Oh Nooooo's!....Black & Latino Leaders in Chicago Switching to GOP!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Once Shitcargo falls, can the rest be far behind?:eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Definitely NOT heard on the lapdog media!!!

The winds of political change sent a chill up the backs of national Democrat leaders Tuesday when two long-time Chicago Democrat powerhouses announced their support for Republican businessman Bruce Rauner, in his attempt to unseat incumbent Illinois Governor Pat Quinn. Reverend James T. Meeks of the 15,000 member strong [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnG5xIt7dDg"]Salem Baptist Church[/ame] and Manny Sanchez, founder and managing partner of [ame="http://www.sanchezdh.com/"]Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP[/ame], the second largest minority-owned law firm in the United States, both made their intentions public today in statements and interviews given to Fox News. Both men are respected throughout Chicago, particularly among the black and Hispanic communities and their defection in this Democrat strongholds marks a watershed moment in American politics.

Reverend Meeks, a former Democrat State Senator, pulled no punches as he voiced his displeasure with a Democrat Party that has received unprecedented loyalty from African-American voters, with little to show for it. “Our neighborhoods are deplorable! The Democratic party just assume always that 97 percent of the African-American vote will go to the Democratic party. If that assumption is true, they never have to work for our vote,” Meeks said.

In citing the gun violence that plagues Chicago’s West and South Sides, the poverty and the appearance that there is no end in sight. “Our schools are still broken and getting worse. We’re last in employment or business. ,” says Meeks. “And we still get the same promises from the Democratic party, but we don’t get any deliverable.” This sentiment apparently resonated with much of his audience, “The congregation is one hundred percent with Reverend Meeks,” said parishioner Eugene Harris outside the mega-church on Chicago’s fiercely Democratic South Side.

Rev. James T Meeks

While some Republicans within the black community have felt the scorn of the Democrat political machine and been subjected to accusations of “selling out” and labeled an “Uncle Tom,” Chicago political analyst Thom Serafin warns that Democrats run the risk of inflaming an already embarrassing situation by attacking Meeks, a products of the South Side, with both street cred and respect among Chicago influence makers. “If you are going to challenge Reverend Meeks, you better have both feet planted on the ground. There aren’t too many people that are able to do that here in this city,” says Serafin.
While the conversions were unrelated and not coordinated, powerful Chicago attorney Manny Sanchez appeared on Fox today, announcing his endorsement for Rauner on Greta Van Susteren’s “On the Record.” In citing his frustration with the performance of Governor Quinn and the Democrats, “We are dealing with a very serious fiscal challenge in the state of Illinois which he have to address and for the most part, its been ignored. Many centrists see Bruce Rauner as an individual who will bring some reasonableness back.” He went on to highlight the looming dangers facing many predominately Democrat states, high unemployment and a pension time bomb which threatens the economic stability of Illinois to appease a powerful bureaucratic culture, “We need someone who is not beholden to a certain ideology and instead responsible to the people.”

These two high-profile defections, in a solidly-Democrat city which President Obama calls home and began his political career should serve as notice to Democrats that they can no longer take certain constituencies for granted, and that their attempts at to bring a racial aspect to nearly every political debate is back-firing. This should also serve as notice to the GOP that their increased outreach efforts are beginning to bear fruit.
No lie can perpetuate itself indefinitely. The biggest lie in American politics today is that the Democrat Party is doing right by its most loyal constituencies. The Democrat Party has, today, firm political control over nearly every predominantly black and Hispanic precinct and district in the country. Their elected officials, aides, bureaucratic and union allies control every day to day decision made in minority neighborhoods, but rather than address issues of concern of these residents, they exert their energies on rhetorical class (and racial) warfare, bemoaning the very income equality they are largely responsible for.

For his part, the Reverend Meeks promises to keep the heat on Democrats, while encouraging white conservatives to become more aware of the issues facing minority residents subjected decades of liberal-progressive social engineering, “I wouldn’t call us victims, nobody is a victim. But the Lord knows these Democrats have victimized us.” Meeks acknowledged, however, that it will take the voices of strong, black conservative voices to open some ears of black Chicago voters that would otherwise be deaf to a wealthy Republican. “It does make me think twice. Maybe he knows a little more than I do, ” said parishioner Natasha Harris.

A parishioner leaving the service indicated that Meek’s message may be striking some chords and he turned quickly and quipped, “People say black folks vote Democrat because of the position we’re in. Maybe black folks are where we at because we vote Democrat.”

BREAKING THE DEMS MAGINOT LINE: Black & Latino Leaders in Chicago Switching to GOP - Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party Tribune
nothing like blaming everyone else but the individual for the condition of their state of existence...
nothing like blaming everyone else but the individual for the condition of their state of existence...

After 70 years of Democratic regimes, and their conditions no better than when it started, perhaps they are onto something, BartBoy!
They are supporting a particular candidate, not the party of slugs like Vigilante.
They are supporting a particular candidate, not the party of slugs like Vigilante.

Jake the Flake, NEVER reads or perhaps he's just stupid as shit...I go for #2, and from the article

"A parishioner leaving the service indicated that Meek’s message may be striking some chords and he turned quickly and quipped, “People say black folks vote Democrat because of the position we’re in. Maybe black folks are where we at because we vote Democrat.”:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
I think it has to do more with Rauner as a candidate. He is awesome. He has a private sector career of backing charter schools. Charter schools work and education is important to all. He has spoken night and day about taking on the POWERFUL IL unions. This is a stance no democrat will ever take and no one of the other GOP primary candidates would take. In fact, the other GOP candidates were in the pocket of the unions just like the Democrats are.

Rauner wills going to wipe the shit out of Quinn and he will bring the changes back to IL and make her strong again. We still have a huge financial and manufacturing Hub. The State has a ton to offer and should be killing other states in competitveness, but liberal politics have brought her down.

I guarantee Rauner takes out Madigan and his corrupt machine. He balances the budget, reverses the the boneheaded income tax, brings about meaningful pension and worker's comp reform, starts the transition from public schools to charter schools, kicks the shit out of the Unions like Walker did in WI and turns around the business and economic environment.

Mark my words, by 2018 Rauner will be considered one of the best governors in the country!
Oh Nooooo's!....Black & Latino Leaders in Chicago Switching to GOP!!!
So now the Blacks are voting with the KKK and Aryans!
Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! Bwah ha ha!!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!

Don't you love the way cons take people for chumps?!
Oh Nooooo's!....Black & Latino Leaders in Chicago Switching to GOP!!!
So now the Blacks are voting with the KKK and Aryans!
Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! Bwah ha ha!!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!

Don't you love the way cons take people for chumps?!

Little early for the drugs, don't you think?
About time the black community wakes up to the party that put them all in chains.

The Democrat fascists have been playing the black community for fools for a long time now. I keep wondering when will they wake up to the con the Dems are pulling on them.

Maybe it is finally happening?
They are changing parties while there is a black democrat president. Lol you can't make this stuff up.
Oh Nooooo's!....Black & Latino Leaders in Chicago Switching to GOP!!!
So now the Blacks are voting with the KKK and Aryans!
Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! Bwah ha ha!!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!

Don't you love the way cons take people for chumps?!

Little early for the drugs, don't you think?

Yeah man. For the OP to try to get anyone to buy that, he's gotta be on some heavy stuff. Sounds like Limpballs on Oxy again.
They are supporting a particular candidate, not the party of slugs like Vigilante.

Just the most important and highest position in the state with perhaps the person who has taken the most conservative stance is the state in decades, but don't let little facts like that get in your way!
The winds of political change sent a chill up the backs of national Democrat leaders Tuesday when two long-time Chicago Democrat powerhouses announced their support for Republican businessman Bruce Rauner, in his attempt to unseat incumbent Illinois Governor Pat Quinn. Reverend James T. Meeks of the 15,000 member strong and Manny Sanchez, founder and managing partner of Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP civil litigation firm, the second largest minority-owned law firm in the United States, both made their intentions public today in statements and interviews given to Fox News. Both men are respected throughout Chicago, particularly among the black and Hispanic communities and their defection in this Democrat strongholds marks a watershed moment in American politics.

Reverend Meeks, a former Democrat State Senator, pulled no punches as he voiced his displeasure with a Democrat Party that has received unprecedented loyalty from African-American voters, with little to show for it. “Our neighborhoods are deplorable! The Democratic party just assume always that 97 percent of the African-American vote will go to the Democratic party. If that assumption is true, they never have to work for our vote,” Meeks said.
The man is no stranger to the business world. His extensive business background and savvy will no doubt help him with his job as governor (if elected). This is especially true when dealing with issues such as balancing the state budget.

I'd support Rauner as well if I lived in Illinois. He's demonstrated his extraordinary ability and talent as a successful businessman, including Chairman of GTCR, Chairman of R8 Capital Partners, Chairman of the Education Committee of the Civic Committee of The Commercial Club of Chicago, Co-Chairman of the Chicago-China Initiative, and Chairman of ACT Charter School. He also has a long history of contributing to Chicago Public Schools, he donated $250,000 in one year alone. He'll no doubt make a great governor.

On the issues, he is a gun owner, and is pro-gun. He supports traditional marriage, and favors a referendum vote on gay marriage. He is an advocate for finding common ground for making abortions rare. He would also cut the state tax. As a businessman, he is obviously pro-business.
About time the black community wakes up to the party that put them all in chains.


The first Republican I knew was my father, and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats... would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I. [Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice]
This is but the latest in a long series of reports where minorities in the Chitown and Illinois Political Machine are beginning to realize Democrats are not truly out for them.

The problem is that the GOP rarely provides a valid and viable candidate for them to vote for. And, as set up by the machines, having a viable third party is almost impossible.

What is most likely to happen is that local minority groups will try to infiltrate the wards with their people to make changes to the system.

Either that or they will no longer go to the polls like lemmings to vote as they're told.
Yeah, the blacks are going to vote for Rand Paul, who thinks businesses have the right to refuse them service. Sure.

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