Oil Executives Testify in Congress on High Gas Prices

Hmmmm...maybe the tard herd needs a hint.


Oil prices, which affect the price of gas at the pump, are based on GLOBAL oil production.

So I ask again.

Gosh, if production increased more under Biden's first year than Trump's first year, and yet gas prices are higher, then what could explain this?


Because Biden!
100 US oil companies declared bankruptcy in 2020 and production shrank world wide during COVID. There was no demand for oil.
Because there was a glut of production in the world, that is not the case today because they all cut back on production in 2020, remember what happened that year, the price of oil was at a negative value...What keeps you, people, from seeing the big picture, is it because you are to busy focusing on one small point, the lose to Biden?
Who is shutting down oil production, Biden or oil companies?
100 US oil companies declared bankruptcy in 2020 and production shrank world wide during COVID. There was no demand for oil.
There sure is now. Why doesn't Biden get us back to where we were when Trump was President?
So it isn't the fault of oil companies for high gas prices.
Some oil companies are slow walking their increase in production.

Chevron raises buybacks and says exposure to Russia is limited

Major oil companies are responding to a jump in profits this year from higher oil and gas prices by giving back more cash to shareholders, many of whom have been frustrated by years of low returns.

So far,
most shale operators have signaled that they plan to put capital returns above output growth, even as U.S. oil prices crossed $100 per barrel earlier this week.
There sure is now. Why doesn't Biden get us back to where we were when Trump was President?
As I have told you, and proven, Biden has increased production much faster than Trump did in his first year.

Why does Trump hate America?

You dolts are expecting Biden to do in one year what took Trump three years.
As I have told you, and proven, Biden has increased production much faster than Trump did in his first year.

Why does Trump hate America?

You dolts are expecting Biden to do in one year what took Trump three years.
People don't buy electric cars when gas is cheap.
As I have told you, and proven, Biden has increased production much faster than Trump did in his first year.

Why does Trump hate America?

You dolts are expecting Biden to do in one year what took Trump three years.
So why are democrats holding hearings and blaming oil companies for high prices?
Who is shutting down oil production, Biden or oil companies?
Saudi Arabia is right now producing less oil than they did during the pandemic. Other countries are also producing less than they did before the pandemic.

Gosh, I guess it isn't all about Biden, now is it?

Biden has increased oil production more than Trump did. That's a simple fact.

The tard herd really needs to stop drinking the piss their propagandists are pouring for them.

But they never stop drinking the piss. No matter how many times you show a tard they are being fed lies, they keep going back for more! MOAR!

They DESERVE to be lied to.
As I proved earlier, oil production has actually surged much more under Biden than it did under Trump.

Neither of them get any credit or blame for that. It's just the way it is.

Even though we were producing more oil under Biden than under Trump, the gas price under Biden in December was about 75 cent more per gallon than in Trump's first December.

Curious, no?

Since the US is producing more under Biden, how does one explain this?

Obviously, someone else is producing less. Duh.

Saudi Arabia.

Even though world demand began surging in 2021, Saudi Arabia did not increase their exports. In fact, they exported less than during the pandemic!

As I proved earlier, oil production has actually surged much more under Biden than it did under Trump.

Neither of them get any credit or blame for that. It's just the way it is.

Even though we were producing more oil under Biden than under Trump, the gas price under Biden in December was about 75 cent more per gallon than in Trump's first December.

Curious, no?

Since the US is producing more under Biden, how does one explain this?

Obviously, someone else is producing less. Duh.

Saudi Arabia.

Even though world demand began surging in 2021, Saudi Arabia did not increase their exports. In fact, they exported less than during the pandemic!

Where is your link that Biden didn't shut down Keystone?
Please explain how the guy who increased production by 31 percent in his first year is curtailing fossil fuel production compared to the guy who only increased production by 21 percent in his first year.

I think you are positively schizophrenic. You have drank the bong water and are too stoned to see the FACTS and instead just parrot the same tired manufactured bullshit you have been fed.

So, please. Explain the facts that Biden increased production more than Trump in his first year.
Gas being an astronomical price is the way that Democrats are doing to force the American people to use "clean energy". After all they don't give a shit if you pay $20/gal for gas because solar is important to "save the planet". they are that deranged.

Joe Potatohead signed up for that agenda and that is why gas at the pump doubled after he stole the election.

You can do your typical Moon Bat denial and trying to blame others all you want but those are the facts that you assholes don't want to admit. Joe Potaohead's energy policies are fucking the American people. All his policies fuck the American people but this one hits the pocketbook really hard.

In case you are still confused I will repost the video where the Potatohead is saying he his agenda is to do away with fossil fuels. You, being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat, evidently didn't understand the significance of Potatohead saying he was going to stop fossil fuel production, do you? Maybe you think he was lying?

Lets try one more times. This time pull your head out of your Libtard ass.


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