Oil Executives Testify in Congress on High Gas Prices

Gas being an astronomical price is the way that Democrats are doing to force the American people to use "clean energy". After all they don't give a shit if you pay $20/gal for gas because solar is important to "save the planet". they are that deranged.

Joe Potatohead signed up for that agenda and that is why gas at the pump doubled after he stole the election.

You can do your typical Moon Bat denial and trying to blame others all you want but those are the facts that you assholes don't want to admit. Joe Potaohead's energy policies are fucking the American people. All his policies fuck the American people but this one hits the pocketbook really hard.

In case you are still confused I will repost the video where the Potatohead is saying he his agenda is to do away with fossil fuels. You, being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat, evidently didn't understand the significance of Potatohead saying he was going to stop fossil fuel production., do you? Maybe you think he was lying?

Lets try one more times. This time pull your head out of your Libtard ass.

You are a moron. Read Dan Yergin.
The Keystone pipeline produces 590,000 barrels per day, and has been for many years.

It was shut down for a few days for maintenance in January.

Poor tards. They are so stuck in their tard rut that the facts don't penetrate their pointy heads.

The fact Biden increased production more than Trump in their first years just does not get through. Their myths are more important to them than reality.

The Biden administration has put its boot on the neck of America’s oil and gas industry. Until the president takes it off, the American people and the Western world will continue to suffer.
I showed Saudi Arabia decreased their output to less than what they were exporting during the pandemic.

Venezuela also exported less than what they did during the pandemic.

Venezuelan state-owned PDVSA and its foreign joint venture partners recorded average crude oil production of 560,000 b/d in 2021, according to an internal report reviewed by S&P Global Platts.

The average year was slightly below 2020 when production averaged 570,000 b/d and the 2019 record when production was 1.01 million b/d, according to the OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin. Also, the 2021 results were far from the target of PDVSA's recovery plan.
Poor tards. They are so stuck in their tard rut that the facts don't penetrate their pointy heads.

The fact Biden increased production more than Trump in their first years just does not get through. Their myths are more important to them than reality.


You desperately need to pull your head out of CNN and Yahoo's ass

When you believe blatant lies like those which spew from your sources, you become an AssClown
So what do we have?

We have Biden increasing oil production more than Trump.

We have Saudi Arabia decreasing oil exports to below the pandemic.

We have Venezuela decreasing oil production to below the pandemic.

And, remember, the pandemic was a record low production period!

Somehow, the tard herd has been sold a bill of goods by their neverending liars that gas prices are somehow Biden's fault.

Seriously. These tards are literally unable to think for themselves. Even in the fact of all the FACTS, they keep parroting the lies they have been fed!

The Keystone pipeline produces 590,000 barrels per day, and has been for many years.

It was shut down for a few days for maintenance in January.

Explain this.

Listen-------------> Gee Whiz is telling you the truth, but also using specific dates to gaslight you to make his Leftist argument. He has his percentages correct, but when Trump came in to office, our oil industry could not ramp up because it took awhile to remove the regs, open up the new leases, etc. So while theoretically he is accurate, it doesn't tell the real story.

If you look at this chart, U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels) you will see that at the height of our economic expansion late in the year of 2019, we were getting massive amounts of oil domestically. As of me posting this, Biden hasn't even with his policies come close to that yet.

Gee Whiz has told you that Sadi has cut back exports along with Venezuela; and then of course we now have the Russian situation. He is 100% correct, and good for him.

But, what he doesn't tell you is--------------------> Nobody............let me make that perfectly clear, NOBODY can make that kind of profit on oil if the USA is being driven to produce.


Because we have the LARGEST oil reserve in the world, more than any other country. Do you know why the House of Saud and everyone else was pumping and exporting like crazy? Because they were under the impression that the USA was going to frack like hell, and they did not want the price so high that the it would make it easy for America to make a nice profit continuing to open up their fracking fields, because truth be told..............drilling for oil is far cheaper than fracking. I can NOT state the break even point for drilling, but a few years ago it was about 42 bucks a barrel for fracking, although I have read with new methods, it is now cheaper than that in most instances. In all fairness, I do not know if that takes into account inflation.

But, knowing you are a smart person, what do YOU think was the signal for all these exporters to change course and do policy in the exact OPPOSITE direction! What do you think changed?!?!?!?!

You see, Leftists are blowing smoke up everybody's rearend, because I know, that YOU know, and if WE know what the signal was, so do they, lol. So instead, they try and use percentages to make their case, instead of the geopolitical situation, that they know they will lose, lolololol! All they are doing is trying to muddy the waters so they can steal a few votes from people who do not get it. But the fact of the matter his-----------> The Biden administration, has yet to hit the numbers that the Trump administration did in 2019 when the economy was roaring, and it isn't even close!
Listen-------------> Gee Whiz is telling you the truth, but also using specific dates to gaslight you to make his Leftist argument. He has his percentages correct, but when Trump came in to office, our oil industry could not ramp up because it took awhile to remove the regs, open up the new leases, etc. So while theoretically he is accurate, it doesn't tell the real story.

If you look at this chart, U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels) you will see that at the height of our economic expansion late in the year of 2019, we were getting massive amounts of oil domestically. As of me posting this, Biden hasn't even with his policies come close to that yet.

Gee Whiz has told you that Sadi has cut back exports along with Venezuela; and then of course we now have the Russian situation. He is 100% correct, and good for him.

But, what he doesn't tell you is--------------------> Nobody............let me make that perfectly clear, NOBODY can make that kind of profit on oil if the USA is being driven to produce.


Because we have the LARGEST oil reserve in the world, more than any other country. Do you know why the House of Saud and everyone else was pumping and exporting like crazy? Because they were under the impression that the USA was going to frack like hell, and they did not want the price so high that the it would make it easy for America to make a nice profit continuing to open up their fracking fields, because truth be told..............drilling for oil is far cheaper than fracking. I can NOT state the break even point for drilling, but a few years ago it was about 42 bucks a barrel for fracking, although I have read with new methods, it is now cheaper than that in most instances. In all fairness, I do not know if that takes into account inflation.

But, knowing you are a smart person, what do YOU think was the signal for all these exporters to change course and do policy in the exact OPPOSITE direction! What do you think changed?!?!?!?!

You see, Leftists are blowing smoke up everybody's rearend, because I know, that YOU know, and if WE know what the signal was, so do they, lol. So instead, they try and use percentages to make their case, instead of the geopolitical situation, that they know they will lose, lolololol! All they are doing is trying to muddy the waters so they can steal a few votes from people who do not get it. But the fact of the matter his-----------> The Biden administration, has yet to hit the numbers that the Trump administration did in 2019 when the economy was roaring, and it isn't even close!
The US has the highest lift costs in the world. The Saudis have been using fracking routinely since the 1960s.
I really hate the way they have lied to the American people. The XL only benefits the Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands.
The construction of furthering the pipeline was stopped, not the existing pipeline. That's the confusion.

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