OJ Simpson Dead

Like Moms Mabley said

“If you can’t say anything good .. don’t say anything

He’s dead … good”
I used to subscribe to Knife Fighting magazine. Back in the 80's there was an article that OJ attended a training camp in Oregon where he was instructed by one of the worlds best. OJ paid $10k for 2 weeks of personal training.
e howard hunt confessed his role on the grassy knoll on his deathbed.

doesn't necessarily answer all the questions.
Yeah, but this was hardly a killing of that complexity. Ron Goldman's family could have that closure they have been waiting for.
Years before the Bronco chase some friends and I were having lunch near west Hollywood and Karen Black was in there... I looked up and here comes OJ... Karen called him over and they had lunch together...
They left ahead of us and when I asked for our bill the waiter said OJ picked up everyone's bill....
That's the character of the man we all knew and loved.

He'll be greatly missed.
This is what's crazy. Robert Kardashian defended OJ. And his young daughters ONLY date black men. Talk about not learning a lesson. Didn't daddy tell them OJ really did it before he died of cancer? Or Johnny Cockring?
What does that mean? All black men are guilty by extension?
You might escape justice here on earth, but not in the end. And that's a lesson for both Clintons, Biden, and Pelosi as well., although I don't think they will heed that lesson.
He's dead and you can't try him again anyway but I wonder if today's technology could find O.J.'s DNA in the glove if it still exists.

Wouldn't mean anything. We watched him put the glove on in the courtroom. His DNA in the glove wouldn't mean shit.
Yeah yeah yeah.

All of us have been witness to many examples of your sterling character.

I'm not going to display a bunch of false respect or mourning over some piece of shit murderous scum.

Hint: Shit like this doesn't show you in a great light either.
Figured there would be multiple threads on this topic. Might as well get in on the trend...

Wouldn't mean anything. We watched him put the glove on in the courtroom. His DNA in the glove wouldn't mean shit.
For me the biggest issue is motivation. To murder people in that manner and not steal anything is quite unusual. This is always the first question I ask of any crime, "motivation". I enjoy real crime docs and I've read many FBI books which address different types of crimes and players but the methodology is supposed to be consistent.

Unfortunately, the police in their desperation to "get him" ruined their case above and beyond the poor work by the Crown. Ultimately, it is difficult for people to trust such situations.

For those of us around at the time it was also not long after the LA riots and at a heightened time of racial tension. Sadly, this probably played a bigger role than can be measured in the acquittal, even if they believed in their hearts he was innocent.

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