Oil companies right now have 9,000 leases they can drill on. Why are they not drilling?

1. The pipeline would have been finished by the end of 2022 adding 500,000 bpd of Canadian oil.
Sure it, would

March 24 2017
President Donald Trump announced Friday that his administration has approved the Keystone XL pipeline, reversing the Obama administration’s decision to block the controversial oil project.

Speaking from the Oval Office, Trump officially announced the approval shortly after the State Department issued TransCanada’s permit, making good on one of his campaign promises. The approval greenlights the Canadian company to complete construction on the pipeline that will funnel crude oil from Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

“It’s a great day for jobs and energy independence,” Trump said, calling the pipeline “incredible” and “the greatest technology known to man or woman.”

Everything the orange blob touches or comments about is "tremendous" or "incredible"

At the time Mr. Biden halted its construction, the $8 billion expansion was only about 8% complete.

So, in 3 years the Trump regime approved of keystone, they only completed 8% of it.

You want people to believe that they could get 92% of the rest done in 2 years?

2. The US oil production fell under Biden from 13m bpd under Trump to 11.5m bpd under Xiden
the day before Russia's February 24 attack that the Keystone project would have produced 830,000 barrels of crude per day.

So, the BIDEN administration needs to ramp up oil production?
They produce oil?
Biden controls 10% of US oil production.
Shouldn't that be directed at the companies that DRILL OIL?
They have the other 90% of land they can drill on?
Same article, reprinted.
1. Leases does not mean you can drill, you also need "permits".
Biden approved PERMITS, 9000 of them, just on federal land.
You ignore the 90% of permits Biden doesn't control.
Greens take companies to court to stop getting permits. Biden's admin is on the greens side in court. That's why drilling is less.
So, they file court cases, against themselves?
Got it!
2. You not only need to drill, you also need pipelines. Biden won't allow new pipelines.


Looks like we have plenty.
3. Biden is a pedo and a liar.
So, Trump is a drug smuggler and a liar.
I have posted this many times before.
A lease does not guarantee oil is anywhere near there.
So, why are the oil companies bidding on the land with no oil?
Some of those leases are in areas that can not be reached.
See above.
Some of the leases are in areas owned by farmers and ranchers that do not want oil companies on their land and do not own the mineral rights.
Oil companies cannot have a lease an owners land without their permission.
Some of those leases are in the middle of areas where leases are not given out and the simple matter is oil is unaware that it has to stay within the lease.
So while it is nice to pretend that every lease is a major oil producing area they are not.
You're either a liar or stupid.
The KeystoneXL would have been complete the end of 2022 and would add 500,000 bpd of oil, that is a FACT.
So "pedo Joe" would rather buy oil from Venezuela or the ME or Russia than Canada?
Not even counting the reduced US production. I'd call pedo Joe's "war on US energy" criminal.

Rubbish. It is nothing but a shortcut that klops a few miles off the already existing Keystone. You morons just keep shilling for your precious Canadian govt. pipeline; it makes certain everybody knows it's you shills who are stupid and lying.

Your BDS is as dumb as the TDS deviants here. Since you corporate shills and PR hacks are sociopaths as well, nobody cares what you consider 'criminal'.
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Biden approved PERMITS, 9000 of them, just on federal land.
You ignore the 90% of permits Biden doesn't control.

So, they file court cases, against themselves?
Got it!


View attachment 657209
Looks like we have plenty.

So, Trump is a drug smuggler and a liar.

Yes. Anybody can look up the U.S. pipeline networks and its coverage, but these dumbasses think the Koch brothers are going to read their idiotic posts and suddenly give them lots of bling for being good little toadies or something. I've posted links to the Keystone and what the XL actually will do, but these idiots never read links, they just run around demanding them.

They think running Canadian sludge for the Canadian government owned pipeline over the only aquifer in that region is a grand idea, especially if it gets them that great job as cabana boys in one of the Canadian govt.s oil execs' back yard. Never mind how it leaking would ruin nearly the whole region's agricultural and other businesses if that aquifier got contaminated, and never mind the Keystone itself started springing leaks very early on after being built, so we know this one will too, given how little the Canadians gave a shit how well their contractors did. that's why they didn't want to run their sludge line over a much shorter distance to tidewater over their own land, after all.
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Yes. Anyvody cab look up the U.S. pipeline networks and its covereage, but these dumbasses think the Koch brothers are going to read their idiotic posts and suddnly give them lots of bling for being good little toadies or something.
They blame Biden for what oil companies AREN'T doing..................DRILLING.
They blame Biden for what oil companies AREN'T doing..................DRILLING.

They 're just parrots, spouting whatever they're told to. As we've seen, they don't even keep up with real business news, they just parrot whatever Town Hall and the GOP tells them to, period. Drilling is running at its max capacity for the equipment available, by indies. Indies aren't sitting on most of the viable leases though.
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Seems they want to slow supply with demand going up that mean Cha ching. More record prices.

So why sit on these leases and not drill.

Oh yeah they have billions of reason not to.
How soon we forget..... just two years ago....
So you approve of Biden shutting down the KeystoneXL pipeline, and reducing Canada's oil output by about 500,000 bbls/day? The fact is that democrats want gas high to get everyone into Teslas.
Utter bullshit


So you might see a line there in Red...

The pipeline was first refused because Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advised it would not:
  • lower petrol prices
  • create long-term jobs
  • affect energy dependence
So it is one big piece of a Red Herring to rival up the Red Base on bullshit... When you got nothing this is what you do...
And he reversed this when Gas Prices got high... This is the thing, he is a leader, he makes calls as conditions change. He has top set of advisors and this gives him the actual proper information he needs...

Trump surrounded himself with a bunch of yes men and thought everything he was doing was right..
Are you serious ?
He had to fire half of his so called appointees six months into office ...... you know those swamp creatures like James Comey.
And he reversed this when Gas Prices got high... This is the thing, he is a leader, he makes calls as conditions change. He has top set of advisors and this gives him the actual proper information he needs...

Trump surrounded himself with a bunch of yes men and thought everything he was doing was right..
Liar. Joe continues sanctions on US oil.
End result:
And he reversed this when Gas Prices got high... This is the thing, he is a leader, he makes calls as conditions change. He has top set of advisors and this gives him the actual proper information he needs...

Trump surrounded himself with a bunch of yes men and thought everything he was doing was right..
Did you come up with that with a bucket on your head Gomer Pyle style ?

Aw go on Andy.... have a thank under thar....
And why is that?
Because the oil industry has decided that they can make a lot of money with less investment.
Simple as that
Why would they not sell every barrel of oil they could at these prices?
You say words with no proof. Prove what you say.
Xiden killed the KeystoneXL pipeline, that would have added 500,000 bpd of oil, Putin says
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So if we drill more then how much of that is allowed to leave our shores? I wish I had an oil deposit on my land. I'd charge the oil company 1 billion dollars per square foot to drill on it. My way of helping out.
Sure it, would
March 24 2017
President Donald Trump announced Friday that his administration has approved the Keystone XL pipeline, reversing the Obama administration’s decision to block the controversial oil project.
Speaking from the Oval Office, Trump officially announced the approval shortly after the State Department issued TransCanada’s permit, making good on one of his campaign promises. The approval greenlights the Canadian company to complete construction on the pipeline that will funnel crude oil from Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast.
“It’s a great day for jobs and energy independence,” Trump said, calling the pipeline “incredible” and “the greatest technology known to man or woman.” Everything the orange blob touches or comments about is "tremendous" or "incredible"
At the time Mr. Biden halted its construction, the $8 billion expansion was only about 8% complete.
So, in 3 years the Trump regime approved of keystone, they only completed 8% of it.
You want people to believe that they could get 92% of the rest done in 2 years?
Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw, who has urged the Biden administration to ramp up domestic oil production, said in a the day before Russia's February 24 attack that the Keystone project would have produced 830,000 barrels of crude per day.
So, the BIDEN administration needs to ramp up oil production?
They produce oil?
Biden controls 10% of US oil production.
Shouldn't that be directed at the companies that DRILL OIL?
They have the other 90% of land they can drill on?
1. KeystoneXL was about 10% complete when Xiden stopped it. Most of the time spent on pipelines is design and getting Right-of-Way. The ROW usually includes court battles. Laying pipe is the easy part. It can be done with many contractors working at the same time and just tying in to each other at pump stations. That a $10b project stupid Joe killed, and his admin is toast because of it.

2. Xiden's EOs hurt the oil industry
"Last week the administration also issued Secretarial Order No. 3395, which implemented a 60-day suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal land and water.
This week President Biden followed that action up with Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. The biggest takeaway from this order was an indefinite “pause on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands” until a comprehensive review on the climate change impacts can be completed."

You just don't get how many moving parts there are to getting more oil. There are permits, drill crews, pipelines to get the oil to market. All of which can get tied up in court, where the DOJ is on the side opposing the oil companies.
Biden approved PERMITS, 9000 of them, just on federal land.
You ignore the 90% of permits Biden doesn't control.
So, they file court cases, against themselves?
Got it!
Looks like we have plenty.
So, Trump is a drug smuggler and a liar.
If selling oil is so easy and so profitable, go ahead and start drilling, its easy money.
You'd soon see how tough that job is.
Prove Trump is a drug smuggler, Ashley already said Joe is a child molester


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