Oh Goody, The "Tea Party Revolution" has started in Vegas.

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Please show a link between this act and the Occupy movement. Thanks

The fact of the matter is they left a Gadsden flag on the bodies of the cops, so if this is the game you're going to play, then the circumstantial evidence would point to them being members of the tea party.

They were not tea party. What they were is pissed at being arrested for drugs, jailed, arrested again and then put under house arrest. Just check out his videos. A neighbor thought they were on meth. I wouldn't be surprised. He also taped something about depression and drug use.
Except none of that happened.


Oh..and the tea baggers just offed two cops and a civilian.


Link to their TEA Party membership?

Tea party members carry around cards now?

Tea baggers are a bunch of pansies that never admit to anything.

you should carry one stating: you're a liar, and a hater of your fellow Americans
I bet you started that site, Americans against the Tea Party
Anyone ever seen a site like that says, Americans against liberals
they are AGAINST YOU, their fellow Americans...is that frkkken scary or what?

that is some hate there
What has the world come to that everytime a crazy goes off it has to be due to be right winger, gop or tea party?? And without evidence. What ever happened to classifying schizophrenic's schizophrenics?
Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police | Las Vegas Review-Journal

The shooters then stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and badges, according to a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. They then covered the officers with something that featured the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner with a coiled snake above the words, “Don’t tread on Me.”

How PROUD you righties must be.

The Tea Party d'bags must be holding hands and dancing in little circles.

Oh yeah, we're just overflowing with pride !!

Look you retarded dumbfuck, there are far more anti-cop people on your side of the aisle than mine.

Most conservatives are for law and order, while the left has a long history of fighting law enforcement.

This is called conjecture. Want to go for cold hard facts?
Funny stuff if the cops were bent. Hard to say. I'd have targeted specific individuals for specific crimes. This random bullshit is bullshit. The flag B.S. only reinforces stereotypes.
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So...this is a news report and the replies are unhappiness at the person posting it. OK.

The replies are unhappiness due to the OP behaving like the 12 year old child he is instead of an adult, but you already knew that.

This 12-year old would like to see gun control, sort of like Australia and Japan. How sad that millions of juvenile "Ammo-sexuals" in this country are willing to see murders on a weekly basis and still think we are doing something right.
So...this is a news report and the replies are unhappiness at the person posting it. OK.

The replies are unhappiness due to the OP behaving like the 12 year old child he is instead of an adult, but you already knew that.

This 12-year old would like to see gun control, sort of like Australia and Japan. How sad that millions of juvenile "Ammo-sexuals" in this country are willing to see murders on a weekly basis and still think we are doing something right.

Then work to repeal the 2nd amendment, good luck with that.

And do you want to get Japan's Suicide rate in return?
I would never label spree killers with a political ideology; many CLAIM one, but their acts prove differently.

The Oath Keepers showed up to the Bundy ranch and pointed guns at Federal Agents.

Federal agents pointed guns at them first and tased two people without cause.

These folks were there as well.

According to who?

Wait what?

Bundy was the law breaker.

When you break the law?

The duly appointed agents of the government have the right to act.

I also saw the video of the "tasing."

Those folks are lucky they didn't get shot.

Best part of that was the anti government asswipes calling for 911.

I honestly don't understand why these individuals don't do the job right. Politicians, attorneys, and bent cops who play the system and get away with horrible crimes would do much more to rally their "revolution" than random bullshit. The point is to win the hearts and minds of the public and not kill them etc. They should have went New Mexico and wasted a few of those murdering bastards in the AB police force.
Please show a link between this act and the Occupy movement. Thanks

The fact of the matter is they left a Gadsden flag on the bodies of the cops, so if this is the game you're going to play, then the circumstantial evidence would point to them being members of the tea party.

I never said there was a link bro.

I am saying that the Occubagger movement tried to start a revolution on the streets of America, and this nutter couple apparently was also wanting to start a revolution on the streets of America.

Both will be proven futile.

The movement attempted no such thing you mental dwarf.
Link to their TEA Party membership?

Tea party members carry around cards now?

Tea baggers are a bunch of pansies that never admit to anything.

you should carry one stating: you're a liar, and a hater of your fellow Americans
I bet you started that site, Americans against the Tea Party
Anyone ever seen a site like that says, Americans against liberals
they are AGAINST YOU, their fellow Americans...is that frkkken scary or what?

that is some hate there

Okay I will carry one that says You're a liar. And you hate Americans.

Tea Baggers aren't American.
The problem is anyone who thinks BLM needs armed shock troops (for ANY reason) ...but especially over cattle grazing rights.

The real problem, is people who don't see the problem.
I'm not entirely sure, but three shootings involving White Supremists in 5 years doesn't exactly seem like a growing trend considering the 320 million of us that aren't killing folks for no good reason.

Meanwhile in chicago this weekend;
4 shot and killed 30 shot and wounded

bringing the total for the year (so far) in chicongo;

135 shot and killed

779 shot and wounded

166 total homicides

Want to play "guess the demographics"?

Rogatilla? What is that...some kind of pasta?

I wonder if posting the above made you feel better about losing two of your dickhead soldiers at a WalMart? Did it?
I put up 2 links.

And the Tea Party is about as American as the Confederates were..

Meaning? Not at all.

And your somehow more American? Opinions are like ass holes ,so you got one!

The oh so tolerant left speaks again.

I'm not advocating for the destruction of the American government, like teabaggers do.

So yeah..that makes me more American.

No you would just support a party that makes the federal government supreme over the people, like any other fascist asshole.

The Tea Party does not support the destruction of government, is seeks the constitutional limit of government.

Now eat a neg and go fuck a rusty tire iron.
Tea party members carry around cards now?

Tea baggers are a bunch of pansies that never admit to anything.

you should carry one stating: you're a liar, and a hater of your fellow Americans
I bet you started that site, Americans against the Tea Party
Anyone ever seen a site like that says, Americans against liberals
they are AGAINST YOU, their fellow Americans...is that frkkken scary or what?

that is some hate there

Okay I will carry one that says You're a liar. And you hate Americans.

Tea Baggers aren't American.

Very "witty" and mature. :doubt:

Comments like that truly reflect the amount of meticulous research and the deep intelligence needed to craft such a well thought out reply.

this thread isn't worth the time it was posted for shit stirring reasons only

let the shallow be shallow, now because they are white supremacist, that means they are Tea Party...they made that one up, how cute eh....
let him call people teabaggers, shit on the Rancher bundy and the circus goes round and round

shallow is a trolling
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Nevermind Shallow.

The Mr. Clean and Formula 409 fumes he whiffs everyday have destroyed whatever meager faculties he had in the first place.
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