Oil Executives Testify in Congress on High Gas Prices

You aren't very intelligent but you are a religious fanatic.
You are the religious fanatic, child of Satan. I never saw a man lie and blaspheme God, Jesus and The Word of God like you do.
Why have you chosen to sell your soul for a lie and to promote lies every day?
You are the religious fanatic, child of Satan. I never saw a man lie and blaspheme God, Jesus and The Word of God like you do.
Why have you chosen to sell your soul for a lie and to promote lies every day?
I'm not a man and I don't have to lie about anything.
I'm not a man and I don't have to lie about anything.
How do you know you are a man? Are you a biologist?
You serve Satan who is the father of lies. Why would you lie about that?
Cuz Daddy Satan whispered in your ear and told you to, that's why.
Did you have too much Pooty Poot Putin today, or where you swinging CCP Xi's way?

All you have to do is look at post 74 that I put up with a link to the chart. You will discover that the Left is massaging the numbers.........and that chart is from the government I believe.

The critical numbers if you scroll down the chart is.............oil production per month in 2019, and production in 2021. We say in 19 our economy was booming. Leftists insist that in 21 after Biden took office, it was booming then too.

So then, Leftist have to explain.............why under the Biden Administration, he couldn't make policies to keep oil production at even at 2019 levels as the price of fuel rose exponentially-) Trump didn't have a problem, so what is Bidens, lolololol.
All you have to do is look at post 74 that I put up with a link to the chart. You will discover that the Left is massaging the numbers.........and that chart is from the government I believe.

The critical numbers if you scroll down the chart is.............oil production per month in 2019, and production in 2021. We say in 19 our economy was booming. Leftists insist that in 21 after Biden took office, it was booming then too.

So then, Leftist have to explain.............why under the Biden Administration, he couldn't make policies to keep oil production at even at 2019 levels as the price of fuel rose exponentially-) Trump didn't have a problem, so what is Bidens, lolololol.
Thank you
All you have to do is look at post 74 that I put up with a link to the chart. You will discover that the Left is massaging the numbers.........and that chart is from the government I believe.

The critical numbers if you scroll down the chart is.............oil production per month in 2019, and production in 2021. We say in 19 our economy was booming. Leftists insist that in 21 after Biden took office, it was booming then too.

So then, Leftist have to explain.............why under the Biden Administration, he couldn't make policies to keep oil production at even at 2019 levels as the price of fuel rose exponentially-) Trump didn't have a problem, so what is Bidens, lolololol.
There was no demand for oil in 2020. That's why 100 US oil companies declared bankruptcy that year.
Leftist Lie. Both Obumer and Brandon tried to cut Oil Production at the first chance at the beginning of their terms where Trump increased Oil Production.

Tis a false claim no matter who makes it. If we do not control the price of oil, we are not energy independent
Don't be retarded. We control the domestic price of oil by how much we keep for ourselves. Just look at Wheat.

Prices are going sky high but not in the US because we just don't export as much wheat. Blunts the rising prices.
Gas and oil production doubled during the Obama years. Rig counts were higher than they had been in 44 years

Trump had an agenda to make the US energy independent and he did it. For two years the US was a net exporter of oil. Gas at the pump was cheap and Americans loved it.

Then Potatohead stole an election from the American people. Stolen elections have consequences.

Potatohead had a stated agenda to do away with fossil fuels.

Now the price of gas at the pump is sky high. Potatohead is begging other countries to give us more oil in order to not have it so high for the midterm elections. He is even draining the strategic reserves to prop up the price for the election.

Wouldn't you agree with me that anybody that voted for Potatohead or ignored the fact he sole the election is a friggin idiot?

"The Americans are being burned alive in their tanks!
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Know what is stark Tree-------------> If you look at 2016 when Obama was last President, then look at 19, 3 years into the Trump Presidency, USA oil production went UP close to 25%! That is on the chart in post 74 if you scroll down and compare.

In fact, were it NOT for Trump policies, Biden would be handed an oil production, that would have cost Americans somewhere around 7 BUCKS a gallon across the board, not just in California.

Of course with Leftist incompetence, they are trying to move us in that direction, but after January when the new congress is seated, I guess the party is over for them-)

They are going to get clobbered in November, no matter how hard they try and deflect. Overall statistics prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who did this, or at least did NOTHING to help prevent it, and that would be the DEMOCRATS!
Trump had an agenda to make the US energy independent and he did it. For two years the US was a net exporter of oil. Gas at the pump was cheap and Americans loved it.

Then Potatohead stole an election from the American people. Stolen elections have consequences.

Potatohead had a stated agenda to do away with fossil fuels.

Now the price of gas at the pump is sky high. Potatohead is begging other countries to give us more oil in order to not have it so high for the midterm elections. He is even draining the strategic reserves to prop up the price for the election.

Wouldn't you agree with me that anybody that voted for Potatohead or ignored the fact he sole the election is a friggin idiot?
Trump lied. The US has never been energy independent. Up until the COVID lockdown we imported oil from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela .. and then Russia.
Explain this.
You said Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline. He didn't.

It's still going strong.

Biden did stop the Keystone XL pipeline.

Nevertheless, he has produced more oil in his first year than Trump did.

Why does Trump hate America?

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