Oh Me - Oh My... Obama Caught in a Major ACORN Lie

Well from what I can take from this assortment of video's. In one instance BO states he worked with ACORN on voter registration 13 years ago---then in the last he states that he had worked with them most of his life.
And, he was never present during any of Wright's ANTI-AMERICAN racist rants over TWENTY FREAKIN' YEARS. And of course, Ayers was just "a guy in the neighborhood". Yeah, just a guy of whom's house he launched his political career.

Ya' know, I think i'll have a party next week. I'm going to ask the dude up the road, who's "just a guy in the neighborhood", if I can use his house. Lets just see how well that works out for ME!. LMAO!

Obama's just your typical left wing elitist who thinks the american people are stupid. To include those who were ignorant enough to elect him.

How much longer are you going to piss and moan over the fact that you lost this time around? Are you planning to self-flagellate right into the next presidential election?
Yeah, it is. He's saying he's fighting for the same issues they are. That's not saying he's a member of ACORN. I swear, for people that bitch about wanting English as the national language, it's pretty damn funny that none of you speak it.

Pretty damn sad indeed.

Barack Obama: Well, first of all my relationship with ACORN is pretty straightforward. It’s probably 13 years ago when I was still practicing law, I represented ACORN and my partner in that investigation was the US Justice department in having Illinois implement what was called the motor voter law, to make sure people could go to DMV’s and driver license facilities to get registered. It wasn’t being implemented. That was my relationship and is my relationship to ACORN. There is an ACORN organization in Chicago. They’ve been active. As an elected offiical, I’ve had interactions with them. But, they’re not advising my campaign. We’ve got the best voter registration in politics right now and we don’t need ACORN’s help.

For the record…
ACORN is the largest radical leftist group in America today.
This radical group worked closely with the Obama camp during the election but, the community organizing group was not open about the relationship. The photo below was scrubbed from the ACORN website before the election:

One of Barack Obama’s first big “community organizer” jobs involved ACORN in 1992. He worked along side ACORN before he became an elected official. Obama also trained ACORN employees. He represented ACORN in court. Obama worked with and protested with ACORN. His campaign donated $800,000 to ACORN in 2008 for voter registration efforts.
And, ACORN even canvassed for Obama in 2008.

In 2009 Obama promoted a top ACORN operative, Patrick Gaspard, who’s oranization was fined $775,000 for election violations, to a top post in the White House. Gespard is helping shape domestic policy today.

Obama’s ACORN group was banned from receiving federal funds in September after the group was busted on tape promoting the child sex slave trade.

Gateway Pundit

His campaign paid them for voter registration? Well stop the damn presses. That only makes him like every other Democratic nominee ever. And guess what? Republicans candidates pay outsiders to do voter registration as well.

Shocking. We certainly never heard THAT on FoxNoise. Nor any of the several stories posted here about Republican voter registration fraud:

Republican voter registration groups and fraud - Google Search
The first part of the video shows Obama declaring his relationship with Acorn as being nothing more than work done 12 years ago - the second half shows candidate Obama declaring his close affinity with Acorn, having their involvement in EVERY campaign he has been involved in - and that as a United States Senator he was "always a partner with Acorn".

Folks, if you ain't just a wee bit bothered by this President's now proven inability to be truthful on such issues as Acorn, what confidence do you have that he would be truthful on issues of the economy, taxes, and security?

I was going to say that I was surprised you actually had to explain this, but unfortunately it doesn't surprise me. There are those who will follow 'their leader' to their own grave, and they'll never understand why people call them Kool-Aid drinkers. Obama is not only a liar, but a pathological liar. Here are some characteristics of a pathological liar I found on the interwebs:

Some characteristics of a Pathological Liar

1. Exaggerates things that are ridiculous.

2. One-upping. Whatever you do, this person can do it better. You will never top them in their own mind, because they have a concerted need to be better than everyone else. This also applies to being right. If you try to confront an individual like this, no matter how lovingly and well-intentioned you might be - this will probably not be effective. It's threatening their fantasy of themselves, so they would rather argue with you and bring out the sharp knives than admit that there's anything wrong with them.

3. They "construct" a reality around themselves. They don't value the truth, especially if they don't see it as hurting anyone. If you call them on a lie and they are backed into a corner, they will act very defensively and say ugly things (most likely but depends on personality), but they may eventually start to act like, "Well, what's the difference? You're making a big deal out of nothing!" (again, to refocus the conversation to your wrongdoing instead of theirs).

4. Because these people don't value honesty, a lot of times they will not value loyalty. So watch what you tell them. They will not only tell others, but they will embellish to make you look worse. Their loyalty is fleeting, and because they are insecure people, they will find solace in confiding to whomever is in their favor at the moment.

5. They may be somewhat of a hypochondriac. This can come in especially useful when caught in a lie, for example, they can claim that they have been sick, or that there's some mysteriously "illness" that has them all stressed out. It's another excuse tool for their behavior.

6. Obviously, they will contradict what they say. This will become very clear over time. They usually aren't smart enough to keep track of so many lies (who would be?).

WikiAnswers - How can you tell if someone is a pathological liar

Fascinating stuff. I can think of no Republican or Conservative who fits that description.



From #3, above:

If you call them on a lie and they are backed into a corner, they will act very defensively and say ugly things (most likely but depends on personality), but they may eventually start to act like, "Well, what's the difference? You're making a big deal out of nothing!" (again, to refocus the conversation to your wrongdoing instead of theirs).

Well from what I can take from this assortment of video's. In one instance BO states he worked with ACORN on voter registration 13 years ago---then in the last he states that he had worked with them most of his life.

Ah yes, that's an impeachable offense, for sure. Nobody in the Republican Party ever had two answers for the same question, based on how the question was phrased. :eusa_whistle:

Horse fucken shit.

He gave two different answers to the same question.

Which one is a lie?
Pretty damn sad indeed.

Gateway Pundit

His campaign paid them for voter registration? Well stop the damn presses. That only makes him like every other Democratic nominee ever. And guess what? Republicans candidates pay outsiders to do voter registration as well.

Shocking. We certainly never heard THAT on FoxNoise. Nor any of the several stories posted here about Republican voter registration fraud:

Republican voter registration groups and fraud - Google Search

You link is to a Google page with hundreds of links to various stories that don't even support your point.
Can any Obamabots dispute this?
Obama clearly lied...

The first part of the video shows Obama declaring his relationship with Acorn as being nothing more than work done 12 years ago - the second half shows candidate Obama declaring his close affinity with Acorn, having their involvement in EVERY campaign he has been involved in - and that as a United States Senator he was "always a partner with Acorn".

Folks, if you ain't just a wee bit bothered by this President's now proven inability to be truthful on such issues as Acorn, what confidence do you have that he would be truthful on issues of the economy, taxes, and security?

"Partnering" with such an organization simply means that Acorn has consistently done some heavy lifting for the Democrats. It doesn't mean that they had a private contract with each other. There are hundreds of like outfits that, selectively, both parties "partner" with. Another picky-ass argument, which is so moot it moo's.

"Partnering" with such an organization simply means that Acorn has consistently done some heavy lifting for the Democrats.

heavy lifting ?????
I was going to say that I was surprised you actually had to explain this, but unfortunately it doesn't surprise me. There are those who will follow 'their leader' to their own grave, and they'll never understand why people call them Kool-Aid drinkers. Obama is not only a liar, but a pathological liar. Here are some characteristics of a pathological liar I found on the interwebs:

Fascinating stuff. I can think of no Republican or Conservative who fits that description.



From #3, above:

If you call them on a lie and they are backed into a corner, they will act very defensively and say ugly things (most likely but depends on personality), but they may eventually start to act like, "Well, what's the difference? You're making a big deal out of nothing!" (again, to refocus the conversation to your wrongdoing instead of theirs).


Oh bullshit. Acting defensively is a very human reaction. But to describe Obama, IN THIS INSTANCE, as being a "pathological" liar is beyond reason. It makes YOU look like a typical sociopath personality, glib and superficial, egocentric and grandiose. The fact that people like you continue to glom onto this issue (which is old) is proof that you're the ones who have a psychotic fixation on something so unimportant.
His campaign paid them for voter registration? Well stop the damn presses. That only makes him like every other Democratic nominee ever. And guess what? Republicans candidates pay outsiders to do voter registration as well.

Shocking. We certainly never heard THAT on FoxNoise. Nor any of the several stories posted here about Republican voter registration fraud:

Republican voter registration groups and fraud - Google Search

You link is to a Google page with hundreds of links to various stories that don't even support your point.

There were too many that DO support my point that I didn't feel like pasting them all here. Duh...

Nevermind, you assholes wouldn't read any of them anyway. Only Democrats commit fraud and lie. :lol:
Can any Obamabots dispute this?
Obama clearly lied...

The first part of the video shows Obama declaring his relationship with Acorn as being nothing more than work done 12 years ago - the second half shows candidate Obama declaring his close affinity with Acorn, having their involvement in EVERY campaign he has been involved in - and that as a United States Senator he was "always a partner with Acorn".

Folks, if you ain't just a wee bit bothered by this President's now proven inability to be truthful on such issues as Acorn, what confidence do you have that he would be truthful on issues of the economy, taxes, and security?

"Partnering" with such an organization simply means that Acorn has consistently done some heavy lifting for the Democrats. It doesn't mean that they had a private contract with each other. There are hundreds of like outfits that, selectively, both parties "partner" with. Another picky-ass argument, which is so moot it moo's.


Look at you attempting to spin this as anything less than an outright lie by Obama.

Obama goes from deflecting his relations with Acorn as something from over a decade ago - to repeating how important Acorn has been to every campaign he has run, and that he will seek out their advice even when they are not offering it.

The video is a very telling example of just how easily this president lies. He shucks and jives and prances on, the truth be damned.

Watching such a video makes it more understanable how a president who has initiated the most recent federal budget fiascos in the modern era can in the same breath tell the American people they need to tighten their belts and live within their means.

WELL!!! I certainly hope all you righties won't lose another night's sleep over an incident that occurred last year. Heaven Forbid, you might get really really behind in posting your page after page of nonstop attacks on Obama.
Can any Obamabots dispute this?
Obama clearly lied...

"Partnering" with such an organization simply means that Acorn has consistently done some heavy lifting for the Democrats. It doesn't mean that they had a private contract with each other. There are hundreds of like outfits that, selectively, both parties "partner" with. Another picky-ass argument, which is so moot it moo's.


Look at you attempting to spin this as anything less than an outright lie by Obama.

Obama goes from deflecting his relations with Acorn as something from over a decade ago - to repeating how important Acorn has been to every campaign he has run, and that he will seek out their advice even when they are not offering it.

The video is a very telling example of just how easily this president lies. He shucks and jives and prances on, the truth be damned.

Watching such a video makes it more understanable how a president who has initiated the most recent federal budget fiascos in the modern era can in the same breath tell the American people they need to tighten their belts and live within their means.


This particular "issue" (whether or not he "lied" about Acorn) is so off the charts as being important in the greater order of things that I worry how seemingly grown up people can spend two fucking days on it.

THAT is what I'm objecting to, period.

Make that THREE days, probably, as I see you've once again managed to "bump" a thread in which you [erroneously] believe your comments are too profound for the world not to see.
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Pretty damn sad indeed.

Gateway Pundit

His campaign paid them for voter registration? Well stop the damn presses. That only makes him like every other Democratic nominee ever. And guess what? Republicans candidates pay outsiders to do voter registration as well.

The lie is that Obama said his involvement with ACORN was limited to his work with them 13 years ago. Clearly, from the second part of the video and from the above information, he lied. You're not this dense.[/QUOTE]

Wanna bet? :lol:
Obama is so lacking in common sense and real-world experience, the lies that prop up his entire fabricated image are all that he has.

This Acorn lie is yet another in a loooong line of Obama lies.

He likely has no concept of truth - thus the lies surrounding open government, lobbyists, affiliations with figures such as Wright, Acorn, etc.

Obama himself is a lie...
From #3, above:

If you call them on a lie and they are backed into a corner, they will act very defensively and say ugly things (most likely but depends on personality), but they may eventually start to act like, "Well, what's the difference? You're making a big deal out of nothing!" (again, to refocus the conversation to your wrongdoing instead of theirs).


Oh bullshit. Acting defensively is a very human reaction. But to describe Obama, IN THIS INSTANCE, as being a "pathological" liar is beyond reason. It makes YOU look like a typical sociopath personality, glib and superficial, egocentric and grandiose. The fact that people like you continue to glom onto this issue (which is old) is proof that you're the ones who have a psychotic fixation on something so unimportant.

The OP said nothing about Obama being a pathological liar.

"Well, what's the difference? You're making a big deal out of nothing!" (again, to refocus the conversation to your wrongdoing instead of theirs)

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I would not believe anything you conservatives have to say. It was not always so, but in 2010 it is. Let's talk about the lies and distortions about ACORN from conservatives.

Last September, when the ACORN scandal that his website helped launch was breaking in the press, Andrew Breitbart wrote a column for The Washington Times detailing the rollout of the undercover, right-wing gotcha. He recalled a 2009 meeting with "filmmaker and provocateur James O'Keefe" that took place in Breitbart's office in June. It was there that O'Keefe played the columnist the surreptitiously recorded videos he'd made with his sidekick, Hannah Giles, and which captured the two famously getting advice from ACORN workers on how prostitutes could skirt tax laws.

In his Times column, Breitbart was quite clear about what he saw that day in his office: He watched videos of O'Keefe "dressed as a pimp" sitting inside ACORN offices "asking for -- and getting -- help" from the misguided employees.

But today we know that's almost certainly not true. Breitbart didn't huddle in his office and watch clips of O'Keefe "dressed as a pimp" chatting with ACORN employees, because based on all the available evidence, O'Keefe wasn't dressed as a pimp while taping inside the ACORN offices.

Make no mistake: Last fall, both Breitbart and O'Keefe, with the help of Fox News, did their best to confuse people about that fact. It's true the duo seemed to purposefully push that falsehood and mislead the public and the press about the ACORN story. And more importantly, they did it to make the ACORN workers captured on video look like complete jackasses for not being able to spot O'Keefe's pimp ruse a mile away.

But the story was not true.

Fact: On the guerilla clips posted online and aired on Fox News, O'Keefe was featured in lots of cutaway shots that were filmed outside and showed him parading around with Giles in his outlandish cane/top hat/sunglasses/fur coat pimp costume.

The cutaway shots certainly left the impression that that's how O'Keefe was dressed when he spoke to ACORN workers.


But inside each and every office, according to one independent review that looked at the public videos, O'Keefe entered sans the pimp get-up. In fact, he was dressed rather conservatively. During his visit to the Baltimore ACORN office, he wore a dress shirt and khaki pants. For the Philadelphia sting, he added a tie to the ensemble.

Instead, the '70s-era, blacksploitation pimp costume was a propaganda tool used to later deceive the public about the undercover operation. It was a prop that was quickly embraced by the mainstream media and turned into a central part of the ACORN story.

How did the story first come to life? Not surprisingly, Fox News played a key role in hyping the phony pimp tale. During the second week in September 2009 when the ACORN story was breaking, O'Keefe appeared on Fox & Friends dressed up in his eccentric pimp get-up. Co-host Steve Doocy introduced O'Keefe as being "dressed exactly in the same outfit that he wore to these ACORN offices up and down the Eastern Seaboard" [emphasis added].

There is a lot more in the articlle. But my point is that the ACORN story should not be used by conservatives to accuse any lib of lying.

James O'Keefe and the myth of the ACORN pimp | Media Matters for America
OMG, but you would Believe anything coming from mediamatters.

A Propaganda arm of the Progressive-Democrat party.:lol:

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