm all..like..exposed..and stuff...you're way too clever for me.:lol: :doubt:
How about just telling me what it means to you?

He is afraid to define himself. I don't understand how people can have a belief system, but be afraid to share it. One word comes to thought and it begins with a 'P'.

Who me?
"Afraid to define" myself? What?
In your mind an avatar is a "definition of yourself and your belief system"?

You spend a lot of time online, don't you?

No, seriously?

shallow has become nothing but a shit stirrer and a trickster

He put the real article and then stuck on that hate garbage from some site called, Americans against the Tea Party

man you want to see hate go to site

sad you have trick and mislead people to read the crap you post...but it seems honesty is not in a lot a lefties here
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Ahh, so when all else fails, you call people who disagree with you a communist. That is rather fascist of you!

Bummer that you don't know what a Fascist is.

Say sploogy, when an EVIL corporation makes a dollar, that means a poor black child lost a dollar that was rightfully meant for him, right? If rich whitey gets more, then they are taking more than their fair share and leaving less for the poor, right?
Ahh, so when all else fails, you call people who disagree with you a communist. That is rather fascist of you!

Bummer that you don't know what a Fascist is.

Say sploogy, when an EVIL corporation makes a dollar, that means a poor black child lost a dollar that was rightfully meant for him, right? If rich whitey gets more, then they are taking more than their fair share and leaving less for the poor, right?

No, you have no idea about my belief system. I am far from a liberal or a communist. I simply hate the tea party and the racist assholes that define it.

You prove my point...all teapers can do is call someone a communist if they dare disagree with them. Nice try though.

You argue like a chic.
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Anti-gun, anti-religion, goose-stepping, baby-killing, jack-booted commies get called what they are.

Too bad I am neither of those...but you are a racist ****. Without a doubt.

I only know either of you from this board; but I have never seen anything even remotely racist from koshergrl, while I've chastised you repeatedly for your rampant racism....

You calling her racist is ironic beyond the pale, don't you think?
Ahh, so when all else fails, you call people who disagree with you a communist. That is rather fascist of you!

Bummer that you don't know what a Fascist is.

Say sploogy, when an EVIL corporation makes a dollar, that means a poor black child lost a dollar that was rightfully meant for him, right? If rich whitey gets more, then they are taking more than their fair share and leaving less for the poor, right?

No, you have no idea about my belief system. I am far from a liberal or a communist. I simply hate the tea party and the racist assholes that define it.

You prove my point...all teapers can do is call someone a communist if they dare disagree with them. Nice try though.

You argue like a chic.

A misogynistic commie.
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