Oil Companies Report Record Profits -- $1,500 Per Second

The fed gov't had revenues of 3 TRILLION dollars in 2013 . . . and they still can't spend within their means.

Are you bitching about that?

in other news; US National Debt increasing at a rate of $31, 558.26 per second under obama and failed progressives

idiots and hypocrites
Does the op realize that the goverment makes more off oil than the big oil companies? Through gas taxes.


oil companies make about 8 cents per gallon in profit. the federal gasoline tax is more than double that at 18.4 cents/gallon

libs; idiots n hypocrites
Does the op realize that the goverment makes more off oil than the big oil companies? Through gas taxes.


oil companies make about 8 cents per gallon in profit. the federal gasoline tax is more than double that at 18.4 cents/gallon

libs; idiots n hypocrites

The liberals don't realize, the goverment that they worship is more greedy than the oil companies they hate. Go figure.
If you look at return on investment, the oil and gas sectors rank toward the bottom.

It takes billions to make billions.

Quit your whining.

Someone is really going to have to explain to me what 'profit' means again.
Does the op realize that the goverment makes more off oil than the big oil companies? Through gas taxes.
Absolutely. Not to mention the number of jobs that were created because of oil companies.

From the start of 2007 through the end of 2012, total U.S. private sector employment increased by more than one million jobs, about 1%. Over the same period, the oil and natural gas industry increased by more than 162,000 jobs, a 40% increase.

Oil and gas industry employment growing much faster than total private sector employment
Does the op realize that the goverment makes more off oil than the big oil companies? Through gas taxes.


oil companies make about 8 cents per gallon in profit. the federal gasoline tax is more than double that at 18.4 cents/gallon

libs; idiots n hypocrites

presuming gasoline is $3.50 a gallon and the company gets 8 cents per gallon, the fed tax is 18.4 cents, state tax is 7.6 cents, that all adds up to 34 cents..,who the hell is getting the $3.16 difference ???????

1 (one) gallon of gasoline should cost no more than $.35 per gallon !!! :up:
The fed gov't had revenues of 3 TRILLION dollars in 2013 . . . and they still can't spend within their means.

Are you bitching about that?


I was bitching about Raygun's tripling of the national debt way back in the 80's. I continued to bitch about it when Shrub daddy doubled the national debt in only four years. And I bitched about Shrub Jr. doubling it again when he was POTUS. Only now, the cons are bitching about it as Obama tries to clean up Shrub's destruction of the economy. Shrub left Obama with a wrecked economy and a $1.2 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2009, and the cons try to blame it on Obama. Obama has cut that deficit in half and brought the economy out of the worst recession since 1929.

Cons continue to give welfare to millionaires and corporations. Welfare is given to Israel and every other country in the world, as bribes to be our friends. Subsides are given to big oil, pharmaceutical companies, tobacco companies and military contractors, while allowing them to get away with paying ZERO taxes. Trillions of dollars are stashed in Swiss bank accounts to avoid paying taxes on the $17 trillion national debt.

Yeah, I bitch about it.
The fed gov't had revenues of 3 TRILLION dollars in 2013 . . . and they still can't spend within their means.

Are you bitching about that?


I was bitching about Raygun's tripling of the national debt way back in the 80's. I continued to bitch about it when Shrub daddy doubled the national debt in only four years. And I bitched about Shrub Jr. doubling it again when he was POTUS. Only now, the cons are bitching about it as Obama tries to clean up Shrub's destruction of the economy. Shrub left Obama with a wrecked economy and a $1.2 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2009, and the cons try to blame it on Obama. Obama has cut that deficit in half and brought the economy out of the worst recession since 1929.

Cons continue to give welfare to millionaires and corporations. Welfare is given to Israel and every other country in the world, as bribes to be our friends. Subsides are given to big oil, pharmaceutical companies, tobacco companies and military contractors, while allowing them to get away with paying ZERO taxes. Trillions of dollars are stashed in Swiss bank accounts to avoid paying taxes on the $17 trillion national debt.

Yeah, I bitch about it.

But you stopped bitching once you got your Obama Kneepads
Big oil and the cons are fucking America so hard, your turds should just fall out of your ass. The GOP defends the greed of big oil, which is sabotaging the economy. More proof that the cons are the American Al Qaeda.

Oil Companies Report Record Profits -- $1,500 Per Second | U.S. News Best Cars

Actually, that's what big oil profits were in 2008. This year they're making $14,000.00 per second.

And....for perspective for you Left wing imbeciles:

1. And, of course, the antibusiness crowd loves stories about how much Big Oil is stealing from the American people! On the contrary, in 2006, the oil industry paid $81 billion in income tax, and while Exxon’s earnings increased 89% from 2003 to 2007, their income taxes increased 170%. Businessweek - Business News, Stock market & Financial Advice

2. The non-thinking segment of the public has been conditioned to hate the oil industry. Very few realize the extent to which they are subsidized by this industry.

“According to the [Exxon] company's income statement, the amount of taxes it paid in 2008 was 2.5 times as much as its net profit. The $45.2 billion profit figure makes a snappy headline, but the $116.2 billion in taxes that it paid is relegated to a footnote—if that. Exxon's tax bill breaks down like this: income taxes, $36.5 billion; sales-based taxes, $34.5 billion; "all other" taxes, $45.2 billion.” Exxon, Big Oil Profits Evil Only Until You Weigh Their Tax Bills - US News

3. If Exxon’s 2008 tax bill of $116.2 billion were split equally among all tax filers who pay income tax, each filer’s share would be $1,259/year.
Still hate Exxon?
Number of Americans Paying Zero Federal Income Tax Grows to 43.4 Million | Tax Foundation
Liberals don't understand why gas and oil can't be free. Like the doctors who make too much money. Medical care should be free.

Free Stuff with be on the nation's tombstone.
Here we go again. Lefties are so STUPID! Democrats should change the name of their party to remedial.
Oil is expensive so gas is expensive yet people continue to need the gas so they buy the expensive gas and the oil companies make more money. Duh.
The oil is expensive because this hack president and his phony green agenda have squeezed down supply by virtue of restriction of fossil fuel resource extraction. That makes the oil cost more and then you apply that to the previous formula. Duh.
Big oil and the cons are fucking America so hard, your turds should just fall out of your ass. The GOP defends the greed of big oil, which is sabotaging the economy. More proof that the cons are the American Al Qaeda.

Oil Companies Report Record Profits -- $1,500 Per Second | U.S. News Best Cars

Actually, that's what big oil profits were in 2008. This year they're making $14,000.00 per second.

IMHO there should be a cap on oil company profits. Oil belongs to the earth and whomever processes it should not be allowed to charge whatever they want.

This of course would be considered a commie approach to the problem, but isn't that what we have already done with the medical profession?
Here we go again. Lefties are so STUPID! Democrats should change the name of their party to remedial.
Oil is expensive so gas is expensive yet people continue to need the gas so they buy the expensive gas and the oil companies make more money. Duh.
The oil is expensive because this hack president and his phony green agenda have squeezed down supply by virtue of restriction of fossil fuel resource extraction. That makes the oil cost more and then you apply that to the previous formula. Duh.

I disagree - this is pure propaganda. Show is figures for this or you are just toeing the line.
Here we go again. Lefties are so STUPID! Democrats should change the name of their party to remedial.
Oil is expensive so gas is expensive yet people continue to need the gas so they buy the expensive gas and the oil companies make more money. Duh.
The oil is expensive because this hack president and his phony green agenda have squeezed down supply by virtue of restriction of fossil fuel resource extraction. That makes the oil cost more and then you apply that to the previous formula. Duh.

I disagree - this is pure propaganda. Show is figures for this or you are just toeing the line.
So the big oil guys were really reaping in the profits when the offshore moratoriums of 7-08 and 9-08 were allowed expire or were reversed and the price dropped by 70%.

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