Oil companies not drilling on the land leased them? Is it because Biden left them with garbage land?

Did Biden leave oil companies low-productivity land?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • No

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters
Biden and Dems are using every dirty trick in the book to shut down fossil fuels. Then they LIE and try to blame someone else.
As war rages in Ukraine and debate over drilling on American public lands is once again in the news, a new dashboard from the Center for Western Priorities highlights the hypocrisy of the oil industry’s push to throw even more public lands open to drilling. Combined, the oil and gas industry holds leases to more than 25 million acres of publicly-owned minerals, roughly half of which sit unused. Companies now hold more than 9,000 approved, but unused, drilling permits on national public lands, all of which could be put to use today. Further, oil production on public lands is near all time highs, despite industry claims that the Biden administration has suppressed domestic production.
Biden and Dems are using every dirty trick in the book to shut down fossil fuels. Then they LIE and try to blame someone else.
You folks certainly have no shortage of opinions. But you do have a shortage of facts to back them up.
It is said that the oil companies aren't using the land they have. Is it possible that Biden took away the land with good oil and left them the land with little to no oil?
If there is little to no oil, why did they buy the lease? Geologists don't make mistakes that big.
As war rages in Ukraine and debate over drilling on American public lands is once again in the news, a new dashboard from the Center for Western Priorities highlights the hypocrisy of the oil industry’s push to throw even more public lands open to drilling. Combined, the oil and gas industry holds leases to more than 25 million acres of publicly-owned minerals, roughly half of which sit unused. Companies now hold more than 9,000 approved, but unused, drilling permits on national public lands, all of which could be put to use today. Further, oil production on public lands is near all time highs, despite industry claims that the Biden administration has suppressed domestic production.
Please stop posting dumb shit sources like "western priorities". It insults my investment information that actually comes from the oil industry.
If there is little to no oil, why did they buy the lease? Geologists don't make mistakes that big.
It's less productive, not non-productive.

Maybe when 5year futures for oil hits $100 they can drill on that land.
This......."President Biden has waged an unprecedented, government-wide assault on our nation’s ability to produce cheap, reliable energy," the memo from the Republican Study Committee (RSC) states, before listing Biden’s specific anti-fossil fuel actions next to the weekly average price of gas......is unadulterated horseshit.

In Washington and in conservative media, Republicans are quick to place the blame on climate policy. It’s certainly true that President Biden put the oil and gas industry on notice when he took over in Washington last year. But the administration hasn’t succeeded in enacting any stringent regulations and the policies that are under active consideration largely offer carrots for clean energy rather than actively demonizing fossil fuels. “There is nothing that the administration is doing to restrict,” Amos Hochstein, the State Department’s point person for energy security, told CERWeek conference goers on March 8.
And you actually believe this? They send in the greenies to muck things up & use these excuses to delay until the point where companies get the hint. It's a toxic environment & investors know this.
Diaper man may not actually be responsible since he's a meat puppet with dementia but this is absolutely an engineered energy crises & his "administration" is playing their part.
Sorry you can't figure that out on your own.
LOL what? A company determines Land A has 1,000 oil. Land B has 100 oil.

Company goes to Trump to ask for permits on Land A and Land B.

Biden later takes away permit to Land A leaving Oil company with Shitty land.

LOL. In order to determine if their might be oil below they must lease the property first. Then comes the seismic crew and that has it's own regulations and permitting requirements.....

So how would Biden know where the oil would be?
Biden has restricted permits. A company has to first determine if there is any oil/gas then apply for a permit they may or may not be granted.

The Biden Administration has approved a slightly higher percentage of permits than Trump did.
As gas prices spike for American drivers, fossil fuel boosters have slammed President Joe Biden for policies they say constrain U.S. energy production. “We have the reserves here and this is preventable,” Rep. Garret Graves of Louisiana, the ranking Republican on the House Select Committee on Climate Crisis, told reporters in Washington Tuesday. “No leasing or energy production—that’s not an energy policy.”

But to understand why the industry really isn’t ramping up production, it helps to hear what its leaders are telling each other off camera. In Houston this week, where oil and gas executives are gathered for the industry’s most influential annual conference, CERAWeek by S&P Global, industry insiders are having a very different conversation than the one broadcast on cable TV. The primary thing holding back more production isn’t government policies, they say. It’s money.
[time-brightcove not-tgx=”true”]

Getting more oil flowing requires capital and comes with high risks in a volatile oil market. With steep losses in recent memory, the investors who control the purse strings are keeping the companies on a tight leash. “Ultimately, companies have to make a decision to risk their capital… nobody knows how this episode is going to play out,” Mark Viviano, managing partner at Kimmeridge, a private equity firm focused on oil and gas, told a packed conference room on March 8. “I don’t think it’s realistic to think there’s going to be a collective industry response to this crisis. Unfortunately, it’s just not the way the industry is.”
Typical fake news. "industry insiders' you sure are gullible. As far as risking capital, why would a company risk capital when they don't even know if Biden will grant them a permit?
LOL. In order to determine if their might be oil below they must lease the property first. Then comes the seismic crew and that has it's own regulations and permitting requirements.....

So how would Biden know where the oil would be?
The point is, the companies are not going to risk throwing cash at a lease unless they can be assured of a permit.
The reasons oil companies aren't utilizing available land is readily accessible if you look for it and stop listening to right wing media disinformation.

The U.S. oil industry doesn't appear to be in any rush to come to the rescue of Americans struggling with high gas prices. Oil company CEOs say Wall Street is to blame.

Fifty-nine percent of oil executives said investor pressure to maintain capital discipline is the primary reason publicly traded oil producers are restraining growth, according to a Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas survey released Wednesday.

The fact is that you should stop listening to MSM. NO oil company in the US has not rushed into production when the oil price is this high. They do not rush into production at this time because of Biden admin's oil and gas unfriendly attitude. They have no reasons to believe it will be the same when the oil price goes down.
The point is, the companies are not going to risk throwing cash at a lease unless they can be assured of a permit.

First they must either do a seismic survey or buy data from a previous survey (if there is data) to determine if and where to drill a test well. Of course if there is data they can look at it (for a price) before they decide to bid on the lease.
The fact is that you should stop listening to MSM. NO oil company in the US has not rushed into production when the oil price is this high. They do not rush into production at this time because of Biden admin's oil and gas unfriendly attitude. They have no reasons to believe it will be the same when the oil price goes down.
They are drilling as fast as they can get crews and material needed to operate the available rigs.


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