Oh Shut Up. Enough Already, Just Shut Up Snowflakes

Notice the snowflakes ignore the plight of Leprechauns who work in very dangerous conditions.



That's what happens when you let RWNJs elect a fool who wants to get rid of the regs that protect American workers.
View attachment 117208

You don't give a damn? That's nothing, in California they can't even maintain them
Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
You are nothing more than a nit wit, Sassy. You do not know the history, and if you equate Irish indentured servitude with African American chattel slavery, than you are a witless fool.

Get lost, retard, nobody listens to you. You're on here everyday thinking you matter and everyone knows you're a fraud.
Shut up, hairy back. You know nothing about Irish or American history, as evidence by your use of false equivalency. You are an idiota.

You can't even think of your own insults, you steal mine...proving once again I'm your superior in every facet.

You know nothing of the Irish history other than what you Googled a few short minutes ago thinking yourself clever....you're not. You're an incredible bore and can't fnd your own ass with both hands
You are crazy, and perhaps Irish drunk already today. :lol: You tried to steal mine and call them your own. You are a silly twit, a person who when trying to look enigmatic only looks vague and vacant. You know very little Irish history, and I had to correct you on your errors here. If you want to see who really did in the Irish, study the potato blight famine of the 1840s.
Nothing but continual lies and personal attacks.
Notice the snowflakes ignore the plight of Leprechauns who work in very dangerous conditions.
He has been listening to Witless Sassy's version of Irish history.

Are you claiming the Irish were never mistreated nor were they treated as sub-human second class citizens or refer to as monkies!?!
Read what I wrote, witless.

I did and you believe blacks were the only ones that suffered at the hand of slavery.

You should apologize for being the witless wonder here seeing blacks were not the only slaves in America and they were not genocided here like the Native population!
You are witless. I wrote above that the Irish suffered, but they were not slaves, their contracts were limited, and the contracts did not pass on to their children.

You are as witless as hairyback.

Sure little boy that believe blacks were the only slaves!

You do know Native Americans were also sold into slavery and lost their lands and many tribes faced mass genocide, or will you deny this mere fact!?!

What does this have to do with your comment!?!

Simple, you believe blacks only suffered from mistreatment or slavery when in reality they were not the only slaves here in America...

Now I know this will not sit well with your progressive view on life but the reality is you are the one playing off the mistreatment of the Irish as nothing while proclaiming blacks suffered the worst treatment, and I am saying Native Tribes of this fine nation suffered far worst treatment, so why do you hate Native Americans so much!?!
Snowflakes know someone has out self humiliated them, so now they are desperate to self emasculate themselves in this thread in front of everyone in order to maintain what they perceive as worth.

Black Irish?

Next thing you know you will be telling us about white penguins

Come to think of it, you do look like a cracker penguin.
Right mind to take you to the ground.

Damn. Never thought I'd be scared of a penguin.
Are you mocking me? Because nobody gets away with mocking me. Except that leopard seal. And that researcher who stuck that probe where no man has gone before place.
Black Irish?

Next thing you know you will be telling us about white penguins

Come to think of it, you do look like a cracker penguin.
Right mind to take you to the ground.

Damn. Never thought I'd be scared of a penguin.
Are you mocking me? Because nobody gets away with mocking me. Except that leopard seal. And that researcher who stuck that probe where no man has gone before place.


Am I mocking that?

Hell no! That's like mess'in with sasquatch

I won't even be able to sleep at night now thanks to you.

Come to think of it, you do look like a cracker penguin.
Right mind to take you to the ground.

Damn. Never thought I'd be scared of a penguin.
Are you mocking me? Because nobody gets away with mocking me. Except that leopard seal. And that researcher who stuck that probe where no man has gone before place.


Am I mocking that?

Hell no! That's like mess'in with sasquatch

I won't even be able to sleep at night now thanks to you.
More like it. Croche tried to get me into the lyrics about my old buddy Jim, but nothing rhymes with penguin.
The op needs to shut up and go live in some third world african country...Leave America the fuck alone...

Stay out of my life!


Why does he need to go live in an African country? Are you feeling ok? Perhaps a a family member should check on you.
Matthew wants to be able to say,"I know someone that lives in Africa, see I'm not racist".
Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do
A typical witless statement from Ms Witless.

She creates a fallacy of false equivalency. She refuses to understand that indentured servitude was limited and contractual. Black slavery was for life and passed on to the children. But she is Ms. Witness, so there we are.

Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
You are nothing more than a nit wit, Sassy. You do not know the history, and if you equate Irish indentured servitude with African American chattel slavery, than you are a witless fool.
Here in Ohio we have a canal system built on the backs of Irish labor.
Many Irish perished building said canals.
They were expendable and easily replaceable.
Kiss off.
The op needs to shut up and go live in some third world african country...Leave America the fuck alone...

Stay out of my life!


Why does he need to go live in an African country? Are you feeling ok? Perhaps a a family member should check on you.
Matthew wants to be able to say,"I know someone that lives in Africa, see I'm not racist".
Just don't tell him I have a boy in Uganda and a young man in Kenya who call me dad................and they ain't gonna pass for Irish.
Stupid shit doesn't know thousands of the Irish were enslaved in this nation.

The difference is the Irish got over it...something the blacks need to do
A typical witless statement from Ms Witless.

She creates a fallacy of false equivalency. She refuses to understand that indentured servitude was limited and contractual. Black slavery was for life and passed on to the children. But she is Ms. Witness, so there we are.

Oh stfu with your nonsense, unlike you being a fake I'm the real deal, Irish, I know the history.
You are nothing more than a nit wit, Sassy. You do not know the history, and if you equate Irish indentured servitude with African American chattel slavery, than you are a witless fool.
Here in Ohio we have a canal system built on the backs of Irish labor.
Many Irish perished building said canals.
They were expendable and easily replaceable.
Kiss off.
Irish were never good enough to build our railroads in Calif. We used Chinese, far superior as they know how to read and can walk a straight line at any given moment.......
Hey, you far right regressives can try being decent trolls for a change. Might work.
Notice the snowflakes ignore the plight of Leprechauns who work in very dangerous conditions.
He has been listening to Witless Sassy's version of Irish history.

Are you claiming the Irish were never mistreated nor were they treated as sub-human second class citizens or refer to as monkies!?!
They were but, really, the Irish deserved it. The immigration of the Irish brought organized crime with incredible violence such that had never been seen in this country before.

Even today, the Irish gangs are the most dangerous and deadly in the country. As many inter gang fights as there are, there are none involving Irish gangs.
It's just a joke at this point.
It's like the left are in a contest on who can out humiliate themselves the most.
I notice a few Regressive Leftists have been willing to jump in and defend/deflect.

And toss in a few personal insults, of course.

Imagine going through life consumed by White Guilt. Poor snowflakes. The weight of the world on their shoulders.
Notice the snowflakes ignore the plight of Leprechauns who work in very dangerous conditions.




Weatherman - you win this thread.

Should we start a collection or something?

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