Oh Goody, The "Tea Party Revolution" has started in Vegas.

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Please show a link between this act and the Occupy movement. Thanks

The fact of the matter is they left a Gadsden flag on the bodies of the cops, so if this is the game you're going to play, then the circumstantial evidence would point to them being members of the tea party.

I never said there was a link bro.

I am saying that the Occubagger movement tried to start a revolution on the streets of America, and this nutter couple apparently was also wanting to start a revolution on the streets of America.

Both will be proven futile.

The movement attempted no such thing you mental dwarf.

Oh bullshit, the Occupy movement was trying to cause complete chaos nationwide. They wanted to completely destroy our capitalistic system, and get as many people in the streets as possible raising hell and stopping commerce. Don't you fucking dare try to deny it !!!!!
And your somehow more American? Opinions are like ass holes ,so you got one!

The oh so tolerant left speaks again.

I'm not advocating for the destruction of the American government, like teabaggers do.

So yeah..that makes me more American.

No you would just support a party that makes the federal government supreme over the people, like any other fascist asshole.

The Tea Party does not support the destruction of government, is seeks the constitutional limit of government.

Now eat a neg and go fuck a rusty tire iron.

The difference between us Marty is I support a Democracy in this country.

You? You support an actual fascist state run by the wealthy.

And you support these dirt bags clipping cops.

Take your own advice.

And 2 can play the neg game.
The replies are unhappiness due to the OP behaving like the 12 year old child he is instead of an adult, but you already knew that.

This 12-year old would like to see gun control, sort of like Australia and Japan. How sad that millions of juvenile "Ammo-sexuals" in this country are willing to see murders on a weekly basis and still think we are doing something right.

Then work to repeal the 2nd amendment, good luck with that.

And do you want to get Japan's Suicide rate in return?

What a fabulous counterpoint.... Do you think Japanese commit suicide because they don't commit homicide?

I was in Japan in 2000 right after their market crash and there were many suicides because they consider it dishonorable not to have a job and work. They also consider it dishonorable to allow people to shoot and kill others with guns. Their murder rate is somewhere around 0%.

I don't think we need to repeal the 2nd Amendment, I just think we need to abide by it. A well armed MILITIA, not well-armed psychopaths who can buy guns at Walmart.
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Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police | Las Vegas Review-Journal

The shooters then stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and badges, according to a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. They then covered the officers with something that featured the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner with a coiled snake above the words, “Don’t tread on Me.”

How PROUD you righties must be.

The Tea Party d'bags must be holding hands and dancing in little circles.

Sounds to me like you're a cop.

And you probably shouldn't be antagonizing "Tea Party d'bags", if that's the case. :D
I honestly don't understand why these individuals don't do the job right. Politicians, attorneys, and bent cops who play the system and get away with horrible crimes would do much more to rally their "revolution" than random bullshit. The point is to win the hearts and minds of the public and not kill them etc. They should have went New Mexico and wasted a few of those murdering bastards in the AB police force.

Or the two in Fullerton, CA who beat Kelly Thomas to death and got acquitted.
Please show a link between this act and the Occupy movement. Thanks

The fact of the matter is they left a Gadsden flag on the bodies of the cops, so if this is the game you're going to play, then the circumstantial evidence would point to them being members of the tea party.

This is obviously an attempt to show how screwed up the attacks are from the left. Does it not get old that every attack that ever happens the left immediately, without warrant try to implicate the right?
look back to the horrific attack on Gabrielle Giffords.
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What has the world come to that everytime a crazy goes off it has to be due to be right winger, gop or tea party?? And without evidence. What ever happened to classifying schizophrenic's schizophrenics?

That doesn't satisfy people's political agenda.
Yes sir ree. "Responsible" gun owning nationalists kill 3 innocent people.

A man and a woman who shot two police officers and then a civilian in Las Vegas on Sunday may have been white supremacists, according to Las Vegas newspapers.

The Las Vegas Sun quoted neighbors at the couple’s apartment complex saying that the two “had a reputation for spouting racist, anti-government views, bragging about their gun collection and boasting that they’d spent time at Cliven Bundy’s ranch during a recent standoff there between armed militia members and federal government agents.”

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that police found Swastika symbols in the apartment.

If the two are involved with neo-Nazi or white supremacists groups, the Vegas slayings would be one of several linked to hate movements.

Among recent killings: A former Ku Klux Klan “grand dragon” killed three at two Jewish facilities in a Kansas City suburb in April; a man killed six before killing himself at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012; and a man killed three officers in Pittsburgh in 2009.

The tragedy in Las Vegas unfolded Sunday afternoon as two police officers ate lunch at CiCi’s Pizza — a world away from the glitz and glamour of the Las Vegas strip.
Report: Swastikas found in apartment of Las Vegas cop killers

Home • Breaking News • Breaking: Vegas Mass-Shooters Were Bundy Ranch Tea Party TERRORISTS! (Video)
Breaking: Vegas Mass-Shooters Were Bundy Ranch Tea Party TERRORISTS! (Video)

Posted by: John Prager in Breaking News, Crime, Most Popular on AATTP, TEApublicans in Action, The Gun Control Debate, Videos June 9, 2014

“This is the start of a revolution,” the shooters yelled as they opened fire on Las Vegas Metro police officers Alyn Beck and Igor Soldo inside a Las Vegas Cici’s Pizza–and it appears the revolution of which the couple spoke is the exact one that has been promised by the ‘nonviolent patriots’ at the Bundy Ranch.

Cliven Bundy’s supporters are currently being investigated for bomb threats, making menacing statements toward government officials, and pointing weapons at and threatening police. Now, it seems, the government’s failure to do something about these violent, unstable terrorists has reached the next step: actual murder.

The shooters reportedly draped the familiar symbol of the Tea Party and other extremist right-wing groups–the bright yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” Gadsden flag–over their victims’ bodies. Among the couple’s belongings, police found swastika symbols. Neighbors have explained that the couple may have been methamphetamine users, and regularly spoke of conspiracy theories–and their plans to kill police officers.
Breaking: Vegas Mass-Shooters Were Bundy Ranch Tea Party TERRORISTS! (Video) | Americans Against the Tea Party

Guess pointing guns at cops ain't enough..

So Sallow, What's your high score at Grand Theft Auto: Vice City???
I'm not advocating for the destruction of the American government, like teabaggers do.

So yeah..that makes me more American.

No you would just support a party that makes the federal government supreme over the people, like any other fascist asshole.

The Tea Party does not support the destruction of government, is seeks the constitutional limit of government.

Now eat a neg and go fuck a rusty tire iron.

The difference between us Marty is I support a Democracy in this country.

You? You support an actual fascist state run by the wealthy.

And you support these dirt bags clipping cops.

Take your own advice.

And 2 can play the neg game.

Democracy is mob rule. what we have is a representative republic, with protections for individuals vs. the tyranny of the mob VIA government.

And so far all you have created is a governmental oligarchy consisting of a bureaucratic class, more reminiscent of Russia under the Romanov's than anything the founders entailed.
No you would just support a party that makes the federal government supreme over the people, like any other fascist asshole.

The Tea Party does not support the destruction of government, is seeks the constitutional limit of government.

Now eat a neg and go fuck a rusty tire iron.

The difference between us Marty is I support a Democracy in this country.

You? You support an actual fascist state run by the wealthy.

And you support these dirt bags clipping cops.

Take your own advice.

And 2 can play the neg game.

Democracy is mob rule. what we have is a representative republic, with protections for individuals vs. the tyranny of the mob VIA government.

And so far all you have created is a governmental oligarchy consisting of a bureaucratic class, more reminiscent of Russia under the Romanov's than anything the founders entailed.

And I didn't even have to debate the point.

Ol' Marty backs me up.

The difference between us Marty is I support a Democracy in this country.

You? You support an actual fascist state run by the wealthy.

And you support these dirt bags clipping cops.

Take your own advice.

And 2 can play the neg game.

Democracy is mob rule. what we have is a representative republic, with protections for individuals vs. the tyranny of the mob VIA government.

And so far all you have created is a governmental oligarchy consisting of a bureaucratic class, more reminiscent of Russia under the Romanov's than anything the founders entailed.

And I didn't even have to debate the point.

Ol' Marty backs me up.


Try refuting my points, asshole. We might as well discuss something valid in this thread, besides your bullshit attempt to equate any desire for limited government as per the constitution with these two drug addled assholes.
I never said there was a link bro.

I am saying that the Occubagger movement tried to start a revolution on the streets of America, and this nutter couple apparently was also wanting to start a revolution on the streets of America.

Both will be proven futile.

The movement attempted no such thing you mental dwarf.

Oh bullshit, the Occupy movement was trying to cause complete chaos nationwide. They wanted to completely destroy our capitalistic system, and get as many people in the streets as possible raising hell and stopping commerce. Don't you fucking dare try to deny it !!!!!

Dumb shit, the occupy movement was a leftist movement, not a tea party movement. You should read Chris Hedges.
I'm not entirely sure, but three shootings involving White Supremists in 5 years doesn't exactly seem like a growing trend considering the 320 million of us that aren't killing folks for no good reason.

And that's a slam dunk ladies and gentlemen!
This 12-year old would like to see gun control, sort of like Australia and Japan. How sad that millions of juvenile "Ammo-sexuals" in this country are willing to see murders on a weekly basis and still think we are doing something right.

Then work to repeal the 2nd amendment, good luck with that.

And do you want to get Japan's Suicide rate in return?

What a fabulous counterpoint.... Do you think Japanese commit suicide because they don't commit homicide?

I was in Japan in 2000 right after their market crash and there were many suicides because they consider it dishonorable not to have a job and work. They also consider it dishonorable to allow people to shoot and kill others with guns. Their murder rate is somewhere around 0%.

I don't think we need to repeal the 2nd Amendment, I just think we need to abide by it. A well armed MILITIA, not well-armed psychopaths who can buy guns at Walmart.

The 2nd amendment doesn't require you to be in a militia to be armed, it states that a well armed population is REQUIRED for a militia to be an effective force for the freedom of a state. That's why it explicitly reserves the right to keep and bear arms to THE PEOPLE, and not to the State, the militia, or the federal government.
Something kind of odd about this. I read an article stating he had posted messages to facebook talking about how the government is becoming fascist, yet they say he aside from the flags he had placed his manifesto on one of the officers chest, with a swatika on the cover...and then I went to that YouTube page...I find it hard to believe this guy is a racist when he subscribes to that one black dude E.T. Williams. Maybe the Nazi insignia has some sort of meaning about the government & doesn't reflect on his views?

I don't know, but that video of him crying & saying he loved his "baby". Creepy.

Another thing I read says he went to the Bundy Ranch and tried to join one of the militia groups and ended up being shunned by practically every last demonstrator there.

His wife & him sold all their belongings and moved to Vegas specifically to join the Bundy ranch protest. Perhaps he was jaded big time because he was shunned when he went there talking crazy?

They put out that Santa Barbara nutjobs manifesto within a day or so of the shooting...anyone know if they published his anywhere online yet?
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So...this is a news report and the replies are unhappiness at the person posting it. OK.

no bodey, it was the troll's comments in his OP:

How PROUD you righties must be.

The Tea Party d'bags must be holding hands and dancing in little circles.

the OP is nothing but rubber room trollery
Yeah, sure, that's what us conservatives are going to do. Dance around because police officers were shot by psychopaths. My brothers a cop and your an idiot.
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