Oh Shut Up. Enough Already, Just Shut Up Snowflakes

What do you bet she's at the bar drinking green beer with her college buddies tonight, never giving that a thought? Lol

They need to be institutionalized.


End St.Patrick's Day on Twitter
Just get them drunk.

When I was young when I would get drunk on St. Patty's my tongue would turn French...

The op needs to shut up and go live in some third world african country...Leave America the fuck alone...

Stay out of my life!


Sure, and when you grow a pair big enough to throw all those you disagree with out of America is the day your wish will come true...

Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do

The key is the potato diet verses the watermelon diet. One diet trends toward moving on in life verses being a victocrat.

Then again, maybe its just the alcohol.

I will admit, the Irish love their whiskey. Not me so much though. Nasty :puke3:

Sassy is correct about the mistreatment of the Irish and their love for Whiskey...

Us Scots are the same with the booze...
Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do
A typical witless statement from Ms Witless.

She creates a fallacy of false equivalency. She refuses to understand that indentured servitude was limited and contractual. Black slavery was for life and passed on to the children. But she is Ms. Witness, so there we are.

Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
Happy Irish day Sassy! You're culture is impressive!

Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do
A typical witless statement from Ms Witless.

She creates a fallacy of false equivalency. She refuses to understand that indentured servitude was limited and contractual. Black slavery was for life and passed on to the children. But she is Ms. Witness, so there we are.

Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
You are nothing more than a nit wit, Sassy. You do not know the history, and if you equate Irish indentured servitude with African American chattel slavery, than you are a witless fool.
Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do
A typical witless statement from Ms Witless.

She creates a fallacy of false equivalency. She refuses to understand that indentured servitude was limited and contractual. Black slavery was for life and passed on to the children. But she is Ms. Witness, so there we are.

Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
Happy Irish day Sassy! You're culture is impressive!

Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do
A typical witless statement from Ms Witless.

She creates a fallacy of false equivalency. She refuses to understand that indentured servitude was limited and contractual. Black slavery was for life and passed on to the children. But she is Ms. Witness, so there we are.

Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
Happy Irish day Sassy! You're culture is impressive!

Some of my best friends are Irish
On S
Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do
A typical witless statement from Ms Witless.

She creates a fallacy of false equivalency. She refuses to understand that indentured servitude was limited and contractual. Black slavery was for life and passed on to the children. But she is Ms. Witness, so there we are.

Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
Happy Irish day Sassy! You're culture is impressive!


I don't know anyone that takes Fakey serious at any level....his entire persona on here is a lie and fraud.

The dumb shit should read White Cargo and inform himself on the plight of the Irish in early America
Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do
A typical witless statement from Ms Witless.

She creates a fallacy of false equivalency. She refuses to understand that indentured servitude was limited and contractual. Black slavery was for life and passed on to the children. But she is Ms. Witness, so there we are.

Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
Happy Irish day Sassy! You're culture is impressive!


That is funny you ass!

Thank God no one has the picture of me passed out on the floor with the toilet overflowing on my face!

( not kidding )
Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do
A typical witless statement from Ms Witless.

She creates a fallacy of false equivalency. She refuses to understand that indentured servitude was limited and contractual. Black slavery was for life and passed on to the children. But she is Ms. Witness, so there we are.

Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
You are nothing more than a nit wit, Sassy. You do not know the history, and if you equate Irish indentured servitude with African American chattel slavery, than you are a witless fool.

Get lost, retard, nobody listens to you. You're on here everyday thinking you matter and everyone knows you're a fraud.
Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do
A typical witless statement from Ms Witless.

She creates a fallacy of false equivalency. She refuses to understand that indentured servitude was limited and contractual. Black slavery was for life and passed on to the children. But she is Ms. Witness, so there we are.

Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
Happy Irish day Sassy! You're culture is impressive!

Some of my best friends are Irish
And that proves what?

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