Oh well, I suppose the U.S. will always remain to daily gun shooting

How does one think that firearms can be in the hands of so many kooks?

Obviously, the problem here is the failure of our liberal run country now to not only be PRODUCING all these kooks, but in failing to find them, clean them up and un-kook them or get them off the streets. Then law abiding people get to take the blame for that as ambitious activists try to leverage it to take away the constitutional rights of the people.

The really sad thing is that the day they succeed in disarming lawful people, the unhinged take over the country and crime goes out the roof as you don't need a gun to hurt or kill people, it just makes it a little easier, and everyone knows that ordinary people in the presence of guns don't turn into slaughtering butchers but revert back to normal
when the weapon is removed, just as people willing to murder don't become peaceful and harmless if you take a gun away from them.
Maybe, maybe not. This country has its share of kooks but one has to wonder why we’re seeing such an explosion of people going off like this over trivial shit.
Tuesday, I was in the Walmart parking lot and a woman in the next row put her car in reverse to back out. A group of 4 teenage girls and 1 slick dude was approaching her from behind. She stopped her car and sat there with the car sticking out about 2 feet. The dude proceeded to run up and pound on the car with his fist. When he got to the drivers window he pounded on the window and started screaming at the top of his voice and cursed at her fo 2 minutes. I opened my door, stepped out and yelled out, Hey, Bad Ass, let the lady alone and take your fat, foul mouth out of here." He turned and started toward me screaming all kinds of MFs. When I stepped away from the door he spotted the .44 Magnum on my belt holster and proceeded to meekly walk into Walmart. I yelled, "Have a blessed day, Mr. Badass."

End of story.
Every other advanced nation on earth has solved the problem. We choose not to.

SOLVED the problem? Oh Cornhole, the FACTS laugh at you.


Here are the words of a man living in the UK, where they were talked into giving up their guns . . . .

Every other advanced nation on earth has solved the problem. We choose not to.
In a sense, you are correct. But the problem we’re choosing not to solve is a cultural one. Nobody wants to address that because it’s a very complex problem not easily solved and even if it is, it might take decades.

Much easier in the short term to just restrict or ban firearms.
In a sense, you are correct. But the problem we’re choosing not to solve is a cultural one. Nobody wants to address that because it’s a very complex problem not easily solved and even if it is, it might take decades.

Much easier in the short term to just restrict or ban firearms.
“We need to solve the cultural problem” translates to “let’s do nothing and hope that the problem magically goes away”.
In a sense, you are correct. But the problem we’re choosing not to solve is a cultural one. Nobody wants to address that because it’s a very complex problem not easily solved and even if it is, it might take decades.

Much easier in the short term to just restrict or ban firearms.
How is our culture different?

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