Oil companies right now have 9,000 leases they can drill on. Why are they not drilling?

Cost. Why invest if they're already making record profits...
Putin says...oh well if Putin says...Jeez
Cost? Then that's a business decision. If today's costs are too high, wait a year or two for better business conditions.
Putin says "Thank You" for $120/bbl oil. Putin's Whore is in the WH.
Joe killed that Canadian 500,000 bpd, Putin's Whore did his job.
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So you approve of Biden shutting down the KeystoneXL pipeline, and reducing Canada's oil output by about 500,000 bbls/day? The fact is that democrats want gas high to get everyone into Teslas.
BS. How many average U.S. citizens can afford to go buy a Tesla or another EV? The % is small. So why would Dems want to get people into a vehicle that they can't afford or even want?

Guess who wants to get people into EV's? The manufacturers of them, that's who.

Seems they want to slow supply with demand going up that mean Cha ching. More record prices.

So why sit on these leases and not drill.

Oh yeah they have billions of reason not to.

That isn't it at all.

They would love to drill in the US and produce oil, but the concern is that Sleepy Joe will just cancel the leases when he suddenly changes his mind at some point down the line- like he did with the ANWR exploration and the Keystone Pipeline.

Why incur that kind of expense, when the chances are more likely that it won't produce any revenue- due to Biden's moods (not geological realities).

Further, Sleepy Joe has increased royalty rates,making it even harder to make back one's nut on such a venture.

Oil concerns would be better advised to look to develop oil in countries which are more stable than America at this point in time.
BS. How many average U.S. citizens can afford to go buy a Tesla or another EV? The % is small.
So why would Dems want to get people into a vehicle that they can't afford or even want?
Guess who wants to get people into EV's? The manufacturers of them, that's who.
Xiden always promises to end fossil fuels, believe that is his goal when he says it is.
I'm sure there are alliances for the "green initiatives". Renewable energy subsidies, the Green New deal winners, etc.
The problem is that the high price of fuel will create more disasters than the democrats know how to deal with.
The next two years will be difficult.
Just because it is a lease does not mean there is oil there. I cost millions just to find it.
Why would oil companies invest in more drilling when shit for brains wants to shut them all down?
Biden says he would transition out of the oil industry by eliminating subsidies for oil companies, which would lead to catastrophic job losses for American workers.
President Joe Biden’s pick for a top banking regulatory position said “we want” oil and gas companies to go bankrupt.

Subsidies for companies making billions. The Capitalistic way.
So, why are the oil companies bidding on the land with no oil?

See above.

Oil companies cannot have a lease an owners land without their permission.

So Einstein if they do not bid on a lease then exactly how do they find out if there is oil on that lease? Use the Vulcan mind meld on the earth? Have someone read chicken bones?
the lease is given out by the federal government it only allows a company to explore for oil. In an area. It does not give them permission to be on land that is owned by a rancher or farmer. So exactly how do they get to the lease if it is not accessible because a farmer says they are not allowed to cross his land? I imagine in your world you just drive on paved roads. But in the real world roads to rural areas have to be built.
So Einstein if they do not bid on a lease then exactly how do they find out if there is oil on that lease? Use the Vulcan mind meld on the earth? Have someone read chicken bones?
the lease is given out by the federal government it only allows a company to explore for oil. In an area. It does not give them permission to be on land that is owned by a rancher or farmer. So exactly how do they get to the lease if it is not accessible because a farmer says they are not allowed to cross his land? I imagine in your world you just drive on paved roads. But in the real world roads to rural areas have to be built.

Nobody is bidding on ineccessable land.

Seems they want to slow supply with demand going up that mean Cha ching. More record prices.

So why sit on these leases and not drill.

Oh yeah they have billions of reason not to.
Because they are shit leases.

The government won’t approve pipelines to them in order to ship oil.

Even the few good ones that are approved that have good oil reserves are held up by wacko enviro-extremist groups in the courts, with Obama judges blocking them, like the Gulf of Mexico lease.

LOL, that was during the Trump Presidency when they had thousands of other leases.

Then Biden was installed and he cancelled thousands of approved leases, and he shut down ANWAR for drilling.

If the oil companies weren’t going to drill there, why ban drilling their?

Hey dumfuk...the price was levelling off and even dropping by January 2021.

Know what happened after that?

Show the class where gas prices dropped after Biden was installed.
And while you’re at it, show the class where 2/22 is when Russia invaded.
LOL, that was during the Trump Presidency when they had thousands of other leases.

Then Biden was installed and he cancelled thousands of approved leases, and he shut down ANWAR for drilling.

If the oil companies weren’t going to drill there, why ban drilling their?

Demand is being met is why they aren't drilling.

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