Oh yes

Sure "genius"
Funny thing I have noticed. When someone tells you how smart they are or how rich they are...they aren't

HEY ASSHOLE: Produce one post where I ever claimed I was a "genius!" You CAN'T because I never did. Produce one post where I ever claimed to be "rich" or a millionaire." YOU CAN'T because I never did.

How pathetic must be your infected, failed life to need to falsely attack someone out of merely not being stupid as you or having made a good living! It can only be for one of two reasons:
  1. Either you are a total complete failure of a person who needs to pull down others to have any sense of worth.
  2. It kills you that someone so conservative as me can also be successful and of high scholastic achievement! It upsets the Left's entire Theory Of Conservatives, plus it indicates a failure somewhere in the Left's fascist, hateful attempts to try to ruin and contain all conservative people in professional fields.

I don't know that it's low intelligence that makes so many of these leftists so gullible or eager to believe all these ridiculous narratives. It has to be something in the water they drink or blinders they wear or maybe just lack of ability to do critical thinking, utilize logic or reason, or engage in personal integrity. They so desperately want to believe the garbage they put out there is true.

And in the interest of intellectual honesty some Patriots fall for these memes with misattributed quotes or conspiracy theories too; sometimes believe so and so is related to. . . or his/her son was on the board of. . .which is simply not true. I spend a lot of time on Twitter trying to correct these things because they make us look bad.

But though Patriots sometimes don't do adequate fact checking, I've never seen them fall for a Democrat and/or MSM generated narrative that is pretty much totally false in its entirety on the level and scope of the J6 fraud the left has perpetuated. (Or for that matter the Ukranian collusion narrative, the Russia-Russia-Russia narrative, their Mar-a-lago narrative etc. etc. etc.)
Jade Helm.

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