Oil Executives Testify in Congress on High Gas Prices

Maybe you can explain why oil production increased 31 percent in Biden's first year but only 21 percent during Trump's first year, when they both started at the same amount of production when they took office.
Why can't Biden get gas under $2 per gallon like Trump did?
Why can't Biden get gas under $2 per gallon like Trump did?
Have you read this topic?

Wow. I should not be surprised you are stumped by this non-mystery. You are too invested in your "because Biden" mythology.
It's obvious what's going to happen. Dems are going to use this opportunity to make a bogus claim that oil companies are involved in price gouging. It's not the first time.
You said Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline. He didn't.

It's still going strong.

Biden did stop the Keystone XL pipeline.

Nevertheless, he has produced more oil in his first year than Trump did.

Why does Trump hate America?
Biden stopped the furthering of the pipeline. Is that correct?
Don't be retarded. We control the domestic price of oil by how much we keep for ourselves. Just look at Wheat.

Prices are going sky high but not in the US because we just don't export as much wheat. Blunts the rising prices.

Only 5 of the top 10 oil companies in the world have an American headquarters. They are all multinational corporations.

Did you ever buy gas at a BP station (British Petroleum) or Shell station (Royal Dutch Shell)?
You guys want gas to be expensive so people buy electric cars. Right?
My, what a nice strawman you have there, grandma.

I am simply stating facts. Biden produced more oil than Trump, and so the surge in gas prices is due to other factors. DUH!

You are so stuck in your "because Biden" mythology, you can't see the truth.

Fact: Starting from almost the same amount of US oil production upon taking office, Biden increased US oil production by 31 percent in his first year while Trump only increased production by 21 percent.

Fact: Saudi Arabia is exporting less oil today than during the pandemic.

Fact: Venezuela is exporting less oil today than during the pandemic.

Fact: Oil companies are deliberately slow walking their production in order to keep profits as high as possible.

Fact: Joe Biden has approved far more public land leases for oil drilling than Trump did.

But, you know, Fox Fake News knows the rubes are too stupid to find this out for themselves and they will parrot "Because Biden!" because it feels good to be wrong, and reading is hard!

Let’s make gas even more expensive! Let’s charge companies who got leases so they could explore and see if any oil is there more money if they don’t find any. Fucking brilliant.

And then when they use that as an expense for tax write offs we can bitch they don’t pay their fair share.
Fact: Starting from almost the same amount of US oil production upon taking office, Biden increased US oil production by 31 percent in his first year while Trump only increased production by 21 percent.

Fact: Saudi Arabia is exporting less oil today than during the pandemic.

Fact: Venezuela is exporting less oil today than during the pandemic.

Fact: Oil companies are deliberately slow walking their production in order to keep profits as high as possible.

Fact: Joe Biden has approved far more public land leases for oil drilling than Trump did.

But, you know, Fox Fake News knows the rubes are too stupid to find this out for themselves and they will parrot "Because Biden!" because it feels good to be wrong, and reading is hard!
Fact: gas costs twice as much today than it did under Trump. All of your imagined facts can’t refute that one.
Fact: gas costs twice as much today than it did under Trump. All of your imagined facts can’t refute that one.
And yet you are unable to pin the blame on Biden. Because Biden is not responsible, due to the facts I listed.

You dipshits are so caught up in your "because Biden" mythology, you literally cannot see the truth.
My, what a nice strawman you have there, grandma.

I am simply stating facts. Biden produced more oil than Trump, and so the surge in gas prices is due to other factors. DUH!

You are so stuck in your "because Biden" mythology, you can't see the truth.

Biden is demented.
Maybe you can explain why oil production increased 31 percent in Biden's first year but only 21 percent during Trump's first year, when they both started at the same amount of production when they took office.

Gosh, if production increased more under Biden's first year than Trump's first year, and yet gas prices are higher, then what could explain this?



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